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I'm a bit tired about topics, threads which lead to political talking, show off, and biggot believers who take the first opportunity to release all their anger at whoever want to oppose their views ...

like this one : movies 9/11 ....

this should belong to bearpit and has nothing to do here!

mr George .. do something .. please :o

it has never been my intention to start any contreversy with those people, but sometime, enough is enough ...

if they are blind, good for them

if they are stupid, good for them

if they think that they are superior, good for them

could we just keep them out of here ... threads like this has nothing to do with

Thai related subject ... where are the forum rules gone?


ps; lucky us that we have a vip room now :D

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I've started visiting the Bearpit lately, not much action going on these days... Few gun totin' cowboys and know it all close minded republicans. Interesting forums though, good for a change.


It is only one thread, so why not let it go? There is 12,000 members? on this board and 350 on the pit, so let it work its way through the members as these cowboys should be let known they are a monority -they actually think the world supports Bush and his nazi party - I say let em be told on mass.

It is only one thread, so why not let it go? There is 12,000 members? on this board and 350 on the pit, so let it work its way through the members as these cowboys should be let known they are a monority -they actually think the world supports Bush and his nazi party - I say let em be told on mass.

Great..!!! Here we go.........



Am I wrong or is there no link to the Bearpit anywhere on Thaivisa?

That may very well be why it's been so quiet lately...

I believe the majority of people who are on Thaivisa do not know about the Bearpit.


Dunno about that mate- I think no one supports whacked out conspiracy theorists.

Anyways I'd have to agree the reason the bear pit was created was for this nonsense to spouted there not in Thai Visa. :o


Another discussion forum with multiple politics forums, conspiracy theories, science& tech, History, Politics and Culture, Sports, etc.

I believe it is run by the same good people who run this one but it seems to be short of breath lately.

Check it out!


Penzman :o

It is only one thread, so why not let it go? There is 12,000 members? on this board and 350 on the pit, so let it work its way through the members as these cowboys should be let known they are a monority -they actually think the world supports Bush and his nazi party - I say let em be told on mass.

Well there are at least 40 countries who support "him" ! But then again, most are dependent on "support" from "him".


I'm a bit tired about topics, threads which lead to political talking, show off, and biggot believers who take the first opportunity to release all their anger at whoever want to oppose their views ...

like this one : movies 9/11 ....

this should belong to bearpit and has nothing to do here!

mr George .. do something .. please :o

it has never been my intention to start any contreversy with those people, but sometime, enough is enough ...

if they are blind, good for them

if they are stupid, good for them

if they think that they are superior, good for them

could we just keep them out of here ... threads like this has nothing to do with

Thai related subject ... where are the forum rules gone?


ps; lucky us that we have a vip room now :D

oh, I see, when you participate in insulting someone that said nothing to you, it's all fine and good, but when you are then answered back in turn, you suddenly run to the administrators about how unfair and unjust the tread is.

What a little whinger. And you call others intolerant. Unbelievable.

I'm a bit tired about topics, threads which lead to political talking, show off, and biggot believers who take the first opportunity to release all their anger at whoever want to oppose their views ...

You're "tired" of it yet you started a whole new thread to take a few cheap shots in parting.

It's never been your intention to start controversy, yet you start a new thread and do just that. Talk about bigotry!!

Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You choose to open "Pandora's Box" yet refuse to accept what might be inside. How <deleted>' typical!!

Countries like France choose to stay out of the fray, sit on the sidelines and criticize, and then want to have a say in how things will be done after the fact.

It's no different now than it was 60 years ago when the Brits and Yanks paved the way for DeGaulle to walk back down the Champs. Couldn't do it themselves, yet wanted to call all the shots when the time came.

Let's face it. Countries like France are self-centered, highly nationalistic and don't give a rat's you-know-what about anyone but themselves (as long as the oil keeps coming in, of course).

Let's see what happens when their internal growing powderkeg of islamic extremism implodes. What then?

I'm a bit tired about topics, threads which lead to political talking, show off, and biggot believers who take the first opportunity to release all their anger at whoever want to oppose their views ...

You're "tired" of it yet you started a whole new thread to take a few cheap shots in parting.

