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Thailand A Good Place To Be Living In The

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Me thinks, with the US government attacking the WTC as a diversionary measure, to the un-declared war on "terrorism that will not end in our lifetimes," (Cheney) the invasion of Afghanistan, the undeclared war on Iraq, and the "dissuasion" policy being carried out against one nation after the other, has led me to believe we are in the midst of a world war.

Yes, it's only beginning. That's the bad part.

Some people say the war is being fought for basically two reasons: To eliminate Israel's enemies and gain a hegemony to better control Mid - East oil. You may agree or disagree with the above. And you may disagree we are in a war. Granted.

During wars, untold things happen. The oil supply may get cut off for an extended period of time, disrupting an entire society. Prices may rise dramatically, unemployment rise. due to layoffs due to uncertainity in the market place, lower demand, etc. We sometimes forget that just because something hasn't happened right here for a while, that it can't happen or won't happen. It can and it might. It is possible.

What this thread is about is if, [the biggest word in the English language,] if we are in the midst of a world wide war that may affect virtually every SEA country in some way, especially if there is a cut off of the supply of oil for any length of time, is Thailand a good country to be in and if so, why?

I submit it would be good mostly because it is still largely an agrcultural based society.

Just eating and having a place to stay becomes quite important during times of war.

Being married to a Thai farmers daughter might end up being the best thing you ever did.

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Me thinks, with the US government attacking the WTC as a diversionary measure, to the un-declared war on "terrorism that will not end in our lifetimes," (Cheney) the invasion of  Afghanistan, the undeclared war on Iraq, and the "dissuasion" policy being carried out against one nation after the other, has led me to believe we are in the midst of a world war.

Believe you've been smoking a little too much Herb there, Nemesis :o

Although I'll agree we are in the midst of WW3... :D


Please understand that the reason for all of this intricate activity throughout the world is, we have noticed you Mr. Nemesis, what you are doing, and we're going to get you.

Our resources are limitless, laws do not apply to us, and you are the focus of our "Initiative Nemesis". We are watching you by reverse connection to your computer at this very moment. You just typed a lower case "e".

If you know what is good for you, you will cease and desist from all criminal and immoral activity immediately. Right down to your controversial Internet postings.


The Illuminati

(having temporarily hijacked the login of kenk3z)


Excellent question and topic for discussion.

I submit it would be good mostly because it is still largely an agrcultural based society. 


1. To what extent is Thai Agriculture a form of Petro-culture ? Are oil based fertilizers indispensable in the rice cultivation ? I am not familiar with thai agricultural practices.

2. If you get a chance you might want to have a look at Anonymous's book, "Imperial Hubris" . Anonymous is really Michael Scheuer - a mid-high level CIA analyst who predicts that violent attacks in the Asia Pacific are likely. Thailand is supporting Bush's policies by sending troops to Iraq. Watch out for suspicious fuel trucks on Sukhumvit ; another reason to avoid the expat areas and "go Thai" . Lets not forget the disaffected muslims in the South.

3. Climate is nice - can get by without energy needed for heat. Perhaps you should shut off the aircon and get used to the April Heat.

4. Serious petroleum supply disruption(or a relatively small scale violent attack) would cause extreme economic hardship in Thailand due to loss of tourist industry currency inflows.

5. How would govt of Thailand respond/evolve in the event of severe economic hardships ? Might not be a great place to hang around and not be a legal citizen.


IF your suspicions are correct and a no kiddin' WW did ensue there would be no place to hide. That is unless you are into global anarchy (dog eat dog) and then only if you are one of the big dogs. Scavenger types would be everywhere feeding on the bones of those too weak to object.

Governments love unarmed peasants. Which of course we would almost all be. It would only be a matter of time before this bone yard would be picked clean. Let us just hope that if this apocalyptic premise ever happens that a government that doesn't have a long history of imperialism of colonialism reins victor. That way we can all go back and try to put the vague view of our futures back in order.

