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Smoking Ban

Basil B

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Banning smoking in an open air place. Is just stupid.

TIT. Top marks to the fun police.

Kill yourself quietly at home. None of us want to go with you selfish people.

Nor with shellfish people.

What a lot of smokers do not realise is that the residual smell, even in outdoor places, is sometimes very off-putting. It may not be a health hazard (I don't know) but the stink of stale smoke even gets in to the paving and so on.

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You know this is all about your rights.

If you let people tell you what you should do all the time one day

You will not be able to do anything.

Forget about the Thailand issue it’s bigger than that.

One day you may not get employed if you smoke.

Or not get hospital care if you smoke the list goes on and on.

And this is only smoking, imagine if it was about other issues. (god forbid)

I agree smoking in enclosed areas is bad for the heath of people

And im glad this is stoping now around the world and my it continue

In all countries,

but banning it out side. All a bit big brother to me.

Don't give the green light to governments, to chip away your Freedom.

they like power over the people enough already.

Edited by plasticpig
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I suppose suicide by smoking is a more healthy option...... :o

Some guy knocked out half the london Underground system the other night ..Valentines... by doing a JUMP...makes a right mess of the wheels ...SO INCONSIDERATE...unlike your jolli friendly ...fuggers...who are so ...consid...... :D

Wot ever anyone does in the privicy of preferably their OWN bedroom/cludgee is Up to them......mais....

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I suppose suicide by smoking is a more healthy option...... :o

Some guy knocked out half the london Underground system the other night ..Valentines... by doing a JUMP...makes a right mess of the wheels ...SO INCONSIDERATE...unlike your jolli friendly ...fuggers...who are so ...consid...... :D

Wot ever anyone does in the privicy of preferably their OWN bedroom/cludgee is Up to them......mais....

RR - must be late at night. Will you finish this post in the morning?

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You know this is all about your rights.

If you let people tell you what you should do all the time one day

You will not be able to do anything.

Forget about the Thailand issue it's bigger than that.

One day you may not get employed if you smoke.

Or not get hospital care if you smoke the list goes on and on.

And this is only smoking, imagine if it was about other issues. (god forbid)

I agree smoking in enclosed areas is bad for the heath of people

And im glad this is stoping now around the world and my it continue

In all countries,

but banning it out side. All a bit big brother to me.

Don't give the green light to governments, to chip away your Freedom.

they like power over the people enough already.

just noticed on the MSN Homepage that they are beginning to discuss the creation of... wait for it....'a smoking licence' This if it becomes law will force the individual smoker to apply for a a licence every year costing £10. Now that is crazy!!! God knows whats next ...a licence to fart maybe!

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You know this is all about your rights.

If you let people tell you what you should do all the time one day

You will not be able to do anything.

Forget about the Thailand issue it’s bigger than that.

One day you may not get employed if you smoke.

Or not get hospital care if you smoke the list goes on and on.

And this is only smoking, imagine if it was about other issues. (god forbid)

I agree smoking in enclosed areas is bad for the heath of people

And im glad this is stoping now around the world and my it continue

In all countries,

but banning it out side. All a bit big brother to me.

Don't give the green light to governments, to chip away your Freedom.

they like power over the people enough already.

That is some of the biggest old tripe I have ever read.

We are not talking about the suspension of human rights and right to due process in a court of law we are talking about stopping smokers polluting the air for non smokers.

Unfortunately smokers are some of the worst drug addicts who will do anything for a tobacco fix and care little about how it affects others around them.

Legislating them out of business will do everyone a big favour.

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just noticed on the MSN Homepage that they are beginning to discuss the creation of... wait for it....'a smoking licence' This if it becomes law will force the individual smoker to apply for a a licence every year costing £10. Now that is crazy!!! God knows whats next ...a licence to fart maybe!

Or maybe this :


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What would be next on the agenda for you?

No Ball games.

Keep off the grass.

No dogs.

No children.

No parking.

Society does not need the likes of people like you who think its ok to

tell people what to do in the open air.

Just for a quick comparison have a look out side you door and count the people smoking in the street and now count the cars and bikes going down the street.

What’s worse a guy smoking or the the cars and motor bikes ?

Going to ban cars and bikes next are we. What comes after that???

See where this is going.?? Maybe not as I suspect your quit old and feel

your life time of experiences gives you the right to take away rights from people younger that you.

Freedom is so hard to get but it’s very easy to get rid of.

