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I Bought Natural Weight Loss Tablet Yesterday


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I decided enough of being a 37yo fat slob,i want to lose weight.I just cant help myself,i have no self control,Today is Saturday and i have decided to change my life,it seems no one else will,my knees are hurting,i am puffing and sweating when im walking,im only 37yo and a fat ugly slob, Today at the supermarket,I noticed weightloss tablets in the health food section,so i stopped and looked at a few,most were over $35 Australian for about 60 tabs.

I got very embarrassed actually standing there looking at weight loss tabs,i could feel all the stares from passing trolley pushers,but neverless i purchased one called "natural medislim" for $40.00.

I only chose this one because it was in a box and had 60 tabs.

I decided today to make myself walk from Sydneys Darlinghurst to South of the City to Broadway,about 45 mins walk each way.

It wasnt easy,i was sweating but i was making myself do it,i had a guy making a passing comment to me as i puffed and panted up the hill,but i had no energy to say anything back to the nasty prick.

Reminded me of the idiots who like to shout out the window on a Friday night,well stuff them i thought,i got the right to walk the streets.

After about 35 mins of hard walking i decided after puffing and panting to take a detour thru the City Park in my area of Darlinmghurt/Kings Cross,i was sweating but i kept walking,i could feel my legs hurting,and i noticed up ahead there was a group of youths asking for money with their baseball caps back to front etc,but i had no energy to turn back so i kept on walking,for some reason they didnt confront me,they must of thought the poor fat bastard.

Anyway i walked the 45 mins to Broadway,onto Busy Parramatta Rd where i noticed a FEDEX KINKOS internet shop so i decided to pull in there and im glad i did,i noticed a large set of scales probaly weighing for boxes or something so i hopped on to the horror of the girls behind the counter and it stopped at 126.6kg

Well anyway after buying the weightloss tabs i thought i would get the bus back home,not going to walk the 45 mons back,but as i just got to the bus the bus closed it doors and left,at first i was mad,i thought the bus driver has obviously thought to himself,"that fattie needs to walk",so i did,i walked back the 45 mins,sweating but i didnt care if others made comments.When i got home i was proud of myself ,i rushed for the water and drank 2 litres.I got my weight loss tabs out.

i read the instructions,take 2 before a meal,20 mins beforehand.

So i took 2 tabs,about 4pm,nothing happened until about 5.30pm where i had this full feeling and i was stoked,so i thought i would miss the evening meal.

Anyway off to bed where i woke up at 3am with massive hunger pains and went and ate muesli and a few pieces of toast.AND now im angry with myself.

The verdict is,its seems they make you full for about 4 hours then the hunger pain start coming back.

www.medislimnatural.info is the website.

I will just have to keep taking them,hopefully no side effects i have experienced.

The thing is can i do it? im 126.6kg ,what are you?

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WELL TODAY IS DAY 2,Sunday Feb 17th i think,another boring day off work,well i took another 2 medislim tablets this morning,not that i needed them after binging myself silly at 3am this morning over that bastard boss who docked me 15 minutes pay because i was 5 minutes late.Well yesterday i had enough of being fat,so i went out and spent $40 on the weight loss tabs,i dont know whether they will do me good,last night they made me feel full and then during the night i got up and binged eating,stuffing myself.

i just remember waking up hungry ,but i dont know whether i was,but i was thinking of work probs during my sleep/dreams so i think i just eat for comfort,I DONT KNOW WHY ,i dont know why i start getting angry at my boss ,thinking about how he was going to dock my pay because i was 5 minutes late to work last week,its almost insane,i remember waking up,thinking that new boss prick,and how i will have to get him back and then jumping out of bed with energy to hit the fridge to eat a few slices of toast and binge eating.

Well i suppose im still 126.6 kg ,i will have to get "over this" problem of eating when something goes wrong in my life or i have some sort of a worry,

Does anyone want to tell me what they weigh right now and lets compare it to next Sunday.

