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The Smokers Thread


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Well, I've had the Wife on the case. A special hotline, like the one in the UK for reporting establishments not observing/enforcing the smoking ban, hasn't been set up yet. However, she does say that you can call this number 02-25903342 & amongst many other things report such matters.

No more details on what this number actually is, she'd gone to bed before I got home & just left a note for me. I will enquire further tomorrow.

i suggest we set up a trust for Claim_more Seyton and make donations. when enough dough is accumulated we try to buy him a life as on his own he's not able to get a life :o

p.s. what about additional donations which could be used as an incentive for this wife not to go to bed before he reaches home? any opinions?

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Has the law changed or is just pattaya authorities putting their own spin on it, none smoking in open air bars is rediculous, you can smoke in open bars in the UK and Ireland, the original government release of this legislation was no smoking in aircon places only, I spoke to a few bar owners and they said open bars where not included in the ban and that the information spread out on various public forums including this one was incorrect.

can someone that actually knows clear this confusion up.

only in thailand

I find it interesting that nobody has replied to this post, there is obviously nobody here that actually knows, that makes all smoking threads on this forum utterly useless and meaningless.

I'LL ask again, can someone that 100% knows if the smoking ban of Thailand previously/officially announced by the government has been altered by the government to include all open air venues as well as enclosed aircon, or is this alteration only by pattaya local authoritie or is there no alteration at all and it's made up crap by some illinformed people just trying to stir it up and create confusion, I'd go for the latter as most of the open bar owners know nothing about it.

I was under the impression that the law related to air conditioned enclosed entertainment venues including bars and not to open air bars. It does however cover certain outdoor public areas such as open outdoor markets.

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Has the law changed or is just pattaya authorities putting their own spin on it, none smoking in open air bars is rediculous, you can smoke in open bars in the UK and Ireland, the original government release of this legislation was no smoking in aircon places only, I spoke to a few bar owners and they said open bars where not included in the ban and that the information spread out on various public forums including this one was incorrect.

can someone that actually knows clear this confusion up.

only in thailand

I find it interesting that nobody has replied to this post, there is obviously nobody here that actually knows, that makes all smoking threads on this forum utterly useless and meaningless.

I'LL ask again, can someone that 100% knows if the smoking ban of Thailand previously/officially announced by the government has been altered by the government to include all open air venues as well as enclosed aircon, or is this alteration only by pattaya local authoritie or is there no alteration at all and it's made up crap by some illinformed people just trying to stir it up and create confusion, I'd go for the latter as most of the open bar owners know nothing about it.

Gharknes, there were 2 different laws announced which is what created the confusion. The original law which was announced in December covered only air-con establishments and was due to come into force on the 17th Feb.

In the meantime, in typical Thai fashion, they announced a second law coming into force on the 11th Feb that covered all bars, air-con or not, as well as open air markets etc.

I too have spoken to several beer bar owners who believe this does not cover them, but it does. Having said that it looks like it will never come to pass anyway. :o

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Has the law changed or is just pattaya authorities putting their own spin on it, none smoking in open air bars is rediculous, you can smoke in open bars in the UK and Ireland, the original government release of this legislation was no smoking in aircon places only, I spoke to a few bar owners and they said open bars where not included in the ban and that the information spread out on various public forums including this one was incorrect.

can someone that actually knows clear this confusion up.

only in thailand

I find it interesting that nobody has replied to this post, there is obviously nobody here that actually knows, that makes all smoking threads on this forum utterly useless and meaningless.

