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Hotel Recommendation For Vientiane?

Khon Baan Nok

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Yeah, Lane Xang had a great location and price.

I was just there last weekend and stayed at SengChapha, a brand new hotel. Very very clean, great rooms, comfortable beds, for 600 baht. What a great deal. Ventiene is lovely, great food, and the people are fun to talk with. You will have a great time.

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Lane Xang!? Desparately in need of a refit.

There is many a nice small hotel parallel with the Mekong - Riverine and InterHotel are just 2 which are nice. Or there is the Beau Riverage further up the road over looking the mekong.

Just on the roads leading from the river side road to the central areas there is a couple of new hotels that have opened - they do look rather nice from the outside, but for the life of me I can't remember the names! I only looked at one last night - the name now escapes me - but its on the road by the side of the cultural hall. The other is the road that lead to Si Hom from the river . . . sorry to be less than precise I have completely forgotten there names! There is also the Hotel Lao in which is slap bang in the middle of Si Hom which is a mini China Town with great dim sum restaurants around.

If you want to be near to the morning market and have parking then the Chaleunxay Hotel is a decent choice - albeit does not really have a Laotian feel.

Of course if you want to chuck the boat out and stay at the best place in town then the Settha Palace is the place you'll want to stay.

If I pass those new hotels in the next few days I'll make a note of there names and let you know.

Edit: The SengChapha is that the one off the side street from the mekong? As in going away from the Fountain square (upstream). Has a glass front and wooden balconies?

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Sorry, I will do my best to describe the location of Sengphacha. It was within five minutes walk of morning market and ten minutes walk of the bus station. Large central street running perp to the river. I walked toward the river and then turned right about three or four blocks to get to the central fountain.

Very very new. Immaculate and comfortable beds. What a super deal for 600.

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Lane Xang!? Desparately in need of a refit.

There is many a nice small hotel parallel with the Mekong - Riverine and InterHotel are just 2 which are nice. Or there is the Beau Riverage further up the road over looking the mekong.

Thanks to all of you for the ideas. I will have all day Sunday to mess around in Vientiane. Any recommendations on "must-see" spots? I live in BKK, so this short trip will just serve as a "sampler", and I'll get back on my own at a later date...


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Sorry, I will do my best to describe the location of Sengphacha. It was within five minutes walk of morning market and ten minutes walk of the bus station. Large central street running perp to the river. I walked toward the river and then turned right about three or four blocks to get to the central fountain.

Very very new. Immaculate and comfortable beds. What a super deal for 600.

Ahhhhhhhhh I think I know the one - as it's very new - I think it on the corner of the road opposite the Day Inn. Walk out the hotel do a right and the morning market is just up the road. If you do a left out the hotel and left down the street the Lao Plaza is down on the corner.. ..

I assuming it is this one as it fits the location description but I actually haven't been past were it's was being built for a month or so and didn't exactly know it had opened!

What do in one day - well without venturing to far out (since the travelling would eat up the time) - stroll around the Morning market goes without saying, the old section in particular is a good experience the silk weavings are one of the main draws (and for some people cheap cigs!). While you are there eat at the hawkers stalls that are outside, some of the best and cheapest Lao food around the centre vientiane, if you don't speak Lao or Thai don't worry just ask to try and they'll give you a spoon to sample what you want (they speak a little bit of english). Tip: There is a small Dao Heuang coffee bar which is situated outside where the hawkers are - which does the best Iced Latte around - not only is it the best it's also it is cheap at 6000kip compared to the coffee shop at the entrance of the new morning market which is 14000kip!

You could also head down to the Chinese Market if you're up for any more shopping!

Sit by the Mekong at Sunset and down a few cold Beer Lao or fresh fruit shakes if that's you thing - you can either go to the hawkers that setup tables on the Kem Kong (riverside) or head up the road and continue straight on where the road turns to a dusty track and further up there is numerous very good restaurants also the Sunset bar (but in my opinion the only thing that makes here in anyway superior to the other is the view - the service and food is poor).