Nope,im not holding much confidence,i will have to end up taking the whole packet of those medislim tablets i think,because i have found out im not even hungry when i eat,i just eat for comfort,i dont know why.

Im 126.6kg,lets see if we can all lose at least a kilo by next Sunday.

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Well its still Sunday,and i have taken 2 more medislim tabs this morning,it says on the packet to take a max of 5 a day,that is 2 tabs, 20 mins before a meal.

Today i worked off a few calories doing the clothes washing,vaccumming the carpet,yes housework will work off calories,so why dont you get up off ya big fat bums like im doing and go and clean something.

I have not aten all day after my 3am binge and after taking the tablets i have a full feeling but its still self control because i really want to eat a pizza or something not because im hungry but because it makes me feel good.

Im about to get off this computer off my big fat bottom and go for a walk this cloudy Sunday arvo in Sydney City,and who on here will do the same,go on go for a walk,a 20 min walk around the block.

Im going to do it,and i have dodge junkies and beggars around here at Kings Cross, and anyone else so please do it,if i can do it, so can you,so get off ya big fat bum now and make yourself do it,walk and write back and tell me you did it.

Make yourself do it.

One thing i have noticed is im starting to get itchy on my body,itchy around my hip areas,im not sure if this has anything to do with the tablets or just because the fat was rubbing together as i walked my fat ass.

Well im going to walk again and go to the supermarket about a 25 min walk and buy some broccolli and carrots and walk again back,this is going to be hard,puffing,panting as i walk up the hill,im going to force myself to do it,and im going to think of that boss who docked me 15 minutes pay because i was 5 minutes late,well off i go,

Just before i go,i will let you all know i be on my annual 2 month holiday in Pattaya in March so i will hit the gym twice a day to lose weight.

On reading that medislim website i posted above (there the tablets in the orange packs im taking) I dont believe the stories on there they lost 12 kg in 6 weeks and all that,but i will keep on trying,hopefully this itchy rash will go away. Well im going for a walk.!!!!


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Well its still Sunday afternoon,my day 2 of dieting,well i went for my walk,i didnt want to,i didnt feel like it,i forced myself to get my big fat arse off the chair and once i got going i was on a high.

i decided to take a longer way to the supermarket and i carried a carry bag with me so no one knows im exercising,people just thought i was in a hurry or something.

Anyone i made myself go fast walking then when i got puffed i slowed down.

I could see my fat body in the mirror of the shops and geez im a real big fat slob.

Anyway as i was walking past Sydneys Central Station i saw a big fat bloke walking,turning his body side to side,i thought i hate to end up looking like that,i dont want to,and this made me walk faster.

When i got to the supermarket i bought broccoli,lettuce ,tomatoes and cabbage.

im going to cut down on milk,maybe just drink skim instead of the 20 litre i go thru each week.

im also cutting out bread. The factsheet thing that came in the medislim tablet box says to cut out carbs after 4pm,but i will cut bread out for a while.

Well i walked back with 2 bags of groceries up hill.i was puffing and sweat was pouring off me,it was embarrassing as i walked past people so i held my breath as i walked past so nobody knew i was puffing.

Well i left home at about 3.30pm and arrived back at 5.20pm so nearly 2 hours.

I dont know if i have lost anything,any kilos yet,i was 126.6 kg yeserday but i went on a binge last night.

i have just taken another 2 medislim tablets,but i feel a bit nauseous ,maybe i overdone the walking,but i feel tired,like i want to lay down.

Anyway i will cut some lettuce,garlic,and tomatoes up for dinner,i dont want to,i prefer my fried sausages,fried eggs and bacon but i have to foorce myself to eat this lettuce and stuff.

Well i cant wait,i will be in pattaya next month,but i want to try to forget about those english breakfasts.

im hoping my stomach will not crave them.

i dont know if i can do it,but im bloody trying,and i want you to do the same.

yesterday i was 126.6kg,im hoping next week i can be lighter.

This is starting to become a obsession,and i dont want it to,but it seems it has to be because i need to lose it,maybe this dieting is a good thing because it will keep my mind off other things.

