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A Thoughtful Thief


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I suppose gas stations in Lopburi don't have CCTV, otherwise it might be caught on candid camera!

They do actually have CCTV but only inside the shop and at the pumps, nothing covering the area just outside.

To be fair to the Police they sent 3 men over, and they did look at the CCTV and saw people moving just outside the window but could not discern anything.

The cleaner identified a white D-Max Pick -up and they did stop 2 while we were at the Police Station but niether belonged to the theif.

The only fun I got from the whole incident was driving 2 armed officers back to the Police Station at 160k in the outside lane (coz thats where they told me to drive).....I did ask if I could go "Ril Ril" and they said "Dai" :o

I also got pulled for speeding a hundred kliks later as we had spent 5 hours at the Police Station, the Policeman immediatley said I had to pay 200Baht , but let me off after I showed him the Report...who says the Thai Police are bad eggs...not me for sure :D

Sorry for being impolite.

But a potential murderer calling a petty thief a bad person? So you really think you yourself are a better person than the thief, driving at 160k per hour just because there were police officers(under protection illegally) in your car?

Your comments are laughable.

He said the police we good eggs, not bad people...

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I'll be in Tuskers from 2pm onwards tomorrow and would enjoy the opportunity of debating this matter in person UG

Actually, it didn't register that you were the OP, so I thought that I was giving very impersonal "advice" to someone that I didn't know at all.

However, since, in developing countries, I pretty much believe in the finders keepers, losers weepers rule, in your situation, I think that I would mostly be blaming myself, (although the fact that the kamoey tricked a seemingly honest maid does complicate the situation) but it is too bad that the bag and documents didn't reach you before you had replaced most of them.

I admit that if it were my stuff that had gone missing, I would have a hard time admiring the fellow who had made off with them, but since they weren't my belongings, I have to say that, if nothing else, sending back most of your stuff showed some style.

(P.S. If you still want to thump me, I am old and have very bad arthritis, please look up my friend Blinky Bill who I would like to appoint as my stand in if he is willing). :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Most entertaining thread.

Am fascinated by the exceptional naivety of some of the posts.

I agree with you UG...you've obviously been around the block.

For those folks who think in terms of black and white - sorry, in real life this hardly ever covers the situation. Tricky ain't it...life, that is. Think....shades of greyyyyyyyyyy.

There are so-called 'bad' people who have a soft streak somewhere inside themselves, and vikkyversa.

In spades.

Am amused by those who think that the thief couldn't possibly be the one who mailed the items. Crap is the appropriate word, sorry to say. You know not whereof you 'speak'. Mere conjecture, pop psychologists. (You are young...yes?)

People have needs. Cash - appearing sometimes out of nowhere - seems to suffice quite nicely to meet such needs. By kindly providing said cash at the most opportune of times, the 'loser' is seen as either a fool or as someone who doesn't value said cash quite as highly as the 'gainer'.

Poor - or relatively poor - people see a cash 'opportunity' as a deus ex machina, so to speak.

You know what I mean, yeah...?

Their instinct is not to scurry around in a mock panic crying 'I've found something valuable'....is it yours...or yours perhaps....I'm here to help...I want no gratitude, not even a thank you....I'm just trying to emulate Jesus Christ.....you, fool that you are, deserve my sympathy, my extraordinarily generous kindness...I'm alert enough to have spotted the loot, and you are stupid enough to have carelessly discarded it, but hey...you are a much better person than am I....you deserve a break.....I diligently guard everything I own -- as I am poor -- ("thinks" ---- but you don't....why is that??? Have you had an easy life?) I haven't. That's where we differ.

If you get your passport and papers back, you are doing alright ain't ya???!!! Me, I can buy my kids some chocolate. Yippee. Life's good for a short while.

But only for a short while. Where are you flying off to tomorrow....Tahiti??....Hawai??

(For those jerks who foam at the mouth at a chance to read between the lines...sorry...wrong, and not for the first time, one suspects.)


(Oh, as an addendum, I dropped 4 $5 notes on the street the other day. It was a windy day. A chap 'helped' me pick them up. I'm happily certain that he picked up 2. He gave me one. Did I go all girly and have a go at him? Nah. I figured he figured he needed - or deserved - a 5 more than I did. ya win some, ya lose some, right. Yeah, reckon). (For the intransigent dumpkoffs: - I was much bigger than was he).

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It's unforunate that you did not receive your wife's jewellery back aswell (i'm sure it has sentimental value to it), but the bright side is you were able to get other documents back, which would otherwise may have caused huge problems for you in the future (stolen passports I've heard means a hel_l of alot of paperwork for 'ya)..

A similar situation happened to me when I was at Auckland Uni library studying for exams, I swear I left the desk where I had my back for just a few minutes, and then bam it was gone. The nice thing was...they went through my bag, took my wallet, took my cd's (remember when we had cd players and not mp3's?), took my id card (can't go to exams without id card) and mobile phone etc..but they left my bag..

