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Long Term Plans In Cm


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. . . . but do keep the bb is 12 post whahhahahaha

is so funny aND IS KILLING ME


You may be more right than you know about the joke killing you . . . just wait till a certain highly sensitive and irritable 12 year-old makes it back to Chiangmai . . . .

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Here's another one.............IMBECILE vs INTELLECT. Can you see a difference?

How old are you?

53 yrs old next Saturday, male, caucasion, 115 kgs, 195 cms tall, muscular build with a slight belly, brown hair, hazel eyes. Fluent in several languages, relatively high IQ. Love music, motorbikes, food, wine and women.

I have little patience for imbeciles. And I can't stand farquits.


If so are you a woman or a man?

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Here's another one.............IMBECILE vs INTELLECT. Can you see a difference?

How old are you?

53 yrs old next Saturday, male, caucasion, 115 kgs, 195 cms tall, muscular build with a slight belly, brown hair, hazel eyes. Fluent in several languages, relatively high IQ. Love music, motorbikes, food, wine and women.

I have little patience for imbeciles. And I can't stand farquits.


If so are you a woman or a man?

you must have a lot of time for wanke_rs. you know same/;same

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my suggestion is . PLEASE DO NOT GO BUY A CONDO ..

is a waste of money .

Stay on RENTAL ..

let me do some thai math for you ..

Rental - 10k . -

Rent for 30 years . = 3600k = 3.6 million

Do you really think that rental prices will remain static for the next 30 years?

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my suggestion is . PLEASE DO NOT GO BUY A CONDO ..

is a waste of money .

Stay on RENTAL ..

let me do some thai math for you ..

Rental - 10k . -

Rent for 30 years . = 3600k = 3.6 million

Do you really think that rental prices will remain static for the next 30 years?

of course it will as its thai math :o

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With the tone of some of the posts I perhaps shouldn't even be adding my 'satangs worth' but here goes.

I have owned an apartment (11 years) in a building that when it was built around 15 years ago was one of the best addresses in Chiangmai.

Having been an owner for that period of time makes me somewhat qualified to comment. 'I think'

I don't think that any apartments in this building have appreciated very much in price in my time here, despite some being quite up market.

Maintenance can certainly be a problem. Also management of some of the buildings can be very questionable (money ???)

Thais do not see things the way that foreigners do (and management is almost always exclusively Thai)

There can be also sorts of crap lying about and the Thais do not see it "just the foreigners"

Mismanagement (bad management) also includes staff sitting around doing around 50 - 60% of an honest days work. And then this becomes the norm.

Then there is the matter of delinquent owners not paying their body corp fees. In the case of my building some not paying for more that ten years (they don't live in the building) so you can cut off their electricity and water and they don't give a shyt.

Taking them to court takes forever in Thailand.

Some people had absolutely no equity in their apartments and then not paid their mortgages, with the result that the banks have taken over severaly units. The result being that the income by way of body corp fees is reduced and that impacts even further on the financial position.

One of the best run condo buildings in Chiangmai would be Floral Condominiums however prices can be on the high side (there is one unit for sale with a price tag of 15 million Baht) and the body corp fees are high at 25 baht / a square metre.

It is however well run. The grounds are nice and there is a decent sized pool and a tennis court. I do think that Floral is an exception rather than the rule. (in being well managed etc)

At the end of the day it's a bit of a gamble :o

Edited by john b good
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Go for it, it will be yours to do what you want to over the years and will most likely be less expensive than paying rent even if you only have it for 25 years. Prices keep going up. You could have bought a nice place for 1 million baht 25 years ago, no way you can do that now. Besides you could possible arrange to rent it out for 6 months a year when you aren't there. Good Luck in whatever you do. :o There are a lot of renters out there, many of them affraid to make a commitment so they will rent forever.

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With the tone of some of the posts I perhaps shouldn't even be adding my 'satangs worth' but here goes. . . . .

Though I am not the person who started the thread, I very much appreciate having your thoughts and observations as a person who actually has experience with buying and owning an apartment here.

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my suggestion is . PLEASE DO NOT GO BUY A CONDO ..

is a waste of money .

Stay on RENTAL ..

let me do some thai math for you ..

Rental - 10k . -

Rent for 30 years . = 3600k = 3.6 million

Do you really think that rental prices will remain static for the next 30 years?

