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The UK has a hotline (08005871667) for reporting those not observing/enforcing the smoking ban. I have saved it in my mobile; I wont hesitate to report any establishment failing to enforce the smoking ban.

Do the Thai authorities have/plan a similar hotline? If so please advise, I'll save the number & I'll then be able to do my duty in both countries.

How is this working out? Have you found the number yet? I would be interested in an update.

Another ex traffic warden?

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The logic of smoking.

Why do smokers start in the first place, almost certainly because they see their peers and elders smoking.

Even though most smokers choose to ignore the damage it does to their own body and lives will probably due to their action encourage others who look up to them to start smoking and ruin their lives too.

But do they give a dam for anybody else?


What is a traffic warden? I don't think I was ever one. I was just wondering how the snitching was going?

A traffic warden enforces parking regulations, (I think they may be refereed to as Meter Maids in the States), here in the UK without them traffic would be gridlocked nearly all the time, as stated on this thread even though there may be laws, unless they are enforced you will find there is a narrow minded section of society who will choose to ignore them.



Another selfish smoker, yet again unable to offer sensible & reasonable arguments as to why they should be allowed to continue killing themselves & more importantly others with their vile addiction.

Mr Seymour, if you had bothered to actually read my post you would have seen my ‘sensible & reasonable arguments’ why there are more serious things to be concerned about as I stated, other a bit of smoke from a cigarette.

Just today my g/f and I were sitting in the back garden but had to go inside and bring the washing in also as some selfish people were burning rubbish or something which produced think black smoke blowing into our garden. Strangely enough they haven’t banned fires but as they say, they have had fires long before we came here so we just have to put up with all these hazards as I listed in my previous post. If we don’t like it then we don’t have to stay here. So stop winging about us smokers as it’s the only thing you have power to winge about!

Welcome to Thailand!

How very strange, you never mentioned the things that really mattered in that post, I would think more people are killed or injured by the above than a bloke having a smoke

pepsi666, thanks for noticing my points. I thought that perhaps I didn’t make myself clear as others didn’t seem to notice my points or perhaps they are just too obsessed with having a go at us smokers?

How long have you been hanging about smokers ?

Are you suffering any affects from them ?

How many of the above have you put up with ?

NOW get off your soap box and give it a break, we all know about the no samoking ban now, it is up to the individual now and the bar owners,

AND I would be up for the night out, but would I be allowed as I'm a non smoker :o but not a whinger :D

pepsi666, as a non smoker and obviously anti winger you would be most welcome to join our night out as I’m sure other smokers will think the same.


Mr Seymour, if you had bothered to actually read my post you would have seen my 'sensible & reasonable arguments' why there are more serious things to be concerned about as I stated, other a bit of smoke from a cigarette.

Just today my g/f and I were sitting in the back garden but had to go inside and bring the washing in also as some selfish people were burning rubbish or something which produced think black smoke blowing into our garden. Strangely enough they haven't banned fires but as they say, they have had fires long before we came here so we just have to put up with all these hazards as I listed in my previous post. If we don't like it then we don't have to stay here. So stop winging about us smokers as it's the only thing you have power to winge about!

Welcome to Thailand!

How very strange, you never mentioned the things that really mattered in that post, I would think more people are killed or injured by the above than a bloke having a smoke

pepsi666, thanks for noticing my points. I thought that perhaps I didn't make myself clear as others didn't seem to notice my points or perhaps they are just too obsessed with having a go at us smokers?

How long have you been hanging about smokers ?

Are you suffering any affects from them ?

How many of the above have you put up with ?

NOW get off your soap box and give it a break, we all know about the no samoking ban now, it is up to the individual now and the bar owners,

AND I would be up for the night out, but would I be allowed as I'm a non smoker :o but not a whinger :D

pepsi666, as a non smoker and obviously anti winger you would be most welcome to join our night out as I'm sure other smokers will think the same.

Your arguments are unreasonable and bear no comparison to the problems associated with nicotine addiction.

I actually responded in detail to pepsi 666's so called voice of reason - for the life of me I can't understand why this post has been removed.

There's no point persisting with this debate - let's wait and see what happens in June.

There's no point persisting with this debate - let's wait and see what happens in June.

let's hope you got a life till then. all the best! :o

What is a traffic warden? I don't think I was ever one. I was just wondering how the snitching was going?