Obviously, I could solve the problems that later arose during the week due to this incident (getting a new id card for doing my exam, cancelling bank cards/credit cards etc), but I feel sorry that some of your most valued stuff were stolen..


Always look on the bright side of life:)

Edited by Onnutrd
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I suppose gas stations in Lopburi don't have CCTV, otherwise it might be caught on candid camera!

They do actually have CCTV but only inside the shop and at the pumps, nothing covering the area just outside.

To be fair to the Police they sent 3 men over, and they did look at the CCTV and saw people moving just outside the window but could not discern anything.

The cleaner identified a white D-Max Pick -up and they did stop 2 while we were at the Police Station but niether belonged to the theif.

The only fun I got from the whole incident was driving 2 armed officers back to the Police Station at 160k in the outside lane (coz thats where they told me to drive).....I did ask if I could go "Ril Ril" and they said "Dai" :o

I also got pulled for speeding a hundred kliks later as we had spent 5 hours at the Police Station, the Policeman immediatley said I had to pay 200Baht , but let me off after I showed him the Report...who says the Thai Police are bad eggs...not me for sure :D

Sorry for being impolite.

But a potential murderer calling a petty thief a bad person? So you really think you yourself are a better person than the thief, driving at 160k per hour just because there were police officers(under protection illegally) in your car?

Your comments are laughable.

Oh please give me a break...teasing or not....I thought you had the intellegence to realise I was trying to inject a bit of humour into a bad situation......and as for "Potential Murderer" I have been called some names in my life but ...are you for real ???? You do live in Thailand do you?

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(P.S. If you still want to thump me, I am old and have very bad arthritis, please look up my friend Blinky Bill who I would like to appoint as my stand in if he is willing). :D

UG...I never said I wanted to thump you :o

But BB is a mate of mine too :D

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(P.S. If you still want to thump me, I am old and have very bad arthritis, please look up my friend Blinky Bill who I would like to appoint as my stand in if he is willing). :D

UG...I never said I wanted to thump you :o

But BB is a mate of mine too :D

I'm just kidding around, but usually when someone on Thai Visa asks to "debate you in person" concerning an argument, they are actually trying to threaten you without alerting the mods.

As to BB, I have known him longer than you, but I'm sure that he will take it a little easier on you since you're mates! :D

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It's just a clever cover up incase he does get caught someday somehow. He simply states to the judge:

"yes it has my finger prints on the bag because I found the bag and returned it to the sender. There was no money or camera in the bag your honour"

Judge will just say this man did not steal anything obviously as he is a good citizen and returned it to the proper owner. Textbook.

Edited by dekka007
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A cleaner picked it up to take it into the shop but was approached by a Thai Guy who said it was his Wife's so She gave it to him.

How do you know this?

I reckon the cleaner took the bag, told you she gave it to someone else, removed the valuables and sent what was left to you.





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This Theif may of been a good guy and needed to steal the bag to feed his fmily or something. To send back the bag and documents seems to me that he felt sorry for the thing he had done but he had to tooo feed his family.


Someone else found it dumped and sent it too you

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Thieves......... :D

Whilst driving from BK to CM on Tuesday we stopped at a service station in Lopburi.

While we were there I (stupidly) left my Wife's handbag on a bench outside the shop. By the time we realised what had happened the bag was gone.

A cleaner picked it up to take it into the shop but was approached by a Thai Guy who said it was his Wife's so She gave it to him.

So for the last 3 days we have been renewing everything that was stolen, passports, ID cards. bank books, driving licenses, mobile numbers etc.

Late this afternoon my Wife got a call from her freind in Bangkok who said she had just received an EMS Package containing the Bag, and all the documents...no sign of course of the Camera , Mobile, Money or my Wife's jewellery.

My Wife's freind in Bangkok's address was in the bag ad the theif sent everything there and paid for the EMS charge with our money :D

I have just spent (today) 10.430 Baht to replace my passport, maybee I will get my money back , maybee I wont, but at least I will not have to go through the hassle of getting a replacement visa, has anybody ever had this happen to them?

Why do you think the theif returned the bag (which I had just brought as a Birthday Present) for my wife, along with all the documents,?

To make them feel better about their crime?

My Wife is now superstitious about using the bag once she gets it back because someone has had their theiving hands on it.

Its just a pity they never included their names and address :D

There is a bright side of course to this story in that I can now get my hands on money in my bank account, and may not have to pay for a new passport or new visa......but of course the dark side is that there is always an opportunist ready to pounce any place any time anywhere :o They hide in the shadows just waiting for someone to make a mistake

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Sorry for being impolite.

But a potential murderer calling a petty thief a bad person? So you really think you yourself are a better person than the thief, driving at 160k per hour just because there were police officers(under protection illegally) in your car?

Your comments are laughable.

as is your indignation

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thief just took a finders fee and returned your shit.. common throughout the world, your lucky you got your cards and passport back.

I guess it depends how much hard currency you had but i think most people would give up a few thousand baht or whatever if they are back home in return for their cards, id and passport

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