I'LL ask again, can someone that 100% knows if the smoking ban of Thailand previously/officially announced by the government has been altered by the government to include all open air venues as well as enclosed aircon, or is this alteration only by pattaya local authoritie or is there no alteration at all and it's made up crap by some illinformed people just trying to stir it up and create confusion, I'd go for the latter as most of the open bar owners know nothing about it.

gharknes' you dont sound happy when you say,

"nobody has replied to this post" :D

"some illinformed" :D

"bar owners know nothing about it." :D

"people just trying to stir it up and create confusion" :D

"I spoke to a few bar owners" :D

"there is obviously nobody here that actually knows" :D

"information spread out on various public forums including this one was incorrect." :o

Look at this


then look at this

Pubs and bars go smoke-free from Feb 11

Pattaya Mail

Sawittree Namwiwatsuk

Pattaya’s pubs, bars and other retail outlets are preparing to implement the Ministry of Public Health’s adjustment to the laws on smoking, and ban all smoking on their premises from February 11.

Mrs Wannaporn Chamjamrat, director of the Pattaya Public Health and Environment Department announces the enforcement of the non-smoking law. The new move follows the Ministry’s announcement in the government gazette on December 28, amending the Non-smokers’ Health Protection Act of 1992. Pubs, bars, and all type of markets, i.e., for fresh food, clothing and general goods, and with or without air conditioning would become non-smoking environments on February 11.

Any operator failing to comply with this announcement is subject to a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht, and any person who smokes in a non-smoking area will be subject to a fine not exceeding 2,000 baht.

Mrs Wannaporn Chamjamrat, director of the Pattaya Public Health and Environment Department said that all relevant outlets are being notified of the new law and that a promotional campaign is being organized for visitors and the general public.

The primary step for the Public Health Office was an educational session for Pattaya’s business community on January 31 at the Public Health Center on Soi Buakao.

In the event of a business outlet not implementing the new ruling, city hall will issue a warning and the outlet would then have until May 31 to comply. Any violations after this date would result in legal action.

Wannaporn said that air conditioned pubs, bars and restaurants must be 100 percent non-smoking areas, but an outside area for smokers is permitted if there is a free flow of air. Fresh markets and non air-conditioned restaurants can provide a smoking corner if it is separate from other diners and does not allow smoke into the main area." Pattaya Mail

then chill out, its Thailand gharknes', cha cha

im a 120 a day smoker, but its looking like same world over for smokers so if i can get down to 40 a day ill be more than happy, and if i went to uk i think its a little worse than here, day day mate lets see what happens. anyway gotta go 7/11 for some snout!

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Has the law changed or is just pattaya authorities putting their own spin on it, none smoking in open air bars is rediculous, you can smoke in open bars in the UK and Ireland, the original government release of this legislation was no smoking in aircon places only, I spoke to a few bar owners and they said open bars where not included in the ban and that the information spread out on various public forums including this one was incorrect.

can someone that actually knows clear this confusion up.

only in thailand

I find it interesting that nobody has replied to this post, there is obviously nobody here that actually knows, that makes all smoking threads on this forum utterly useless and meaningless.

I'LL ask again, can someone that 100% knows if the smoking ban of Thailand previously/officially announced by the government has been altered by the government to include all open air venues as well as enclosed aircon, or is this alteration only by pattaya local authoritie or is there no alteration at all and it's made up crap by some illinformed people just trying to stir it up and create confusion, I'd go for the latter as most of the open bar owners know nothing about it.

gharknes' you dont sound happy when you say,

"nobody has replied to this post" :D

"some illinformed" :D

"bar owners know nothing about it." :D

"people just trying to stir it up and create confusion" :D

"I spoke to a few bar owners" :D

"there is obviously nobody here that actually knows" :D

"information spread out on various public forums including this one was incorrect." :o

Look at this


then look at this

Pubs and bars go smoke-free from Feb 11

Pattaya Mail

Sawittree Namwiwatsuk

Pattaya’s pubs, bars and other retail outlets are preparing to implement the Ministry of Public Health’s adjustment to the laws on smoking, and ban all smoking on their premises from February 11.

