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This is my first time to use Western Union, and it may be my last. I have tried to send a small amount of money from Bangkok to a friend in The Philipines. After complimenting me on how well I speak Thai, the clerk in Bkk. sent the money and assured me it could be picked up on the other end immediately. I took that with a grain of salt, and told my friend to try in an hour or two. That was about 5 hours ago. Each end is blaming the other for non-delivery.

When I use the firm's website and enter the tracking number I was given, it says "no record of such a control number" or words to that effect. I have tried all possible combinations of my first, middle and last names, in case the Thai clerk could not tell which was which, though the form I completed seems clear enough on that point.

The firm's website will not accept my enquiry, claiming it only accepts English letters, commas and periods. Of course, I was using only those.

A few questions:

1. Does the firm's computer do a "sweep" every 24 hrs., and not send anything until that is done, (even if the clerk advises to the contrary) ?

2. Is extra time required because we did this on a weekend ?

I don't smell a rat here. Surely the firm must have sufficient controls in place to ensure that the clerk on either end is not pocketing the money. And the amount is too small for anyone to jeopordize their job over it, even in two third world countries. And, I used the service in part because my friend says he is a neighbour of the clerk on the receiving end. As for my friend, he knows he is not going to get any more money from me, if he is somehow conning me, though I don't see how he could be. The firm's website does not indicate the money has been picked up. And he knows that I am not going to pour any more money into a black hole.

I don't want to spend any money trying to investigatge this further. Has anyone out there any ideas as to how I can break this logjam ? I am at my wit's end, and need a perspective from someone else.


I would go back to where you sent it from. Present them with your reciept and tell them that your friend did not receive the funds and that you want a refund. Unless they can provide documentation showing that your friend signed for the money, he did not get it.


I know people who have had problems with Western Union and banks as well.

If you remit monies abroad from any country to another on a regular basis it cost quite a lot.

My solution when sending money abraod is to open a savings account in woteva bank you choose.

Get an EFTPOS /CASHCARD, similar to this Cirrus card, note the "PLUS"cirrus-plus.gif put a pass word on it and send it to who ever you wish to receive funds.

Send the password by some other method, or separate letter.

My bank charges $25.00 to remit money each time, $100.00 or $500.00.

Using the cashcard, $5.00 + 1% FX fee.

I withdraw money as required from my account at any bank in Thailand displaying the "PLUS" symbol.

Gotta be cheapest and safest.


I would try sending the money using the Western Union website next time.

I've sent money a couple of times from here (Afghanistan), and it always made it through. The only problem I had was on the last transfer. When I went to check it online, the MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) wasn't recognized.

When I checked the printed receipt, I realised that I was entering the number wrong (using the original form with the clerk's messy handwriting). When I entered the number typed on the receipt, it (the transfer) showed up right away as "Ready For Pick Up".

(The printed receipt will also show how the clerk entered your name in the system, and if there was a spelling error).


Well, a happy ending to report ! After waiting over 24 hours (to allow time for any procedure that is only done once daily) and then threatening to go to the police, I must have got the two Western Union offices to communicate with each other.

I said in my original posting that I had tried all possible combinations of my first, middle and last name, in case the Thai clerk didn't know which was which (although on the copy she gave me, everything looked OK.) Well, I mispoke. Being the brainlessThai that she is, she put both my first name and middle name in the same box somewhere along the way. This meant that the recipient could not claim the money, and I could not use the online tracking feature to try to find it.

Just another day in the land of smiling idiots !


" Being the brainlessThai that she is, she put both my first name and middle name in the same box somewhere along the way. This meant that the recipient could not claim the money, and I could not use the online tracking feature to try to find it.

Just another day in the land of smiling idiots !"

Nice , very nice comment, why donot you go back to your no doubt wonderfull home country, it must a nice place where no mistakes are made ..... Woow i wish i could live in a place like that, it must be so nice....

Well, a happy ending to report ! After waiting over 24 hours (to allow time for any procedure that is only done once daily) and then threatening to go to the police, I must have got the two Western Union offices to communicate with each other.

I said in my original posting that I had tried all possible combinations of my first, middle and last name, in case the Thai clerk didn't know which was which (although on the copy she gave me, everything looked OK.) Well, I mispoke. Being the brainlessThai that she is, she put both my first name and middle name in the same box somewhere along the way. This meant that the recipient could not claim the money, and I could not use the online tracking feature to try to find it.

Just another day in the land of smiling idiots !

I know 2 people that had this problem last week.

The names were entered in the wrong order.

It caused a lot of headaches, and one person had to delay a trip. The other had to borrow money.

I haven't used Western Union in a couple of years, but is there a way for you to check the entire order that is being placed for accuracy?



I have used Western Union many times in the past until the other half got an ATM card I could transfer funds into. Never had a problem.

Nowdays, no forms to fill in - you can do everything online - if you have the other person's details.

Click on this link - and enter the country you want to send money online from. Very easy. Very quick.


Well, a happy ending to report ! After waiting over 24 hours (to allow time for any procedure that is only done once daily) and then threatening to go to the police, I must have got the two Western Union offices to communicate with each other.

I said in my original posting that I had tried all possible combinations of my first, middle and last name, in case the Thai clerk didn't know which was which (although on the copy she gave me, everything looked OK.) Well, I mispoke. Being the brainlessThai that she is, she put both my first name and middle name in the same box somewhere along the way. This meant that the recipient could not claim the money, and I could not use the online tracking feature to try to find it.

Just another day in the land of smiling idiots !

You sound like a complete dips^&t. God knows why you don't know how to complete a simple form, but there you have it.

So I am not surprised it didn't go that well.

Next time, engage brain, look at your receipt, use the form correctly, and stop racist insinuations. Smiling idiot = you.

" Being the brainlessThai that she is, she put both my first name and middle name in the same box somewhere along the way. This meant that the recipient could not claim the money, and I could not use the online tracking feature to try to find it.

Just another day in the land of smiling idiots !"

Nice , very nice comment, why don't you go back to your no doubt wonderfull home country, it must a nice place where no mistakes are made ..... Woow i wish i could live in a place like that, it must be so nice....

I heard of a place like that, everyday the sun shines, the sky is blue, there's a huge rainbow that rains skittles candies, no traffic, and no one makes mistakes, it just the perfect place to live at.. I think this dude is the president of fairyland..

I do hate comments like that as well.. says she's a Brainless Thai, then adds land of smiling idiots.. HOLD ME BACK!!!

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