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You are the one who has taken over this thread with inacurrate and mindless insults.  Your usual style.  Beat your chest some more about how you're the king of the thread and resort to mindless rantings whenever you're wrong.  Yawn.

Weren't you the one who referred to a whole group of people as Darkies on another thread?  I guess that is evidence of your civilizing superiority, from whatever esteemed has-been empire you happen to be from.

You are chasing straw-men now, or just blinded by your own blather, because I never defended the war.  So why are you now pretending to argue with me over something I never said?  Because you have nothing significant to say, except engaging everyone in your ridiculous piss contests.

I couldn't give a shit about my effect on you as I am way over your head anyway.  Your attempts to squeeze me into one of your simplistic stereotypes is amusing.

When you open a post, with "you can shut your mouth" or similiar, what do you expect?

I wonder why your single - ok you win, Im sorry and Ive left the building :D

tit for tat Kat. :D

BTW - no it wasnt me who said anything about "darkies" :o couldnt be wrong could you? - no surely not :D

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You are the one who has taken over this thread with inacurrate and mindless insults.  Your usual style.  Beat your chest some more about how you're the king of the thread and resort to mindless rantings whenever you're wrong.  Yawn.

Weren't you the one who referred to a whole group of people as Darkies on another thread?  I guess that is evidence of your civilizing superiority, from whatever esteemed has-been empire you happen to be from.

You are chasing straw-men now, or just blinded by your own blather, because I never defended the war.  So why are you now pretending to argue with me over something I never said?  Because you have nothing significant to say, except engaging everyone in your ridiculous piss contests.

I couldn't give a shit about my effect on you as I am way over your head anyway.  Your attempts to squeeze me into one of your simplistic stereotypes is amusing.

When you open a post, with "you can shut your mouth" or similiar, what do you expect?

I wonder why your single - ok you win, Im sorry and Ive left the building :o

tit for tat Kat. :D


Well, are you on the menu Tornado? Geez, that is why women stay single.

Listening to you is like watching the nature channel. I'm ready to fall asleep :D

Look trading insults with you is great fun Tornado, but can we get back to discussion? I'm sorry about the "watch your mouth" comment to both you and Nemesis, but you both did hurl the "stupid and idiot" insult at a person who could have been just back from war. Not civilized in my view.

Anyway, back to discussion: Nemesis, I largely agree with your anti-Iraq war stance, but don't you think some conspiracy theories border on the absurd? I mean, a quote from OBL about 9/11 that states the US gov't did it.

with a straight face - do you have any other sources?

Anyways your election will be here before you know it and at the very least the debate will be over for 4years!

Wrong again !!!

Unlike the majority of the world's other countries, the US has a tremendous and remarkable system of checks and balances.

One of the things included is the facts that congressional elections (e.g., senate and house) are held both on and off years from the presidential elections.

IOW, in two years there will be a large number of senate and house seats up for grabs again. This allows the american people another choice to determine how their country should be run, in the midst of ongoing presidency.

Geez, at least have your facts straight.

You are the one who has taken over this thread with inacurrate and mindless insults.  Your usual style.  Beat your chest some more about how you're the king of the thread and resort to mindless rantings whenever you're wrong.  Yawn.

Weren't you the one who referred to a whole group of people as Darkies on another thread?  I guess that is evidence of your civilizing superiority, from whatever esteemed has-been empire you happen to be from.

You are chasing straw-men now, or just blinded by your own blather, because I never defended the war.  So why are you now pretending to argue with me over something I never said?  Because you have nothing significant to say, except engaging everyone in your ridiculous piss contests.

I couldn't give a shit about my effect on you as I am way over your head anyway.  Your attempts to squeeze me into one of your simplistic stereotypes is amusing.

When you open a post, with "you can shut your mouth" or similiar, what do you expect?

I wonder why your single - ok you win, Im sorry and Ive left the building :D

tit for tat Kat. -_-


Well, are you on the menu Tornado? Geez, that is why women stay single.

Listening to you is like watching the nature channel. I'm ready to fall asleep :)

Look trading insults with you is great fun Tornado, but can we get back to discussion? I'm sorry about the "watch your mouth" comment to both you and Nemesis, but you both did hurl the "stupid and idiot" insult at a person who could have been just back from war. Not civilized in my view.

Anyway, back to discussion: Nemesis, I largely agree with your anti-Iraq war stance, but don't you think some conspiracy theories border on the absurd? I mean, a quote from OBL about 9/11 that states the US gov't did it.

with a straight face - do you have any other sources?

