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Rod_Kalashnikov, SBK, Britmaveric, Roo boy, ProThaiExpat, and a growing appreciation for Harry Palmer. And others, even those with whom I disagree, like Meemiathai, IamMaiC, and Spee (" ... uses statistics like a drunkard uses a lampost ... ") priceless :o

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Not many do miss Bluey Francois.
Oouups :o

truely .. hmm

Axel , Nedkelly, Plachon, Ajarn, P1P, Meadish-sweetball, Lovely cutie, Conabot, Taxexile, Bronco and a few more ... sorry not to mention all of you :D

Oouups ... forgot Doc :D



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Gotta be the Scamp hands down, 10 out of 10 best poster. I like a lot of other posters in here, simon43, meemiathai are just a few that come to mind, but it's only when I turn on the computer and see the Scamps name as a last poster that I'm truly buzzin.

His attempts at funny postings are often not funny, but his real life soap opera posts are classic. I'm only hoping the new 'setting up business' thread goes as well as the Ning thread.

I heard there was a yabba girl thread before as well, I missed that episode, anyone got a link?


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Nah....I still say Bud.... :o

Hey Chon. It has been a long time since we were graced with ole Bud and his blow by blow ( so to speak ) stories and gruesome details of his adventures

Captain Bud Zumwalt takes the cake.

Those were the days.

Remember his photo on his web site Doc?

Still laughin my arse off.

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I heard there was a yabba girl thread before as well, I missed that episode, anyone got a link?


Vol. I, Chapter 5, Bangkok: 8.: Kaosanrd. revisited

Partly published in TV-Farang Pub-fun, food etc. section as " The Boy Who Cried Wolf, When a guy just can't win" copyright 06/2004.

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Scampy for his honesty, FTH for his sureal sence of humer, johny moron (and his alises) cracked me up, LC, Stroll, Bluecat, plachon,Rod, snowlepared who can make post about language funny, swedish, lopburi3 for excelent advice, scouser for visa stuff, bina cos she helps me with farm stuff, and many others.

Cheers RC

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Been checking here daily for my name to be mentioned and booooohooooo! nothing!!! Oh well you can only get insulted by people you respect. :o:D:D

Dont worry mouse, i only got mentioned twice and i'm not all together sure they were nice comments either :D

Just goes to show, were a cut above the rest, eh Mouse? :D

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And others, even those with whom I disagree, like Meemiathai, IamMaiC, and Spee (" ... uses statistics like a drunkard uses a lampost ... ") priceless :o

Better to be thought of in that context than not to be thought of at all. :D

With a background in science and certain hobbies that involve statistics, that quote from Andrew Lang has always been one of my favorites. :D

When it comes to statistics, look very honestly at what the statistics say. But at the same time, look even more honestly at what they don't say.

I also like this one (from Albert Einstein, I believe): "The more I learn, the less I know."

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I pretty much like anyone from the older generation (posting from 8-12 months ago) even those that I had 'serious' disagreements with. As I have started work again and must sleep rather than stay up all night with sang som and the laptop I haven't had much interaction with the new crowd. I thank those that were kind enough to mention me as a favorite poster.

Now there was someone from about a year ago that sent me an email to say that if he locate me that he would beat the shit out of me...so I must be at the bottom of at least one person's list...

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Now there was someone from about a year ago that sent me an email to say that if he locate me that he would beat the shit out of me...so I must be at the bottom of at least one person's list...

That's unbelievable! Don't know how anyone could possibly take offense at anything you said! :o

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I name nobody, neither blame anybody.

But let me categorize. For sure I admire those members who tirelessly reply to questions on visa, driving licences, money transfer etc.

Thanks to at least 3 members who do it accurate and fast.

On same level quite a few who respond with know how on computer questions.

This is a good help in between.

A bit boring to me, the endless BG/TG-questions, whores or not, smoke or not,

Bush or not, to mention a few. Could be interesting threats, however, hypocritically killed by a relentless obsession to the own opinion that does not allow any others.

Overall too many positive posters to name but one or even a few.

Thanks to all of you, however. :o

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Perhaps it was Georgie Porgie. A noted moderate and upholder of most ridiculous causes. Nice to see you back Tutsi. :D

Tutsi is on my good list for the very honorable thread about his love for his wife, but I can "beat-up" pretty much anyone on either forum with my brain; Why would I sink to threats of physical violence?

Violence is for the stupid! :o

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Perhaps it was Georgie Porgie. A noted moderate and upholder of most ridiculous causes. Nice to see you back Tutsi.    :D

Tutsi is on my good list for the very honorable thread about his love for his wife, but I can "beat-up" pretty much anyone on either forum with my brain; Why would I sink to threats of physical violence?

Violence is for the stupid! :D

Hi Georgie, good to see you're still here. Hope life is smooth for you... :o

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I pretty much like anyone from the older generation (posting from 8-12 months ago) even those that I had 'serious' disagreements with. As I have started work again and must sleep rather than stay up all night with sang som and the laptop I haven't had much interaction with the new crowd. I thank those that were kind enough to mention me as a favorite poster.

Now there was someone from about a year ago that sent me an email to say that if he locate me that he would beat the shit out of me...so I must be at the bottom of at least one person's list...

Hi tutsi :D

Nice to hear from you again.

Did you try some of my recipes yet ? :o

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Gee, been here tooooo long to list you all. Some older members we don't hear from much any more that I miss. MRENTOU (Michael), MRVietnam, 3X-Core, I.T. Mgr (as a poster, ignoring personal issues since) :o . Allways liked D80's posts - made sense and from a Thai slant. Rinrada, Tutsi, Tornado and the Dr always made (make) me laugh (sometimes embarrisingly outloud). :D

Lots of new people I find enjoyable: F.T.H, LC, Scamp, Palmer, RooBoy, OvenMan etc. :D

Lots more. I like most posters - even the Brick-layers that take offense at people earning more money than them working in IT - you know who you are (both of you) - whether I agree or not with what they say. TV is always entertaining and beats crap aout of working - oooops here comes the boss [Alt-Tab]. :D

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Palmer ya big grease monkey,

:D :D :D


Is this him FTH, just chilling out.................. :wub:


As for me, all of the above mentioned AND Spellbound :o and The Gentleman (from Phuket (Banned :D ))

One Kan not Win all the time... -_-

Happy Days :(

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