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Yes! Its Raining. No, Its Not Raining.


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Seems to be the southern edge of the unusual wet weather pattern hitting China (central and south) at the moment. Even if you haven't seen TV reports of the havoc and misery it's causing there, be grateful we're not getting the abnormal snowfall that they are - power lines down, trains not running, flights grounded, roads not passable, widespread coal shortages etc etc........ all at the time of Chinese New Year when millions want to be heading home.

That said, I guess most Thai would love to experience snow - but maybe a day of it would be enough for them to start wishing for more normal weather.

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28 mm in Pai overnight, the dog is cowering under my desk, he says it is too cold to go outside!!

It's been raining in Pai for the last 5 days or so, I think. Unusual, and fantastic as they had just gotten an early start on burning the forests, fields, and all sorts of other crap they can think of. Air quality had just started to plunge. Now - all clean, wonderful air.

If you don't think it was that bad during April 2007 you are delusional, sorry. It was that bad, and then some. I am not worrying, just stating the obvious. Walking down the street, you could hear coughing from all directions. We moved the family to Bangkok for a while during that time - suburbian BKK air felt amazingly clean after northern Thailand.

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Wow. So pleased to see its raining. Even thou its light, this will hopefully clear the air of the debris and crap out of the sky.

May it continue.

It makes me want to sing.. :o

If the rain comes

they run and hide their heads

They might as well be dead

If the rain comes

If the rain comes

When the sun shines

they slip into the shade

and sip their lemonade

When the sun shines

When the sun shines

Rain, I don't mind

Shine, the weather's fine

I can show you

that when it starts to rain

everything's the same

I can show you

I can show you

Rain, I don't mind

Shine, the weather's fine

Can you hear me

that when it rains and shines

it's just a state of mind

Can you hear me

Can you hear me

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It's 08:16. Still raining. My garden starts to look like Max Yasgur's farm

When do Santana arrive?

Don't know but I can see Bob Weir filling sand bags while Country Joe and the Fish are singing "I don't give a dam"

Daaaam, you're on the ball! But you have to admit that's some Sweetwater raining down out there, it could give some Creedence to a Clearwater Revival in Chiang Mai and clean up that Green River.

Who'd have thought it, eh?


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If you don't think it was that bad during April 2007 you are delusional, sorry. It was that bad, and then some. I am not worrying, just stating the obvious. Walking down the street, you could hear coughing from all directions. We moved the family to Bangkok for a while during that time - suburbian BKK air felt amazingly clean after northern Thailand.

No one has stated that it wasn't bad during that short period in - I thought that it was March - but - if I remember correctly - it was only a few days and then it rained and that was the end of it. It has never been like that before or sense, so it may very well have been a fluke. :o

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If you don't think it was that bad during April 2007 you are delusional, sorry. It was that bad, and then some. I am not worrying, just stating the obvious. Walking down the street, you could hear coughing from all directions. We moved the family to Bangkok for a while during that time - suburbian BKK air felt amazingly clean after northern Thailand.

I suggest you take a look at the graph from post #18 of this thread. Then have a good, long think about who's delusional, the Pollution Control Department or your good self.

/ Priceless

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Its raining non stop 3 days in Chiangdao now .

Getting ready to jump on my motorbike heading Chiangmai

in an hour ( going to my wife ).

I have never had to take my rainclothes out in january before

in my almost nine years stay here . :o

Not that I mind , besides my just cleaned motorbike getting dirty again .....

My garden got a well deserved shower , and the air is fresh .

looking out the window now it seems to clear up a bit so just get ready quick .

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With the unusually frequent rains for January – February, pollution in the area has been cut dramatically. Earlier this week, the weather was absolutely terrific. Want to do what you can to help to add to such days? Here's one helpful thing that over time will increase official concern and hopefully, attention.

Call 053.409.345 whenever you see burning fields or burning trash. You can also report smoke. This number belongs to the Disaster Office of Chiang Mai Province. That office is connected to all of the relevant police and fire agencies within the province. Your call will be logged and passed along to the appropriate department.

At night, the night duty officer might not speak Thai. The suggestion made by the office, is, of course, to get a Thai-speaking friend to help you. Obviously, you need to be able to know where the problem is. The more specific the better.

I have the number in my cell phone memory under "pollution." It is of course also useful for emergencies. Local police or fire department numbers, if you have them, will bring a quicker response.

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A climograph shows average temperatures and precipitation by location. There is a 30-year (1961-1990) climograph for Chiang Mai at the following url. On the same site, The Thai Meteorological Department, you'll find similar data for around the country including maps, radar, forecasts and current data as well as historical data.


Some data, like information during the last 24 hours in three-hour increments, is only posted in Thai, but you can dope out the information easily. The date-time group is in the left most column, then --- left to right --- you'll find max and min temperature, percentage humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed, visibility (km), precipitation (mm), and cloud cover.

Boring? Well, it is a lot more restful than reading stock market ticker tapes these days!

Edited by Mapguy
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Wow. So pleased to see its raining. Even thou its light, this will hopefully clear the air of the debris and crap out of the sky.

May it continue.

what is the air quality like at the moment in chiang mai ? i will be there in 5 days and last year the quality was poor , hope its ok at the moment. mind you last year i was there in march so most of the place was ablaze and the rain was a bit late i believe :o

You know I am constantl amazed when people talk about the "Bad air pollution" in Chiang Mai.

Ive been here over a year now...no bad throats or coughs. From my front door I can see the hills and the temples. I live nearly into Hang Dong.No traffic fumes...OK some days recently the hills have been covered with mist,which clears after 10 am when the sun burns it off....so all this talk about "bad air" here just doesnt hold.

Maybe in the city with much more traffic it isnt so good...but is there any city in the world that doesnt suffer from veicle exhaust fumes.?

Talk to us again in a years time when you have had time to ingest some dirty air digest the facts.

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If you don't think it was that bad during April 2007 you are delusional, sorry. It was that bad, and then some. I am not worrying, just stating the obvious. Walking down the street, you could hear coughing from all directions. We moved the family to Bangkok for a while during that time - suburbian BKK air felt amazingly clean after northern Thailand.

I suggest you take a look at the graph from post #18 of this thread. Then have a good, long think about who's delusional, the Pollution Control Department or your good self.

/ Priceless

Graphs ... I don't need no stinking graphs, We were there and we felt it, breathed, and washed it off our skin. VERY VERY... etc.. you know my rant!!

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If you don't think it was that bad during April 2007 you are delusional, sorry. It was that bad, and then some. I am not worrying, just stating the obvious. Walking down the street, you could hear coughing from all directions. We moved the family to Bangkok for a while during that time - suburbian BKK air felt amazingly clean after northern Thailand.

I suggest you take a look at the graph from post #18 of this thread. Then have a good, long think about who's delusional, the Pollution Control Department or your good self.

/ Priceless

Graphs ... I don't need no stinking graphs, We were there and we felt it, breathed, and washed it off our skin. VERY VERY... etc.. you know my rant!!

Nikster probably just meant to say March instead of April.. On the graph March looks like Mount Everest.

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