At night Si Hom always busy with many people and being a Chinese sector there is some excellent small Dim Sum places. Or if you want join the Hi-so crowd and expats then you can go to Bop Bpen Yang, Kop Jai Deu - personally I think KJD is the best have live music every night from 9pm. The only thing about BBY is it's view being on the top of a 4 storey build by the Mekong otherwise the service and food is lousy! Also there is the Mekong Desk next to the mekong which has a good atmosphere and is as the name suggest situated next to the mekong - the is okay but nothing to write home about same for KJD as well.

Afterwards if you want disco fun Don Chan Palace can be an interesting night, Future not far from the Novotel is full of the local sleaze (if that's your scene!) or there is Lao Bowling which was and I think is again after a brief stop (licensing issues - or lack of tea money paid!:o) is an all night drinking place. Or a bit out of town about 6km is the Romeo nightclub (although I've never been the locals seem to rate it). Alternatively there is Marina nightclub - which used to be packed pretty much every night but it was closed for a while due to the new road and last time we went it was pretty dead.

Sightseeing wise there is the Pattuxay monument/park, the That Luang, the one temple which is worth visiting is Wat Pra Keo. The rest of the temples around Vientiane are just standard run of the mill temples and relatively new.

If you need western food then the best Western breakfast in town I am reliably informed, by a friend who goes there everyday when he visits, is found at the swedish bakery at the fountain square, they do some kind of breakfast baguette.

On the word of Baguettes - you are in the right place - Vientiane has excellent Baguettes as well as cheap Wine and Cheese if you are that way inclined.

Other places I could mention might be a bit obscure to find (including the best Lao/Viet breakfast!) and would definately need Lao/Thai language ability to order.

But that should fill a day. :D :D

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That Swedish bakery is a killer. The food and coffee were excellent. Weekday morning required about forty minute wait for an outdoor table, well worth it.

Around the corner from the bakery is a French crepe house. As good as the left bank in Paris. I mean drop dead crepes. Coffee as only the french can do, better than good sex in England. Continue further to the intersection that the Cultural center is on and there is an Indian fusion restaurant. Again, really good and unusual.

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That Swedish bakery is a killer. The food and coffee were excellent. Weekday morning required about forty minute wait for an outdoor table, well worth it.

Around the corner from the bakery is a French crepe house. As good as the left bank in Paris. I mean drop dead crepes. Coffee as only the french can do, better than good sex in England. Continue further to the intersection that the Cultural center is on and there is an Indian fusion restaurant. Again, really good and unusual.

Yep there is plenty to go at!

But it appears I am wrong about which hotel I was thinking of being the Sengphacha as the one I thought it was isn't finished as I've just got back in after a meal out saw the place I was thinking of still isn't finished.

I'll see it one day I am sure! :o

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I'll be making my first visit to Vientiane on Sunday. Any recommendations for a comfortable but not five star hotel with a bit of Laotian flavor?

Tks much.

Lao Orchid hotel is the one people talk about now , newly redone close to the river with some views 30US Lane Xang hotel has a pool althou my GF says its been cold in VTE lately Scandinavian Bakery is the place other poster is talking about its right at the fountain square and does have good breakfast and coffee JOMA bakery is close by also, food venders at the river can be good or bad depending on which vender you choose, for a night out you could go to Khop Chai Dou bar listen to the live music till about 1100 pm then go to Don Chan Palace disco till closing its the only place that stays open past 1130, my favorite club is Sornideth club but it can be difficult to get there and back if you don't know your way around, so stay downtown where you can walk to get some food etc Lao orchid Lane Xang, inter hotel 25 -40US, Lao plaza and don chan palace are both about 100US callao

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I'll be making my first visit to Vientiane on Sunday. Any recommendations for a comfortable but not five star hotel with a bit of Laotian flavor?

