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Arrested For Minor Motorbike Accident, Tested Over The Limit For Drink Driving


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Would you take any officers seriously if they were negotiating bribes or flirting with you and then shake your hand after the whole process had been completed?

You retarded boy?

A police officer, regardless of country, must be taken seriously.

He's the police, you fuc_king idiot!

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You were drunk, you tried to pass on the right, you caused an accident, you turned down a reasonable offer from the person you ran into, and then you tried to bribe a cop. You sound like a heck of a guy, and the reason that farangs are disliked.

I always pass on the right. I thought that was the proper procedure here. Looks like everybody does it.

Edited by calibanjr.
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My hope is that you have learned a valuable lesson. About a 1 1/2 years ago, I left a pub after an evening of drinking and had a nice big head-on collision with a parked truck, which did about 200,000 baht damage to vehicles alone. I was absolutely blitzed--I have often wondered if I wasn't drugged because I never get that drunk--I get sick and throw up first. But, I wasn't at a usual entertainment place where it was likely.

I spent the night and the next day in the hospital and a few days later had to report to the police station. A thai friend came along to negotiate. The policeman who had called me in was strict but nice. The driver of the truck was a very nice older (maybe late 40's early 50's) Issan man, who was as quiet and polite as I'd ever seen--he could have been a poster boy for "visit Thailand". My insurance agent was there as were some other people whom I didn't know.

My night in the hospital and the excruciating pain I was in had given me plenty of time alone to think. No matter how I tried to rationalize it, I was at fault--and I tried to rationalize it. The truck shouldn't have been just sitting in the road etc. etc.

There was some talking, most of which I didn't understand. The police officer in charge then booted everyone out of the room except myself and my friend who was interpreting. The policeman asked what would happen in my own country. I answer quite honestly--told him basically I would be so far back in jail that they would have to pump daylight in to me.

He then said "here's what we're going to do. We aren't going to mention anything about drinking because if we do the insurance won't pay for the accident. You were injured and we didn't give you a breathalzyer before sending you to the hospital, so that's done." You're going to pay 200 baht for causing an accident and 200 baht for not having a driver's license." I waited and waited for the rest, but there was nothing.

He then called in a junior policeman to take my passport and write the two tickets. The insurance man was out there who then asked what "really happened". This one I didn't tell the truth to.

I can't believe how lucky I was, but a lot had to do with having the 'right attitude', which is unusual, but I had little choice because I was completely at fault. So, I didn't argue, didn't put up a fuss.

Meanwhile the nice truck driver from Isan, who could have made a right royal mess of things, had never said a word to anyone. He waied very politely after the insurance man told him to get his truck fixed.

Since that night, I have never, ever had a drink and driven a vehicle. Nope, not even a glass of beer or wine. If any alcohol passes these lips, it's a taxi for me.

So, OP, you like me, got off pretty well. Neither of us is either waiting for a Royal Pardon, a prisoner-exchange program or for our deportation hearing.

Best to you.

Refreshing and brave post Scott.

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"I always pass on the right...everybody does it."

Yep, motorcycles on the sidewalk, motorcycles going the wrong way on the street. "Everybody does it" is a poor excuse for inappropriate behavior.

Are you dyslexic by any chance? Overtaking to the left of another vehicle is illegal in Thailand. Although it is sometimes done, it is a poor excuse for inappropriate behavior.

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Just to let others know how it must feel driving here . tell you abt. my day yesterday .. went to send of my friend to Pattaya yest. on the way out of hotel compound was 'gently' rear ended by minibus (me stationary!) :D:o .. we jump out ! Oh mai pen rai.. no even sorry, from an idiot..ok <deleted>. since scratch is barely noticeable, try to 4get about it..

