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Does American Embassy Consider My Financials?


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Do you have any experiences about my situation?

I am a stateside American man. I would like for my thai friend to visit me as a tourist. She has a relatively good job in BKK and a big family and will definitely return to BKK.

What I want to know is whether the American Embassy in BKK will consider an I-134 ( Affidavit of Support ) if I show my financials and offer to sponsor her. She is not related to me, nor am I going to employ her. I thought the Affidavit of Support is only for a relative or employee. I've heard the embassy official will not even look at my sponsorship. I could fill out the I-134 and submit it to Chicago. It is sent internally to the American embassy in BKK where it is reviewed with her visa application.

If I were to come to BKK expressly for talking to the embassy official, will I get that chance, or will they refuse to allow me to sponsor the thai person? She will not be able to show sufficient funding on her own.

Please reply to my email [email protected] . Thanks. Please advise.

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Do you have any experiences about my situation?

I am a stateside American man. I would like for my thai friend to visit me as a tourist. She has a relatively good job in BKK and a big family and will definitely return to BKK.

What I want to know is whether the American Embassy in BKK will consider an I-134 ( Affidavit of Support ) if I show my financials and offer to sponsor her. She is not related to me, nor am I going to employ her. I thought the Affidavit of Support is only for a relative or employee. I've heard the embassy official will not even look at my sponsorship. I could fill out the I-134 and submit it to Chicago. It is sent internally to the American embassy in BKK where it is reviewed with her visa application.

If I were to come to BKK expressly for talking to the embassy official, will I get that chance, or will they refuse to allow me to sponsor the thai person? She will not be able to show sufficient funding on her own.

Please reply to my email [email protected] . Thanks. Please advise.

The item that carrys alot of weight is that the Thai person has some monatary reason to come back to Thailand. Does the Thai own property in Thailand? So many foreign tourist in the past have come to the US for a visit and never left. When this requirement is met then you ability to support in the US is valid. JMHO

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I wouldn't go to extremes, this raises red-flags. Why are you so interested in getting her to the US? What plan do you have? That's how the counsel officer will look at it. If she has resources, letter from her employer, a letter from you, maybe OK. Why, you have to ask yourself, are you stating you are willing to support her, if she plans to return to Thailand?

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As has been stated many times before; the 'bar' is MUCH higher trying to get thais into the US than for americans to get into the glorious "Land 'O Thais". It's that first world status versus third world status deal, I’m sure you understand the logistics.

The burden of proof is 100% on the applicant to show the US embassy they have sufficient 'thais' here so they leave the US when their tourist stint is over. It goes without saying that all too many people from all too many countries arrive in the US on tourist visas and then never leave.

Title to land, a car, a good job/work history, perhaps a letter from an employer stating they will still be employed, along with a bank balance which shows active deposits and withdrawals, not just a lump deposit from a 'sponsor', all work in favor of tipping the scales towards granting a tourist visa.

Tell her NOT to lie about anything. Believe me; the US embassy staff has heard EVERY single excuse, fairy tale, and sob story. That said, I know many, many thais who have not only visited the US, but visit regularly. It is not all that difficult, but it far from the "show-up-and-you're-in" deal like it is for an american coming here.

I concur about not going to extremes and would not even broach the subject of financial support. It could close more doors than it opens. IF what you state about her is true; she has good 'thais' to the community, a good job, a 'big family', I suggest she give it a shot. All they can say is no, and that certainly isn't the end of the world for either of you.

Search the T/V Forum for visa's to the US, and look at what others have done, what their success rate was, what worked or didn't work and go from there.

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Best to get some legal advice. Go to an immigration lawyer. Be ready to spend a pile of money.

If you try yourself to fill in the forms without any idea of minimum requiements then be prepared for a let down. I dont think you will see anybody at embassy that you can plead your case to.

For sure when they do turn down your application it will be 6 MONTHS before you can apply again.

Good Luck

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I had a friend who visited--no problem getting a visa about 10 years ago. At the time, no money, no job of any importance, no property, no car, but got a visa. Then 10 years later, good job, good salary, car, etc. etc. Got denied. Go figure.

An immigration lawyer is simply going to cost you a fair amount of money and be of little value, since she is not immigrating to the US. She's going as a tourist. Best that she just give it a shot and see what happens. As a previous poster said, "don't lie." Those guys are really good at spotting deception and it doesn't matter much why, then it's just a flat out 'no.'

I used to work for the embassy, so I know a little about it--I didn't work in that section, however.

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If she lives in the village takes care of her child . and family, owns land. does have money in the bank can show money in and out for 3 years. is getting a tourist possiable.

In my opinion, probably not. Land will always be there even when living illegally in the US. She can get a job in a Thai restuarant in the US and send much more money home to take care of the family. If she is not extremely ugly, she could probably find a guy in the US to marry her within 6 months, probably less time. The guys at the embassy know about Thailand. They know that girls go overseas with farangs and send money back to their families. They know that girls from issan will leave their children with the grand parents to basically raise. They start off believing that the person is not going to return to Thailand. Then they look for proof and very good reasons that they will come back to Thailand. If they find it, then they will grant it.

That is the way they will think at the embassy. Very difficult. The owner of a factory that I purchase flooring from got denied on his first attempt for a business visa. Even though he had letters from us. He owns a factory that employs 100+ people, has a mercedes, a very large mansion, house servants... He got the visa the second time, after attending a trade show in Europe. I figure the fact that he traveled to Europe and returned to Thailand helped.

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This is an email from a friend who has done this recent:

Well this is a very good question, So here it is in a nut shell, IF the gal has money /property/ and a solid job/they can get a visa for a visit to the usa/this has to be done in Thail and its not the states that wont let them in its Thailand that wont let them go .

Ok , The other way is to apply for a fiance visa,This is a real pain in the ass, Its like applying for Marrage visa, all the same steps are required, you just have them come to the usa for 90 days and sometime during the 90 days you either get married or they go back to the states, I can tell you that the 90 day thing is not good because they get to missing Thai [every thing ] and want to go back home, that is unless you can spend every waking minute with them ,Because they expect to to spend as much time with them as you did when you were on holiday in Thailand! and we all know thats not possible, Prepare to have a 200 dollar phone bill every month because they will be in the habbit of calling there friends and family just to talk about what they had for lunch, dinner, etc dont laugh its the damm truth Plus they will realize no one here speaks THAI !!! Who ever bring s one here they MUST SPEAK ENGLISH ,or you are in deep SHIT .

Imigration lawyers in thailand are around 20 to 30 thousand Baht, And they can walk you thru the process, Or you can do it your self and run in to allot of brick walls. I have a friend in San fran who is on his third year on the do it your self plan . I got XXXX here in 1 year to the day of starting , but we also got married in Thailand. With a prenub written , by my immigration lawyer in thai and english /Thai laws are much better for for the MEN if the marrage goes bad.Fallon or not .

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