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Tornado got all spun up by ....

First slurring me with ...

"... my nigger"

And then went on to rant ...

"You go to the poor/uneductated areas and recruit ... blah blah blah ..."

You obviously missed the whole point. Recruiters recruit adults with freedom of choice. They don't hold a gun to their head and force them to sign. Anyone who refuses to join a jihad or rats out a bad guy, risks getting killed on the spot. Any way you want to paint it, those are two separate ball games.

And please get a clue about enlisting in the US military. As an honorably discharged US veteran, I at least have a clue. When one enlists in the military, they are called GI for a reason. GI means government issue. In other words, they become property of the US government to serve the American people as their commanders see fit. From experience, I never saw anyone holding a gun to anyone's head at my swearing in ceremony.

"... with my yank mate in Bangkok, he was one of those I have been talking about ..."

Using his words or your own??

"psycho wackos? hmmm... ok."

There seems to be doubt in your response. What exactly would you call someone who takes an innocent child, teaches them nothing but hate, and willingly forces them to participate in violent acts? Isn't that just plain sick? Whatever happened to protecting children from violence and giving them an education so they have a chance for a better life?

"Kamakai pilots were called heros in their country ...."

You are <deleted>' dreaming!! Have you spent any time in Japan or studying the Japanese culture? This is a huge urban myth. I've made 4 trips to Japan and have lived there for about 3% of my life. The Japanese culture as a whole is so ashamed of the decision to use the Kamikaze strategy, that it is rarely discussed outside of schools and war documentaries.

"There is two ways to change things, through diplomacy or by force. Evolution takes too long!"

This is all well and good. However, when one chooses force over diplomacy they assume some risk, namely the risk of getting whacked.

"The USA is/was after blood, but that was a front for greed."

That is so nonsensical that is doesn't even deserve a response.

"... hence the 10,000 deaths to civilians."

Where do you get your data, the Al-Jazira web site?

Or are you including all of the Iraqi police candidates who were killed by a psycho wacko terrorist s*icide b*omber while standing in line to try and do something good for their country?

You know what ??? I give up. There's no talking sense with you.

If you're so all fired up about what's right about the terrorists and what's wrong with the US, then why don't you get yourself on a plane to Damascus, hitch a ride over to the border, then walk across the line, hold up your hand and say "Take me! Take me!" I'm sure that will go over real big there.

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Firstly dont play the pc crap with me, my nigger was a typical yankee ghetto expression - I was trying to live in this time period as in the 60's that was not said. :o

Anyway, back and forth we go and I dont care what you believe as you dont care what I do. so, nothing more to be said other than you are blindly lead and I feel sorry for you.

do some searches on a few non Bush sites, middle of the road conservatism and Aljazeera (biased compared to Fox or CNN?) It is all not propoganda, read a bit and see.

BTW, I am ingognito on http://www.bearpit.net/index.php?, come and read some articles, learn a bit and tell your friends :D

Carry on!

Firstly dont play the pc crap with me, my nigger was a typical yankee ghetto expression -

Anyway, back and forth we go and I dont care what you believe as you dont care what I do.

Hardly a graceful exit. Sure you don't want to change your handle from "Tornado" to "The Breeze?"

"My nigger" or more accurately "my nigga" or "my niggaz" was and is a term used between friends in casual conversation. I don't know you. You and I are not friends. This isn't a casual conversation. So it is what it is, a slur!

You think I'm kidding? Try walking into an American ghetto and referring to everyone as "my nigga." See how far you can get without taking a beating. (I used to live in a ghetto. So I guess I should know. Can you say the same?)

Why do you assume that I don't care what you believe?? If I didn't care, then I wouldn't have bothered to debate the issue with you.

All I said was if you feel so strongly that the US is wrong and the terrorists are right, then you should go join up.

Funny though, that is usually the point when people with your views often feel their backsides tightening up. Then they, like you, just walk away. How typical!

Firstly dont play the pc crap with me, my nigger was a typical yankee ghetto expression -

Anyway, back and forth we go and I dont care what you believe as you dont care what I do.