A traffic warden enforces parking regulations, (I think they may be refereed to as Meter Maids in the States), here in the UK without them traffic would be gridlocked nearly all the time, as stated on this thread even though there may be laws, unless they are enforced you will find there is a narrow minded section of society who will choose to ignore them.


The ban is not being ignored, it is not being enforced yet. When it does then you can start your rant. An unenforced law is no law at all.

There's no point persisting with this debate - let's wait and see what happens in June.

let's hope you got a life till then. all the best! :o

I certainly will have; I'll be taking advantage of the enforced smoking ban in the UK. :D

Should I enter an establishment where any transgressions are taking place - I'll be doing my bit towards the right to enjoy a nicotine free environment. :D


Jeez, Clayton Seymour,

Reading your rants about smokers is enough to make a bloke take up smoking, same as the other whingers here, havent you got enough in life to worry about a few blokes having a smoke ?

When I was in Pattaya I saw 3-4-5 people on a motoprbike, they knew it was against the law, so did I, but even if I had reminded them, do you think they would have taken any notice ? I doubt it

IF I was in a resturant and there was someone smoking AND IF it did bother me, I'd ask him if he would mind smoking outside or wait until I had finished eating, the majority of smokers would oblige, I think

NOW Clayton Seymour, I am asking you (poiltely) stop your whingeing and wining, when the law becomes official you can carry on, but give it a break until June (same as the other whingers and winers) its not law until June, until then, just avoid Resturants and bars that alllow smokers

Tonight I'm off to the pub with me mates, some smokers, some non smokers, I dont think there will be much wining about who is smoking, more like whose round it is

The pub I'm going to has a great area for smokers, outside, and if its anything like last time, the pub will be empty, but the smokers area, pretty full with smokers and non smokers, but as the landlord dont want to lose customers he built this area, and its the best in the area, and HE DONT SMOKE either, but he dont whine about them, either


Lucifer's Disco seems to be smoke free now...although I saw one person smoking last night. Anyway another place to avoid, as in addition they charge 160 Bht for a beer .... :o


^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

Its probably not propaganda, Scousers do tend to smoke a bit more than normal, and this isnt a pop at scousers, but another thing to consider, the pollution is a bit higher up north in the UK (or was)

I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, I do have a problem with whingers and whiners though, whether they are smokers, drinkers, drug addicts, workshy, poofs, dago's or anything else

^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

Its probably not propaganda, Scousers do tend to smoke a bit more than normal, and this isnt a pop at scousers, but another thing to consider, the pollution is a bit higher up north in the UK (or was) Without being disrespectful, what it certainly does highlight is that smoking is becoming more & more of a problem associated with the lower classes. As for pollution, London is actually the most polluted city in the UK.

I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, I do have a problem with whingers and whiners though, whether they are smokers, drinkers, drug addicts, workshy, poofs, dago's or anything else You need to sort your priorities out; how many people die from passive whinging? :o

As you suggested earlier, I will refrain from commenting directly on the ban until June. However, I may post further food for thought, this should assist in keeping our minds sharp & focused.

^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

Its probably not propaganda, Scousers do tend to smoke a bit more than normal, and this isnt a pop at scousers, but another thing to consider, the pollution is a bit higher up north in the UK (or was) Without being disrespectful, what it certainly does highlight is that smoking is becoming more & more of a problem associated with the lower classes. As for pollution, London is actually the most polluted city in the UK.

I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, I do have a problem with whingers and whiners though, whether they are smokers, drinkers, drug addicts, workshy, poofs, dago's or anything else You need to sort your priorities out; how many people die from passive whinging? :o

As you suggested earlier, I will refrain from commenting directly on the ban until June. However, I may post further food for thought, this should assist in keeping our minds sharp & focused.


