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Extension Non"o"3m

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Im father of a thai citizen[my daughter]I live together with her and her mother,last year i got in Germany a Non"O' multiple1yr Visa,expire date August29th.in June I went to the Immigration in Bkk and wanted to extend the Visa,having birthcerificate{im the father]house papers,certificate from german embassy about my pension from Germany{52000baht}.But they refused to give me an extension,because I have no proof that i take care my daughter or stay with her,they told me I need a paper from the courthouse what shows i take care her and live with her,name of the paper is :Bei Rap Rong Bood,took me a while to find out how to get this paper,my visa expired,and i went Kl,to get a new one,but they gave me only a Non"O"single 3m visa.At november 18th i have the date for the court house,and it looks like I will get that paper what the immigrations wants{beiRapRongBood}my 3months visa expires on November 24th,now my questions:Does the immigration also extends 3months visas,if yes for how long they extend it,and how long they need to extend it?would it be maybe smarter to go out again and try to get 1year visa with this new paper and then extend after 3months?Thanks for any help in advance

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As soon as you get the court paperwork go to Immigration with this and the information you took the first time and apply for an extension of stay as you did then. Any O visa can be used - it does not need to be the one year multi entry type. Once your extension is approved you never need another visa if you keep getting extensions and do not leave without a re entry permit and daughter qualifies you for support. If you plan to live together I would try for marriage if you are not legally prevented.

There is a recent post on web site of Immigration Div 3 which may be a new and much tighter regulation so you may want to check with immigration again to make sure there has been no recent change.


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by the way,isnt there a law here in Thailand that i have the right to be with my daughter,and that thailand should make it very easy for me instead of giving me problems?I mean i spent about 15000baht for airticket to kl,hotel,visa and stuff,now i paid 15000for the lawyer another 1000 for family court and probably another 1000for the court house in where i get the paper +translator,i would rather spend that money for my famyly,or whatever

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by the way,isnt there a law here in Thailand that i have the right to be with my daughter,and that thailand should make it very easy for me instead of giving me problems?I mean i spent about 15000baht for airticket to kl,hotel,visa and stuff,now i paid 15000for the lawyer another 1000 for family court and probably another 1000for the court house in where i get the paper +translator,i would rather spend that money for my famyly,or whatever

If you are male; and you did say father, you are expected to take child to your home country to support her.

You might want to look into a retirement (long stay) extension if you are age 50 or more. With some money in the bank and proof of your pension that might be an option.

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There is a recent post on web site of Immigration Div 3 which may be a new and much tighter regulation so you may want to check with immigration again to make sure there has been no recent change.


On closer reading do not believe this applies to you. Looks like it is designed for those who have children who are not Thai and want them to live here in Thailand in a student status with them.

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