Hardly a graceful exit. Sure you don't want to change your handle from "Tornado" to "The Breeze?"

"My nigger" or more accurately "my nigga" or "my niggaz" was and is a term used between friends in casual conversation. I don't know you. You and I are not friends. This isn't a casual conversation. So it is what it is, a slur!

You think I'm kidding? Try walking into an American ghetto and referring to everyone as "my nigga." See how far you can get without taking a beating. (I used to live in a ghetto. So I guess I should know. Can you say the same?)

Why do you assume that I don't care what you believe?? If I didn't care, then I wouldn't have bothered to debate the issue with you.

All I said was if you feel so strongly that the US is wrong and the terrorists are right, then you should go join up.

Funny though, that is usually the point when people with your views often feel their backsides tightening up. Then they, like you, just walk away. How typical!

well spee, I had joined up and yes I did serve. Yes I do come from the street.

I have been to the US, I have walked through compton. The US is wrong, the terrorists aint right. why would I join any "gang" that I did not believe in?.

Walk away or keep playing this game? Am I a hero - no. Am I sick of wars - yes.

Do I support Kerry - No. Do I support Bush - No.

We can argue what is right for days and we will still end up here with nothing being accomplished, me with a tight backside and you with your gung ho attitude. No winners here, just two blokes who have different ideas on whats right.

Watch the movie with an open mind.


Now I'm worried.

I think that, after reading all these weird Americans, Bush will get re-elected.

Thank the Lord Thailand is a long way from USA. (and has no oil to speak of)

Firstly dont play the pc crap with me, my nigger was a typical yankee ghetto expression -

Anyway, back and forth we go and I dont care what you believe as you dont care what I do.

Hardly a graceful exit. Sure you don't want to change your handle from "Tornado" to "The Breeze?"

"My nigger" or more accurately "my nigga" or "my niggaz" was and is a term used between friends in casual conversation. I don't know you. You and I are not friends. This isn't a casual conversation. So it is what it is, a slur!

You think I'm kidding? Try walking into an American ghetto and referring to everyone as "my nigga." See how far you can get without taking a beating. (I used to live in a ghetto. So I guess I should know. Can you say the same?)

Why do you assume that I don't care what you believe?? If I didn't care, then I wouldn't have bothered to debate the issue with you.

All I said was if you feel so strongly that the US is wrong and the terrorists are right, then you should go join up.

Funny though, that is usually the point when people with your views often feel their backsides tightening up. Then they, like you, just walk away. How typical!

Being one of the very few Black members here at Thaivisa, I did take offense to what Mr. Tornado said, and I was going to respond to it here, but Mr. Spree beat me too it! :(

Well, I'll have to add an addendum then...

Mr. Tornado, Please Sir, In what world is "THAT" a typical "Yankee" expression? :wub:

It's quite obvious that you flunked "PC Crap - Americana" 101.

Trust me, if you ever used that "Typical Yankee Expression" to me in my face...Well, lets just say that It would not be a good thing.....

First of all, I don't know where it is is Britain where I believe you're from, you say you are from " The Streets" :o but you obviously do not have a very good grasp of African- American, as well as American Culture. Even most White people here in America know very well enough not to say that ( unless they are carrying a gun :D ). And lord help you if you EVER say that to any Black person in person - "My Nigger", will most likely get you sent to the afterlife much faster than standing in the middle of a crowd of Thais on Sanamchai Avenue and really disrepecting the Thai Royal family... :D

Yes, as Spree saied, there is a BIG difference between the word "Nigger", and "Niggah", "Niggaz", et al.,the latter used in friendly conversation.

And even in those cases, only a subset of African-American youths who are in the Rap /Hip hop culture really use it. I don't, and I would take offense if another Black person used it with me. In my case ( probably unlike you) , many of my friends are Black, and we never greet each other like that, even in casual converstion, believe it or not....... And it is not very good idea for any White person to say it , especially around Blacks, even in Jest! Even Emmiem knows that! So for your sake, and for future reference, please think before you open your mouth ( or in this case post! )- You are not building a very good case for yourself here.

