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Two Foreigners Found Executed In Thailand


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coming to Thailand? buy one of these, protect urself and ur family  :D

and what would the penalty for a falang carrying a side-arm in Thailand be.....?

Depends if the firearm is legal or not. If it's a black market weapon, you'll lose the weapon unless you can pay for more than it will be resold for. That particular S&W goes for between 36,000 and 45,000 new... but probably only around 15-20k or so 2nd hand/used and abused AND with no papers. So you can expect to at least have to pay a "fine" of 15-20k. Maybe nothing at all if you're connected (which Snapper1/BKK_Barney/Dirty Dog probably isn't). When poor people get caught with illegal weapons, there's sometimes prison time, but even the slightly well to do (falangs included) would more likely get away with a fine.



"I dont know what scares me the most. This job, or your past."

quote: Lock stock and two smoking barrels.

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I am just wondering why?

... Or is there some other underlying problem that has been long brewing and has just recently exploded?

... this is not to scare people off that were earlier talking about buying condos here... I still feel very safe in Thailand and still consider it a very safe country with the advice in the other post above adhered to.

Why?.... well, many people believe that if there is ever truth to be found in history....

Thailand is overdue for a military coup... something in the Thai psyche seems to have a proclivity for frequently having them.

But in this different Thaksin era/world:

the result will be a business/economic coup resulting in absolute control with all the same ramifications of a military coup.

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That particular S&W goes for between 36,000 and 45,000 new... but probably only around 15-20k or so 2nd hand

, but even the slightly well to do (falangs included) would more likely get away with a fine.

... and now with Heng's most informative posting (btw, thanks so much, Heng), we can all arm ourselves against the pending coup. .....

"the natives are getting restless, Dr. Livingstone"

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It is shocking news, with so many Farangs getting murdered in the Kingdom of Thailand. I just wonder with so many Americans living and even visiting the Kingdom, if the "wild west" has now caught up with many asian countries especially with the Kingdom of Thailand (sic). My wife and I just bought a plot of land to build our retirement home, I am now having second thoughts.

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That particular S&W goes for between 36,000 and 45,000 new... but probably only around 15-20k or so 2nd hand

, but even the slightly well to do (falangs included) would more likely get away with a fine. 

... and now with Heng's most informative posting (btw, thanks so much, Heng), we can all arm ourselves against the pending coup. .....

"the natives are getting restless, Dr. Livingstone"

Yeah no worries. Just trying to save people the embarrassment of trying to bribe a cop 100 Baht (ala the standard traffic bribe) on a weapons charge. The boys in brown seem a bit slow, but they typically know the value of things. As a general rule, don't let it escalate to the police box, to the station, and certainly not higher than that. All you're doing is increasing the depth of water you're in. Firmly/politely put the fine in hand (not in an envelope or whatever) so they can feel the 'weight' of your sincerity.


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i dont like all this shi# some stupid blokes talking here ]

there are not more murder cases then in other countries on foreigner at all

just for example miami in the 80s think back off alamo car users

european press was talking so much about and how horryble it was

but aktually in average there where not more killings then before and after

and it will be the same here

i am sorry for the families of all of them but the same risk will happen in europe or anythere else also

if people think they are not safe here why they are still stay or even come

think about italian citys there are much more bag or pocket snapper on mbike

yes you are right corruption has to be fight here

even if you got a ticket instead off paying just 100 baht

come on we are not in europe we are not in america we are not in africa and everywhere are different rules and laws and as a guest we have to accept or to leave

if this sounds to hard for someone please face life like it is

live with all sides bad and good

i never feel unsafe here

not on a visa run

not in a taxi

not in a bar

not with locals never

not with 100 000 baht in my pocket

actually i got always the taking care of thai people here and i respect them and do not make a different who they are, where they from,

but yes i am awake and aware

but always with the RESPECT of a GUEST of this beautyful country and its citizen

and also my respect to all the victems of murder cases no matter where they are from

we all should think more about that we live on one globe in one world and that we are all humans

there is never a reason dor violence like it is worldwide today only becaause of seeking for power to rule the world to be most powerful nation or what ever

who s sitting in a house of glass shouldn t start throuwing with stones

stop breath think and act in peace for the world for one equal community of humans

even wild animals are not acting that like we humans

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coming to Thailand? buy one of these, protect urself and ur family  :D

:o That`s exactly the kind of Cr@p that`s at the source of most of this violence and murders.

Firearms should be made illegal and all the gun waving and toting on Thai television should seriously be banned. I keep seeing kids glued to the TV set watching this s**t... :D

Eventually, I will purchase a handgun to keep in my house. When it comes to protecting me or my family, I will take no chances. However, such guns should be properly locked and stored. My children would most definitely be unaware of it's presence. But, I wouldn't get a revolver like the one in the pic, a nice 9 mm beretta would do the trick.