:o Coffee!!! :D

Believe you've been smoking a little too much Herb there, Nemesis :o

Although I'll agree we are in the midst of WW3... :D

50% of New Yorkers according to a recent Zogby poll think the US Government was complicit in the WTC demolition and 66% want renewed private investigations into 911.

They been smoking too much of that herb too I suppose?

1. To what extent is Thai Agriculture a form of Petro-culture ? Are oil based fertilizers indispensable in the rice cultivation ? I am not familiar with thai agricultural practices.

Most all fertilizers are petro based, another major problem should oil / oil products become scarce.

Kissinger was the plutocrat who gave the go-head to bomb the canals and dykes in Laos and Northern Vietnam during the US / Vietnam war. Tried to starve theVC out by destroying the water supply so they couldn't grow rice. Against the Geneva Convention that little move was - a war crime.

Those dams Laos and China want to build might end up causing a war in themselves.

Plastics all come from petro. Every new car tire takes 20 gallons of fuel to make. Each new car 80 gallons of fuel. China is expected to be producing 10 million cars a year within the next few years.


George Bush is a short, alcoholic, pot smoking, cocaine sniffing, desterter with access to a bomb - is anyone or anywhere safe?

Lets hope the yanks, stop him in November, before someone else does.

Believe you've been smoking a little too much Herb there, Nemesis :o

Although I'll agree we are in the midst of WW3... :D

50% of New Yorkers according to a recent Zogby poll think the US Government was complicit in the WTC demolition and 66% want renewed private investigations into 911.

They been smoking too much of that herb too I suppose?

Must be the same 50% of Americans who have been abducted by aliens sometime in their lives.

Everyone knows 99% of Americans are paranoid. The other 1% know everybody else is out to get them!

Not even Thailand will be safe when Uncle Sam finds out if there are any sgnificant oil reserves in the Gulf of Siam.

I submit it would be good mostly because it is still largely an agrcultural based society.

well i submit it wouldn't be quite the bolt hole you suggest cos... as soon as the going gets tough.. the thais will just kill & eat all the farangs they can find, relative or no relative...

..quite frankly given the sheer number of fat farangs wandering around thailand in dirty vests, wearing sandals & long socks... i wouldn't blame the thais one little bit, no sir..eee :o

I submit it would be good mostly because it is still largely an agrcultural based society.

well i submit it wouldn't be quite the bolt hole you suggest cos... as soon as the going gets tough.. the thais will just kill & eat all the farangs they can find, relative or no relative...

..quite frankly given the sheer number of fat farangs wandering around thailand in dirty vests, wearing sandals & long socks... i wouldn't blame the thais one little bit, no sir..eee :D

Kow pat falang..........hmmmmm,

The fat ones could be melted down and used for cooking oil.

The skinny ones would replace the bar-b-que sparrows they push along on their carts.

The alcoholics would be used for charcoal, they would burn for ages.

The hairy ones for quilts and pillows.

Falang girls could be used for shelter from the rain.

Anyway a good war is long over due. There's just too many people on this fukking planet. :o


no one has mensioned our own terrorists right here in thailand. are the muslims in the south going to get more radical, as the US continues to piss off the muslim world?

I don't think the Thai government has help the situation in to south either.

I would rather have Toxin on my side than against me :o ,Hang on i am Farang what am i saying :D

George Bush is a short, alcoholic, pot smoking, cocaine sniffing, desterter with access to a bomb - is anyone or anywhere safe?

Lets hope the yanks, stop him in November, before someone else does.

Shame it's Dubya with a lock on the re-election now, Gent. Don't fret tho, the Hildebeast will probably run in '08 and you can root for her then! :o

To keep this thread Thailand-related we should mention that a nice little up-country Vill would be the spot if things went to sh1t.


I think the term " WW3" is jumping the gun a bit. Sure, there are wars going on right now, but there have always been wars and always will be. Even WW1 was not really a world war, it was a stupid European civil war that got out of hand with Germans percieved as the bad guys for what reasons i can not fathom . WW2 was differant, it was more global, theatres in Asia and the Pacific .