Banning smoking in the open air.

How crazy is that.

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To me, people who smoke are just dupes of one of the most dirty, worthless, disgusting fashions of all time. There is little doubt that it will soon be against the law to smoke at all and that is as it should be.

Governments are trying to let the life-long smokers die off before getting too strict as their habbit is not completely their fault, but for them to demand "freedom" to smoke is just too much. :o

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To me, people who smoke are just dupes of one of the most dirty, worthless, disgusting fashions of all time. There is little doubt that it will soon be against the law to smoke at all and that is as it should be.

Governments are trying to let the life-long smokers die off before getting too strict as their habbit is not completely their fault, but for them to demand "freedom" to smoke is just too much. :o

Up to them not you.

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Just read on another thread that smoking in many places will be banned as of the 11th February, 2,000THB fine for the offender and 20,000THB fine for the operator.

My reason for asking is I am not a smoker and would like to be where there is no smoking, on my last visit to Pattaya in November last year I dinned at one of the Swiss restaurants in Soi Diamond, during the meal it seemed to get very uncomfortable with tobacco smoke, I noticed there was a no smoking sign above the door, but the only thing the management/waiters did was put ash trays on the tables for the smokers.

Do you think this ban will be enforced?


The smoking ban, I believe, is misdirected. An MD friend told me that carbon monoxide is the most carcinogenic agent, ( cancer producing ), in nicotine &, if this is true, than the ban should be on outdoor, non air conditioned places as these are exposed to smokers plus carbon monoxide from passing & parked vehicles with their motors running. Air conditioners already filter some things from our air and can be equipped, iI think, to filter the CM as well.

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I will add a quick reply to the non-smoking brigade.

It is statistically proven that at least 25 % of the world population are smokers.

Now if we deduct children under 12 from the non-smokers that would mean that more than one third of the world population is being discriminated against by a bunch of hypocrites under the guise of political correctness and so called humanitarian reasons because they're concerned over your health. Think again, they don't give a f//k about your or my health, there are powerful machinations going on behind the scenes that we don't know about and can only guess at.

What the he// is wrong with a bit of tolerance?



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It is statistically proven that at least 25 % of the world population are smokers.

So 25% of the world population are stupid enough to take up a habbit that is highly addictive, dangerous to themselves, their family and everyone around them and makes them stink like a garbage truck.

Sounds like the type of people whose opinions should be ignored! :o

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Today I received a telephone call from my mate, who is a regular visitor to Pattaya. He has been a heavy smoker for much of his life. He was recently diagnosed with throat and tongue cancer and goes into hospital this week. The next few weeks will be a worrying time for him and his family.

He had already booked his flight to LOS for April and now needs to cancel the booking.

The smoking ban should be the least of your worries. Good health is much more important. Use the ban as your excuse to quit the habit.

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It is statistically proven that at least 25 % of the world population are smokers.

So 25% of the world population are stupid enough to take up a habbit that is highly addictive, dangerous to themselves, their family and everyone around them and makes them stink like a garbage truck.

Sounds like the type of people whose opinions should be ignored! :o

Sounds like your the one getting worked up.

Im just trying to make a point about freedom of choice.

You going to ban alcohol next, it's a far worse drug than

tobacco. Don't see to many smokers beating the wife up after a few smokes.

Can we say the same about alcohol?

You should sit down, have a smoke

or two, relax a bit. take a chill pill.

Have a beer or two.

Whilst you still can that is!!!!!

Edited by plasticpig
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It is statistically proven that at least 25 % of the world population are smokers.

Where have you got that from? Some guy in a bar?

If you google around there's a whole lot of information available about smoking and non-smoking.

Anyway I started smoking over 50 years ago, there were no laws against it then, and the non-smokers of that time didn't mind one way or the other. Nowadays it's politically incorrect to be a racist but spewing your hatred against 25 % of the world population is perfectly acceptable isn't it.

In the Netherlands a study showed that all though the number of smokers has declined for the last 15 years, the number of cases of lung cancer amongst non-smokers is rising rapidly, and probably a result of air pollution caused by industry, land and air traffic, heating etc. rather than second hand smoke. You stop polluting the air driving motorcycles, cars etc. and then maybe I might listen to your arguments. For your information I don't frequent bars, I don't smoke where it's not allowed, if I'm in the company of others I always ask if they mind and if they do then I don't smoke. That's called being considerate, I just wish that others would show the same consideration towards me.


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