I come from a hunting family in Canada. I was raised around guns. I took a hunter's safety course (as required by Canadian law) at the age of 15 which taught how to properly hold, clean, store and use a gun. I doubt many gun holders are properly trained on how to use them, especially in Thailand.

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coming to Thailand? buy one of these, protect urself and ur family  :D

:o That`s exactly the kind of Cr@p that`s at the source of most of this violence and murders.

Firearms should be made illegal and all the gun waving and toting on Thai television should seriously be banned. I keep seeing kids glued to the TV set watching this s**t... :D

Eventually, I will purchase a handgun to keep in my house. When it comes to protecting me or my family, I will take no chances. However, such guns should be properly locked and stored. My children would most definitely be unaware of it's presence. But, I wouldn't get a revolver like the one in the pic, a nice 9 mm beretta would do the trick.

I come from a hunting family in Canada. I was raised around guns. I took a hunter's safety course (as required by Canadian law) at the age of 15 which taught how to properly hold, clean, store and use a gun. I doubt many gun holders are properly trained on how to use them, especially in Thailand.

These guys offer a decent basic training for revolvers, semi-automatics, under pressure shooting, and shooting under low light conditions courses. Only a few thousand Baht per course (not including ammo). There are 4-5 indoor ranges and 2 football field sized outdoors ranges for practice as well. Best of all you'll get to rub elbows with yours truly. :D

Ramintra 17 Government Shooting Range/Club

02-522-2231 (membership is only 2,000 Baht a year, less if you have a family member involved in any gov't, police, army, etc. organization)

Bring your own piece, and it's also recommended that you bring your own Landcruiser or SL 500 as well.


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Yeah, lots of foolish posts in this thread, the one saying Pattaya tourists make a substancial contribution culturally to Thai society is another one.

Funny how in this thread suddenly 20 newbies pop up with one post to their name spreading garbage.....

Suddenly a lot of experts around.

I don't think crime is worse in thailand then anywhere else. In your own country you also have daily murders, social drama's, suicides ect. You just don't notice them anymore.

This is just noticable because it doesn't happen that often.

so just because you are a "newbie" you can not contribute your opinion to an open forum?? You sanctimonious suck!! Grow another brain cell and then you'll have a PAIR!!! This is not Channel 19 on the CB....

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Bloody ######,What is going on in Los at this moment in time,

this is nothing new, tourists have been found dead for many many years in LOS.

no place in the world has a higher death rate for murdered ,drugged , and vanished tourists .and the balcony jumpers as well.

it has always been a contradiction .you figure it.

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Funny how in this thread suddenly 20 newbies pop up with one post to their name spreading garbage.....

Suddenly a lot of experts around.

so just because you are a "newbie" you can not contribute your opinion to an open forum?? You sanctimonious suck!! Grow another brain cell and then you'll have a PAIR!!! This is not Channel 19 on the CB....

I think the point was that there were a surprising number of contributors whose first or second posting was to this this discussion. There may have been a suspicion that some of them were the same person.

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I hope anyone possessing or contemplating purchase of an illegal weapon GET LEGAL (just sit tight until the next illegal gun registration day) or go out and purchase from a licensed gun dealer in the Wang Burapha area of Bangkok (you can park free at the Old Siam Shopping Center... the gun shops will validate your parking ticket).


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lets start cold war two

if you can kill me

i can kill you twice

what about if you / we think a bit more about peace in community

before we start buying weapons

BTW i can even kill you without weapon i have two hands

but to hugh you is more fun isn't it

i hope every ellegal weapon will be found and its owner will be justiced

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But can a farang legally possess a firearm?

Foreigners with permanent residency can legally own firearms. I assume they only have to meet the same requirements as locals do to increase their ownership to concealed/carry.


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Yeah, lots of foolish posts in this thread, the one saying Pattaya tourists make a substancial contribution culturally to Thai society is another one.

Funny how in this thread suddenly 20 newbies pop up with one post to their name spreading garbage.....

Suddenly a lot of experts around.

I don't think crime is worse in thailand then anywhere else. In your own country you also have daily murders, social drama's, suicides ect. You just don't notice them anymore.

This is just noticable because it doesn't happen that often.

so just because you are a "newbie" you can not contribute your opinion to an open forum?? You sanctimonious suck!! Grow another brain cell and then you'll have a PAIR!!! This is not Channel 19 on the CB....

See what i mean :D

has a new quota of backpacking ajarns arrived again ??? :o:D

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I knew there was a reason I never go to National Parks or mingle with anybody besides pooyings or the people that come with me. I found that while they are all friendly over in SE Asia, you don't need to make friends. Having a gun won't do any good because people sneak up on you. The bandits knock on the passenger side and while your attention is turned that way the guy on the driver side has his gun out. In Colombia and S. Africa (and Miami a few years back) bangers or people who'd been robbed instinctively turned and looked the opposite way of the tapping on the window.

All the people that want to save money and get cabs at the airport at the departure side should know about a few years back when arrivals were getting wacked by guys in unschedued cabs.