Mrs Wannaporn Chamjamrat, director of the Pattaya Public Health and Environment Department announces the enforcement of the non-smoking law. The new move follows the Ministry’s announcement in the government gazette on December 28, amending the Non-smokers’ Health Protection Act of 1992. Pubs, bars, and all type of markets, i.e., for fresh food, clothing and general goods, and with or without air conditioning would become non-smoking environments on February 11.

Any operator failing to comply with this announcement is subject to a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht, and any person who smokes in a non-smoking area will be subject to a fine not exceeding 2,000 baht.

Mrs Wannaporn Chamjamrat, director of the Pattaya Public Health and Environment Department said that all relevant outlets are being notified of the new law and that a promotional campaign is being organized for visitors and the general public.

The primary step for the Public Health Office was an educational session for Pattaya’s business community on January 31 at the Public Health Center on Soi Buakao.

In the event of a business outlet not implementing the new ruling, city hall will issue a warning and the outlet would then have until May 31 to comply. Any violations after this date would result in legal action.

Wannaporn said that air conditioned pubs, bars and restaurants must be 100 percent non-smoking areas, but an outside area for smokers is permitted if there is a free flow of air. Fresh markets and non air-conditioned restaurants can provide a smoking corner if it is separate from other diners and does not allow smoke into the main area." Pattaya Mail

then chill out, its Thailand gharknes', cha cha

im a 120 a day smoker, but its looking like same world over for smokers so if i can get down to 40 a day ill be more than happy, and if i went to uk i think its a little worse than here, day day mate lets see what happens. anyway gotta go 7/11 for some snout!

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Yesterday I had a look around in Pattaya, and while most places now had the ashtrays back on the tables :o there were only 1 or 2 customers in each bar actually pestering the air for the rest (30-40 guest). So much for 1/3 of the world are smokers. :D

I hope Phil Conners doesn't mind me nicking his post from another thread, but it seems my prediction is coming true. And the more bars that allow smoking the more will follow. Another week or 2 and we will be back to business as usual.

The way I look at this is that because 2 people want to smoke, the other 38 peole have to breathe in the poison. Why? The only reason that people are allowed to smoke is because of historical reasons, and because people have always smoked in bars. Now is the time to change and create a better future by not smoking in places where other people have to breathe in the smoke.

People go to bars and put up with the people who smoke because they want to listen to music, watch girls, or drink. This is what bars are for, not smoking. As you can see, 95% of the people in the above example were not smoking.

People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar. So which is better, having 95% of the people putting up with having to breathe in smoke, or 5% of the people having to walk outside to have a smoke? The smokers will still go to bars, just as the non smokers do now. They will just put up with not being able to smoke because they want to go to a bar.

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Then if 95% of the customers stayed away then the bar would become nonsmoking for economic reasons. Why have the police involved? This should be a consumer orientated decision. Express your opinion with your wallet rather than making a whole new class of criminals.

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If governments were at all interested in the health of the nation then they would just make tobacco products illegal. All they want is cash.

Actually, they know that they would not be able to just make them illegal. That would create a huge black market for cigarettes. The only way to stop it is to reduce the numbers of smokers. That is why they put huge taxes on the, restrict the age that you can smoke, and ban it in public places. That way maybe the smoking rate will go down and eventually we can be rid of this terrible addiction.

The governments ban dangerous chemicals all the time, after they find out they cause cancer. Problem is that people are not addicted to these dangerous chemicals, so it does not create the "need" to have them.

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Yesterday I had a look around in Pattaya, and while most places now had the ashtrays back on the tables :o there were only 1 or 2 customers in each bar actually pestering the air for the rest (30-40 guest). So much for 1/3 of the world are smokers. :D

I hope Phil Conners doesn't mind me nicking his post from another thread, but it seems my prediction is coming true. And the more bars that allow smoking the more will follow. Another week or 2 and we will be back to business as usual.

The way I look at this is that because 2 people want to smoke, the other 38 peole have to breathe in the poison. Why? The only reason that people are allowed to smoke is because of historical reasons, and because people have always smoked in bars. Now is the time to change and create a better future by not smoking in places where other people have to breathe in the smoke.

