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Visa Extension In Thailand

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According to my calendar, 17th September is a Friday - so no problems. However, if your visa runs out on a weekend or any other day when Immigration is shut, you need to go there on a working day before your visa runs out. You will not lose any days as the extension is dated from the end of your current visa.

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thanks for noticing. i had on the wrong glasses and looked at the wrong date...i took 17 to be sunday

now if you really want to be clever can you tell me if i can get an extension on sunday19 when my tourist visa expires...part 2 of a double entry...or if i go on friday 17 will i lose 2 days?...

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According to the Sri Racha office, if your visa expires on a holiday, you can simply apply on the next workign day after the holiday.

Recently I returned to Thailand on a Sunday, and my "extension under consideration" stamp also expired on that day. The officer at the airport stamped me in for ONE DAY, much to his own surprise, but agreed it was OK. The Monday was a holiday, so I went to the Sri Racha office on the Tuesday and received my full one year extension.

Might be worth checking if Pattaya follows the same procedure, to avoid losing those odd days.

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Pattaya Immigration offices are closed on weekends.

It always used to be the case that they would allow you to extend on the Monday if the due date fell on a weekend.

However, a good couple or so years ago they changed the rules so that you had to apply on a working day before the due date if it fell on a weekend.

I found this out the hard way as they fined me two days overstay and made me wait hours before telling me to come back the next day only to be made to wait again for an age.

That said, on subsequent occasions they did date the extension from the correct date when it fell on a weekend. Again, nothing is ever certain as it may well depend on the officer in question on any given day.

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I asked this question in all seriousness as i have not had to apply for a 30 day exstension for some 3+ years and the rules may have changed.

I always went to bkk and never had a problem. even if I went 4 days prior to expiry I always got the extra 30 days.

I went to pattaya immi on wednesday and they told me 'of course you get the full 30 days if you come here on the friday before.'

I went on friday and ,sure enough ,my extension was 30 days from the expiry date[sunday].

I believe we are now getting clever farangs who get their kicks out of life by worrying people like myself who are unsure of the new rules and ask questions expecting a serious reply.

I do not believe anyone has lost days on a 30 day extension where the visa expires on a thai holiday,providing they go before the visa expires.

we have enough problems as it is without our own people having fun at our expense.

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It's been my experience several times that when I extended my visa on a Friday because the end date landed on a weekend, that I lost those days and the new date entered starts from the Friday date I extended it on. Just learned to grin and bear it.

is that so....I've never seen it happen. something like that could screw up monthly budgeting

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I asked this question in all seriousness as i have not had to apply for a 30 day exstension for some 3+ years and the rules may have changed.

I always went to bkk and never had a problem. even if I went 4 days prior to expiry I always got the extra 30 days.

I went to pattaya immi on wednesday and they told me 'of course you get the full 30 days if you come here on the friday before.'

I went on friday and ,sure enough ,my extension was 30 days from the expiry date[sunday].

I believe we are now getting clever farangs who get their kicks out of life by worrying people like myself who are unsure of the new rules and ask questions expecting a serious reply.

I do not believe anyone has lost days on a 30 day extension where the visa expires on a thai holiday,providing they go before the visa expires.

we have enough problems as it is without our own people having fun at our expense.

ok dude, well dont sweat it man. the people here were taking your dates at face value and responding because they didn't make sense and not to make fun. at least you found out the deal and it is no problem. you can always go in early to imm and have extension start from the expiry date of your visa stamp. I have done this a number of times but not longer than 5 days before

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Well then, I guess I just got hosed... or was unlucky, or used the wrong place to extend, because in a review of my pp and a calendar, I see that I have "lost" days on three separate occasions. It DOES happen. Do I worry about it? does it cause me an ulcer?..no. Is it a big deal?..no. At most, it was a 2 day loss on the worst occasion. After you pass 5,000 days in Thailand, a day lost here or there is insignificant.... but just to reiterate... i DID lose days on an extension.

p.s. just a further note on the dates. These extensions were all before the hike in fees, if that changes anything or not. I stopped getting extensions when they increased 400% in cost. Another month was worth 500B, at 1900B they aren't worth it to me. Perhaps, now, that people are paying the higher fees, Immigration is diligent in doling out the CORRECT thirty days.

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I was sweating as i had already booked my flight to penangso it was of some importance to me .

had i been given correct information or told factually that i would lose 2 days i would have not extended and gone to arunyapathet on the sunday.

I do not ask trivial questions and would hope that people who KNOW would give me a correct answer.

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please do not talk with your mouth full.

you gave the correct reply but if you read carefully-in between stuffing yourself-you would have niticed that the info?given by a member was that i would lose 2 days and that he had ,himself, lost days by going to immi early...this is not so.and merely meant i had to waste time because of an untrue statement.

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