Ok, but one more insult first - Some of us dont have time to watch the nature channel, we have wives and kids to take care of :)

BTW - I never said Iammaic was "stupid and idiot", could you be wrong yet again ? :(

and back to the discussion :o


Now where were we?


I thought you left the building already?

Tsk, tsk, Tornado, do you really want to lose this argument? Do you want me to dredge up the thread in which you did use the term "darkie" to refer to people in Sudan? And on this thread, oh dear, pardon my mistake - you didn't say "idiots" to refer to people in the war at first - you started with "gymps" and then ended with idiots. I stand corrected.

Now I'm leaving the building.


Well, happy to see the Gent is getting back to his old ways...generally insulting folks and being "Devil's Advocate"!

Keep up the good work, Brian. BTW, where's Basher? :o

So who are your thoughts controlled by, Spee?

My thoughts are controlled by me and me alone. I'm a free thinker. Wasn't necessarily raised that way, but became that way through evolution.

Remember before when I posted the quotes:

"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."

(from The Hunt for Red October) "I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissin' babies I'm stealin' their lollipops."

I don't want to pretend that Bush and Cheney are saints. It is not their job to be saints. It is their job to ensure the defense and proserity of the American people. Do I think their decision to knock off the Taliban and Hussein, and to initiate a proactive hunt for every known terrorist leader is a good thing? Heck yes.

Do I think they could do and have been doing a better job than Gore and/or Kerry and/or the ice queen? Heck yes.

If 9/11 was inevitable to happen, am I glad Bush was in the white house when it went down, as opposed to Gore? Heck yes.

Do I think Moore's movie contained mistruths and lies and is nothing more than a heavily biased left-wing attack on the president? Heck yes. Anyone who walks away from this movie treating it like gospel is a fool.

Do I think that right-wing propagandists like Limbaugh are any different? Heck no. Anyone who believes 100% of what he spews is a fool.

Do I believe that any of these politicians are the solution to all the ills of the US or the world? Heck no. Anyone who does is a fool.

The solution to the world's ills is democracratic or democratic-republic style governments, free market economies, freedom to pursue education and employment of one's choosing, and freedom to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as one sees fit.

Now you tell me who in the world espouses these kinds of ideals? Iran? Syria? Sudan? Libya? Any takers there?

Shall I go on ???



ok, now I really do stand corrected on one count. You didn't refer to Sudananese as darkies, that was someone else. You were actually defending them. You can't be all that bad.

I transposed that incident with another degrading comment that you made to a woman on a gay thread that had to be edited. My mistake.

So who are your thoughts controlled by, Spee?

My thoughts are controlled by me and me alone. I'm a free thinker. Wasn't necessarily raised that way, but became that way through evolution.

Remember before when I posted the quotes:

"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see."

(from The Hunt for Red October) "I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissin' babies I'm stealin' their lollipops."

I don't want to pretend that Bush and Cheney are saints. It is not their job to be saints. It is their job to ensure the defense and proserity of the American people. Do I think their decision to knock off the Taliban and Hussein, and to initiate a proactive hunt for every known terrorist leader is a good thing? Heck yes.

Do I think they could do and have been doing a better job than Gore and/or Kerry and/or the ice queen? Heck yes.

If 9/11 was inevitable to happen, am I glad Bush was in the white house when it went down, as opposed to Gore? Heck yes.

Do I think Moore's movie contained mistruths and lies and is nothing more than a heavily biased left-wing attack on the president? Heck yes. Anyone who walks away from this movie treating it like gospel is a fool.

Do I think that right-wing propagandists like Limbaugh are any different? Heck no. Anyone who believes 100% of what he spews is a fool.

Do I believe that any of these politicians are the solution to all the ills of the US or the world? Heck no. Anyone who does is a fool.

The solution to the world's ills is democracratic or democratic-republic style governments, free market economies, freedom to pursue education and employment of one's choosing, and freedom to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as one sees fit.

Now you tell me who in the world espouses these kinds of ideals? Iran? Syria? Sudan? Libya? Any takers there?

Shall I go on ???

I respect your difference in opinion Spee. And I certainly don't think your stupid for thinking the way you do. I just think there are many highly intelliegent people on both sides that have reached different conclusions for different reasons. We differ in the reasons.

I would like to continue this discussion another time. I have to go, but I will be back one of these days.