Tks much.

althou my GF says its been cold in VTE lately

- Yes it ain't the warmest! At night for some reason it's still around the 21C mark . . which is very odd for Feb, but then again it was a hot December, I am actually enjoying this temperate weather!

my favorite club is Sornideth club

As in pronounced locally - sol-i-dit . . . the regular katoey and gay hang out night club. I ain't been there for probably the best part of 2 years but we have numerous gay friends who are there every week without fail. It's a fun enough place sure but from a straight guys perspective I didn't really enjoy the 'running the katoey gauntlet' just to get to the toilet! If folks want go there just tell a tuk-tuk driver and they'll get you there in about 10 minutes or so from the centre.

Offroadlanna - Yes that's the one! I know I'd read it's name somewhere. I just can't remember for the two new ones that have opened in the middle of town . . ahh well I'll see them sooner or later.

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This link shows most hotels in Laos, plus their direct telephone numbers and in some cases their websites:






Yes - you can find direct telephone numbers for ALL hotels in Laos since in general they don't take Credit cards so you just phone up and make a reservation without payment.

Don't be fooled by 'agents' wanting to charge you for bookings!


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I'll be making my first visit to Vientiane on Sunday. Any recommendations for a comfortable but not five star hotel with a bit of Laotian flavor?

Tks much.

althou my GF says its been cold in VTE lately

- Yes it ain't the warmest! At night for some reason it's still around the 21C mark . . which is very odd for Feb, but then again it was a hot December, I am actually enjoying this temperate weather!

my favorite club is Sornideth club

As in pronounced locally - sol-i-dit . . . the regular katoey and gay hang out night club. I ain't been there for probably the best part of 2 years but we have numerous gay friends who are there every week without fail. It's a fun enough place sure but from a straight guys perspective I didn't really enjoy the 'running the katoey gauntlet' just to get to the toilet! If folks want go there just tell a tuk-tuk driver and they'll get you there in about 10 minutes or so from the centre.

Offroadlanna - Yes that's the one! I know I'd read it's name somewhere. I just can't remember for the two new ones that have opened in the middle of town . . ahh well I'll see them sooner or later.

Yes theres Katouys and gays but the DJ plays good music and everybody is having a good time there, sol-idit thats right, better than Novotel, too many people, I was too close to a fight and had to go,I'll be back in town 3-16 for a while any good clubs that you know about? callao

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Yes theres Katouys and gays but the DJ plays good music and everybody is having a good time there, sol-idit thats right, better than Novotel, too many people, I was too close to a fight and had to go,I'll be back in town 3-16 for a while any good clubs that you know about? callao

Hmmm well me and the wife aren't really big nightclub fans but I've been to most over time.

Listings as I remember:

Novotel - D-Tech or something like that it's called . . . all I remember was the constant use of strobe lights - which for me I have very sensitve eyes and I just stood there with my eyes closed half the time! The attendees are the most savour in the world

Future - next door in comparison this makes D-Tech look like the Ritz! This really is the lowlife disco - you'll be amazed at the number of falangs with thai/lao girls hanging off their arms! Been once and will never return!

Lunar36 aka Don Chan - As you know it's open late - but the music for my liking was utter crap and also WAY WAY too loud for the size of the venue.

Nana - Has some decent enough music on not far from Don Chan small and finished at 11pm

Marina - As I mentioned previously used to be busy and bareable but now . . dunno! Although full of the hi-so crowd.

One I've not been yet is Romeo - The Lao 'superclub' in other words the biggest - on route 1 heading out about 4km from town toward Friendship bridge. It certainly seems busy enough at weekend and I am certain it's open late also as the place is only just starting come 11pm.

Also there is the Meena on the same road not from from the Japanese embassy. The Joker also a bit further up the road from Future before Marina.