On the way back took Sukhumvit rd. route3 passing SriRacha.. took me very stressful half an hour to get throu 7,30 pm & they were already driving, like they were stoned, imagine 2 cars "changing lanes" i mean trying to squeese right in front of me simultaneously*without indicating lights at all .. all in all worse than in Bkk.

huh i dunno, why this rant .. maybe cause i just came back after diving in Germany & east europe for the last half a month, so it amplifies the xxxperience..

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I hope to leave Sriracha as soon as I can find a new job.

Good. Thank you. Bye.

Yes, very good. Sriracha is a shithole. Was offered the job while being abroad and had never heard of the place. Big mistake moving here. I'm not gonna take any comments seriously that are made by anyone who choses to add "Sriracha" to a name that they use on a forum. I can't see how living in Sriracha is something to be proud of and I can't see how your comment made a positive contribution to this thread.

Lets see:

1) Got the job from abroad (indication of a high roller expat)

2) Speak Thai fluently (indication of being in Thailand for a long time)

3) Had the employer from the kiddy school show up to negotiate matters with the police (indications of a non high roller expat)

4) Upset over 4K, baht for a bribe fee for a DUI (indication of a non high roller expat)

5) Upset over 600 baht for physically wounding someone that will carry a scar foever (indication of .........)

6) No offer of payment or consideration for pain/suffering/inconvieniece (an indication of ................)

7) Drunk driver in denial (indication of .........................)

Good luck, and I wear a helmet for a reason.

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"I always pass on the right...everybody does it."

Yep, motorcycles on the sidewalk, motorcycles going the wrong way on the street. "Everybody does it" is a poor excuse for inappropriate behavior.

Are you dyslexic by any chance? Overtaking to the left of another vehicle is illegal in Thailand. Although it is sometimes done, it is a poor excuse for inappropriate behavior.

Uh, backflip, where exactly does one pass in Thailand? I assume that since the normal flow of traffic is on the LEFT hand side, that one passes on the RIGHT. The lines dividing the travel lanes and denoting the don't pass and passing areas are on the right. All of the diagrams on that fun computer test at the Motor Vehicle Dept show passing on the right and parking on the left. Are they encouraging "inappropriate" behavior? I think we've got a potential lawsuit on our hands! On what side do you find it proper to overtake?

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Refreshing and brave post Scott.

I'll second that and say that that was a very honest posting. I would hope that the OP notes that what Scott caused more damage and was a more serious accident. But Scott is owning up to it without resorting to excuse. If you say "I'm sorry I screwed up", people are forgiving. Avoiding responsibility just makes people angry.

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I hope to leave Sriracha as soon as I can find a new job.

Good. Thank you. Bye.

Yes, very good. Sriracha is a shithole. Was offered the job while being abroad and had never heard of the place. Big mistake moving here. I'm not gonna take any comments seriously that are made by anyone who choses to add "Sriracha" to a name that they use on a forum. I can't see how living in Sriracha is something to be proud of and I can't see how your comment made a positive contribution to this thread.

Lets see:

1) Got the job from abroad (indication of a high roller expat)

2) Speak Thai fluently (indication of being in Thailand for a long time)

3) Had the employer from the kiddy school show up to negotiate matters with the police (indications of a non high roller expat)

4) Upset over 4K, baht for a bribe fee for a DUI (indication of a non high roller expat)

5) Upset over 600 baht for physically wounding someone that will carry a scar foever (indication of .........)

6) No offer of payment or consideration for pain/suffering/inconvieniece (an indication of ................)

7) Drunk driver in denial (indication of .........................)

Good luck, and I wear a helmet for a reason.

2) Speak Thai fluently (indication of being in Thailand for a long time)

To save your confusion, I spent a year of my degree studying in Thailand as an exchange student.

3) Had the employer from the kiddy school show up to negotiate matters with the police (indications of a non high roller expat)

This was a request made by the police to my landlord upon our arrival to retrieve my passport. My rent is paid by the school so he decided to contact them. I didn't want them involved but the police did. Perhaps I'm wrong but I feel that they wanted someone to convince me to pay them money rather than them letting it go to court where they have to deal with a whole lot of paper work and not be rewarded for it. They kept insiting I needed a Thai representative, but for what? I was pleasing guilty and i can speak/understand Thai!

