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Bar girl

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Just a few days from the diary of a bar girl.

She works in a go go bar in Soi Cowboy, Bangkok, and her name is {deleted to protect her privacy}. Here is 9 days in her life.

Day 1 - Payday today, just as well, as I haven’t sent any money home now for 2 weeks. I put 3000 baht in an envelope and sent it off home. I should have sent the rest too, but having taken my knickers off for the first time in the bar last month, im keeping the extra 1000 baht I got for myself, quite right too. Some of those falangs stare at my box so hard I’m sure they’re trying to see right inside.

Work was hard going tonight, the mamasan has got it into her head that were not making enough effort in our pole dancing, and she had the bright idea of installing a microphone at the d.j. stall. Every XXXXX 10 minutes she was barking orders at us to buck our ideas up like it was a sodding aerobics class. I’d like to see the fat cow come on stage and dance like a maniac for 6 hours!!. By 11 o’clock I was knackered, so I hid behind a few of the girls so the mamasan couldn’t see me and shuffled a bit. I managed to get away with it for an hour, but she collared me in the toilets and gave me the usual lecture. "Just because it’s the first day of the month doesn’t mean you don’t make an effort, you still have to get 8 barfines, so you might as well get off to a good start, you cant expect to get barfined 8 times at the end of the month... blah blah blah". Some of the girls were going to Nana Disco to have a dance and look for a falang but I didn’t fancy it so I went home.



you seem to want to mock a group of people that are less fortunate than you are,

Why?  Grow up.

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To Jai di and Dr.P.P.,

In fact I was not, I fully understand why she is in the situation, matter of fact I included a key point, she is working to send money home, 3,000 baht every few weeks. She is supporting people who need the money, and keeping very little of what she makes for herself. I find this very commendable, she obviously has a big heart. Her circumstances are unfortunate, her activities are what she must do in order to survive, the scenario is not unreal.

She has my highest regard. I am sorry if you felt otherwise,

maybe someday she will find a way out, I am sure she deserves a fresh start, she truly has a big heart.

I am sorry I failed to better focus on her big heart and circumstances in my short notes about the life style.

Thank you for pointing this out to me. Please understand I meant her no disrepect.


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Chon says {Believe it or not , there is a touch more to Thailand than these ladies undoubtable contribution.}

Sorry Phil, I should have told everyone about the elephant rides, the butterfly farm, the rain forest, etc .. etc .. Thailand has many tourist attractions other than Nana, Soi Cowboy, etc .. etc ..

Fact is Phil I was only trying to be funny.


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Bud , have you packed yet?

Yeah - must be getting close to D-day Bud.  Suitcase ready?  Fresh underwear in hand?

There certainly is a feeling of anticipation and excitement in the air..... :cool:

May your journey be filled with attractive flight attendants who are not slow in dispensing the drinks.  May the only turbulence come from the gaseous after-effects of an exceptionally tasty in-flight meal.....

Happy travels.


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.......and following on from all his plans and enthusiasm about getting to Thailand, he finally arrives at Bangkok Airport with a suitcase full of condoms, KY jelly, a head full of wicked evil thoughts, not to mention a roaring hard on.

He passes through a new style screening machine at the Customs barrier. This machine has the ability of reading whether or not the tourist has only pure, innocent thoughts and good intentions.

The machine vibrates with disgust, bells start ringing, red lights start flashing and Bud is rejected. He is turned around and told to get back on board his plane.

So the journey of a sex crazed desperado ends before it begins.

So sad........*sob*


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If you intend to conduct a market survey into the popularity and use of KY Jelly, might I suggest that you start by contacting the manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, and ascertain how many tubes of the stuff they export to Thailand.

It just so happens that I have a tube of this "general lubricant" in my possession right now.

On the tube it states: "K Y Jelly is for general lubricating needs, it is not a contraceptive.

A sterile, greaseless, transparent, water soluble and non-irritating jelly. Recommended for gynaecological and surgical lubrication and when additional vaginal lubrication is needed.

Spreads readily. Adheres well. Harmless to human tissue. Will not injure rubber, metal appliances, instruments, or natural or synthetic textiles."

In other words it's much better to use than baby oil, whipped cream, Kloster beer beer or strawberry jello.

It is suitable for use in any orifice.....or so I'm told.


.......and I know you are wondering just why I have a tube of it with me here....well....keep on wondering.