Going back to the original thread Mr Tornado, I have been reading your Anti-American-war conspiracy-rantings along with the ones your friends Kwiz and Nemisis posted in this and other forum threads for quite some time. Seems that you guys really have some sort of serious agenda. Before you even accuse me of being the typical Right wing Gung-Ho American, I am no big fan of My President myself, ( Yes, believe it or not, I also believe that it was a bad idea to invade Iraq, and everyone that I knew saw right through the administrations "weapons of Mass Destruction" line...But then Again, New York City is not all of America... ). I know that there has to be something done constructively about the quagmire that is Iraq. Contantly harping on the Evils of America is not going to help the situation in the slightest...

As for your strange New York Poll about the attacks, saying that 50% of New Yorkers believe President Bush orchastrated the planes to hit WTC, Well,they must have conducted that poll in the Bellvue Hospital psych ward! Yes, I'm an actual New Yorker, and while I didn't see the actual Attack on a TV like all of you here did ( I was stuck, along with thousands of others, in the subway at the time ) - I actally later saw the Twin Towers collapse in person.

And everyone that I know here in The City does not believe that the US government would or is even capable of what happened on September 11th. This is not a Robert Ludlum Novel Mr. Tornado - No secret American hidden governmental Cabal, no Illumanati agenda, no Freemasonist/Templar initiative, no hidden Zionist-backed plot. Just some very evil fanatics taking a great many innocent lives.

Your postings sound no different than the Ideology put forth by Al Quaida ... I really wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if, Nemisis, and Kwiz and yourself decided to "Join up".... But I don't think even they like Brits and Sri Lankans... :D

America is not a Utopia, nor is it the embodiment of all Evil on Earth - But there does comes a point where you have to fight against ignorance and hatred, and to do what is right...... And Screaming at Americans en mass will not help you win any friends here, or help your case in the slightest... You might even acopplish the exact opposite of what you even wanted...

And yes, Michael Moore does make many very good points, but even he shows only one side of the facts......

I've finished saying what I have to say on this subject here... You can say what you want Mr Tornado, I won't even continue this argument with you - I'll just let others, or just you, to hang yourself with your own rope here.. :)

I know you mean well in the end Mr. Tornado....But... -_-

Now I'll go to a more interesting Thai related-Thread , hopefully one to do with Bargirls or the like..... :)

( Hey Spree, So you say you used to live in a "Ghetto"? Err...."Ghetto" sounds too 70's..They're are called "Inner Cities" now... You may used to live in one, but I still do... But I really can't picture Mr. Tornado "walking" thru the "Inner City" streets of Compton.... I can imagine him "Running" though! :D )

For you reality avoiders, give us one, just one shred of evidence that Al Qaeda /  bin Laden was involved in 9/11.

Just one.

How about Bin Lauden stating that he planned it and was both pleased and surprised with the results. Also stating that he had expected the floors above the fires to fall because of the heat weakened steel but was pleasantly surprised that the rest of the building fell. :o

:D Coffee!!! :D

please include a link to that taped interview?

The one that was thrown about on the internet was proven fake by many sides of the political spectrum. Bin Laden also was taped on an Arab television station saying he promised Allah he had nothing to do with it. I dont have a link to mine, but would love to see yours.

You didnt see him do it did you?

why did the government fly the family of Bin Laden out of the US within 24 hours of the attacks? As an FBI guy said on 20/20?, they would be the first people we would of have liked to interview - interrogation 101.

try a herbal tea. :wub:

You bit the hook.

Sorry I don't but... It would do me no good whatsoever because I can't speak Arabi. I would have to trust that the translation was correct. And that the information translated was genuine and from a responsible and reliable source.. Like say.... Michael Moore???

:D Coffee!!! :D

I have been to the US, I have walked through compton. The Watch the movie with an open mind.