4) Upset over 4K, baht for a bribe fee for a DUI (indication of a non high roller expat)

At what point did I say I was upset over the amount i paid?

5) Upset over 600 baht for physically wounding someone that will carry a scar foever (indication of .........)

Please make sure you know the facts once again before commenting.

6) No offer of payment or consideration for pain/suffering/inconvieniece (an indication of ................)

What was the 600 payment for then....maybe you've been drinking too heavily to make a constructive contribution to this thread.

7) Drunk driver in denial (indication of .........................)

In denial of what? What's with all the suspense...

Edited by lambous
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Would you take any officers seriously if they were negotiating bribes or flirting with you and then shake your hand after the whole process had been completed?

You retarded boy?

A police officer, regardless of country, must be taken seriously.

He's the police, you fuc_king idiot!

My bad, wrong choice of words, how can you respect the police under those circumstances. Seems like you're lacking something when you resort to childish name calling on an internet forum to get your point across.

Refreshing and brave post Scott.

I'll second that and say that that was a very honest posting. I would hope that the OP notes that what Scott caused more damage and was a more serious accident. But Scott is owning up to it without resorting to excuse. If you say "I'm sorry I screwed up", people are forgiving. Avoiding responsibility just makes people angry.

I already admitted that I was wrong for drink driving, so what's your point?

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This was a request made by the police to my landlord upon our arrival to retrieve my passport. My rent is paid by the school so he decided to contact them. I didn't want them involved but the police did. Perhaps I'm wrong but I feel that they wanted someone to convince me to pay them money rather than them letting it go to court where they have to deal with a whole lot of paper work and not be rewarded for it. They kept insiting I needed a Thai representative, but for what? I was pleasing guilty and i can speak/understand Thai!

I dont know much about these things or what the penalty would be if this matter had of gone to court but is there a slight chance that the cops were doing you and everyone a favour?

Sure, they would have divided the money up and the injured lady got her bit as well. But have you thought what would have happened if the Thais had decided to follow the book?

If your original post was just to see if you got away with a bargain or were fleeced, what a stupid thing to worry about and what an immature question. No wonder you have wound up so many people.

Whenever I am going to overtake someone at whatever speed, either on a motorbike or in a car, a polite toot on the horn lets people know you are coming through. Especially in the situation you were in.

Edited by khunandy
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fair point about the Thais but can't see how enquiring as to how my case would compare to ones of a simular nature should wind people up. After all, this is supposed to be an information resource.

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I forgot to mention that an ununiformed lady in the police station flirtingly told me that she was looking for a foreign bf at one point. Not sure what her job was in there but she kept insisitng that everything will be ok, just 200 or 300 baht. etc etc Further proves how you cannot take these clowns seriously.

Having lived in Thailand for many years and now in the Uk with my Family we would like to come back there in the future but one thing that does distress me is the fact that a farang, whether right or wrong is always wrong when driving on the roads.

I don't think I have ever heard of one incident where the Thai was blamed.

Now, having two young children I would need to buy a pick-up and have the Wife riding side saddle before I would feel confident enough to venture out.

Drink driving is WRONG in any Country. How could anybody live with themselves if they killed or maimed anybody.

One thing that did bother me last week was the motorbike taxi boys sitting on their bikes drinking Chang and LOWCAL Thai whiskey, waiting for customers!

In Thailand we all have to eat humble pie if we want to live there. It's their Country, never will be yours. :o

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Having lived in Thailand for many years and now in the Uk with my Family we would like to come back there in the future but one thing that does distress me is the fact that a farang, whether right or wrong is always wrong when driving on the roads.

I don't think I have ever heard of one incident where the Thai was blamed.