I dont know whether i should eat say 6 small meals a day because i tend to get hungry.

I dont think i can do it,i done it before and half way i forget about it.

i cant help myself,but i need to keep trying.

These tablets seem ok,these medislim or whatever they call them,but maybe when i get to thailand i will go to a Doctor and try to get some tablets to make me not eat at all.

UPDATE-Well its Sunday night,day 2,and i cut the Lettuce up into halfs that bought today,theres no calories in lettuce,so i have been told.

Anyway i cut 2 tomatoes up,i wanted more ,but i think 2 should be enough and put the lettuce and tomato on a plate with a clove of garlic.

I really am craving some buttered fresh bread and cheese to go with it,usually i would end up eating the whole loaf of bread with a lot of butter,cheese and a full salad.

But tonight im forcing myself to sit here and eat this rubbish,lettuce,tomatoes and garlic.

Things are going thru my mind telling me things,that its ok to eat more tomatoes,i mean their good for prostrates,and that i should get some cheese etc,but im forcing myself not to.

Im trying to get rid of that "helping voice" telling me its ok to eat more,instead i want to listen to the other one telling me that i will look more attractive when i have lost weight and i want to be able to do it,i want to say to myself after this that im not a complete failure at life,i can do something even if this means making dieting my number one priority in life.

i will check on the internet to see how many calories lettuce has.

Yes im still hungry on this Sunday night but i will keep eating lettuce.

i have already taken 2 medislim tablets,hopefully they will hurry up and stop my food craving.

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Stick to it mate, good on you for deciding to do something about your weight and your health, 2 things you have to remember. Eat less and exercise more. All the rest is bullshit. Forget the slimming pills. Here's what you should think. I'm saving money by not eating as much as usual and that's more dosh to be spent overseas and I'm getting healthier so I'll be around longer to enjoy my trips overseas. I work in the city of Sydney and I know the area you mentioned. You'd be better off doing what I do, go to the domain and botanic gardens for your exercise. You'd be surprised how many people you'll see there like yourself. not to mention a good perv at the same time. Hope you achieve your goal, Stewart. Good luck.

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Good for you, keep it going. I was 100Kg a few years back and hated how I looked. Through diet and walking I got down to about 75Kg, I am back at about 85Kg but most of it is muscle. When I hit 75 I realized I was only walking/running and lost too much muscle. Watching how much you eat is as important as what you eat. I would recommend counting your calories, fat and fiber (as weightwatchers does) as opposed to just eliminating everything. You didn't gain the weight through moderation, but losing it (if you want it gone for a lifetime) needs to be done in moderation.

Keep us updated on your progress. I am trying to lose 5Kg in a month (before my trip to thailand) so maybe we can do this together. :o

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Stop trying to kill yourself Action. Take it easy - every bit of exercise counts, do what your are comfortable with initially, then start pushing the envelope.

Grab some fruit when you are hungry (or veg - carrots can be delicious) Get whole wheat bread, spaghetti etc, brown rice.

Good oral hygiene also helps dieting - floss first, then brush after each meal - you will enjoy the 'squeaky clean' mouth feel, and the thought that that cream bun might put you back in scungy mouth territory helps with the 'won't power'

Good luck mate.

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Keep going mate - but as others have suggested, I think you just need to exercise regularly and try to moderate your eating and/or drinking habits... Funnily enough I have just started with some 'weight control' tabs (different type) and I am also unconvinced about their effectiveness.

I am 37, 188cm tall and about 137kg - that said, it sounds like I may (may) be a little more physically active and I don't have knee problems which I'm obviously happy about. I signed up for a gym and took some personal training sessions recently - this is not cheap but seems a good option for me as fixing each session with the instructor really commits me to going and not finding an excuse to skip it. Now i've got into the habit of going to the gym 3 times a week or so, I am actually really enjoying it! Haven't done anything too drastic to my diet but have still dropped about 2kg overall and feel trimmer somehow which makes me more self-confident.