There is numerous other scattered around but for the life of me I can't remember there names! We only really go when friends dragged us along . . . :D

Don't know if that helps!? Like I say I ain't a nightclub person . . well dance nightclubs never have been, as I used to be a rock DJ I guess it's easy understand why! :o

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Yes theres Katouys and gays but the DJ plays good music and everybody is having a good time there, sol-idit thats right, better than Novotel, too many people, I was too close to a fight and had to go,I'll be back in town 3-16 for a while any good clubs that you know about? callao

Hmmm well me and the wife aren't really big nightclub fans but I've been to most over time.

Listings as I remember:

Novotel - D-Tech or something like that it's called . . . all I remember was the constant use of strobe lights - which for me I have very sensitve eyes and I just stood there with my eyes closed half the time! The attendees are the most savour in the world

Future - next door in comparison this makes D-Tech look like the Ritz! This really is the lowlife disco - you'll be amazed at the number of falangs with thai/lao girls hanging off their arms! Been once and will never return!

Lunar36 aka Don Chan - As you know it's open late - but the music for my liking was utter crap and also WAY WAY too loud for the size of the venue.

Nana - Has some decent enough music on not far from Don Chan small and finished at 11pm

Marina - As I mentioned previously used to be busy and bareable but now . . dunno! Although full of the hi-so crowd.

One I've not been yet is Romeo - The Lao 'superclub' in other words the biggest - on route 1 heading out about 4km from town toward Friendship bridge. It certainly seems busy enough at weekend and I am certain it's open late also as the place is only just starting come 11pm.

Also there is the Meena on the same road not from from the Japanese embassy. The Joker also a bit further up the road from Future before Marina.

There is numerous other scattered around but for the life of me I can't remember there names! We only really go when friends dragged us along . . . :D

Don't know if that helps!? Like I say I ain't a nightclub person . . well dance nightclubs never have been, as I used to be a rock DJ I guess it's easy understand why! :o

thanx for the info, yes I'm an old rock n roller myself so the disco music can drive me nuts but we like to go out partying a little when in VTE so maybe we'll check out ROmeo , is it east of downtown as in down Fa Ngum rd to the end and turn right at the main road that heads toward the border on the left side of the street (ithink I saw it before) as for D tech some Lao girls got into it there then the boyfriends and I was almost clobbered so thats out , Future hot and musty inside, Lunar is fun, but will probably brave the ladyboys and bathroom attendent at solidid again, Music House is OK before there were no people there but last time I was in town the place was packed with falangs and could not get a seat, thanx for the info will be there in a couple weeks, callao

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Yes theres Katouys and gays but the DJ plays good music and everybody is having a good time there, sol-idit thats right, better than Novotel, too many people, I was too close to a fight and had to go,I'll be back in town 3-16 for a while any good clubs that you know about? callao

Hmmm well me and the wife aren't really big nightclub fans but I've been to most over time.

Listings as I remember:

Novotel - D-Tech or something like that it's called . . . all I remember was the constant use of strobe lights - which for me I have very sensitve eyes and I just stood there with my eyes closed half the time! The attendees are the most savour in the world

Future - next door in comparison this makes D-Tech look like the Ritz! This really is the lowlife disco - you'll be amazed at the number of falangs with thai/lao girls hanging off their arms! Been once and will never return!

Lunar36 aka Don Chan - As you know it's open late - but the music for my liking was utter crap and also WAY WAY too loud for the size of the venue.

Nana - Has some decent enough music on not far from Don Chan small and finished at 11pm

Marina - As I mentioned previously used to be busy and bareable but now . . dunno! Although full of the hi-so crowd.

One I've not been yet is Romeo - The Lao 'superclub' in other words the biggest - on route 1 heading out about 4km from town toward Friendship bridge. It certainly seems busy enough at weekend and I am certain it's open late also as the place is only just starting come 11pm.

Also there is the Meena on the same road not from from the Japanese embassy. The Joker also a bit further up the road from Future before Marina.