People go to bars and put up with the people who smoke because they want to listen to music, watch girls, or drink. This is what bars are for, not smoking. As you can see, 95% of the people in the above example were not smoking.

People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar. So which is better, having 95% of the people putting up with having to breathe in smoke, or 5% of the people having to walk outside to have a smoke? The smokers will still go to bars, just as the non smokers do now. They will just put up with not being able to smoke because they want to go to a bar.

"People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar." :D

Not what i hear about back home, they tell me,

No smokers Moaned that much, day in, day out, they made smokers go outside to smoke! :D

Then the No smokers Followed the smokers outside cos they didnt have anyone to moan to! :D:D

now the No smokers are getting cold they want the smokers to come back in so they have someone to moan to!!!!! :D :D B)

why on earth didnt they just go to a no smoking area, why all perfect people can sit happiley and not be infected and the smokers can carry on laughing and joking and dying on our own :burp:

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"People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar." :D

Not what i hear about back home, they tell me,

No smokers Moaned that much, day in, day out, they made smokers go outside to smoke! :o

Then the No smokers Followed the smokers outside cos they didnt have anyone to moan to! :D:D

now the No smokers are getting cold they want the smokers to come back in so they have someone to moan to!!!!! :D:D:D

why on earth didnt they just go to a no smoking area, why all perfect people can sit happiley and not be infected and the smokers can carry on laughing and joking and dying on our own B)AT HOME!!!

You forgot this.

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The way I look at this is that because 2 people want to smoke, the other 38 peole have to breathe in the poison. Why? The only reason that people are allowed to smoke is because of historical reasons, and because people have always smoked in bars. Now is the time to change and create a better future by not smoking in places where other people have to breathe in the smoke.

People go to bars and put up with the people who smoke because they want to listen to music, watch girls, or drink. This is what bars are for, not smoking. As you can see, 95% of the people in the above example were not smoking.

People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar. So which is better, having 95% of the people putting up with having to breathe in smoke, or 5% of the people having to walk outside to have a smoke? The smokers will still go to bars, just as the non smokers do now. They will just put up with not being able to smoke because they want to go to a bar.

Your argument is far too logical for the nicotine junkies to understand.

They don't understand the graphic warnings printed on the very cigarette packs that they buy.

They don't understand the consequences they will face for disobeying Thai 'no smoking' laws.

They don't understand why some of their nicotine junkie mates are either dying or suffering from smoking related illnesses.

They don't understand that smoking is now regarded as a filthy, unsociable and disgusting habit.

They don't understand that their breath reeks of a putrid stench and why people stand away from them when they speak.

......I'm sure that there are many other examples that I could list here but they wouldn't understand them.

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The way I look at this is that because 2 people want to smoke, the other 38 peole have to breathe in the poison. Why? The only reason that people are allowed to smoke is because of historical reasons, and because people have always smoked in bars. Now is the time to change and create a better future by not smoking in places where other people have to breathe in the smoke.

People go to bars and put up with the people who smoke because they want to listen to music, watch girls, or drink. This is what bars are for, not smoking. As you can see, 95% of the people in the above example were not smoking.

People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar. So which is better, having 95% of the people putting up with having to breathe in smoke, or 5% of the people having to walk outside to have a smoke? The smokers will still go to bars, just as the non smokers do now. They will just put up with not being able to smoke because they want to go to a bar.

Your argument is far too logical for the nicotine junkies to understand.

They don't understand the graphic warnings printed on the very cigarette packs that they buy.

They don't understand the consequences they will face for disobeying Thai 'no smoking' laws.

They don't understand why some of their nicotine junkie mates are either dying or suffering from smoking related illnesses.

They don't understand that smoking is now regarded as a filthy, unsociable and disgusting habit.