Just a suggestion and wish you best of luck!


Sorry- nearly forgot - gym bloke recommends lots of carbs (bread, bananas etc ) in the morning to give me energy for the training (and the day ahead) - and then really go light on that stuff in the afternoon/evening...

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Congratulations on taking the first step on trying to lose weight. It is good that you are adding exercise in the form of walking. Regardless exercise will always be a benefit for you. I dont advise starving yourself. Eating less is not starving yourself but like others stated its smaller portions. Instead eat regularly but make it small portions and try incorporating fruits and vegetables into your meal or snacks. You can still eat what you want but its the portions that matter. It will take getting used to but before you know it you will be used to eating smaller portions. Binging is not good. I realized this while in the hospital for an injury. They were feeding me 3 times a day and I lost weight. It was due to the smaller portion which were not actually that small. Just that what I was used to eating was so much more. Good luck to you. You can do it. Believe in yourself.

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Well thanks everyone for the encouragement.

Stewart,today I walked around near Sydneys Botanical gardens and i couldnt believe the amount of joggers i saw,even during the lunchtime hour.Some even had bigger bellys then me,although i am not ready to start jogging yet.

Tonyric,i am now starting to count my calories,I am eating a lot of lettuce and cabbage which has a very low calorie level,yes please weigh yourself every Sunday and see if you can lose a bit each week,and post it on here.

Screws-I have taken your advice on the oral hygiene and brushing my teeth after a meal and it works ! You dont have the "food" taste left in your mouth and i have added mouthwash listerine .I think this is a great tip that helps.

With the rice and bread,i have read that its not good to eat these after 4pm because they store as fat.

Captain Chaos-yes mate im too getting that way where i think these medislim weight loss tablets are a waste of money.They really dont seem to do much.

With the Carbs,bread/rice/pasta etc ,yes i have read its better to eat this in the morning because its stores as fat if you eat in in late afternoon so until i lose weight i have banned carbs after 12pm,actually i have taken bread out of my diet.

Gavin Hawaii-Yes eatting smaller portions is good but hard to do,fat people like me are addicted to food,i found eating several small meals are better thru out the day,but im still trying to work out a diet.Because i cant eat small portions i have made dinner using cabbage,and garlic in water adding some beef powder,the cabbage doesnt have many calories so i hope it feels me up.

Manutoo-in a few weeks i will be in Pattaya pounding the pavements,hopefully the heat will sweat out my calories.

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Well today is Day 3 of my weight loss plan.

I hope all of you went for a walk today.

Those weightloss tabs i bought the other day seem to be not as good as i thought they would be,the itchy rash is getting worse.Mind you they have guarana and caffeine in them so they give you energy.They also have chitosan herb in them,but they dont seem to stop the hunger pains.

Well today i got up at 5.30am for work,had a bowl of muesli and skim milk and i just couldnt help myself and had 2 bananas.and 3 coffees.

Morning tea i had a apple.

At work i used the stairs instead of the lift,people thought i was mad,and at lunchtime i brought a lunch box with me of shredded letrtuce that i prepared this morning.Today i had a bit of an argument with the new woman superviser who is half my age and only been in the job for 6 months and i really felt like having a few mars bars to get over it,to feel good,to give me a high,but i stopped myself.

That bad voice came back telling me,"Go on,you can have a mars bar,look how hard you exercised over the last 2 days."But i stopped myself.

Anyway i took my lunchbox out and ate my shredded lettuce,it wasnt the best thing,i tell ya,i just kept stuffing myself with it,probaly half a lettuce.

Then i felt full,and had a bottle of water.i saved myself about 8 dollars,usually i buy a couple of pies or slices of pizza and cappuncionos but today i brought my lunchbox of lettuce and my own flask of weak horrible coffee.

Well i finished at 4pm and walked from my City workplace to home,about a 20 min walk,and when i got home,i felt tired.

i kept telling myself,bugger this,i feel like going to mcdonalds,then i drank some water and got changed and forced myself out to walk,i walked for about 1 hour at different speeds.When i got to the other side of the City i felt like getting a cab back instead of walking but i forced myself to walk back home and i made myself proud.

