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Mmorpgs :: Who Plays What?


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I just read in the other thread that there are quiet a few MMORPG players around. I also played DAoC, Anarchy Online, Horizons and WoW.

It would be nice to know who plays what and maybe form a small guild for some of the upcoming great MMORPGs. Warhammer Online for example will be awesome for sure.

A little bit about it:

- It is produced by Mythic the same Mythic that came up with Dark Ages of Camelot.

- It will have a lot of open world warfare and you can actually invade cities of enemies (other Realms on the same server)

- You can level your character however you want. That means you can play non stop PvP (Player vs Player) or just play against scripted enemies. Both will advance your character

- The quests look awesome. They have a new and unique questing system that rocks...

More about it here:


Any other MMORPGs you guys play or are looking forward to play?

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I just read in the other thread that there are quiet a few MMORPG players around. I also played DAoC, Anarchy Online, Horizons and WoW.

It would be nice to know who plays what and maybe form a small guild for some of the upcoming great MMORPGs. Warhammer Online for example will be awesome for sure.

A little bit about it:

- It is produced by Mythic the same Mythic that came up with Dark Ages of Camelot.

- It will have a lot of open world warfare and you can actually invade cities of enemies (other Realms on the same server)

- You can level your character however you want. That means you can play non stop PvP (Player vs Player) or just play against scripted enemies. Both will advance your character

- The quests look awesome. They have a new and unique questing system that rocks...

More about it here:


Any other MMORPGs you guys play or are looking forward to play?

Sounds great, I play wow now but I have also played DaoC, Eq, Eq2, Shadowbane, Lotr online, guildwars... probably forgetting some heh. I already like the warhammer franchise so I'll definately try that.


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I ever played Star Wars Galaxies then moved to WoW. I tried EVE but felt laggy. Still playing WoW but today I ordered Guild Wars from zest.co.th. I heard good things about it.


I just read in the other thread that there are quiet a few MMORPG players around. I also played DAoC, Anarchy Online, Horizons and WoW.

It would be nice to know who plays what and maybe form a small guild for some of the upcoming great MMORPGs. Warhammer Online for example will be awesome for sure.

A little bit about it:

- It is produced by Mythic the same Mythic that came up with Dark Ages of Camelot.

- It will have a lot of open world warfare and you can actually invade cities of enemies (other Realms on the same server)

- You can level your character however you want. That means you can play non stop PvP (Player vs Player) or just play against scripted enemies. Both will advance your character

- The quests look awesome. They have a new and unique questing system that rocks...

More about it here:


Any other MMORPGs you guys play or are looking forward to play?

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I ever played Star Wars Galaxies then moved to WoW. I tried EVE but felt laggy. Still playing WoW but today I ordered Guild Wars from zest.co.th. I heard good things about it.


I just read in the other thread that there are quiet a few MMORPG players around. I also played DAoC, Anarchy Online, Horizons and WoW.

It would be nice to know who plays what and maybe form a small guild for some of the upcoming great MMORPGs. Warhammer Online for example will be awesome for sure.

A little bit about it:

- It is produced by Mythic the same Mythic that came up with Dark Ages of Camelot.

- It will have a lot of open world warfare and you can actually invade cities of enemies (other Realms on the same server)

- You can level your character however you want. That means you can play non stop PvP (Player vs Player) or just play against scripted enemies. Both will advance your character

- The quests look awesome. They have a new and unique questing system that rocks...

More about it here:


Any other MMORPGs you guys play or are looking forward to play?

Eek, really? Everything outside of the cities is an instance, eh? It doesn't sound like it's MMO enough for me.

I'm pretty dam_n stoked about Warhammer though. Tabula Rasa is looking good too, as is the upcoming Conan mmo.

For now though, I'm pretty happy with wow.

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Eek, really? Everything outside of the cities is an instance, eh? It doesn't sound like it's MMO enough for me.