They don't understand that their breath reeks of a putrid stench and why people stand away from them when they speak.

......I'm sure that there are many other examples that I could list here but they wouldn't understand them.

And what about the putrid stench of beer? Yuk!! :o

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The way I look at this is that because 2 people want to smoke, the other 38 peole have to breathe in the poison. Why? The only reason that people are allowed to smoke is because of historical reasons, and because people have always smoked in bars. Now is the time to change and create a better future by not smoking in places where other people have to breathe in the smoke.

People go to bars and put up with the people who smoke because they want to listen to music, watch girls, or drink. This is what bars are for, not smoking. As you can see, 95% of the people in the above example were not smoking.

People put up with the smoke because they want to go to the bar. So which is better, having 95% of the people putting up with having to breathe in smoke, or 5% of the people having to walk outside to have a smoke? The smokers will still go to bars, just as the non smokers do now. They will just put up with not being able to smoke because they want to go to a bar.

Your argument is far too logical for the nicotine junkies to understand.

They don't understand the graphic warnings printed on the very cigarette packs that they buy.

They don't understand the consequences they will face for disobeying Thai 'no smoking' laws.

They don't understand why some of their nicotine junkie mates are either dying or suffering from smoking related illnesses.

They don't understand that smoking is now regarded as a filthy, unsociable and disgusting habit.

They don't understand that their breath reeks of a putrid stench and why people stand away from them when they speak.

......I'm sure that there are many other examples that I could list here but they wouldn't understand them.

"far too logical for the nicotine junkies to understand" Einstein's nicotine habit.

"They don't understand the graphic warnings printed on the very cigarette packs that they buy."

"They don't understand the consequences they will face for disobeying Thai 'no smoking' laws".

Any operator failing to comply with this announcement is subject to a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht, and any person who smokes in a non-smoking area will be subject to a fine not exceeding 2,000 baht.

"They don't understand that smoking is now regarded as a filthy, unsociable and disgusting habit."

Of course there''s nought that irritates like new reformed non-smokers

They bore you with self righteous statements. Verbal red hot pokers.

I count myself amongst them so my smoker friends beware.

I''ll tell you I can smell your smoke in rooms and clothes and hair.

IF i go to a No smoking bar or resteraunt, i know the rules and its my choice to enter or not, but i wouldnt winge about it just nip outside for a cig!

Now why is it Non Smokers go into a smoking bar or area for smoking, then start crying about it?

Now gregs kitchen which happens to have always been a smoke free air cond resteraunt but smokers like me can sit outside with or without our non smoking friends , not a problem for me as i understand my smoke might piss people off, now i cant smoke outside either cos this new law??? wheres the sense in that?

gregs has always catered for both and now penalised for no reason?

if my non smoking mates want to join me for a meal im gonna opt for somewhere we both can enjoy, now non smokers would say thats sefish of me for thinking of myselfe.

now youd be right, why would i go to a steakhouse if i didnt like steak??????????

answear is you go get your steaks im off to chip shop ill catch ya up in an hour or so in o'riellys smoking bar!!!! :o

why is it non smokers who criticise smokers can never utter them words "well actully i understand now" or "sorry i was wrong, i never thought of you"

Some no smokers have stupid attitudes towards people who smoke, yes you right its not everyones cup of tea and not very healthy, but it is a choice we made and some of us might regret it (i personally do) but i dont look down on people who dont smoke, unlike some of the No smokers!

as for the guy whos gonna call the smoking police everyday, well thats up to you, and you in your rights to do so, before doing so i would ask a few few more no smokers what they think just in case they said grow up, or youll be calling the dog fouling footpath police next!!

and hey if they say phone police, well your in with the crowd that suits your inteligence.

and if the police turn up and catch a smoker smoking where its a No smoking area, ill bet the police will be smiling at you as with the rest of the bar all with the thoughts that you are superman and saved the day! eeh make sure you dont drop food down your shirt front for when your photos in front page of pattaya newspaper, you dont want to look silly!!!

sorry just my thoughts!