To tell you the truth,i want to give this up,its too hard,i feel better eating,i had more energy when i was eating mars bars and meat pies,i dont feel as happy as i did before.

i feel lighter,and more fitter but i feel my problems and worries are still there and when i eat they seem to go away.

Well tonight i made something i can eat a lot off without the calories-i hope anyway?

i cant stop eating when i have things im worried about,so i chopped half a cabbage,two tomatoes,cloves of garlic and a beef oxo powder cube and put them in a pot of water and boiled it and ate it all until it filled me up.

Not sure if theres any calories in it,but its filled me up anyway.

Thats chopped cabbage,tomatoes,and garlic plus for taste add the beef cube.

Its sort of like a vegie soup,wasnt too bad actually,wouldnt want it everyday but i have to punish myself if im going to succeed,

Tomorrow i have the day off work so i will force myself to walk to other side of the City and back.

My feet hurt when i walk but i will keep this up so im asking all of you to go thru the pain,yes its pain,its painful walking ,and following the diet,but the alternative of getting diabetes or a heart attack will be more painful,so please try to start and put your weight on here every Sunday after a week of dieting and exercising.If i can do it so can you.

I will see what i weigh next Sunday.

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Great work'

Don't look at like"I will FORCE myself to walk again tom" Train your mind to love it, feel guilty whne you don't train or take a short cut.

80% of training and living healthy is a mental game, when you are tired think of something hard (soldiers in the trenches, playing rugby, boxing or how good it is not to be a work)

It's great that you are doing this and trust me when you drop 2kg you will feel so happy, 5 kg off and you will also find how much easier everything is

You will also be strengthening your muscles walking plus increasing bone density



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If you are still alive; ;-)

Vitabrits, plus rolled oats, a sliced banana and a trickle of honey with low fat milk - much cheaper than medislim, much more filling. Very low fat.

Also, you are not cleaning if you are not flossing.

Good luck.

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reducing weight - is a heroic effort ! and it is not plain and simply but complex - watching your nutrition/ metabolism, not loosing muscles weight, proper exercises. ufff !

I am in the process too. :o although not that bad I guess - 38y.o., about 180cm and 107kg

trying to do it without pills or tablets

although there is one local Thai herb considered quite good for this - Garcinia

avail in tea infusions or in capsules

it suppresses appetite and also helps body to metabolize fat

I suggest you also to read (wiki or plenty other sources on net) about heart bit rate and all the related staff (aerobic exercises as: walking, jogging, stairs climbing, cycling, swimming). some say that anaerobic exercises might be also useful in both preserving your muscles and burning calories.

because from everything I've read on net, the whole thing of reducing weight boils down to the burning Calories (with capital C). body already has the mechanisms of metabolizing its own fat for calories when we butn more Calories than intake. therefore the whole point of dieting is - to burn more calories than eat. and what food - it is already details, although of course proper balanced nutrition is also important. however again, it is about burning MORE Calories then we consume - and both aerobic and anaerobic activity is useful. former - because it is easier and therefore possible to do for longer time, the latter because it allows to burn more Calories faster, within shorter periods of time. that's why many especially men do weight lifting and other muscles pumping staff.

but yes - keep us updated about your success ! it is interesting to know how all these modern preparatives really work.

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I think you should look on the net for low fat food recipes. I certainly wouldn't stick on a diet if I was eating stewed cabbage every night! There are loads of delicious low fat/low carb (for after 5pm) food recipes that are not hard to do - grilled fish and chicken, roasted veg, homemade veg stew and curry. You can also do things like buying low fat sausages and grilling them. Eat them with a poached egg and some grilled fatless bacon and you are eating the same things as you were before minus the fat.

Become an expert at reading food packets, avoid starchy carbs (white anything basically), sugar and fat and get as much excercise as possible. Try out loads of different activities and you will probably surprise yourself by finding one that you enjoy and do not find a chore.

