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In Appropriate Behavior Of A Male Teacher At International School


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A friend of mine told me that at her daughters school a male teacher was tapping the girls on the bum and quite affectionate with the boys too. He is teaching elementary and the kids we are talking about are in elementary school, 3rd - 6th grade. She brought it to the attention of some other teachers who dismissed it saying he was just affectionate, gay, not to worry and if she wanted to complain she should do it anonymously.

HOw can this go on and no one stop it or see it as the tragedy it is? Of course this is all heresay from her daughter too. Do kids make up stuff like this? Can it really go unnoticed?

If it was me I would send my kids to either BCIS, Montessori or QSI. I have heard nothing but terrible things about some of the other so called international schoosl.

Edited by smilia
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In answer to your question, yes kids can make this type of thing up, I have known of cases in the UK of people being accused of what is statutory rape for it all to fall apart when the kids come forward to tell the truth or it gets proved wrong in other ways.

On the other hand they can also be telling the truth, problem with child abuse the younger they are the less they want to talk about it for a myriad of reasons.

The whole subject is a minefield, get it wrong and either abuse goes unpunished or an innocent adult loses their job and any standing in civilised community, oh yes and also may go to jail and have a really bad time.

I have no probs with real offenders getting a life of hel_l but take great care to get the facts right.

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I tutor many kids from most EP schools in Phuket. I would recommend that the child's parents go directly to the school director. Demand it.

I find the bosses to me more open to parental suggestions ( no $$$$ loss) than anyone else in these so called EP or International schools.

If the op wishes to tell me the name of the school and teacher, I will help. No need to give me name of student. There will be change after that.

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I agree, there are cases of inapprpriate touching happening.

How much is only encouragement, or affection being shewn.

No wonder so many schools are short of male teachers.

I have seen female teachers giving a boy a pat on the bum, and a hug.

Why do people not complain about the females?

TOO much PC these days, people need to get real, getta life.

MEN are discrimated against in most every situation, look for the worst.

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I agree, there are cases of inapprpriate touching happening.

How much is only encouragement, or affection being shewn.

No wonder so many schools are short of male teachers.

I have seen female teachers giving a boy a pat on the bum, and a hug.

Why do people not complain about the females?

TOO much PC these days, people need to get real, getta life.

MEN are discrimated against in most every situation, look for the worst.

I agree with you Zepe but it seems almost everyday foreigners are being arrested in Thailand working as teachers having a known record of molesting children in their own countries. I believe they got another one today from USA.


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I agree, there are cases of inapprpriate touching happening.

How much is only encouragement, or affection being shewn.

No wonder so many schools are short of male teachers.

I have seen female teachers giving a boy a pat on the bum, and a hug.

Why do people not complain about the females?

TOO much PC these days, people need to get real, getta life.

MEN are discrimated against in most every situation, look for the worst.

I agree. We're in danger of living in an entirely paranoid society, something I'd not associated with Thailand. The primary education system in the UK is almost entirely delivered by women - this is dangerous to the development of our youth.

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I agree, there are cases of inapprpriate touching happening.

How much is only encouragement, or affection being shewn.

No wonder so many schools are short of male teachers.

I have seen female teachers giving a boy a pat on the bum, and a hug.

Why do people not complain about the females?

TOO much PC these days, people need to get real, getta life.

MEN are discrimated against in most every situation, look for the worst.

So why would you not report it? inappropriate is in appropriate and not just affection being shown..

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