Smokers and non-smokers cannot be equally free in the same railway carriage.

( George Bernard Shaw,)

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Well, I've had the Wife on the case. A special hotline, like the one in the UK for reporting establishments not observing/enforcing the smoking ban, hasn't been set up yet. However, she does say that you can call this number 02-25903342 & amongst many other things report such matters.

No more details on what this number actually is, she'd gone to bed before I got home & just left a note for me. I will enquire further tomorrow.

i suggest we set up a trust for Claim_more Seyton and make donations. when enough dough is accumulated we try to buy him a life as on his own he's not able to get a life :o

p.s. what about additional donations which could be used as an incentive for this wife not to go to bed before he reaches home? any opinions?


No smoking in bed its bad for your health. :D

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Ok hang on lads... let's all calm down a bit.

The original poster (if forget who it was, and I've gotta coffee in one hand and a smoke in the other so I can't go back now and find out) of this thread needs to come in here and settle things down. The topic title reads: The Smoker's Thread - No Anti's allowed.

As none of the non-smokers will experience any harmful second hand smoke from this thread, might I suggest that the O.P enforces his suggestion, and we keep this as a friendly smoker's club?

and that the smoker's among us (Pp?) calm down and stop feeding the anti's with raw materials to fan the flames?



well you agree it's harmful...and all the smokers on this thread then go out and do their damnedest to pollute non-smokers (and their own) environment.

As for no anti allowed...that's one ban I'll ignore.

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The truth is that smoking lessens both your sense of taste AND smell as well as erectile function...so why would anyone want to sit around in public waving a lit sign about that says...

"I can't smell properly, can't taste properly, can't breath properly, I'm going to die early and I can't get it up" ?????????

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as for the guy whos gonna call the smoking police everyday, well thats up to you, and you in your rights to do so,

He's the sort of guy who'll end up getting a good slapping and then wondering why. I just hope that the person who slaps him, is a non smoker :o

I can give up for half an hour...

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as for the guy whos gonna call the smoking police everyday, well thats up to you, and you in your rights to do so,

He's the sort of guy who'll end up getting a good slapping and then wondering why. I just hope that the person who slaps him, is a non smoker :D

I can give up for half an hour...


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Last night was the first night I have been out since the smoking 'ban', and I was interested to see how it would be applied.

Best not to name particular venues that the smoking ban has not effected, you never know who is reading this, but I would be interested to know where you were not allowed to smoke.

Went to 6 bars in and around soi 7/8 and every bar was smoking as usual, ashtrays out etc. 2 of these were enclosed bars, and still no change (note: the smoking ban was initially only for enclosed aircon establishments, but was then expanded to cover all public areas, indoors or out).

Went to a well known restaurant on beach road, which is semi enclosed. I went in the bar next door for my first smoke, as the tables either side of me were eating (yes, some of us are considerate.) After they had finished eating I asked for a tikiaburee before I lit up to test the water. I was told 'cannot'. I explained that the police won't be enforcing the law until June, and she duly brought me an ashtray. :o

So, like I said, don't name the places you were allowed to smoke, but the places you were not. The tambourine bashers reading this will phone their special hotline and grass up any venues allowing smoking, and subsequently there will be less places we can smoke.

PS. to all the anti's wallowing in their assumptive victory last week - I told you it would never happen. As they would sing on the football terraces: you're not singing any more :D:D:D

Taxi for SC.

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We were inasale of alcoholn soi 17 tonight selling drinks etc and the bib walked in stopped from the music,stoppped the sale of alcohol and closed it down!

The policeman doing this was smoking at the bar!

God 'begsaresponse' you dont get it do ya!

"The policeman doing this was smoking at the bar!"

he was from either

"the music police"


"sale of alcohol police"


"closed it down police!"

but deff not

"smoking police"

eeee you forighners!

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