There is numerous other scattered around but for the life of me I can't remember there names! We only really go when friends dragged us along . . . :D

Don't know if that helps!? Like I say I ain't a nightclub person . . well dance nightclubs never have been, as I used to be a rock DJ I guess it's easy understand why! :o

thanx for the info, yes I'm an old rock n roller myself so the disco music can drive me nuts but we like to go out partying a little when in VTE so maybe we'll check out ROmeo , is it east of downtown as in down Fa Ngum rd to the end and turn right at the main road that heads toward the border on the left side of the street (ithink I saw it before) as for D tech some Lao girls got into it there then the boyfriends and I was almost clobbered so thats out , Future hot and musty inside, Lunar is fun, but will probably brave the ladyboys and bathroom attendent at solidid again, Music House is OK before there were no people there but last time I was in town the place was packed with falangs and could not get a seat, thanx for the info will be there in a couple weeks, callao

No worries. The music house is that the one with the live band opposite the mekong next to the Tex-mex restaurant? Used to be On the Rock? If it is I do like it in there when we wanted a night of music we'd normally go in there. But they've started doing karaoke until 9pm using the PA system they have and it is deafening and normally empty! The place is hit and miss of how many people go sometimes it'll be packed other times empty. The female singer in the band is a friend of my wifes - they do bash out a few good tunes.

Romeos on the right as you head out of town. Basically if you take the main newly surfaced road past kop jai deur and just continue straight for around 4kms, it's the road that follows the mekong, Romeos it's a large pink coloured building on the right hand side - before you get to the small roundabout which has a clock in the middle of it. You will pass several large 'restaurants' on the right - they might be packed as they have loads of weddings at them. If you are driving up this road past 11pm watch out for the pissed/high motorcyclist the road is pretty chaotic especially on a Friday night!

Romeo usually has guys with light batons leading people into the car park. Like I say I've not been and since we've now got a two week old baby I don't think we'll be going anytime soon - but it'd be good to hear if it is any good! :D

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Yes theres Katouys and gays but the DJ plays good music and everybody is having a good time there, sol-idit thats right, better than Novotel, too many people, I was too close to a fight and had to go,I'll be back in town 3-16 for a while any good clubs that you know about? callao

Hmmm well me and the wife aren't really big nightclub fans but I've been to most over time.

Listings as I remember:

Novotel - D-Tech or something like that it's called . . . all I remember was the constant use of strobe lights - which for me I have very sensitve eyes and I just stood there with my eyes closed half the time! The attendees are the most savour in the world

Future - next door in comparison this makes D-Tech look like the Ritz! This really is the lowlife disco - you'll be amazed at the number of falangs with thai/lao girls hanging off their arms! Been once and will never return!

Lunar36 aka Don Chan - As you know it's open late - but the music for my liking was utter crap and also WAY WAY too loud for the size of the venue.

Nana - Has some decent enough music on not far from Don Chan small and finished at 11pm

Marina - As I mentioned previously used to be busy and bareable but now . . dunno! Although full of the hi-so crowd.

One I've not been yet is Romeo - The Lao 'superclub' in other words the biggest - on route 1 heading out about 4km from town toward Friendship bridge. It certainly seems busy enough at weekend and I am certain it's open late also as the place is only just starting come 11pm.

Also there is the Meena on the same road not from from the Japanese embassy. The Joker also a bit further up the road from Future before Marina.

There is numerous other scattered around but for the life of me I can't remember there names! We only really go when friends dragged us along . . . :D

Don't know if that helps!? Like I say I ain't a nightclub person . . well dance nightclubs never have been, as I used to be a rock DJ I guess it's easy understand why! :o

thanx for the info, yes I'm an old rock n roller myself so the disco music can drive me nuts but we like to go out partying a little when in VTE so maybe we'll check out ROmeo , is it east of downtown as in down Fa Ngum rd to the end and turn right at the main road that heads toward the border on the left side of the street (ithink I saw it before) as for D tech some Lao girls got into it there then the boyfriends and I was almost clobbered so thats out , Future hot and musty inside, Lunar is fun, but will probably brave the ladyboys and bathroom attendent at solidid again, Music House is OK before there were no people there but last time I was in town the place was packed with falangs and could not get a seat, thanx for the info will be there in a couple weeks, callao