I guess the key to dieting is to not feel like you are dieting - just eating fresh, healthy, delicious food and doing some activities that you genuinely enjoy. If you try to be too rigid, you will rebel. Look at it as a positive lifestyle change. Fatty and high sugar foods are extremely addictive. In cutting them out, I think you will start to find that you are not craving them as much as you would if you were eating them everyday.

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First of all I commend your determination and fighting spirit. But I think you are making too drastic a change diet wise. I think you might be better off eating what you want but less often and in smaller portions. With this and your exercise you will lose weight. By incorporating healthier foods into your diet this will help you eat the bad foods less often and hence decrease your portions of bad foods. I believe most foods are okay in moderation. I am no expert but this may help you still enjoy the foods you like and be healthier. As time goes by you can always eat healthier and healthier. Whenever you eat what is considered unhealthy remember moderation. No matter what happens. When you fall get back up. At least you are making the effort. The more you try the better you will get at it. With that fighting spirit of yours I know you can do it.

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Man, I go there everyday at lunchtime and walk round that little peninsula Lady Macquaries chair, I love it! Was jogging before new year but fell down my stairs full of whisky and done myself in but I'm getting fit again. The scenery is fantastic as I walk around there with the dockyard on one side and the Harbour Bridge and Opera House on the other, not to mention the talent. lots of Asian women as well. Keep at it mate.

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Well what can i say? The diet started out ok and has it got towards the end of the week it folded.

Earlier in the week i exercised,Tuesday i done nearly 3 hours walking,by the time Thursday and Friday came,i had plans to go walking but at the last minute my boss asked me to work back overtime on both thursaday and friday nights and guess what? he bought us all pizza and fried chips,well i couldnt resist.

Anyway apart from not exercising and not dieting now for 4 days ,i weign now 125.8kg a loss of 0.9kg.

I will have to start again tomorrow otherwise i will be back to 126.6kg very easy.

i have learnt a lot in the last week.

But im going to have to now train myself against distractions and really i should of not ate the pizza but..... it happens and i will try again this week.

Actually those long walks after work done me good not only in fitness but i felt calmer and less stress at work,i think walking is the best medicine for stress.

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Action, you can allow yourself a reward maybe once a week for keeping to your goal but I don't recommend Pizza hut. Walking is good but try to keep away from cars & streets as you will be breathing in fumes and buy some vaseline for between your legs, I'm an ex runner and that was the best thing for me.

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Here it is big boy, you only stock your frig, with fruit, veg, fish, whole grain bread, you pass on sugar, salt, butter, cheap cooking oil, each day you Waster-Size, Bending at the waist to pick up the waste and you get rid of both, I have been doing this for years, I look great and feel great, there is no quick fix, look how long it took you to look this way, you go out side, look around, do you see garbage on the ground, beach, park, Toxic cigg, filters, plastic, junk in general, start with 10 minutes and Waster-size, build up to an hour or more, don't rush it, forget the quick fix stuff, you will just get mad or sick, you will find that the exercise that you get from picking up trash, is a win, win, people will look at you with respect and maybe help, God or who ever you look up to will love you more, you will love you more, do good, gets good, stock up on smart food and Waster-Size, it takes time and you have that, your young and now you care and you don't have any more excuses, don't smoke, eat or drink junk,or booze, get off of your butt and do the funky chicken, ONE DAY AT A TIME, GOOD LUCK, GOOD HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, TO DAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOU LIFE, TAKE CONTROL AND REMEMBER. THE LIFE OF THE PEOPLE IS IN THE LAND, TAKE CARE OF IT AND IT WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. KOTO, KEEPER OF THE OCEAN

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2 things you have to remember. Eat less and exercise more. All the rest is bullshit. Forget the slimming pills.

After losing more than 120 kilos, I think you are right. My experience tells me that all I have to do is eat less food and add some excercise... and the weight is lost. Also, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy what you like. Just eat less of it. Everything else is bullshit

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