Go back to tending parking meters you sad man

^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

Its probably not propaganda, Scousers do tend to smoke a bit more than normal, and this isnt a pop at scousers, but another thing to consider, the pollution is a bit higher up north in the UK (or was)

I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, I do have a problem with whingers and whiners though, whether they are smokers, drinkers, drug addicts, workshy, poofs, dago's or anything else

Pepsi666, you know I love you man, but don't get banned pleeeeaase :o

^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

Its probably not propaganda, Scousers do tend to smoke a bit more than normal, and this isnt a pop at scousers, but another thing to consider, the pollution is a bit higher up north in the UK (or was)

I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, I do have a problem with whingers and whiners though, whether they are smokers, drinkers, drug addicts, workshy, poofs, dago's or anything else

Pepsi666, you know I love you man, but don't get banned pleeeeaase :D

I'm hoping I wont, but I think everyone gets depressed by listening or reading about ANYONE whining and going on, no matter what its about, I spent a complete evening last night with smokers and non smokers, no one complained, no one moaned, no one called the Police, there was no trouble, it was just a good night having a few beers, everyone knows the law here and like it or not, everyone adheres to it, BUT no one gets on a soap box and goes on and on about the dangers of smoking or the dangers of drinking (and no one drove home, just in case someone picks that up, wish I could say the same in the LOS)

ANOTHER thing, I am allowed to have a go at scousers, I've been married to one for 34 years this month (and she says she wouldnt want to live back there, its nice to visit though)

SO come on people, lets lighten up here, live and let live, have a smoke, have a beer, enjoy, chill (not sure what that means, but my son uses it a lot :o ) use YOUR favourite bar, resteurant, just keep your thoughts to yourself, enjoy the company of your partner, (cant be much fun for them, if you are watching and commenting on other people, give them your attention

^ Jeez more propaganda. This was to be the smoker's thread. If there was a wine drinkers thread or burger eaters thread they would be left alone but not the smokers. Oh no. It is perfectly alright to come here and call us digusting, smelly, vile and so many other colorful adjectives. Even threaten to call the police on us even though the ban is not in effect yet. Why do you non-smokers insist on posting here. There are other threads about the ban why don't you go there and leave us this one.

Its probably not propaganda, Scousers do tend to smoke a bit more than normal, and this isnt a pop at scousers, but another thing to consider, the pollution is a bit higher up north in the UK (or was) Without being disrespectful, what it certainly does highlight is that smoking is becoming more & more of a problem associated with the lower classes. As for pollution, London is actually the most polluted city in the UK.

I dont have a problem with anyone smoking, I do have a problem with whingers and whiners though, whether they are smokers, drinkers, drug addicts, workshy, poofs, dago's or anything else You need to sort your priorities out; how many people die from passive whinging? :o

As you suggested earlier, I will refrain from commenting directly on the ban until June. However, I may post further food for thought, this should assist in keeping our minds sharp & focused.


Go back to tending parking meters you sad man

At the moment I seem to be outnumbered by the smokers, yet I haven't resorted to personal remarks, nor do I intend to.

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.

This thread is certainly touching nerves, perhaps a full cessation of hostilities is required? Certainly until June anyway.

I'm off to wet my whistle - in a smoke free environment of course.


At the moment I seem to be outnumbered by the smokers, yet I haven't resorted to personal remarks, nor do I intend to.

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.

This thread is certainly touching nerves, perhaps a full cessation of hostilities is required? Certainly until June anyway.

I'm off to wet my whistle - in a smoke free environment of course.

Enjoy, but leave your comments here, there maybe some that may not enjoy you reminding them of the impending law

I think its pretty obvious you are outnumbered here, its a smokers thread (I'm just tolerated here)

The only thing I have asked you to do, is get off your soap box and give it a break, live and let live :o

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.


I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.


I don't follow any religious faith; I have my own code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals.

Enjoy, but leave your comments here, there maybe some that may not enjoy you reminding them of the impending law.

I think its pretty obvious you are outnumbered here, its a smokers thread (I'm just tolerated here) Well, aside from my heavy schedule, that's one of the reasons I'm here and not involved in all the other threads. I believe in addressing the problem, rather than the symptoms, so where better to find the problem?

The only thing I have asked you to do, is get off your soap box and give it a break, live and let live :oYes, I'll honour a self imposed silence on the topic until June, when I'm sure hostilities will resume! See you then. :D

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.


I don't follow any religious faith; I have my own code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals.

I dont follow any faith either, I also have a code of conduct and I have very high principals as well, I just dont try and ram them down people's throats.

I think everyone here and in the UK are quite aware of the law, even pub landlords dont harp on about it and it affects them a lot more than it does you, I would imagine

When you do come back to the UK, and you see smokers (and non smokers) enjoying each others company, what are you going to complain about ?

Purely out of interest, do any of your friends smoke ? (I use the term 'friends' very loosely)

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.