God knows what your experiences have been...unless its just by reading other posters.

I,ve had 2 accidents in cars in Thailand. Neither my fault. Police involved in both ( BKK and Korat ). Blame was put onto the shoulders of the Thai drivers. I was not asked to pay anything and we all went on our merry way afterwards.

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Having lived in Thailand for many years and now in the Uk with my Family we would like to come back there in the future but one thing that does distress me is the fact that a farang, whether right or wrong is always wrong when driving on the roads.

I don't think I have ever heard of one incident where the Thai was blamed.

God knows what your experiences have been...unless its just by reading other posters.

I,ve had 2 accidents in cars in Thailand. Neither my fault. Police involved in both ( BKK and Korat ). Blame was put onto the shoulders of the Thai drivers. I was not asked to pay anything and we all went on our merry way afterwards.

Me..I've always used a taxi but many of my friends and people I know never and when that little accident happens it's always the farang to blame.

I'm really glad you can report otherwise. It gives me some hope.

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I've a slightly different take on this as I'll explain.

I've a fairly new truck, some 9 months old so its still work a good few hundred thousand baht. Now on the very rare occassions when I take it out of an evening, I am completely under the impression that I will not take a drink. Not up to the limit, nothing.

Now there are times when events overtake you. You bump into a mate you haven't seen for ages or someone is going home or you just bloody well change your mind. So what do I do ? I leave the truck. Now I'll admit that I tend to look for good places to park anyway and invariably those places also tend to be places where it has the best chance of enduring the night without harm. In South Pattaya I park in the temple.

What I don't understand and it is something I constantly battle with the missus over is when you know you are going to have a drink or even when there is a reasonable degree of probability that you will and you still take the car (or bike), largely because it is convenient. You may intend to leave it but with a belly full of ale you may also think you can get back home safely if you drive carefully. Then you are an accident waiting to happen.

I know I've beratred the rip off baht bus drivers who want an arm and a leg to go from either Naklua or Pattaya to my house east of Sukhumvit. You don't want a bike because the driver is probably pissed as well and tou don't want to pay the extra Bt100 for the bus because it is a rip off (even though you've happily spent thousands on your night out !). So you drive the car home do you ? only if stupid.

The way I deal with it mentally is this. I may drive home safely 999 times out of 1000 but the cost of that one time could be catestrophic and that time could be the first time, not the median time 500. So I get a bike in, occassionally a bike back but more often, a bus charter. Though overpriced in a relatice sense, some Bt140/160 is a small price to pay compared to the flip side of the coin. same same the potential damage to the car if something happens.

I'm sorry but I cannot get around the fact that some people and I'm not directing this at the OP in this instance, deliberately know that they will be driving drunk later and yet think nothing of it.

Whilst I have been a passenger in a vehicle when the driver was drunk, I have also declined transport many many times. I just don't agree that the cost of a taxi precludes ordering one or getting one when you are intending to go out or are faced with the option of driving home drunk for whatever reason.

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I've a slightly different take on this as I'll explain.

I've a fairly new truck, some 9 months old so its still work a good few hundred thousand baht. Now on the very rare occassions when I take it out of an evening, I am completely under the impression that I will not take a drink. Not up to the limit, nothing.

Now there are times when events overtake you. You bump into a mate you haven't seen for ages or someone is going home or you just bloody well change your mind. So what do I do ? I leave the truck. Now I'll admit that I tend to look for good places to park anyway and invariably those places also tend to be places where it has the best chance of enduring the night without harm. In South Pattaya I park in the temple.

What I don't understand and it is something I constantly battle with the missus over is when you know you are going to have a drink or even when there is a reasonable degree of probability that you will and you still take the car (or bike), largely because it is convenient. You may intend to leave it but with a belly full of ale you may also think you can get back home safely if you drive carefully. Then you are an accident waiting to happen.

