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Why let the girls have all the fun inspiring jealousy from us blokes?

Bored this week, nothing to do?

Try Operation Mind Games!

1. On returning home from a night out with the lads, always make sure you have a small piece of blank paper (could be a receipt) in your pocket or wallet. When in your bedroom and in full view of your gf, 'discover' the piece of paper in your pocket, read it, smile knowingly as if recalling a pleasent memorary from childhood days, and then scrunch it up tightly before throwing it in the nearest bin. Lay back and relax with a final beer as your gf tries to use her thai girl X ray vision to penetrate through the bin and read the phone number of the "cheap young bitch" who gave you her number.

2. When with your gf and one of your friends call, no matter if they are calling to say they want to go out tonight, glance over at your gf nervously, then say on the phone "I'm sorry, I can't talk now" (do this in Thai for extra effectiveness). For those extreme Mind Game players, you can also casually mention 5 minutes later that you "have to pop out tonight, to see..a friend"

3. If you are on the net and have to mail your Grandma asking about how her garden, your Mum about how you are eating well and not drinking too much, or your friends telling them about the Thai student uniform dress code, wait for your gf to pass by the computer and minimise the page, watch her noticeably out of the corner of your eye, once she has passed and is at a safe distance, maximise the screen again and continue typing, the more you repeat this process, the more your girlfriend will find imaginary excuses to pass you, ever more quietly each time to catch you chatting with your "mia noi bitch", no doubt the same one that gave you her number the other night.

4. Learn new flirtatious thai words and phrases from an outside source, drop them casually into conversation with your gf, when she asks "how you know that word? I never teach you that word", pretend to think about it quickly for about 20 seconds, then mumbled "oh, the taxi driver taught me".

Anybody with other Mind Games suggestions please post here, I'm looking for new things to try out myself.

Please try using Operation Mind Games on your gf this week, and report back.

BE WARNED!!! This can be a dangerous game to play depending on your gf, castration, fights, and prolonged silences interupted by slamming doors could be heading your way. This game is for serious players only.

DO NOT play this game if you have been with your gf for a week.

DO NOT play this game if your loving partner uses sharpened tools in an argument.

DO NOT play this game if your gf has a past history of castration, family of mafia-like brothers or you live in a high rise building in Pattaya and have recently invested in a club with a load of Thais you barely know.

DO NOT play this game if you DO have a mia noi.

Good luck my Brothers, and may God go with you. :D

The title of this thread should be...

How to get your dick cut off..!

totster :o

That’s what I was thinking. My GF is suspicious enough already without adding fuel to the fire (even though I’m a saint!), and every time I look at another girl, I hear “cut, cut, cut” going on in the background!



Now theres the difference between a thai lady and falang.

A falang lady would pick her moment to go to the bin and retrieve that paper.

A thai gal would just go straight to the bin.

Havent you been amazed at the observational skills of thai gals when it comes to keeping an eye on you.

A hair in the bed its black but not hers!!

I got accused on a hair in the hotel room which obviously the maid had left!!


Some people basejump off skyscrapers, some people free swim with Great White Sharks, some of us play :o Operation Mind Games :D

Have you got the balls to risk your balls?

1. On returning home from a night out with the lads, always make sure you have a small piece of blank paper (could be a receipt) in your pocket or wallet.  When in your bedroom and in full view of your gf, 'discover' the piece of paper in your pocket, read it, smile knowingly as if recalling a pleasent memorary from childhood days, and then scrunch it up tightly before throwing it in the nearest bin.  Lay back and relax with a final beer as your gf tries to use her thai girl X ray vision to penetrate through the bin and read the phone number of the "cheap young bitch" who gave you her number

Use the number of a local bar or better still an attractive mutual friend, so when she rings the number to see who it belongs to...

2. When with your gf and one of your friends call, no matter if they are calling to say they want to go out tonight, glance over at your gf nervously, then say on the phone "I'm sorry, I can't talk now" (do this in Thai for extra effectiveness).  For those extreme Mind Game players, you can also casually mention 5 minutes later that you "have to pop out tonight, to see..a friend"

Be sure to delete the number of the caller from the phone while your girlfriend is watching.

Tell her you're going out for a few drinks with your mates but return home sober, no smell of alcohol or cigarettes and freshly showered, not hot and sweaty like usual. Turn your phone off shortly after leaving home and then just say that the signal must have been bad when she tells you that she has been trying to ring you for hours. Then let her see you nervously turn your phone back on before making another call.