It's never been your intention to start controversy, yet you start a new thread and do just that. Talk about bigotry!!

Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You choose to open "Pandora's Box" yet refuse to accept what might be inside. How <deleted>' typical!!

Countries like France choose to stay out of the fray, sit on the sidelines and criticize, and then want to have a say in how things will be done after the fact.

It's no different now than it was 60 years ago when the Brits and Yanks paved the way for DeGaulle to walk back down the Champs. Couldn't do it themselves, yet wanted to call all the shots when the time came.

Let's face it. Countries like France are self-centered, highly nationalistic and don't give a rat's you-know-what about anyone but themselves (as long as the oil keeps coming in, of course).

Let's see what happens when their internal growing powderkeg of islamic extremism implodes. What then?

###### Spee, I like your style and more than that you are spot on with your assessment .Keep up the good work. :o



what a complete missunderstanding :o

I did not start the topic!

I don't like it the way ot goes ...

it was about F 9/11 ... then turned into political stuff.

I don't like bush, I don't like the way thing goes ... and so what?

I don't want to escape from this ... just say, this doen't belong to here, rather to bearpit ..

and this is the reason why I say ... george do something, it's against the board rules, and this is the main reason why the bearpit was opened!

You're "tired" of it yet you started a whole new thread to take a few cheap shots in parting.

It's never been your intention to start controversy, yet you start a new thread and do just that. Talk about bigotry!!

Sorry but it doesn't work that way. You choose to open "Pandora's Box" yet refuse to accept what might be inside. How <deleted>' typical!!

open Pandora's box ... did I?

open this thread, did I?

I don't want to talk about bigotry ... bush does it better than me.

and a lot of followers do the same believing they are right ...

this is not my point ... this thread is out of LOS relating!

my mistake is to have written some posts in there!

I should never have been part of it ... but bushers just hijacked this thread!

and I can't stand this way of thinking ... it does concern the entire world, not only US.

oh, I see, when you participate in insulting someone that said nothing to you, it's all fine and good, but when you are then answered back in turn, you suddenly run to the administrators about how unfair and unjust the tread is.

What a little whinger. And you call others intolerant. Unbelievable.

I never say unfair or unjust ... just inappropriate in here!

again, may mistake to have participated to this "talking".

and it's not because, some turn back to me that I started this thread, just because I'm really tired of political threads that lead to nothing else that flaming and bashing each-other in the worst way ...

just like you do now ....

french this, french that ...

I never put all US in the same bag, why would you like to do this with french?

is it fair?

think twice before to flame me!

and don't read between lines in order to find what fit your way of thinking ... better for all of us.

It's no different now than it was 60 years ago when the Brits and Yanks paved the way for DeGaulle to walk back down the Champs. Couldn't do it themselves, yet wanted to call all the shots when the time came.

Let's face it. Countries like France are self-centered, highly nationalistic and don't give a rat's you-know-what about anyone but themselves (as long as the oil keeps coming in, of course).

Let's see what happens when their internal growing powderkeg of islamic extremism implodes. What then?

and is it nice to say this now to me, and for which reason valid enough?

feeling bitter? angry because france said no to this dirty war?

am I responsible for all france's faults ?...

60 years ago, I wasn't born yet!

my point is, this thread is out of board rules ...

this shows me how people can be behind a screen ... we surely would have spoken a lot different if face to face ... but my way of thinking would have remain the same.

just read what I just wrote in the "movies" thread! (my last post)

you think that I'm like any other stupid french ... wrong!

don't blame me because i'm the only one to react to this thread ...

I see only bashing, insulting, and so on ... it's not a discussion, it's a word fight!


again .. my mistake!

and my english is not good enough to make people undertand what I mean .. never mind.

one more thing ... I would have liked to be a moderator to be able to close this kind of thread before it goes too far!

and I won't have written a line in it!

and this why I say "hey mr george" ... in a way, do you tolerate this?


Don't get your knickers in a twist Francois! They're only trying to wind you up, and by the looks of it, succeeding.