As an American, I would like to be the first to appologize for WWIII, and the rest of the world's ills which are obviously our fault.

We just couldn't help ourselves, as you like to point out, we are not all that bright.

In these times of pain and horror, I wish you Nemesis, a quick and relatively painless death.


Yo Socal,

Ha! :D:D:o I am laughing my A** off not at you but at many of the commentaries in this thread.

Listen to what you are hearing in this thread. Beyond a few reasoned souls, is it sound of logic, predicted on facts or know realities obtained on this side of the universe?

There are a couple brain cell driven commentaries but by in large they are masked by well, you see for yourself, their words say it all.

It’s a trap! A simpleton one at that. They want you to waste you energies in argument while they masturbate under the table in gleeful joy.

Smile, laugh and move on!

Rhetoric and hyperbole is the credo of many on this thread. Hyperbole expressed in a void of brain cell activity for the most part. Wordless emptiness easy seen for what it is.

My apologies to those of you that actually were trying to say something in this thread. We heard you but they will neither respect nor care to hear your opinion.

Most of the good old boys or girls, as the case may be, I am speaking of in this thread are chain pullers, nay saying doom makers, contrarians to the nth degree. You say black they will say white. If you agree and say white they will flip flop to yellow. They masturbate in fantasies of who’s chain they pulled today.

They are in logic reason mere Pud pullers in girly men knickers!

It is the argument that they chase and love especially hidden in the shadows of this anonymous I can be anything I want fantasy world of the Internet.

In advance I am honored in the platitudes I am about to receive.


That is all!

Yo Socal,

Ha! :D:D:o I am laughing my A** off not at you but at many of the commentaries in this thread.

Listen to what you are hearing in this thread. Beyond a few reasoned souls, is it sound of logic, predicted on facts or know realities obtained on this side of the universe?

There are a couple brain cell driven commentaries but by in large they are masked by well, you see for yourself, their words say it all.

It’s a trap! A simpleton one at that. They want you to waste you energies in argument while they masturbate under the table in gleeful joy.

Smile, laugh and move on!

Rhetoric and hyperbole is the credo of many on this thread. Hyperbole expressed in a void of brain cell activity for the most part. Wordless emptiness easy seen for what it is.

My apologies to those of you that actually were trying to say something in this thread. We heard you but they will neither respect nor care to hear your opinion.

Most of the good old boys or girls, as the case may be, I am speaking of in this thread are chain pullers, nay saying doom makers, contrarians to the nth degree. You say black they will say white. If you agree and say white they will flip flop to yellow. They masturbate in fantasies of who’s chain they pulled today.

They are in logic reason mere Pud pullers in girly men knickers!

It is the argument that they chase and love especially hidden in the shadows of this anonymous I can be anything I want fantasy world of the Internet.

In advance I am honored in the platitudes I am about to receive.


That is all!

You and you're Thesaurus have issue's.......

Must be the same 50% of Americans who have been abducted by aliens sometime in their lives.

You'd better get on the same page my friend. The US attacked the WTC not some Arabs with boxcutters. The evidence is overwhelming. You've just haven't taken the time to investigate it. You've been living on the spoonfeeding you've been getting all your life from the major media outlets. Time to wean yourself from mother's milk and start digesting some solid food. Or, maybe (I doubt it though) you have looked into the greatest crime in American history, the government attacking its own people, and just can't accept the evidence. "Believe what you see, not what you think."

You laugh at the Americans who you think are paranoid. They are paranoid, the US government has trained them well. Now they are looking at that same government to protect them from a fabricated enemy useful for just such a purpose.

I laugh at you "ignorance is bliss" types running around thinking you're so cool because you live in another country and are sooooooo much smarter than most other people.