Walked thru Compton? The only place you walked thru in southern California was in Anaheim...at Disneyland! :o

btw - that movie by "Two Cheesburgers" Moore is a load of Ca Ca



I was not reffering a racial slur, I was not calling you a nigger, was it the best thing Ive written - probably not, but it was not meant as offence. There seems to be always two lines when it comes to crossing the racial boundary. If a couloured man called you it, you wouldnt have a problem with it - PC crap 101!

You have made an innocent remark into something else. If you have a problem with your colour, take it up with someone else, because I certainly dont have problem if you were green. I am not from England, I am from Australia.

Now you go on to summise that I would be a walk over on a pugilist level, see now that would be sillier than me walking into compton with a nazi sign tattooed on my chest. I have two black (no not coloured) Afro Amercian mates here in Phuket, They seem to be ok when we are chatting about anything to do with either of our cultures.

Now ###### off and stop making a innocent comment into something that it was not meant to be - you know that, you just wanted to show your black face to humble a man who meant nothing by it. I dont apologise to you and if you have an issue with it, contact me on PM and Ill take you up on your little offer :o


I have been to the US, I have walked through compton. The Watch the movie with an open mind.

Walked thru Compton? The only place you walked thru in southern California was in Anaheim...at Disneyland! :o

btw - that movie by "Two Cheesburgers" Moore is a load of Ca Ca

Do me a favour, when you think you know about something, go with the opposite reaction - it might also help you when you vote. :D



hey ..mr tornado, could refrain your bad mood ...

you look like being angry or having a bitter mood ...

your last posts are not nice to read ...

whatever is your point of view or your personnal opinions, cool down :D

take a nice break in country side and breath deep :D

no offence ... but I found your way to write a bit rude :o


ps; I'm quite sure that you understood the point of narachon, didn't you?


hey ..mr tornado, could refrain your bad mood ...

you look like being angry or having a bitter mood ...

your last posts are not nice to read ...

whatever is your point of view or your personnal opinions, cool down :D

take a nice break in country side and breath deep :D

no offence ... but I found your way to write a bit rude :D


ps; I'm quite sure that you understood the point of narachon, didn't you?

Don't worry Francois , Mr. Tornado will be allright once he goes back taking his medication... :o:D



Don't worry Francois , Mr. Tornado will be allright once he goes back taking his medication...
not too worry .. :D

just hoping he has got good one :o

Now ###### off and stop making a innocent comment into something that it was not meant to be - you know that, you just wanted to show your black face to humble a man who meant nothing by it.

I found this a bit rude ... :D



I am not from England, I am from Australia.

So you didn't enslave blacks, but put them in death camps?

OOPS Sorry. Couldn't help myself. :o


Everybody knows that there is a big difference between the soldiers of the second worldwar and the present ones.

People should be drafted again.

Nowadays you only get the poor and uneducated.

A training officer once told me that in former days you could explain how to read a map in one hour. Now I need a week and halve of them still doesn't understand it, he said.

Give upp in teaching dummies lessons. It is yes-sir or no-sir for them and more isn't in there. They only can take space given to them. Don't be too genereous. It doesn't lead to anything.

Don't speak to them. They are learned to shut up if not spoken to.

Everybody knows that there is a big difference between the soldiers of the second worldwar and the present ones.

People should be drafted again.

Nowadays you only get the poor and uneducated.

A training officer once told me that in former days you could explain how to read a map in one hour. Now I need a week and halve of them still doesn't understand it, he said.

Give upp in teaching dummies lessons. It is yes-sir or no-sir for them and more isn't in there. They only can take space given to them. Don't be too genereous. It doesn't lead to anything.

Don't speak to them. They are learned to shut up if not spoken to.

I agree with you re the current troops, I understand your reasoning but do not support a draft for a war that is not threatening your own shores.

Francois, Ok!

As I said, it wasnt meant to be a racial slur, nor was anything directed at Narachon, so why the tirade against me? - because I hate Bush - simple! :o

I would like to kick Bushs ass! :D

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