Hey, Farenheit 9-11 was a political movie, and was banned from being shown in Bangkok and so has a General interest to all who would have liked to have seen it, but were denied and others who couldn't give a monkies, but wanted to weigh into a general discussion about the pros and cons of censorship. This sort of post doesn't belong in the Bearpit, but here amongst the mass populace of Forum members. Thaivisa became a lot more sterile and less substantial (imho) post-banishing of the Bearpit to outer cyberspace, and if every post is stamped on, every time someone mentions religion or politics, then it will go even further in the same direction to everyone's detriment i.e. lost members, (who want a bit of a debate on topics other than the merits of bargirls or which pick-up to buy).

So well called Mods! Don't listen to the Gallic troublemaker and keep these posts in the General section.

Don't get your knickers in a twist Francois! They're only trying to wind you up, and by the looks of it, succeeding.

Hey, Farenheit 9-11 was a political movie, and was banned from being shown in Bangkok and so has a General interest to all who would have liked to have seen it, but were denied and others who couldn't give a monkies, but wanted to weigh into a general discussion about the pros and cons of censorship. This sort of post doesn't belong in the Bearpit, but here amongst the mass populace of Forum members. Thaivisa became a lot more sterile and less substantial (imho) post-banishing of the Bearpit to outer cyberspace, and if every post is stamped on, every time someone mentions religion or politics, then it will go even further in the same direction to everyone's detriment i.e. lost members, (who want a bit of a debate on topics other than the merits of bargirls or which pick-up to buy).

So well called Mods! Don't listen to the Gallic troublemaker and keep these posts in the General section.

So well said, Plachon. I agree totally with what you said about banishing every discussion to the bearpit. It is becoming a bit tedious. I mean, it is only natural for discussion to ebb and flow according to the input of different contributors.

Francois, Francois ...... I give up with your circular arguments and inability to take responsibility for your own part.

Listen, just for the record, I have met many French people that I like and don't put them all in the same category. I never boycotted French wine or cheese :o (and definitely not for George W. or Fox News for that matter), and I want to learn better French.

I just have a problem with what seem like some of your hypocrisies, and just wanted to challenge you on it within the scope of political debate. Afterall, you entered into the debate willingly and set the tone for vigorous exchange by calling Bush a warlord (which I think is funny by the way). So, why do you get all bent out of shape when much of the same comes your way? Calling us stupid and narrow-minded because we are engaging you, and in my case, answering you? Hmmm, sometimes the first one to hurl an accusation is the most guilty.

Francois, don't be a crybaby; none of us are perfect, and neither are our countries or our histories.



I just have a problem with what seem like some of your hypocrisies, and just wanted to challenge you on it within the scope of political debate. Afterall, you entered into the debate willingly and set the tone for vigorous exchange by calling Bush a warlord (which I think is funny by the way). So, why do you get all bent out of shape when much of the same comes your way? Calling us stupid and narrow-minded because we are engaging you, and in my case, answering you? Hmmm, sometimes the first one to hurl an accusation is the most guilty.

Francois, don't be a crybaby; none of us are perfect, and neither are our countries or our histories.

I'm not "crybaby" ... rather angrybaby :D

hypocrisies ... oh come on :D

it seems only! .. I ain't like this, frenchies in general if you want ... :o

I just feel really sad to what happen to the world these days ...

I won't say that US is responsible, but I don't like the way US say, we are right and all of the others who are opponents to our view are wrong and hypocrits ...

extreme point of view is always a bad way to see things.

I don't want to endorse french's faults that belong to the past ...

neither endorse what the present french government does and think today.

I sometime feel like a stranger in my own country :D

I see more and more problems in Irak today ... bombing, hostages, revolts, and death toll rising ... this make me sad, all this makes me think that this war was not only

useless in some points (except get rid of saddam), but aslo very bad planned ...

what to do now ... don't ask me, I don't know ... may be give the charge to UN to clear the situation ... might be a solution, but then what will happen to the oil fields?

recently, I was reading a report about the oil ... it seems that a few US companies are taking a good profit out of it ... why them and not the Irakies?

anyway ...

life goes on a darker side than what I could ever think ...

this world is mad, and some take advantage from the situation ....

