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I would recommend getting the regular PPD first to see if it positive before getting the more expensive tests done. Of course if you become symptomatic then you should go back to see the doc.

Too bad about getting inconclusive result. Just keep a close eye on things.


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I feel a cold comming on, is this symptomatic? (seriously I do, I feel a little wore out, a little post nasal drainage, and kind of shacky) Thus far no fever etc.

Gunny are you telling me that after a 11-12 weak negative skin test, an individual could still be at risk from that specific exposure?

Sorry for the questions.... it just seems that there are so many unknowns about TB. I can find all of these answers about HIV in about 5 minutes.... TB no such luck.



The 8 week wait time is accurate for re-testing. Another Mantoux PPD being repeated at 12 weeks after the initial test is negative is standard in the US for a person who may have been exposed to TB. The window for a person exposed to TB converting to having positive PPD result is 3-12 weeks. So having a PPD done 12 post exposure is what you should do. Having expensive testing done would be a waste of money, though I am sure they would be happy to take it.

Most likely you just have a simple cold right now. One thing to watch out for is if you start having a productive (wet) cough particularly if there is blood in it. Then you should collect some of it to be tested. If that is the case you would need to go to the doctor, then they should give you 3 collection containers to collect sputum in the morning 3 consecutive days. This would be for AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) testing which is considered the most definitive test right now.

But remember that coughing up sputum even bloody does not mean you have active TB, but you would need the laboratory at the hospital do testing on it. In most cases it is just an simple upper respiratory infection.

I just hope I am not giving you too much information that you worry yourself too much.

Wait until 12 weeks have passed since you were exposed, then return to have another skin test.

Unfortunately I can not give you a hard and fast answer to this. I really wish I could, but I don't want to give you bad information.

I do recommend that you take a good multivitamin like Centrum, and Vit C. 1000mg daily. If you are not already. Because it sounds like your stress level could be weakening your bodies defenses.

Keep us updated, and as always I'll put out good thoughts for you. Take Care. Darrell


I may have said this in the other TB thread... but anyway... when I was first infectious with TB in 2005 I thought I had a cold. I even lost my voice. I kept on taking otc treatments for colds.

The whole of last year my AFBs were positive but I have just been told that, as they never grew one culture in all my tests, that those AFBs were false positive and that the acteria presenting were in fact dead.

I am now on no medication at all

Wait until 12 weeks have passed since you were exposed, then return to have another skin test.

Second that. Only if the second skin test is positive (highly unlikely) do you need to have a blood test.

  • 2 weeks later...
I may have said this in the other TB thread... but anyway... when I was first infectious with TB in 2005 I thought I had a cold. I even lost my voice. I kept on taking otc treatments for colds.

The whole of last year my AFBs were positive but I have just been told that, as they never grew one culture in all my tests, that those AFBs were false positive and that the acteria presenting were in fact dead.

I am now on no medication at all

Quick update :

Another skin test done (tine test). For those that don't know, the tine test is no longer used in most developed countries, it is considred pretty inaccurate. (false negative prone)

I don't know where they got the equipment to do the tine test, but it is what they used. (400 baht)

Any how, it was negative a 4 weeks post exposure. Sadly it probably means jack, I will do another test at 9 weeks post exposure. CDC says 8-10 weeks... problem is I will be in Singapore at the 10th week, so I figure I will do it at the 9 weeks.

Meanwhile my son has become pretty ill, which concerms me. But I don't know if this could have anything to do with me?

Take care folks


A Mantoux PPD test isn't too expensive. In the US it costs from $15-$30 when you just pay cash. I'd say as long as you will be around to have it read, splurge and have it done in Singapore. It will keep you from wondering if the results are correct since you didn't wait the 10 weeks.

As much as this has, understandably, had you twisted up, wait, your psyche will thank you.



Your exposure to someone with TB could not possibly have anything at all to do with your son's illness.

But do get him to a good doctor. If you want specific advice, tell us what exactly seems to be wrong with him.

Your exposure to someone with TB could not possibly have anything at all to do with your son's illness.

But do get him to a good doctor. If you want specific advice, tell us what exactly seems to be wrong with him.

Lethargic, feaver, loss of apetitie, sinus congestion, cough. Brought him to the doctor, doc put him on antibiotics. He has been on them for 3 days. At day 2 there was marked improvement. He still has a sligh cough, but other than that he has returned to his normal self.


Flu.... no, I don't think so. He has really come around and his fever lasted for one evening and the use of antibiotics seemed to really have helped with him. Antibiotics should not make a difference if it was the flu.

I will get tested at week 9. If that is negative then I odds are really high every thing is OK and I should not worry about my boy and my wife.

As for now, I sleep in a different room. I socialize with them etc. but that is it. I don't know if this makes a difference or not.

But as a concerned dad what else can I do.

I feel fine at the moment.

Keep you folks posted as things develop.... or hopefully not develop.

  • 4 months later...

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