How many of you are now going to race out to your nearest drug store to buy a tube of your own?

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Bar girls. = People who are a lot less fortunate in life than many, they happen to live in a country with no welfare.

How many western women would be doing the same without their social security payments?

After the second world war, German women where sleeping with allied soldiers for  food, soap, chocolate etc. You think it was because German women where born to be whores or maybe they where hungry and wanted to feed their kids?

You people that live in a society that pays you money if you do not work, and pays money to the elderly are fortunate, please do not make fun of those less well off than you are. Ever been poor? Ever been hungry? If you have you will understand why people do certain things, and if you are under any illusions, take a good look in a full length mirror naked...and ask yourself a question, "WOULD I BE HAPPY SLEEPING WITH THAT FOR 1000 BAHT"

I think that say's it all.

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I think that the Thai social security system (parents taking care of their children, and the children taking care of their parents) is MORE stable than any western social security system (let's let mum and dad live in the old folks home, surely they would prefer the company of strangers to their own kids).    Prostitutes (even if there are 1 million of them) and their families hardly represent the majority of the other 67 million of us.  

It's disatisfaction with their lives, getting caught up in consumerism (you can't play "keeping up with the Shinawatras" if you don't have the business acumen to go along with it), and living beyond one's means that put these prostitutes where they are.    If any one of us tried hard enough, we could surely make enough bad decisions (gambling, taking out 20% interest loans, spending instead of saving, etc). to end up in a situation that we could only get out of if we resorted to dealing drugs or selling ass.    It doesn't mean it's the government's or society's "fault" though.    


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I think that the Thai social security system (parents taking care of their children, and the children taking care of their parents) is MORE stable than any western social security system (let's let mum and dad live in the old folks home, surely they would prefer the company of strangers to their own kids).

i'm in full agreement with that.

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   Prostitutes (even if there are 1 million of them) and their families hardly represent the majority of the other 67 million of us.  

Who said anything about being representative, the thread is about Bar Girls, not Thailand,  not you, them.

Kow jai mai?


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   Prostitutes (even if there are 1 million of them) and their families hardly represent the majority of the other 67 million of us.  

Who said anything about being representative, the thread is about Bar Girls, not Thailand,  not you, them.

Kow jai mai?


The comment was made in response to the suggestion that one's poor financial status (or poor lot in life) and the choice to enter prostitution had some kind of direct correlation.

Not too difficult to understand that, yes?


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As this thread is on the subject of "bargirls", maybe someone can tell me where they all go once their bargirl days are over.

They come into the game in their late teens, work their butts off (to coin a phrase) until they are about 26 - 28 years old, and then ? ? ? ? ?

There are not too many girls who are 30 plus still working bars, and I doubt that all of them have found rich boyfriends to take care of them. So where are they?

It seems that every year there is a whole new bunch of girls on the game whilst many who were working only 12 months before have vanished, never to be seen again.

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maybe someone can tell me where they all go once their bargirl days are over.

Many have children back home in the care of their family (sometimes including a husband). They are working to support them - they return as soon as they are financially able. Or when the "children" are old enough to support them.

Others work to build a house or get the family out of debt, or maybe buy a shop or cafe and leave once they have met their objective.

There are those who get diseases (Aids) etc. who return home to die or live in poverty.

Some do meet a new b/f or husband to look after them.

There are also quite a few "old timers" who are actually over 30 but do not look like they are. Some who enjoy the work or have no better alternative!

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   Prostitutes (even if there are 1 million of them) and their families hardly represent the majority of the other 67 million of us.  

Who said anything about being representative, the thread is about Bar Girls, not Thailand,  not you, them.

Kow jai mai?


The comment was made in response to the suggestion that one's poor financial status (or poor lot in life) and the choice to enter prostitution had some kind of direct correlation.

Not too difficult to understand that, yes?


Judging by the fact that the main protaganists are from a certain sector of society, with limited education, i can see a direct link.

If you can't (or don't want to), that's ok. Up To You, i express a personal oipinion.

Not too difficult to understand that,yes?

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I'm expressing a personal opinion as well.   The number of poor and uneducated who do not enter prostitution, even those on the brink of poverty far outnumber those who enter prostitution (let's assume XX+ million Thais could be considered poor).    Being poor and uneducated may be a trait that prostitutes share, but numbers do not suggest direct causation.    An important ingredient, is a lack of self respect AND lack of work ethic.    These two last ingredients are personal flaws, certainly unrelated to any kind of social or governmental policy.

