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Where To Meet In Ao Luk


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When I was in Krabi last year we discovered 2 bars in the 'main' resort part of Krabi. I forget the name of the resort, but it's where all the hotels are. One bar is inside a row of girlie hooker-type bars IN A SIDE-SOI almost opposite the McDonalds. It was the last place but one on the left. Rainy season it was quiet, but we were there early.

There is another one in the big complex of bars which is one row back from the centre of the main beach road, in the middle of the resort. That bar was way off to the side of the complex. There were 'hosts' and we had to buy drinks for 2 or 3 guys to be polite. The bar was horrible, we will never return.

I never heard of any gay bars in Krabi Town itself.

Check on the gay sites but my impression was that there isn't much gay life in Krabi. I have 24 hour gaydar on and can normally find obscure places!! It's all actually quite hetero, full of German and Aussie divers with their blonde girlfriends. We saw few gay people.

Of course, the Phi-Phi stuff and islands are a wonder, but I would never go to Krabi for a gay old time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your informed response, that is how I remember Ao Nang too. I spent many good times there last year.

I am now living in Ao Luk which unlike Ao Nang is off the usual tourist trail. Its a big town but caters only to the locals which of course must include a certain percentage of gays but there are no specific gay venues (that I can find). I did have the good fortune of being picked up in the local internet cafe once but thats a bit random to rely upon.

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yes, Ao Nang. I went there with the BF, and we passed about 4 days there. The resort hotel was nice (opposite McD, lots of tropical plants and private apartments). Most of the main row restaurants were rip-off pizza joints. The gay bars as I said--but you appear to know them.

We saw 1 or 2 couples on the strip, but it was all very het. Both bars were lousy really, although the bar in the girly bar soi had a nice young Thai barman who chatted with us and really tried hard. The owner himself was a swede or a german, but he didn't speak. The host bar in the main bar area was a real dump, green walls and dodgy katoeys.

The speedboat trip was good. The snorkelling is good. The Maya beach (Di Caprio fame) was amazing. Phi phi is a bit spoiled--all of the speedboat tourists get sat in a big covered area for a 'free lunch' which is very icky rice and pork/chicken with drinking water. You can then walk about a bit before the boat calls you to go back. Main problem with the boat is that you cannot choose yr companions. We ended up with 3 USA high school kids and a macho, slightly phobic, handsome Spanish boy with his GF, plus a few other odd sorts. However, the guide on the boat was camp as hel_l, so we laughed a lot.


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