I'm pretty dam_n stoked about Warhammer though. Tabula Rasa is looking good too, as is the upcoming Conan mmo.

For now though, I'm pretty happy with wow.

No, no, no! A lot of open world warfare just read the forums and check the latest developer videos. All good. Instances do play a role but it is a very minor one. I don't want to explain all the details here but this is the best sounding pvp system of all mmorpgs I know so far. I love pvp and it has always been my favorite thing. Instances ruin the whole experience but in war they use it very clever as far as I know. Many good news fall under the NDA though.

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I played guildwars to the max level of 20 (maybe they raised it since then) and it was ok fun... BUT it fails to have long lasting interest holding power, but maybe all the expansions make it more fun again I dont know. The good thing is ITS FREE monthly although the expansions are the full price of a new game.


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I've played Everquest, DaoC, and WoW. I never played any of them for more than a few months though, I got bored pretty quickly once I had seen all the main areas. I almost picked up Guild Wars last week at Pantip, but it was 1500 baht...guess they don't have a Thai version. I think I'll pick it up next time anyway since they don't charge per month.

What I really want to play though is a WH40K mmorpg.

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I've played Everquest, DaoC, and WoW. I never played any of them for more than a few months though, I got bored pretty quickly once I had seen all the main areas. I almost picked up Guild Wars last week at Pantip, but it was 1500 baht...guess they don't have a Thai version. I think I'll pick it up next time anyway since they don't charge per month.

What I really want to play though is a WH40K mmorpg.

There is no cheap Thai version of any of the major online role playing games, they are all imported originals.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Latency has been an issue recently around 1000ms its usually lower (around the 300-400ms figure), which whilst not great its still very playable. Must be some problems somewhere as some days its fine and others virtually unplayable :o

I've played the following;

Everquest 1

Everquest 2

Dark ages of Camelot

Star Wars galaxies

World of Warcraft

Lord of the Rings Online

I'm currently playing;

Pirates of the Burning Sea.

I pretty much play PvP servers, and hold my own fairly well despite the latency problems associated with living in SEA

Edited by Wolfie
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I tried Lord of the Rings recently just to find out that there is no way that you can play it from Thailand unless you have a US credit card. Really annoying but the game looks nice (even though it focued on PvE instead of PvP). I think it is a good time filler until WAR comes or Age of Conan.

Age of Conan looks fantastic but I think the real time battle system will be a major pain in the @ss for all of us. I really really hope they have some asian servers for that game.

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I tried Lord of the Rings recently just to find out that there is no way that you can play it from Thailand unless you have a US credit card. Really annoying but the game looks nice (even though it focued on PvE instead of PvP). I think it is a good time filler until WAR comes or Age of Conan.

Age of Conan looks fantastic but I think the real time battle system will be a major pain in the @ss for all of us. I really really hope they have some asian servers for that game.

Set up a Paypal account, associate a Thai credit card with it and then pay thro Paypal, it deducts your credit card on subscription day - thats how i got around their silly payment scheme. Played for months like this without a single problem

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I just had a true guy coming to exchange my router even though my router was fine. But that's all they could find. Well of course after three days of random disconnects every 10 - 20 minutes everything runs good again on my old router who should have been the problem...

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Wow on a Euro server and just started PotBS on a US server. Love the player economy on the latter.

PM me with your server and character name, Meerkat. I'm happy to help out with advice, and if were on the same server (and same side) i will help you grind out some levels etc

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Wow on a Euro server and just started PotBS on a US server. Love the player economy on the latter.

PM me with your server and character name, Meerkat. I'm happy to help out with advice, and if were on the same server (and same side) i will help you grind out some levels etc

Ive played

EQ, EQ2, Lineage 2, City of heroes, LOTRO and currently playing WOW.

Wow lately has been pretty much unplayable the last 2 months or so due to the latency. I used to average 400-600 latency, now its more like 1000-2400. Pretty much just waiting for a new game, and hoping internet improves :o .