No worries. The music house is that the one with the live band opposite the mekong next to the Tex-mex restaurant? Used to be On the Rock? If it is I do like it in there when we wanted a night of music we'd normally go in there. But they've started doing karaoke until 9pm using the PA system they have and it is deafening and normally empty! The place is hit and miss of how many people go sometimes it'll be packed other times empty. The female singer in the band is a friend of my wifes - they do bash out a few good tunes.

Romeos on the right as you head out of town. Basically if you take the main newly surfaced road past kop jai deur and just continue straight for around 4kms, it's the road that follows the mekong, Romeos it's a large pink coloured building on the right hand side - before you get to the small roundabout which has a clock in the middle of it. You will pass several large 'restaurants' on the right - they might be packed as they have loads of weddings at them. If you are driving up this road past 11pm watch out for the pissed/high motorcyclist the road is pretty chaotic especially on a Friday night!

Romeo usually has guys with light batons leading people into the car park. Like I say I've not been and since we've now got a two week old baby I don't think we'll be going anytime soon - but it'd be good to hear if it is any good! :D

yes the girl singer at music house is good and maybe I tryed to go on a busy night , thanx for the Romeo directions I know the road you're talking about and think I can find it, so I'll check it out and report back, when I was there in sept. they were already digging out areas of the NEW road and repairing it right there by where you say romeos is, I don't think 3 inches of AC is strong enough for the loaded trucks travelling on the road, 10 guarranty ? I doubt it, already some failed areas by the brand new area by the airport, sorry I do this work myself so I been watching the job progress thanx again for the info will report back and congratulations on the new baby, callao

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  • 2 weeks later...
There is many a nice small hotel parallel with the Mekong - Riverine and InterHotel are just 2 which are nice. Or there is the Beau Riverage...

Do you have the contact details for the Riverine Hotel?

It is not listed in the Lao National Tourism Administration website.

I saw a photo of the front of the building, it looks like a quaint place with some character.

If it were a choice between the Riverine, Inter City & Beau Rivage. What would your choice be?


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The Chaleunxay Hotel was nice for us a few years back or the many guest houses nearby. The Chaleunxay, Phone 078 223538. khouv rd Vientiane, Laos. :o:D enjoy your trip, we found it nice a quite. :D:D:D

The Chaleunxay is a decent choice in my opinion also. I used to stay there all the time before we'd got the house built - one of the major plus points for people driving over is they have parking.

"If it were a choice between the Riverine, Inter City & Beau Rivage. What would your choice be?"

Hmmmm much of a muchness as far as I know. But I personally don't stay in hotels here . . . I can comment about there location and the general upkeep for the outside but that's about the extent of my knowledge.

As for contact details for Riverine . . . I am afraid not - they aren't even listed in the Lao Yellow pages, very odd!

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Thanks for all the info!

When I am in Vientiane, I will go by the Riverine, check it out and get their contact details for next time.

Another question. What would be a fair price for a car & driver, say for, 4-6 hours?

Any recommendations?

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Thanks for all the info!

When I am in Vientiane, I will go by the Riverine, check it out and get their contact details for next time.

Another question. What would be a fair price for a car & driver in Vientiane, say for, 4-6 hours?

Any recommendations?

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Thanks for all the info!

When I am in Vientiane, I will go by the Riverine, check it out and get their contact details for next time.

Another question. What would be a fair price for a car & driver in Vientiane, say for, 4-6 hours?

Any recommendations?

What would you need a car and driver for?

Tuk tuks are the norm here - there isn't any 'car & drivers' for hire as such other than for tours or private travel to Vang Vieng or Luang Prabang.

Just stand at the side of any road and a tuk tuk will appear within seconds (just half the figure what he asks for and come to a compromise).