Peace (except to you, Tornado :o )

Iraqi People are joing the Army and sercurity forces because they want to have a better country.

We had a guy over here with one leg!!!! He was still doing what needed to be done.

Very interesting. In my unendless naivity I thought that these boys wanted to join these organisations because they are the only ones providing jobs at the moment.

But now I learned that they are driven by ideological motives. Very interesting!

You mean that both Sji-ites and Sunnis are enlisting? And what do their mammas and pappas say about that?

Could you tell us more about the person with only one leg doing what has to be done? I have no idea what that could be, because, as most of us, I have two legs.

Nevertheless that I have two legs I sometimes really don't know what has to be done. And this one-leg person, does he know from himself what has to be done or did you tell him? Do you know what has to be done and how did you find out what has to be done? Does everybody agree with you that what has to be done has to be done?

I have to take a leak now. It has to be done, otherwise I am doing it in my pants.

Do you agree that it has to be done, or do you think that it doesn't have to be done?

Sorry I am going to do it anyhow. I have to have it done. Wouldn't you?

Is there a special book about things which have to be done? Who wrote it?



I couldn't give a shit about my effect on you as I am way over your head anyway. Your attempts to squeeze me into one of your simplistic stereotypes is amusing.

mind superiority ... I'm impressed :D

may be you'll smile after next november, may be not ... :o

it's not my country, but it's about the world we are all living in ....

could be a well chosen moment for americans like you to open their eyes, stopping to believe all the lies they hear, and stop to put their head into the sand ... :D

cheers and good luck with your warlord ....


ps; and may be send this thread into bearpit ... :D

Nemesis- I dare say you must be related to Adolf. Jews are to blame for every ill in the world?

Judaism is a relgion. Israel is a country. Zionism is a movement.

To answer your question "Are Jews to blame for every evil in the world? No.

Do Zionists control the United States government? Yes.

“The [Jewish] owners and managers of the press determine which person, which facts, which version of the facts, and which ideas shall reach the public.”

Report by the Commission on Freedom of the Press

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.” Israel Shamir Russian-Israeli journalist

“The silence in [mainstream] America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn’t it? The old adage has it that, when visiting a foreign country, to ascertain who really runs things, one need determine only who is spoken about in whispers, if at all.”

Edgar J. Steele journalist, lawyer

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Benjamin Disraeli First Jewish Prime Minister of England, 1868

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

President Theodore Roosevelt 1906

The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." OBL

“Every time we do something, you [shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon Israeli Prime Minister, Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001 (post 9/11

Does that answer your question?

Get on the same page.

hilarious .... is this guy really the US president? LOL

Bush is the appointed leader of the United States because the majority of the people of the US don't know how to think critically, just like their dry drunk Leader.

Baa baaa baaaa..........

Nemesis- I dare say you must be related to Adolf. Jews are to blame for every ill in the world?

Judaism is a relgion. Israel is a country. Zionism is a movement.

To answer your question "Are Jews to blame for every evil in the world? No.

Do Zionists control the United States government? Yes.

“The [Jewish] owners and managers of the press determine which person, which facts, which version of the facts, and which ideas shall reach the public.”

Report by the Commission on Freedom of the Press

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.” Israel Shamir Russian-Israeli journalist

“The silence in [mainstream] America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn’t it? The old adage has it that, when visiting a foreign country, to ascertain who really runs things, one need determine only who is spoken about in whispers, if at all.”

Edgar J. Steele journalist, lawyer

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Benjamin Disraeli First Jewish Prime Minister of England, 1868

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

President Theodore Roosevelt 1906

The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." OBL

“Every time we do something, you [shimon Peres] tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon Israeli Prime Minister, Knesset, Tel Aviv, October 3, 2001 (post 9/11

Does that answer your question?

Get on the same page.

Nemesis, you have a lot of guts to post this and I respect it. My boss is Jewish and he is very apolitical. He is one the kindest, most caring people I've ever known in my life. I feel very bad for the good Jewish people of the world who are being dragged unwillingly into this evilness that is Zionism and the Mossad. I almost feel a comradeship with them being an American and being dragged into this ugliness being perpetrated on the world by the American government, the government of my home country. When will the madness end?

I'm sorry to the moderators for being so off Thailand topic; will say no more.


If you are at all interested in a "story" regarding the planning of 911, you must click on the link. It is a transcript from a national radio broadcast, that will leave you wondering. The man is far from a Kook!

Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole ® and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.

Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks



you can buy a DVD9 copy of farenheit 911 ( or was that the 11/9 :o ) from panthip or fortune for 180 baht.

it is a movie that is worth watching. I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

I have not seen those other documentries....um...pearl harbour, saving private ryan, blackhawk down, desert storm...etc etc



Fox- is owned by Rupert Murdoch, don't recall him being Jewish.

Regardless Nemesis you are pretty much out there I expect you'll be saying next that the Holocaust Never Happened, the US never landed on the moon, and black helicoptors scoop people up in the middle of the night for the CIA. :o

Stu- far as voting goes if someone can't properly do something right and read instructions then they are personally responsible for disinfranchising themselves not the govt.

you can buy a DVD9 copy of farenheit 911 ( or was that the 11/9 :D ) from panthip or fortune for 180 baht.

it is a movie that is worth watching. I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

I have not seen those other documentries....um...pearl harbour, saving private ryan, blackhawk down, desert storm...etc etc


i went to the theatre and gave it it's fair share of my time until i got up to the part on iraq showing everyone smiling yeah right :o

I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

These would be whom ....????

.... all of the military absentee ballots that Algore didn't want to be counted ... ????

..... because that count would have hurt more than helped .... ???

I couldn't give a shit about my effect on you as I am way over your head anyway. Your attempts to squeeze me into one of your simplistic stereotypes is amusing.

mind superiority ... I'm impressed :D

may be you'll smile after next november, may be not ... :o

it's not my country, but it's about the world we are all living in ....

could be a well chosen moment for americans like you to open their eyes, stopping to believe all the lies they hear, and stop to put their head into the sand ... :D

cheers and good luck with your warlord ....


ps; and may be send this thread into bearpit ... :D

Mind superiority, as opposed to what, your assumed European superiority? I've already been through this with others; read your own history before you acquire airs.

First of all, you took my quote out of context, and secondly, you seem to be directing your response to someone else's arguments at me. You can obviously read, so you must be in the habit blaming any woman in the room for things she didn't say or lumping all Americans into one person.

Good luck with your country's ridiculous head-scarf ban, and gang rapes and women burning in the projects.

If you are at all interested in a "story" regarding the planning of 911, you must click on the link. It is a transcript from a national radio broadcast, that will leave you wondering. The man is far from a Kook!

Yeah ... right .... and OJ didn't do it either!!

I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

These would be whom ....????

.... all of the military absentee ballots that Algore didn't want to be counted ... ????

..... because that count would have hurt more than helped .... ???

Now Spee, the disenfranchised votes go beyond military absentee ballots, and I think you know this.

eligible black voters were expunged from the rolls by that drag queen lady secretary of state and chair of the Republican Party, the recount was stopped by a breackneck court order, many were unreadable, inequitable technology between republican and democrat precints, irrepressible chads, and many people were misdirected to the wrong voting areas in black areas. This election DISENFRANCHISED people, which is against the Civil Rights Act. Hence, it was an ILLEGAL election that wasn't decided by votes, or the electoral college, but by all of daddy's friends on the Supreme Court.

I think the most interesting part was the questions about the thousands of disinfranchised voters.

These would be whom ....????

.... all of the military absentee ballots that Algore didn't want to be counted ... ????

..... because that count would have hurt more than helped .... ???

Now Spee, the disenfranchised votes go beyond military absentee ballots, and I think you know this.

Black voters were expunged from the rolls that should not have been by that drag queen lady secretary of state and chair of the Republican Party, the recount was stopped by a breackneck court order, many were unreadable, inequitable technology between republican and democrat precints, the irrepressible chads, and many that were misdirected to the wrong voting areas in black areas. This election DISENFRANCHISED people, which is against the Civil Rights Act. Hence, it was an ILLEGAL election that wasn't decided by votes, or the electoral college, but by all of daddy's friends on the Supreme Court.

Did you see on the news that this election It is the most young people to ever to register to vote in any election! I am voting for who I want everyone has a choice I just hope they don't put the wrong man in (kerry) It would be a shock if nader won!!!! :o


No objection to the bear raising his head once in a while to get fresh air.

However, this threat is far away from the original question, whether or not we can see 9/11 in LoS. Believe it referred to Fahrenheoit 9-11 ?

Now the disussion moved to elections and procedures in a far-away country.

Although, it is always highly amusing to me to read all the pros and cons. suggest the bear should go back to the pit and raise his head next time when need be to save Thailand and bring freedom and democracy to her shores.

