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Oa Retirement Visa

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Has there been any change to the requirements for a OA visa in the past 6 months?

I have heard that no longer can you have acombination of Baht in a Thai bank AND income to equal Baht 800,000 which was the case before. Is it now one or the other? Also have those grandfathered in at a lower Baht amount in a bank been changed to make it 800,000 for everyone?

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I was granted my first O-A in early August this year. I provided Pattaya Immigration with statements verifying B800000 in a combination of pension and bank deposit. So far as I know the requirements are still the same. For information, the service was quick, efficent and polite.

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I was granted my first O-A in early August this year. I provided Pattaya Immigration with statements verifying B800000 in a combination of pension and bank deposit. So far as I know the requirements are still the same. For information, the service was quick, efficent and polite.

Immigration at Pattaya or other locations in Thailand, do not issue O-A visa's. They are issued abroad.

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I was granted my first O-A in early August this year. I provided Pattaya Immigration with statements verifying B800000 in a combination of pension and bank deposit. So far as I know the requirements are still the same. For information, the service was quick, efficent and polite.

Immigration at Pattaya or other locations in Thailand, do not issue O-A visa's. They are issued abroad.

Was offered one at consulate here in Adelaide, no financial requrements, just pay $90 and boom boom.

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OK, in future I'll call it a retirement visa. What is the official term for one?

It sounds as though you have an extended Non-Immigrant O visa. You showed the 800,000 and are presumably over 50 years of age, thus it is a retirement visa and should have a stamp above the extension saying so.

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Nuff Said: I have prepared two "canned" detailed information pieces from govenment sources which I can forward to you if you PM me that will explain in detail the differences in detail and the many "classes" of the non-immigrant O visa.

Suffice to say, a non-immigrant O-A is the designation given if the visa is issued outside of Thailand and a non-immigrant 0 is the same visa issued in Thailand, usually by the Immigration Department.

There are many different "classes" or "designations" within a non-immigrant O visa, one being based on retirement requirements, however the stamps in the passports rarely indicate under which "class" the visa was granted.

Thus the ambiguity. I indicate the "class" in parens after the visa type, although I am unaware of any "official" designation ie. non-immigrant O (retirement).

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Nuff Said: I have prepared two "canned" detailed information pieces from govenment sources which I can forward to you if you PM me that will explain in detail the differences in detail and the many "classes" of the non-immigrant O visa.

Suffice to say, a non-immigrant O-A is the designation given if the visa is issued outside of Thailand and a non-immigrant 0 is the same visa issued in Thailand, usually by the Immigration Department.

There are many different "classes" or "designations" within a non-immigrant O visa, one being based on retirement requirements, however the stamps in the passports rarely indicate under which "class" the visa was granted.

Thus the ambiguity. I indicate the "class" in parens after the visa type, although I am unaware of any "official" designation ie. non-immigrant O (retirement).

From the MFA website:

VISA ISSUANCE FOR TEMPORARY RESIDENCE [ NON-IMMIGRANT "O-A" (LONG STAY)]          This type of visa will be issued to applicants aged 50 years or above wishing to take retreat in the Kingdom at least for the period of one year.

It would appear the proper term would be a long stay visa for the purpose of retirement. But think most, even officials, will just call it a retirement visa. :o

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Nuff Said: I have prepared two "canned" detailed information pieces from govenment sources which I can forward to you if you PM me that will explain in detail the differences in detail and the many "classes" of the non-immigrant O visa.

Suffice to say, a non-immigrant O-A is the designation given if the visa is issued outside of Thailand and a non-immigrant 0 is the same visa issued in Thailand, usually by the Immigration Department.

There are many different "classes" or "designations" within a non-immigrant O visa, one being based on retirement requirements, however the stamps in the passports rarely indicate under which "class" the visa was granted.

Thus the ambiguity. I indicate the "class" in parens after the visa type, although I am unaware of any "official" designation ie. non-immigrant O (retirement).

The number of O visa's issued abroad by Thai missions far exceeds O-A and O visa's issued or converted inside Muang Thai by Immigration or the one stop shop at BOI.

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Dr. Pat Pong.

The sign above the desk where such applications are handled in the pattaya Immigration Office does actually say Retirement Visa. Yes, I am over 50 and did show the necessary B800000 with a current Non-Immigrant O visa. The extension stamp in my passport is slighty different to the ones I have had in the past when I have simply been granted a 30 day extension. The top line is in Thai, I don't know what it says. Immigration also pinned a slip in my passport to infom me of when I had to confirm my address details again.

To be quite honest I don't really care what it's called so long as I don't have do do any more of those awful visa runs to the Cambodian border.

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Dr. Pat Pong.

The sign above the desk where such applications are handled in the pattaya Immigration Office does actually say Retirement Visa. Yes, I am over 50 and did show the necessary B800000 with a current Non-Immigrant O visa. The extension stamp in my passport is slighty different to the ones I have had in the past when I have simply been granted a 30 day extension. The top line is in Thai, I don't know what it says. Immigration also pinned a slip in my passport to infom me of when I had to confirm my address details again.

To be quite honest I don't really care what it's called so long as I don't have do do any more of those awful visa runs to the Cambodian border.

I do absolutely agree with those sentiments Nuff. You have got it made now and good luck to you. :o

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