Whether you would be best off in a condo or a house is entirely dependent on your personal situation. I bought a condo here 3 years ago, and have been very happy with it. If I was to settle here permanently, then I would consider a house, though buying a house is a tougher decision. I would probably rent for the first few years until I was absolutely sure that my roots were down.

Ta22 - last time I saw maths as convincing as yours, someone was trying to sell me a time share :o

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All I know is what I saw at Vianping Mansion, right near the Rincome intersection. Fraud by the manager, one elevator out of service for many months, dogshit in the hallways, a truly mad screamer next door, then the pool pump broke, never to be replaced, then the poolside restaurant closed, then the main restaurant. Those are facts. I would not buy a condo in ChiangMai if Warren Buffet was the doorman and personal guarantor.

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Buying into or renting in buildings like the Viemgping Mansion and the countless other El Cheapo Thai buildings, you get what you pay for...a dump. Is this the new improved lifestyle you left the west for?

There are currently some buildings being well run. Buy or rent both have advantages. Buy and setup or modify as you like and it is always yours. Renting is an easy escape if things go belly up, but you get what the owner gives you and can be booted out at whim.

Perhaps it is the differnce between a home and a house and what is in your bank account.

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All I know is what I saw at Vianping Mansion, right near the Rincome intersection. Fraud by the manager, one elevator out of service for many months, dogshit in the hallways, a truly mad screamer next door, then the pool pump broke, never to be replaced, then the poolside restaurant closed, then the main restaurant. Those are facts. I would not buy a condo in ChiangMai if Warren Buffet was the doorman and personal guarantor.

I have to concur.

For those who for whatever reason just have to own, all power to you. Even if the numbers don't pencil out... :D

Just one caveat; what happens when a new gov't, or a new gov't policy really digs deep into the 49%/51% farang and Thai ownership ratios at some of these condos, and uncovers a lot of the shell corporations formed to buy these properties, that have essentially been outlawed?

If you "bought" under a renewable 30 year lease, OK never mind..... :D

Personally I think renting is the best deal here, until I see a marked upswing in real estate prices- which hasn't happened yet.

Just my 25 satangs worth.

Disclaimer: I'm not an estate agent, am not versed in all the vagaries of Thai property ownership law, and do not represent myself as such. :o

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Take a look at Rimping or Flora condo with the former 75% owned by the Thai family that built it so a fair bet they will maintain the building as best they can. Another good reason for keeping Rimping up to scratch is the number of Japanese families who rent there on Company contract basis. Pretty lucrative I would think and well worth looking after.

I only know of 1 person who bought when new at Rimping for around 2.5mil and after 13 years his condo is worth around 6mil which sounds OK but in true $ terms I am not certain how the gain equates.

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To cite again the only example I knew: the 85 square meters that I rented for 6,500 per month until July 2005, and which probably sold for 1.2 to 1.5 million. Do the math and you see I had a tremendous reason not to buy. Likewise, the addition to Hillside 4 made no sense to own versus renting. But when new, Vianping appeared to be first class luxury.

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stay here for at least 5 - 10 years befor eyou even think og buying anything ..


we are tired of hearing story of how one get rip off . :o

The timing of this couldn't have been better. Just as I was about to hit the 'reply' key, we lost our electricity..... again. This happens often in our building. Electricity, elevators breaking down, water pressure loss, etc., etc., etc. (I know I'll hear from the owners in this building telling me that it isn't so.... They are welcome to come up and re-set my electric clocks.)

I don't mind it. I'm prepared for it. I have back-up lighting, back-up cooking facilities, back-up power for my computers, etc., (and battery powered clocks) so for me, it's just a minor inconvenience. But I don't own this condo. I rent it. If I were an owner in this building I'd go nuts because each time there is only a 'band-aid' fix put on, rather than solving the basic problem. I understand that there is an owner's committee trying to get the building owner to re-wire and re-plumb but not getting much done. And I understand that this is a common problem all over Thailand, not just Chiang Mai.

I recommend to anyone going anywhere to live for a long time that they first come and rent for a year or two before making a purchase. Learn the realities of the location before committing to them. You don't marry a person you've only dated for a week-end. You learn about them first. The OP was asking about making a purchase to last him 40 years? Why not spend a year and find out all the facts before you commit to a 40 year investment? Are you sure that the place you're planning to buy doesn't flood during rainy season? Are you sure there isn't a long running karaoke bar just under your windows? What are the ants like in July compared with their family life during October? There is a reason all the supermarkets sell so much ant killer and rat killer. They aren't on the shelves just for decoration. Find out before you buy.

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