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How Dodgy Is My Candidate?


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Well, I thought that NF was clueless with regard to MFC *not* being an MB, and that MFC was clueless with regard to NF *thinking* that he was an MB-

but I can see that another way of looking at this is that *I* might have been clueless as to both of them being right on target! would be funny, no? :D

However, I don't think the whole "he's not gay" thing would have come into the picture that way. It didn't seem to be something that MFC was making up. It is a funny option to consider, though.


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  • 3 weeks later...
So, IJWT, he didn't exactly tell you why he hadn't been around for 2 weeks... ??
There ARE a lot of guys like this... but don't worry. They always eventually forgive you for all the bad things they've done to you.

They DO, don't they. My Thai ex - the one with the anger issues - eventually e-mailed me to tell me he was sorry "...for what happen between us"....

That's deliciously vague as to whose fault it was. :D


:o I've come to accept - right or wrong, I'm wrong! :D ---- If I push the issue I will only succed in being wrong again :D

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oh dear ijwt: where do i start??????

ok. let me clear this with u first. HE bought the beer and left without paying and YOU footed the ######ing bill? tell that mother######er to go ###### himself! god! hes now using u just like he's using all his other patrons. he isnt even worthy of fr friendship now, bro. hes now USING u just like he's using all the others. he's a liar, a loser and a user. drop him quick. he's one dodgy bugger.

i dont know why some guys are such pushovers. if i think im right, i will say my piece, let the other person say his piece. and if i screwed up, ill admit to it, apologise and move on. its so much easier.

but if i think im right, and i know im right, i will not budge. i can be quite unforgiving in this sense. sometimes these guys need to be put in their place or theyll walk all over you. ive dumped guys before and though it hurts me to do that, i know i did the right thing.

i had a thai ex once and its the same with him, i paid for everything. i confronted him about it,(and i was nice, i merely suggested that he could pick up the tabs once in a while, or at least offer to) he's not happy about it and goes through this whole silly sulky cold shoulder lots of drama thingy. well honey, it doesnt work with me.

it was the first time and the last time he tried that stunt. after 3 days of enduring it, i lost my cool and told him to stop that shit before i get mad. well,,u know what, he continued being sulky. so i dumped him.THEN he became all teary and apologetic but too late, no?

it hurt to do it but it had to be done.

so, the moral of the story is : doing the right thing is not necessarily the least painful move. its usually easier to do the WRONG thing.

i do NOT want a pushpver as a boyfriend. and i definitely do not want a passive aggressive one, and many guys here tend to do the passive aggressive thing. this it infuriates me.

so ijwt: drop that piece of <deleted>. hes not worth the ground u walk on.

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