I know I've beratred the rip off baht bus drivers who want an arm and a leg to go from either Naklua or Pattaya to my house east of Sukhumvit. You don't want a bike because the driver is probably pissed as well and tou don't want to pay the extra Bt100 for the bus because it is a rip off (even though you've happily spent thousands on your night out !). So you drive the car home do you ? only if stupid.

The way I deal with it mentally is this. I may drive home safely 999 times out of 1000 but the cost of that one time could be catestrophic and that time could be the first time, not the median time 500. So I get a bike in, occassionally a bike back but more often, a bus charter. Though overpriced in a relatice sense, some Bt140/160 is a small price to pay compared to the flip side of the coin. same same the potential damage to the car if something happens.

I'm sorry but I cannot get around the fact that some people and I'm not directing this at the OP in this instance, deliberately know that they will be driving drunk later and yet think nothing of it.

Whilst I have been a passenger in a vehicle when the driver was drunk, I have also declined transport many many times. I just don't agree that the cost of a taxi precludes ordering one or getting one when you are intending to go out or are faced with the option of driving home drunk for whatever reason.

Good post. Drunk driving is wrong anywhere. But I couldn't think of a place I would need to keep sober and need my senses more than Thailand.

It is easy to be temped and we used to pay bahtbus money to get to Soi Kaotalow across Sukhumvit highway but it was worth the 100-150 baht.

Don't drink and drive.

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Last night my missus had her mother in town and they were going to one of my bars for some drinks. My missus wanted to take the truck but I would not let her for the very reasons I explained above in that she knew she would be having at least a few drinks.

Tonight she is having a meeting about an acquisition and that will involve some drinks and yet not a peep out of her about wanting to drive. Maybe I'm winning that battle ?

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When drunk your reactions are slower and you are less able to take avoiding action in case of an emergency - like avoiding a motorcycle turning in front of you. Therefore the accident is your fault. You also broke the law by not wearing a helmet or having a valid driving licence.

You got off very lightly indeed and you should now try to make amends to the Thai person/people you injured. I would expect a teacher to show a more responsible attitude.

Sorry for not making it clear but the whole main point of my OP, was to find out whether I came out of the the situation well compared to others in this country. From the feedback received so far, it seems that I have which makes me feel a little bit better about what happenned.

you came out poorly because you made key mistakes:

you thought you were right

you escalated the situation

you blew

you should have offered 1-2k right off the bat. no police.

silly you

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op said:

You know very well that if two Thai people had a minor accident, without any damage being caused or anyone being hurt, it is more than likely that the police would not have been called in the first place.

but someone was hurt, and you still could have ended the issue there and then.

Even my boss (Thai) didn't get angry at me, she did her best to help me out.

no she did not get visibly angry, but i am sure she considers you a liability (had other word in mind) and wishes you had just coughed up a few baht.

The only people having a go at me are the farangs on this forum. Like I said earlier, why don't you go down to the disco at night and tell all the Thais riding home drunk that they are endangering people's lives? I'm sure you will get a big smile followed by "mai pen rai, I drive SLOWLY SLOWLY"

agreed, the "thais" on this forum must all be on your side -- you are the righteous one.

Incidentally, the "thais" leaving the disco did not get into an accident, but you did.

you asked if you did ok with the on an expat forum, and the response was: for someone in your situation, with your attitude, you were lucky, but you were dead wrong legally whether or not it was your fault. you were well over the legal limit.

enjoy your new found status at work

if involved your employer, you made yet another mistake.

no the police would not have been called because they would have come to an agreement. it is that simple.

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Last night my missus had her mother in town and they were going to one of my bars for some drinks. My missus wanted to take the truck but I would not let her for the very reasons I explained above in that she knew she would be having at least a few drinks.

Tonight she is having a meeting about an acquisition and that will involve some drinks and yet not a peep out of her about wanting to drive. Maybe I'm winning that battle ?

More likely it's just the boyfriend's giving her a lift home . . . . :o

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

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