70 Hunter

70 Warlock

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I'm wondering what type of system requirements these programs have. I have been onto something called Second Life, which is like a MMORPG I think (I've never played one), at least according to the information on the website, but using this program you can connect with people from all around the world and actually MAKE money selling products, opening up virtual nightclubs, etc. You can also buy land, or an island, or what not. Not sure if anyone has tried Second Life. It sounds interesting but I only have a notebook computer. Tried playing the game Platoon on it, but it didn't work because I didn't have enough graphics capabilities. There really aren't all that many on my notebook...I think I would have to purchase a desktop to do these kinds of things.

Mainly my notebook is used for (and intended I think) for the viewing of multimedia (i.e. videos, audio) and for viewing websites and surfing. And playing low-res strategy games for example.

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it all depends on your graphics card in your laptop. I would hazard a guess at saying your laptop will not support most of the recent 3D games. I could be wrong, but unless its a fairly new (and expensive) laptop its just not going to be able to handle these types of games.

Give us the make/model number and someone will have a look and let you know.

The problem is generally that laptops gfx cards use shared memory (ram) and generally dont have the hardware support that a dedicated gfx card gives. You can pick up a fairly cheap base unit which would play a lot of these games for not tooo much money - it wont be bleeding edge but would support games such as WoW and LotRO etc. If your in bangkok and want a cheap base unit for games, PM me as i have my old gaming rig (and lcd monitor) i would be willing to sell for a cheap price :o

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it all depends on your graphics card in your laptop. I would hazard a guess at saying your laptop will not support most of the recent 3D games. I could be wrong, but unless its a fairly new (and expensive) laptop its just not going to be able to handle these types of games.

Give us the make/model number and someone will have a look and let you know.

The problem is generally that laptops gfx cards use shared memory (ram) and generally dont have the hardware support that a dedicated gfx card gives. You can pick up a fairly cheap base unit which would play a lot of these games for not tooo much money - it wont be bleeding edge but would support games such as WoW and LotRO etc. If your in bangkok and want a cheap base unit for games, PM me as i have my old gaming rig (and lcd monitor) i would be willing to sell for a cheap price :o

My laptop just enabled me to get into Second Life for the first time. Didn't seem to have any problems accessing the 3D world. Everything looked fine. Met some guy from Italy in there and got a new shirt. Then I quit. The program did say that I had an outdated Quicktime and I wouldn't be able to view any of the streaming then, but there was none in the introduction island. Second Life was really all I wanted to try at this point. I saw a purpose in it, rather than gaming softwares, in that one can socialize just to socialize, and there's the prospect of making money on it through collaboration.

Thanks for the offer for the desktop, but I'm a bit low on mulah right now.

I would rather not give out my make and model number for security reasons. No offense.

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I have been an MMO junkie since release date of EQ1,

I played extensively:

- EQ1 (5+ years, including working as a volunteer GM or Guide) (65 Druid)

- DaoC (2 years, great fun, went to crap with 3rd expansion) (50 Scout)

- Shadowbane (we basically beat it, within 2 months we were the mostpowerfully guild on our server, all had max level, nothing else to kill and nobody to kill us, so we got bored and quit!) (65? Archer) I forget the level cap, it was soft.

- World of Warcraft (I have a frined thats a dev at Blizzard, so i got into this one very early in the Friends and Family Alpha, then on to Beta, then on to rlease... I still play occasionaly but not near as much as I did... 70 BE Mage, Oceanic server)

I have beta tested, but not played into release:

- Anarchy Online

- Star Wars Galaxies

- EQ2

- Lord of the Rings Online

I am currently looking forward to both Warhammer and Age of Conan, I did my pre-order with Age of Conan just recently online.

I will say though, no MMO since EQ has equaled the experiance I had when EQ first launched. No other MMO has had the mature, organized player base that I experianced in EQ. Nor is a game really as massive as the game got, content wise. (which isnt necesarrily a good thing)


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