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Silly Question But ....


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Sorry perhaps this is a bit silly but couldn't resist asking the question.

During my recently completed second trip to LoS, it occurred to be that I have not experienced any problems with "gas" when I have been in Thailand and on a strictly native thai food regimen.

It also occurred to me that I never really heard or noticed any thai people having the same problem.

This is quite different from experiences growing up in the west, with all the greasy processed food. Certain foods in the west seem to naturally cause a lot of gas and associated problems and discomfort from those who are around when it is expunged.

I just have not yet seemed to encounter similar kinds of problems so far in LoS, where my diet has been almost exclusively fresh rice, vegetables, fruit and meat. Is there something to it, or have I just not been circulating around enough to notice?

It's a bit of a goofy query, so feel free to blast away with either funny anecdotes or relevant discourse.


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Sorry perhaps this is a bit silly but couldn't resist asking the question.

Definitely silly -_- Question

Of course they do.

Probably you associate with mostly female Thais and until they get to know you well, they would not want to fart in your company, being polite.

Be warned tho, when they do feel free to let rip, it is DISGUSTING :D:wub::o:D:D:D

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do thai women fart?

i read your thread with great interest and all i have to say is that a former thai female director at the school where i was teaching, had a big fat ass that sent out monster air bombs... :D

i mean she kept right up with most men and as loud as they are, they seldom stank, although once in a while she farted raw sewage... :o

yes i know for a fact thai women fart. i once dated some uni chick who would ask me to straddle her back and give her a massage and then proceed to fart while i sat on her butt. weird huh? and she was real hot too!

as for thai men... you'll just have to ask bkk_barney :D

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As you know, everyone likes to smell their own brand of fart. But my wife, will actually come out with a bottom burp so bad that even she runs away from the stench. So, yes Thais do fart. But in fifteen years of living in Thailand, I don't recall hearing a Thai whistle a tune or to call someone. Strange. :o

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A Thai lady walks into a pickup dealership and browses around. Suddenly

she spots the most perfect, silver pickup and walks over to inspect it. As

she bends forward to feel the fine plastic upholstery, an unexpected

little fart escapes her. Very embarrassed, she anxiously looks around to

see if anyone has noticed. As she turns back, there standing next to her is a salesman.

With a pleasant smile he greets her, "Good day, Madame. How may we help you today?"

Trying to maintain an air of sophistication and acting as though nothing

had happened, she smiles back and asks, "Sir, what is the price of this

lovely vehicle?"

Still smiling pleasantly, he replies, "Madame, I'm very sorry to say that if you farted just touching it, you are gonna sh*t when you hear the price."

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yes the thais do fart,but their farts are gentle and playful not choking and foul like the falang fart.

being thais, their farts do not make the monstrous rasping thunderous cacophony that our boorish and selfish western farts make, the thai fart is a musical, gentle on the ear and inoffensive sound, reminiscent of rose petals gently falling to the ground. a thing of beauty.

neither does the thai fart have the western style unpleasant sulphurous rectal odour, the thai fart smells like fresh jasmine, newly mown hay and expensive french perfume.

the thai arse and its aperture has evolved in such a way as to enable the chilli and garlic laden gaseous puffs to sound beautiful as they are released, compare the thai arse to the falang arse, wart infested,haemmorrhoid laden and hairy with flabby cheeks all conspiring to make the falang fart a fearful and offensive thing to hear and inhale, i believe falangs have a much higher rate of distressing follow through as well.

as all of us who live in this paradise know, the thais are incapable of producing anything unpleasant and offensive, everything they do is so perfect and wonderful, and even their farts are delivered with a responsibility so typical of all things thai.

just ask the thais.

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My wife is Thai, and she farts, but her farts rarely smell........apparently it medically recognised that males fart on average 14 times per day, and females an average of seven. The smell has to do with the presence of methane, I think it is, and some people's farts genuinely do not stink.

Mine are usually foul.

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My wife is Thai, and she farts, but her farts rarely smell........apparently it medically recognised that males fart on average 14 times per day, and females an average of seven. The smell has to do with the presence of methane, I think it is, and some people's farts genuinely do not stink.

Mine are usually foul.

make sure your not standing in front of open flame please :o wamberal

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Sorry perhaps this is a bit silly but couldn't resist asking the question.

Definitely silly :( Question

Of course they do.

Probably you associate with mostly female Thais and until they get to know you well, they would not want to fart in your company, being polite.

Be warned tho, when they do feel free to let rip, it is DISGUSTING :wub:-_-:o:D:D:D

I've found that Thais are more polite about it - at least the pooying. Don't know how many times I've heard "Thoot Dai Mai" before the gas cloud hits! :D

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My Thai wife lets one rip now and then . The problem is they are silent i get a "sowwy, i fart "and then giggles(silent but deadly) . Maybe ,just my experience, but i think Thais are shy about bodily functions. Gosh,i remember as a kid trying to jumpstart my farts with a cig lighter.

Funny, the first Thai words I ever learned where "key, men men " after having a big <deleted> :o

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My Thai wife lets one rip now and then . The problem is they are silent i get a "sowwy, i fart "and then giggles(silent but deadly) . Maybe ,just my experience, but i think Thais are shy about bodily functions. Gosh,i remember as a kid trying to jumpstart my farts with a cig lighter.

Funny, the first Thai words I ever learned where "key, men men " after having a big <deleted> :D

remember lighting farts too but once had a blow back and jees it hurt. :o

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tiny little ickle blink and you'll miss it. And they never smell but I always get a warning followed by dod leao!

I usually get "Ao tod", followed by "Tod leao". And then, "Men mai?". :o

To which I usually reply (because it's usually true), "Mai men!" :D

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