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When the first Harry Potter film came out, many magic wands were sold. They had a pulsing light and battery operated vibration affect.

Rumor has it that more that a few little girls were quite tardy when called by their moms to come to the join the others for dinner. Wonder why?


Actually, it was a broom :o


The toy was marketed to children 8 years and up, It was called the "Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 Broom". The toy was supposed to be put between children's legs so they could "fly around". The issue was, the toy used batteries, which made the broomstick vibrate, and when placed between girls legs, well, just read the reviews below from Amazon.com to find out what kind of effect it had on children.

Here are some reviews from parents who have purchased the gift for their children on Amazon.com:

  • This toy was #1 on my daughter's Christmas list. So what the heck, although it has no educational value I figured it would be good for imaginative play. It wasn't until after she opened her gift and started playing with it that I realized that the toy may offer a more than sensational experience. The broomstick has cute sound effects and ***VIBRATES*** when they put it between their legs to fly. Come on---what were the creators of this toy thinking? She'll keep playing with the Nimbus 2000, but with the batteries removed.
  • I recently bought this for my son, Vantro. He's a HUGE Harry Potter fan. Seen the movie 32 times (in the theaters) and made the paper. This toy gives him the ability to fly around the house zapping things. My only problem I see with the toy is the batteries drain too fast and his sister fights him over it, so now I need to buy her one.
  • When my 12 year old daughter asked for this for her birthday, I kind of wondered if she was too old for it, but she seems to LOVE it. Her friends love it too! They play for hours in her bedroom with this great toy. They really seem to like the special effects it offers (the sound effects and vibrating). My oldest daughter (17) really likes it too! I reccomend this for all children.
  • My 12 year old daughter is a big Harry Potter fan, and loved the part with the Nimbus 2000, so I decided to buy her this toy. I was afraid she would think it was too babyish, but she LOVES this toy. Even my daughter's friends enjoy playing with this fun toy. I was surprised at how long they can just sit in her room and play with this magic broomstick! A great buy for any Harry Potter fan! :D

Amazon.com has removed the controversial reviews. However, the reviews noted above were 100% accurate and were available for viewing up through September 8, 2002. http://www.cultureandfamily.org/articledis...goryid=cfreport

You can still buy the brooms on amazon.com http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search...process=default maybe I'll get the missus one :D

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