I wonder how much longer having an American passport is going to be an advantage? America is creating millions of enemies by the week. Every time the US kills a Iraqi or an Afghanistani, we make a entire family if not a clan of enemies. America is not winning the war in either Iraq or Afghanistan.

World War III is well underway. Reality is a bitch. Get familiar with it.

We just couldn't help ourselves, as you like to point out, we are not all that bright.

Yes, the average American isn't all that bright. Are you an average American?

Why not give us a couple of good reasons for going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq? Are you articulate enough to take on such an endeavor?

btw: anyone know if Thai troops are still in Iraq? Two Thais have been killed there so far.


No civilization has ever survived in the history of the Earth. Ours certainly won't. Another few years and another advance in science and we'll all be dead at the press of a button. Mankind ain't gonna make it, we're just too stupid.

Thailand no exception.

Enjoy things while you can and wish your kids good luck.

no one has mensioned our own terrorists right here in thailand. are the muslims in the south going to get more radical, as the US continues to piss off the muslim world?

You are confusing extremism for Islam. This is the intent of the press and it is working. Mohamad said let no man stand between you and your god. This statement differentiates Islam, in a positive way, from all of the other Western Religions that worship "The One True God". He had the insight to know that if religious leaders were allowed in Islam (where the Q'ran calls only for prayer leaders) that the temptation for power would be too great for them to resist, causing corruption and distortion of Islam. These men (religious leaders), know that the Muslim people live for their God first and second for their race or country and would do anything for that God. They have easily duped many good Islamic people to serve a man in the belief that they are serving God. The vast majority of people in Islam realize that these extremist are a perversion of their faith. The vast majority of muslims know better.

The extremism that you see around the world is no more or less than any other aggression or defence against aggression in all history. It is a thrust for power and nothing more.

I'm staying in Thailand

:o Coffee!!! :D

no one has mensioned our own terrorists right here in thailand. are the muslims in the south going to get more radical, as the US continues to piss off the muslim world?

Answer me this question One I have Pondered to myself Supposedly The Palestinian Jewish conflict is the backbone to the reason why these muslim extremists are fighting But why are they not attacking isreal?? Why are they in so many different countries?

1. Phillipines

2. Indonesia

3. Russia

4. Thailand

And the list goes on an on!!! And the muslim world was pissed off before the US started this war on terror.

Me thinks, with the US government attacking the WTC as a diversionary measure, to the un-declared war on "terrorism that will not end in our lifetimes," (Cheney) the invasion of  Afghanistan, the undeclared war on Iraq, and the "dissuasion" policy being carried out against one nation after the other, has led me to believe we are in the midst of a world war.

The US government attacked our own land!!!! Give me a break So Pearl harbor was attacked by americans flying japenese planes??? Sir I been to Iraq I walked it's streets patrolling with my fellow soldiers. (US Army National Guard)

The Iraqi's welcomed the US They still do The ones causing the problems are vying for control of the country. That is all They see the US as an obstacle that is why we are still there If we leave You will have another Saddam Hussein Or Saddam Hussein will return to power and then we will be in a WOS!!!! I just love the fact that many people have forgotten how and what he did during the 90's and sir actually the US had all rights to invade Iraq He has started countless times shooting at our planes while patrolling the no fly zones in northern and southern iraq This is Fact!!!


So, Nemesis, this is where you've been hiding lately. Well, I've nearly kinda sorta almost missed reading your comments.

It's hard to count world wars. Whoever said that 'ww1' was mostly European made a good point. Apparently the problem was that so many countries had made mutual defense pacts, so that when one crazy Serb killed an arch-duke, all the countries had to defend their "allies." Not a good idea to have too many defense pacts. SEATO was used as an excuse for the USA to defend its ally, the corrupt Catholic leaders of Vietnam.

Now we're back to the Wild Wild West, where no defense pacts are necessary; you're either with Dubya or you're against Dubya.

I don't think religion CAUSES these conflicts; I think religion is just used as an [unacceptable, irrational, clever] EXCUSE for conflicts.

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