Taxis are about but mainly do the Friendship Bridge or Airport runs - but I wouldn't use one. If you want to have your own freedom then just hire a motorbike which cost about $6 a day - easy and quick.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes theres Katouys and gays but the DJ plays good music and everybody is having a good time there, sol-idit thats right, better than Novotel, too many people, I was too close to a fight and had to go,I'll be back in town 3-16 for a while any good clubs that you know about? callao

Hmmm well me and the wife aren't really big nightclub fans but I've been to most over time.

Listings as I remember:

Novotel - D-Tech or something like that it's called . . . all I remember was the constant use of strobe lights - which for me I have very sensitve eyes and I just stood there with my eyes closed half the time! The attendees are the most savour in the world

Future - next door in comparison this makes D-Tech look like the Ritz! This really is the lowlife disco - you'll be amazed at the number of falangs with thai/lao girls hanging off their arms! Been once and will never return!

Lunar36 aka Don Chan - As you know it's open late - but the music for my liking was utter crap and also WAY WAY too loud for the size of the venue.

Nana - Has some decent enough music on not far from Don Chan small and finished at 11pm

Marina - As I mentioned previously used to be busy and bareable but now . . dunno! Although full of the hi-so crowd.

One I've not been yet is Romeo - The Lao 'superclub' in other words the biggest - on route 1 heading out about 4km from town toward Friendship bridge. It certainly seems busy enough at weekend and I am certain it's open late also as the place is only just starting come 11pm.

Also there is the Meena on the same road not from from the Japanese embassy. The Joker also a bit further up the road from Future before Marina.

There is numerous other scattered around but for the life of me I can't remember there names! We only really go when friends dragged us along . . . :D

Don't know if that helps!? Like I say I ain't a nightclub person . . well dance nightclubs never have been, as I used to be a rock DJ I guess it's easy understand why! :o

thanx for the info, yes I'm an old rock n roller myself so the disco music can drive me nuts but we like to go out partying a little when in VTE so maybe we'll check out ROmeo , is it east of downtown as in down Fa Ngum rd to the end and turn right at the main road that heads toward the border on the left side of the street (ithink I saw it before) as for D tech some Lao girls got into it there then the boyfriends and I was almost clobbered so thats out , Future hot and musty inside, Lunar is fun, but will probably brave the ladyboys and bathroom attendent at solidid again, Music House is OK before there were no people there but last time I was in town the place was packed with falangs and could not get a seat, thanx for the info will be there in a couple weeks, callao

I said I would check out some nightlife in VTE so heres my report, Khop Chai Dou bar although they advertise live music and the waiters were even saying so, there was no live music at KCD for the whole 3 weeks I was there the phillipino guy and girl singer that have played there for years were not there at all so I don't know what happened but no live music at least while I was there Lunar36 at DCP was still the after hours bar and still open till 300am or so, but during the Greater Mekong subregion summit it was completely closed as Dob Chan Palace had security set up for the summit, Romeo disco was also closed during this period and all the bars were systematically closed by 1200, by police, Menam? Pub, same street as Romeo closer to downtown was a good disco type bar, was told by locals that it stays open late as well but not during GMS summit, Solidid now that you mentioned it I did notice more gays and Katouys in there where I didn't notice before when I've gone there but a fun place with some falangs there, Music house still has the same band playing rock and roll covers but real small and hard to get a table, Bor Pen Ynyang bar 4th floor rooftop bar where the mostly falang crowd, play pool (the good tables are on the 3rd floor)and listen to CD music, lots of local girls in there, as with KCD and Lunar, Future is a dive for locals, disco at the Novotel is for a very young crowd of mostly locals, Mekong Deck is right on the mekong by PVO, new placee drink beer and have some Lao food, sort of a fancy beer place, Sunset bar at the end of Fa Ngum road is quieter and cheaper, hope this helps some people I had a good time at all the places I visited and encountered no problems with anybody at all so...Callao

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