4.  Learn new flirtatious thai words and phrases from an outside source, drop them casually into conversation with your gf, when she asks "how you know that word? I never teach you that word", pretend to think about it quickly for about 20 seconds, then mumbled "oh, the taxi driver taught me".

Works best when the new words are in Issan or Lao.


Nice to see the Highway man following the idea. Put the plan into action and report back. I love the deleting the number part, I will add that to my own operation.

Now theres the difference between a thai lady and falang.

A falang lady would pick her moment to go to the bin and retrieve that paper.

A thai gal would just go straight to the bin.

Not true, my girlfriend would be too scared of losing face to go and get the number and finding out it's nothing, I'd ridicule her for days after about it. You want to find out what kind of girl to have, then the only option is.....

:o Operataion Mind Games :D

Tell her you're going out for a few drinks with your mates but return home sober, no smell of alcohol or cigarettes and freshly showered, not hot and sweaty like usual. Turn your phone off shortly after leaving home and then just say that the signal must have been bad when she tells you that she has been trying to ring you for hours. Then let her see you nervously turn your phone back on before making another call.

Excellent, that's going on the list. I suupose you could just go down the local net cafe instead of using the computer at home. Most are air condition, so will not get sweating, no beer so will not get drunk, a good plan, we have Mind Games Code section 5. now.

Nice to see the Highway man following the idea. Put the plan into action and report back. I love the deleting the number part, I will add that to my own operation.
Now theres the difference between a thai lady and falang.

A falang lady would pick her moment to go to the bin and retrieve that paper.

A thai gal would just go straight to the bin.

Not true, my girlfriend would be too scared of losing face to go and get the number and finding out it's nothing, I'd ridicule her for days after about it. You want to find out what kind of girl to have, then the only option is.....

:o Operataion Mind Games :D


... you crazy fool...!!

totster :D


C'mon Totster, I know you wanna join in, I know you have your own mind games suggestions, step forward, join us (all 2 of us), let's create something here.

Remember when Tyler set up Fight Club, that was crazy too, but those men felt freedom, they lost there fear, they took on the enemy at the enemy's own level.

.....so you to must stand forward.

Play one game, just try one of these techniques, taste that freedom, and report back.


Tell her you're going out for a few drinks with your mates but return home sober, no smell of alcohol or cigarettes and freshly showered, not hot and sweaty like usual. Turn your phone off shortly after leaving home and then just say that the signal must have been bad when she tells you that she has been trying to ring you for hours. Then let her see you nervously turn your phone back on before making another call.

Excellent, that's going on the list. I suupose you could just go down the local net cafe instead of using the computer at home. Most are air condition, so will not get sweating, no beer so will not get drunk, a good plan, we have Mind Games Code section 5. now.

Been having further thoughts on this, as I wanted to use it in part of my own gameplay. I'm thinking that I was wrong to say it was an "excellent" idea, purely for the fact that it means you WILL be lying to your gf and you can get caught out on it.

Anybody that wants to make suggestions are welcome, but the idea behind these games is that we are finally in the WIN/WIN situation. Your gf (target) can be the good thai girl that promises to "trust you" and have her head twisted, or she can check the paper in the bin, or check the number in your phone and look like an untrusting fool. The major thing behind the operation apart from the pleasure of watching your gf consumed by thoughts of the "little mia noi bitch", is catching them in the act of checking that number in the bin and been able to take the p.i.s.s. out of them for days/weeks/months after (depending on your level of sarcastic cruelty and/or overall boredom in Bangkok).

Bear in mind, after months of playing :o Operation Mind Games :D , I can now bring back a girls telephone number, look at it in full view of her, and throw it in the bin, without her daring to risk looking at it in case she falls foul to another one of my mind games again.


My gf is wise to many of my mind games, so I'm looking for fresh ideas. I am hoping there are enough twisted bfs out there to help me with this. I think Thaivisa is a good place to start looking for them.

Join us.


Come home with your t-shirt on inside out.


Blow your nose on the inside of your t-shirt just where your belly button would be, then throw it on the wash pile. It will look like jiz, but you can demonstrate how you blow your nose.

I'l be back....


Collect a card from a short time bar and write your mates mobile on the back. Leave it somewhere.......you know the rest.

When you get a text, read it, then put your phone face down on the table. This is a sign of guilt and your trying to hide something.

If she has been away for a couple of days, put the toilet seat down, tidy up and re-arrange the cutlery, and put things in different places than she does.

Put a half drank carton of that yuk they drink in the fridge.

Put her photo with you and her at the wat face down in the bedroom.

Hide an open pack of condoms in the secret pocket of your baggage or a sachet of lubricant in your passport wallet.

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