Not too difficult to understand that, yes?   I'm happy to discuss, by the way.... I have an awful lot of free time.  


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I'm expressing a personal opinion as well.   The number of poor and uneducated who do not enter prostitution, even those on the brink of poverty far outnumber those who enter prostitution (let's assume XX+ million Thais could be considered poor).    Being poor and uneducated may be a trait that prostitutes share, but numbers do not suggest direct causation.    An important ingredient, is a lack of self respect AND lack of work ethic.    These two last ingredients are personal flaws, certainly unrelated to any kind of social or governmental policy.

Not too difficult to understand that, yes?


So an uneducated girl, that has been left with a baby and no money early in life, family also with no money, has no self respect and no work ethic?

OK, i understand.    Thankyou for educating me.

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I'm expressing a personal opinion as well.   The number of poor and uneducated who do not enter prostitution, even those on the brink of poverty far outnumber those who enter prostitution (let's assume XX+ million Thais could be considered poor).    Being poor and uneducated may be a trait that prostitutes share, but numbers do not suggest direct causation.    An important ingredient, is a lack of self respect AND lack of work ethic.    These two last ingredients are personal flaws, certainly unrelated to any kind of social or governmental policy.

Not too difficult to understand that, yes?


So an uneducated girl, that has been left with a baby and no money early in life, family also with no money, has no self respect and no work ethic?

OK, i understand.    Thankyou for educating me.

It is a personal choice whether to get pregnant or not.    In the same way it is not the fault of the world community, that many African villages reproduce out of control when they know full well that there are not enough resources to support their children.  


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I'm expressing a personal opinion as well.   The number of poor and uneducated who do not enter prostitution, even those on the brink of poverty far outnumber those who enter prostitution (let's assume XX+ million Thais could be considered poor).    Being poor and uneducated may be a trait that prostitutes share, but numbers do not suggest direct causation.    An important ingredient, is a lack of self respect AND lack of work ethic.    These two last ingredients are personal flaws, certainly unrelated to any kind of social or governmental policy.

Not too difficult to understand that, yes?


So an uneducated girl, that has been left with a baby and no money early in life, family also with no money, has no self respect and no work ethic?

OK, i understand.    Thankyou for educating me.

It is a personal choice whether to get pregnant or not.    In the same way it is not the fault of the world community, that many African villages reproduce out of control when they know full well that there are not enough resources to support their children.  


I am educated now, thankyou.

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I am not so sure about the advantages of the Thai "social security" system.  Many parents(especially in rural areas) have children because they see it as a way to materially prosper, and children are the ultimate form of free labor.  I've seen social studies where older women in villages think their younger counterparts are stupid for only desiring 1 or 2 children when they could have as many as 11 or 12.

Art and Literature reflect the true nature of society and if you look at Thai Literature, you will find it full of examples of parents using/(abusing) their children, and if they are not of use they are abadoned/exiled etc.  The notion of unconditional love for your children is not found here.  Your children are either of use, or they are not worthy of love.   Look at Khun Chan - Khun Phan, Sang Thong, Phra Abhai Mani, for examples in classical Thai literature.  More modern versions of the attitudes of Thai parents towards their children can be found in Kukrit Pramoj's Si Pandin, Botan's Letters from Thailand, Khamsing Srinawks's Golden Legged Frog, and Pira Sudham's Rains.  

I personally find it despicable that young struggling adults feel an enormous ammount of guilt and obligation to support their lazy parents back home.  Instead of being able to concentrate on establishing themselves, which is hard enough to do in this modern world, they send back up to 95% of their pay in some cases.  Meanwhile, their old and aging parents (40-45 years young!) enjoy the fruits of their labor.  This is more common in women, as men can pay their parental debt by being ordained as a monk and sharing the merit from such action.

The worst part of the system is when it results in children from Issaan and other areas being sold into prostitution.  This is not so the poor family might be able to eat and survive as you might expect.  In most cases, the children are sold so that daddy and mummy can afford to have a TV, a motorbike, or the most recent desire, a cell phone.  

I agree that its also sad that many western children see no harm or shame in sending their folks off to live in a home because they would be an inconvienance to their lives.. But, color me strange, but I believe it is the PARENT's responsibility to take care of their children and NOT the other way around.

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