I don't follow any religious faith; I have my own code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals.

I dont follow any faith either, I also have a code of conduct and I have very high principals as well, I just dont try and ram them down people's throats.

I think everyone here and in the UK are quite aware of the law, even pub landlords dont harp on about it and it affects them a lot more than it does you, I would imagine What about the landlords who openly disregard the law and find themselves facing hefty fines.? Only yesterday I read that one had received a £12000 fine.

When you do come back to the UK, and you see smokers (and non smokers) enjoying each others company, what are you going to complain about ? I was out in Leeds about three weeks ago. The smokers were huddled outside the bars like groups of lepers, shivering in the miserable weather, unable to free themselves from nicotines grasp. I didn't see too many non smokers amongst them.

Purely out of interest, do any of your friends smoke ? (I use the term 'friends' very loosely) Very few, certainly not as many as say 15 years ago. It's certainly a good while since I went out with any of them, including my brother. None of them have ever asked me to join them outside, not that I would anyway. To be fair to them, I haven't heard too many complain about the ban - they go outside, satisfy their addiction, then return.

Yes, I'll honour a self imposed silence on the topic until June, when I'm sure hostilities will resume! See you then. :D

First you say this above and then carry on posting this below. I thought you was a man who has a "code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals". :o

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.


I don't follow any religious faith; I have my own code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals.

I dont follow any faith either, I also have a code of conduct and I have very high principals as well, I just dont try and ram them down people's throats.

I think everyone here and in the UK are quite aware of the law, even pub landlords dont harp on about it and it affects them a lot more than it does you, I would imagine What about the landlords who openly disregard the law and find themselves facing hefty fines.? Only yesterday I read that one had received a £12000 fine.

When you do come back to the UK, and you see smokers (and non smokers) enjoying each others company, what are you going to complain about ? I was out in Leeds about three weeks ago. The smokers were huddled outside the bars like groups of lepers, shivering in the miserable weather, unable to free themselves from nicotines grasp. I didn't see too many non smokers amongst them.

Purely out of interest, do any of your friends smoke ? (I use the term 'friends' very loosely) Very few, certainly not as many as say 15 years ago. It's certainly a good while since I went out with any of them, including my brother. None of them have ever asked me to join them outside, not that I would anyway. To be fair to them, I haven't heard too many complain about the ban - they go outside, satisfy their addiction, then return.

Are you going to stick to you silence till june then Clayton?

Yes, I'll honour a self imposed silence on the topic until June, when I'm sure hostilities will resume! See you then. :D

First you say this above and then carry on posting this below. I thought you was a man who has a "code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals". :o

I guess the others on my side have lost attention - I'm here for the duration, someone has to champion the cause of righteousness.


I don't follow any religious faith; I have my own code of conduct based on good values & highly held principals.

I dont follow any faith either, I also have a code of conduct and I have very high principals as well, I just dont try and ram them down people's throats.

I think everyone here and in the UK are quite aware of the law, even pub landlords dont harp on about it and it affects them a lot more than it does you, I would imagine What about the landlords who openly disregard the law and find themselves facing hefty fines.? Only yesterday I read that one had received a £12000 fine.

When you do come back to the UK, and you see smokers (and non smokers) enjoying each others company, what are you going to complain about ? I was out in Leeds about three weeks ago. The smokers were huddled outside the bars like groups of lepers, shivering in the miserable weather, unable to free themselves from nicotines grasp. I didn't see too many non smokers amongst them.

Purely out of interest, do any of your friends smoke ? (I use the term 'friends' very loosely) Very few, certainly not as many as say 15 years ago. It's certainly a good while since I went out with any of them, including my brother. None of them have ever asked me to join them outside, not that I would anyway. To be fair to them, I haven't heard too many complain about the ban - they go outside, satisfy their addiction, then return.

Are you going to stick to you silence till june then Clayton? Yes, if people stop throwing questions at me.


Went for a night out on Saturday night down 3rd Road. Started of at Embassy Pub, no ash trays on the table, no smoking - i counted there was 13 people in the house including my table - a saturday night - wow, and it was midnight. Then we went to NOIR (the new place on 3rd Road) smoking no problem, and it was quite busy. Was talking to someone who use to work at Embassy and they said, there is no one there because they cannot smoke. I wont be going again thats for sure. Anyone got a light please.........

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