I'm just hoping for better days .. in LOS too ...

but this is another story :D



Let's face it. Countries like France are self-centered, highly nationalistic and don't give a rat's you-know-what about anyone but themselves (as long as the oil keeps coming in, of course).?

You must've flunked geaography... That's the U.S!

Still, you got the flag colors right!



This Francois bashing has become ridiculous :o



This Francois bashing has become ridiculous

no harm ... they may have wanted to challenge the french spirit (if it still exists) through me ...

it is a bit difficult to accept (for me) that I'm french .... :D

everything is going a bit more quiet and this is for the good of us all :D

may I say ... some wouldn't have talked the same way face to face ...

with some others, we could have had an interesting discussion and exchange ...

never mind, it's only talks :o



drunk -edit

jacksnice thnKS!



Bartender, I'll have what that English guy over there is having! :o


Let's face it. Countries like France are self-centered, highly nationalistic and don't give a rat's you-know-what about anyone but themselves (as long as the oil keeps coming in, of course).?

You must've flunked geaography... That's the U.S!

This Francois bashing has become ridiculous :o

Sure the US is nationalistic, not denying that. But the US also cares about others. The US foreign aid program is probably more than the rest of the world combined. I would bet that the French foreign aid program is just a small fraction of that. And the foreign aid program has grown by leaps and bounds under the Bush presidency.

As far as "Francois bashing" as you call, goes, nobody is bashing him. He opens himself up to rebuttals from statements in his posts. This is typical whiny liberal mentality. It's okay to take them to take their cheap shots at people, but when the tables get turned and the rebuttals come in, they whine "why is everybody pickin' on lil' ol' me?"

Ugh .....



I would bet that the French foreign aid program is just a small fraction of that.
you should check how much france and french organisations spend in Africa !

and what about "french Doctors" ?

anyway .. US spend a lot like any other rich and wide country should do.

Francois, you have started THIS thread, and your posts are cluttered with YOUR political views, maybe YOU should post in the bearpit.

check your view when you read ...


someone told me not to wind up ... but you ... hmm ... give me a break :o

As far as "Francois bashing" as you call, goes, nobody is bashing him. He opens himself up to rebuttals from statements in his posts. This is typical whiny liberal mentality. It's okay to take them to take their cheap shots at people, but when the tables get turned and the rebuttals come in, they whine "why is everybody pickin' on lil' ol' me?"

nobody ? you must be blind :D

whiny liberal mentality ... what's that?

I don't belong to any of your so called classification ... sorry.

ha .. here is the point, I'm the only french here talking with you guys ...

so easy to through out all these words ...

never mind, I can hear and listen, and still going on with a fact that belongs to me (maybe to others ...) I don't like bush, and I don't like what he is doing to america, and to the world.

and please don't take like any other frenchy ... I do not share this so called "french spirit".

so long


It's no different now than it was 60 years ago when the Brits and Yanks paved the way for DeGaulle to walk back down the Champs. Couldn't do it themselves, yet wanted to call all the shots when the time came.

Sorry I don't know which dummie wrote this. It is a quote in a posting of François.

It is probably written by an American (from the USA) or a Brit. But I would guess an American (from the USA), they are known not to know much about history.

That's why they are rewriting it all the time (my symphaty for well-thinking).

So one time more:

Military seen it was the Sovjet Union who defeated the Third Reich. Remember it were the Russians who were beating the regular German army divisions, conquered Berlin, moved on to Marienburg (another 200 km) and invited the British, French and Americans to come to Berlin which was already in their hands.

The dummie has seen the film 'D-day', without any doubt. This film made the whole invasion of the Normandy an American matter, which is an insult for all the brave men of other countries who gave their life there. In Europe we also have great respect for the Canadians, Australians, Polish, French, Dutch, Belgians, Irish and New-Sealanders. The British took their fallen camerades home.

Schoolchildren every year still put flowers on the graves of the American casualties, who were left behind by their government.

And François, the French gave the Statue of Liberty to the States. You should have the right to turn it 180 degrees!

Debt Chart for U.N. Peacekeeping Operations

(measured in U.S. dollars)


And that proves what exactly?

No matter how big your foreign aid program is... pay yer f****debts.

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