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The Truth About Harry Palmer

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Our Harry was born in Wormwood Scrubbs where his mother remains to this day. Her crime was having murdered Harry's father with a broom stick. The details of which are still kept from the public as it was one of Britains worst and most notorious murders.

Harry's father was a drug dealing layabout who beat Harry's mother daily.

Little wonder that she eventually could take it no more and impaled him rectally with a broomstick,the final blow, knocking his teeth into his brain.

It was such a gruesome and chilling murder that the Home Office kept the details from the British public.

Harry was reared by his aunt who herself was profoundly disturbed so it is little wander that Harry presents himself as he does today.

His early years were filled with torment and what little education he recieved proved to be a complete waste of time.

Harry was constantly in trouble with the police and eventually was ordered to be confined in the Chertsey Youth Detention Centre.

Upon release Harry took a bedsit in Putney on the south circular(A205) where the traffic noise only made things worse.

Harry was all but unemployable, though he did find work in the production line on a seasonal basis putting the stickers on the strawberry punnets that are sold at Wimbledon each year.

Harry actually excelled in the production line and after 4 years found himself in charge of the adhesive section.

This is were things took a tragic turn as Harry would steal pots of adhesive and take them back to his bedsit on the south circular and get high sniffing the contents.

Harry was never able to form relationships and spent many long ours staring out at the traffic and longing to be like the ppl he saw driving past.

As the years went by and Harry grew to manhood he undertook delivery work for the local Oxfam shop where he met Edna, a Down Syndrome helper from the sheltered workshop in neighbouring Hammersmith.

Harry and Edna would spend many happy hours staring out of Harry's window at the passing traffic untill one day in 1985 when Harry stole a computer that he was supposed to deliver to a company in Highgate.

Harry immediately lost interest in Edna and started surfing the net.

Sadly, Edna died of a broken heart in 1987 and Harry, on hearing of Edna's passing,decided it was time to start posting on forums on the internet.

Harry still visits his Mum in prison but as the years went by his visits became less frequent.

Nowadays Harry spends most of his time posting on the internet from his bedsit in Putney and hardly ever goes out.

Every two weeks Harry goes to sign on and visits Marks and Spencers on his way home. He never buys anything but he finds it is a rich source of material for the many characters that he conjures in his head.

Harry's story is a sad one of course but it is not unlike many other English folk who have, through no fault of thier own,fallen fowl of the British system.

Harry has no hobbies,no friends and takes no interest in the many things that you and I simply take for granted.

Occasionally Harry stares out at the traffic but he now finds it most upsetting as it reminds him of happier times with Edna.

I have not posted this to have a go at Harry as he is a most likelable chap really. Rather ,I post this in a vain hope that you might try and understand why he is as he is.

It is not a sad story..

Well, actually it is but the truth needed to be told and I hope that one day Harry might thank me for it.

You all need to be more understanding of our Harry.

He has had a rough time of it and needs to be helped.

Personally I feel most sorry for his poor old Mum.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this tale and please try and be nice to our Harry.

None of it was his fault.

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this is an obvious case of slander or is it libel.... obviously a troll who is envious of my prof. reputation & the respect i have on the TV...

i will be contacting george with a view to tracking down this miscreant via his IP address... & ramming a cattle prod into his nether regions... in a robust fashion...

please ignore this character assasination that is almost on a par with the events of 7/11


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this is an obvious case of slander or is it libel.... obviously a troll who is envious of my prof. reputation & the respect i have on the TV...

i will be contacting george with a view to tracking down this miscreant via his IP address... & ramming a cattle prod into his nether regions... in a robust fashion...

please ignore this character assasination that is almost on a par with the events of 7/11


Your clutching at straws Harold.

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this is an obvious case of slander or is it libel.... obviously a troll who is envious of my prof. reputation & the respect i have on the TV...

i will be contacting george with a view to tracking down this miscreant via his IP address... & ramming a cattle prod into his nether regions... in a robust fashion...

please ignore this character assasination that is almost on a par with the events of 7/11


Your clutching at straws Harold.

Actually, you are the one who looks like a sad tosser to me.

You have gone to all that length to have a go at Harry???

Me thinks Harry wins because he obviously got under your skin.


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Totally agree with medicine box, what a waste of a man's time to type out all that. Sad thing is, read a little of it, saw the lack of wit in it, and skipped the rest, all that time and not even funny.

An attempt to make someone else look like a tosser and end up looking a tosser yourself, what a <deleted>.

Nobody should close this thread, they should just let everybody on here have free range to cuss Captain sensible.

I wonder if he is the kind of person that verbally attacks people like that in real life, or is he another virtual life hard man?

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this is an obvious case of slander or is it libel.... obviously a troll who is envious of my prof. reputation & the respect i have on the TV...

i will be contacting george with a view to tracking down this miscreant via his IP address... & ramming a cattle prod into his nether regions... in a robust fashion...

please ignore this character assasination that is almost on a par with the events of 7/11


Your clutching at straws Harold.

Methinks you are Harry Palmer!!!...Troll

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par with the events of 7/11

Ah yes, that memorable day when they were totally out of stock of crispy crisps!

Fortunately, the Family Mart next door saved everyone from starvation. :D

crispy crisps are the breast..

it was a sad sad day.for all.

my condo-lenses to all affected.


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par with the events of 7/11

Ah yes, that memorable day when they were totally out of stock of crispy crisps!

Fortunately, the Family Mart next door saved everyone from starvation. :o

It was all a conspiracy. They had plenty of crisps out in the back. They were just trying to get everyone on the bandwagon to buy the more expensive Pringles! :D

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