Hence, it was an ILLEGAL election that wasn't decided by votes, or the electoral college, but by all of daddy's friends on the Supreme Court.

Well ... gee ... let's recheck the facts .... again ....

1. The current Supreme Court:

who - appointed by - leanings

Stevens - Ford - centrist

Rehnquist - Reagan - conservative

O'Connor - Reagan - centrist

Scalia - Reagan - conservative

Kennedy - Reagan - centrist

Souter - Bush - centrist

Thomas - Bush - conservative

Ginsberg - Clinton - liberal

Breyer - Clinton - liberal

(Forgive me, but this seems like a more or less balanced court, reflecting a majority of the american people (i.e., slightly right of center, with strong views on all sides, but mainly centrist). It is hardly a court that is biased in some majority fashion toward the republican party. It can hardly be characterized as a bench full of "Daddy's friends." To think otherwise is completely irrational.)

2. Now let's look at the actual timeline and events.

- First, the democratic party lobbied the Florida Supreme Court to look at changing the election rules after the fact (presumably because they were behind or had already lost).

- Second, the very liberal Florida Supreme Court voted by narrow majority (4-3) in favor of manual recounts, and modifying the closing date for certifying the election.

- Third, the centrist US Supreme Court voted by large majority (7-2) that the Florida Supreme Court decision violated to two critical clauses in the US Consititution, including Amendment 14 which covers Equal Protection.

- Fourth, the centrist US Supreme Court voted by narrow majority (5-4) to uphold the validity of the December 12th final reporting date for Presidential elections.

- Fifth, the United States Electoral College met on December 18th and voted a majority win for Bush/Cheney over Gore/Lieberman.

(In short, all the US Supreme Court did was ensure that the games was played by the rules. It was the democrats who lobbied the Florida Supreme Court to change those rules in the first place.)

(As an aside note, I did not make up these facts. They are summaries from an assessment of the process, published on the web site of a prominent east coast law school that is known to have very liberal leftward leanings.)

3. Now some more facts:

- The fact that Gore/Lieberman ticket earned a majority of the popular vote (50.9M v. 50.4M) is meaningless in terms of electing the president. The president is elected by electoral college, not the popular vote.

- There has been at least one other election in US history where the president won the electoral college vote, but lost the popular vote. Why should things be any different now?

4. Now some after the thought facts:

- Gore initially conceded Florida and hence the election. If he was so unsure of the vote from the start, then would he have conceded the vote just willy-nilly??

- Gore couldn't even carry his home state. If he could have, then Florida would have been an afterthought because the election would have already been decided. He has no one to blame but himself.

In conclusion ... Gore lost ... Bush won ... the Supreme Court was not the deciding factor ... get over it !!!

However, this threat is far away from the original question, whether or not we can see 9/11 in LoS. Believe it referred to Fahrenheoit 9-11 ?

I think that is why these are called threads, because they often do not go in a straight line. However, your point is well taken. I won't make any more posts on this discussion.


Spee, I think it's hallucinatory for you to say that the Supreme Court was centrist and unbiased, when 6 out of 9 Judges were appointed by Reagan or Bush.

Your definition of centrist for conservative judges is also a sleight of words that Republicans like to play.

Gore initially conceded the election, because Fox News and Bush's cousin head-butted in their premature findings before they were actually correct.

I think, but I'm not sure, the other electoral college vote was Taft? Again, I have to look a lot of this stuff up again for the exact details, BUT, no election in our history has ever been overided by the Supreme Court. In this case, the people or the electoral college didn't elect.

In terms of changing the election rules, I think (I'm not sure anymore, have to go back) this had to do with the deadline of a recount, which was promptly stopped. The circumstances during the count compounded with all of the other things that happened prior and during the election are what will always define election 2000 as W.'s coup, to more than half the country and the greater part of the world.

Regardless Nemesis you are pretty much out there I expect you'll be saying next that the Holocaust Never Happened, the US never landed on the moon, and black helicoptors scoop people up in the middle of the night for the CIA.

No, as much as you would like to think in your little pea brain that I am a crazie, I haven't and won't be saying any of those things.

But I do say that Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had nothing to do with WTC / Pentagon except as scapegoats.

Can you accept as reality that the US government attacked its own citizens?

“The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”

George Orwell author of 1984

Happens all the time in other countries. Why not the US?

Is the US God's gift to the world?

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