You are Big Game in much of the world, so be on the defensive. I laugh at continentals sporting Rolexes and gold chains over there. They'll stalk you like an animal for days in Java to get a shot at it.

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I have lived in Thailand for four years both in bkk and pattaya and have never had a problem (touch wood), not to jinx myself :-) ... so I consider it safer than my home country Oz, where there are lots of very violent crimes in all regions against both locals and foreigners. I have also lived five years throughout western europe and four years in the states... where I encountered and heard about alot more problems with foreigners than you do here.

Posting pictures of guns on the forum and declaring that we make a positive impact on their culture is not entirely true. Remember you are always a visitor here regardless of the amount of time you haved lived or have spent here... alot of people forget that, and alot of people come here thinking they can act and treat people the same way they do back at home... with alot of disrespect.

There are foreigners being shot here, but there also a whole bunch more thais being killed everyday in the same way.

As a farrang, it is normal practice to argue and snap back at people when you are confronted. I have seen this happen here in stores over the most minor communication problem with a thai person... why do that? Remember you are the guest and we have to shine with a good image to help the thai people to understand us (farrangs) so we may gain respect from them.

Respect their country, respect their people and their ways and you too should not every have a problem.

well spoken i agree 100%

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what about if you / we think a bit more about peace in community

before we start buying weapons

Tell that to the crackhead with your wallet in his pocket and a razor-sharp hunting knife to your wife's throat. There's some desperate, unpredictable people out there and if one of these degenerates happen to enter my home, well...I would have no quams taking their life for the sake of mine or my family's...and a gun would be the most efficient method of doing so.

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There does seem to be an increase lately of crime against tourists... perhaps running parallel with the slightly increased numbers of tourists. Just imagine what the headlines will be like when tourism hits the 20 million visitors goal (almost double what it is now) established by the government.

Back in the day, when I lived in Florida, all rental cars were easily identifiable by a "Y-plate", meaning that the first letter of the license plate on all rental cars was a "Y".

So an "enterprising" group of criminals started hanging out near the airport, waiting for a likely Y-plate car to drive by. Then they'd follow it, and wait until it came to a stoplight. Then they'd bump into the car, because they know that the natural reaction of any person in a minor traffic accident is to get out and check the damage.

Once the person was out of the car, the crooks would beat and/or kill them, steal all their valuables, and disappear. It got so bad at one point that the police actually issued an advisory to tourists, telling them that if they were involved in a minor traffic accident that they should flee the scene! Can you imagine that? The police actually telling people to break the law for their own safety.

My point is: Tourists are always going to be the targets of criminals, because tourists are usually alone and far from home (and known support systems). Wolves pick out the deer that straggles from the herd for the same reason. Without support from the herd, the lone deer is vulnerable. Likewise, a tourist in a strange place is vulnerable and quite often unaware of local dangers.

So as long as Thailand has a tourist industry, there will be tourist-related crime.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Firearms should be made illegal

Totally fookin insane.

Why should those who have superior genetics or an unhealthy preoccupation with bench-pressing mini-coopers have an unfair advantage over those people who might be smaller, weaker, or more peaceful?

If someone is trying to intimidate, beat or strongarm me or my family they may get a bottle across the face, a brick to the back of the head, or I'll just run them over with a car or truck.

If they're too threatening they may just get shot.

What's so wrong about that?

If you don't want a decent person to shoot your ass dead, all you have to do is be respectful and non-threatening.

For all others, you may as well have a gun-your life may depend on it.


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I've lived ,in retirement, in Thailand since 1991 and have always felt safe here. The only time I have had violence committed on me was when my wife lost her cool and threw one at me.

I lived in chiang mai for the first 4 years and walked over that city at all times of the day and night and never felt endangered. Can't say that about some parts of Sydney.

I moved here to this village 9 years ago and feel very safe. I recently bought a german shepherd and have a small pepper spray that hasn't been used in 7 years. I did feel endangered by my wifes ex early on but that has past now after me explaining to his parents that it would put me in a very bad situation if he was to perform violence on my wife. As he was threatening to do.

I don't go through my life feeling danger or thinking that it might happen to me and quite frankly I think that people who have or want to have guns are people who have a hi level of fear.

Before I came to Thailand I travelled in Aus. with a caravan pulled be a couple horses and people were always amazed that I didn't carry a gun. People were always telling me about all these violent things that have happened over the years. But some of these things had happened over 20 years before.

I think that the fear that comes out of the USA is a shame, especially when there is so much good also comes out of that country.

Of over 60 million people,here in this country, There will be murders and violence that seems to be part of the human make up, and I suspect that part of that is the way Mr T has/ is handling the drug problem. Living here in a village of peasant people mostly poor, and going to Bangkok seeing one roomed apartments going for 1,000,000 baht whilst people here are battling to feed their families. That has to cause problems of resentment that leads to people breaking the law.

What was that song that came out during the 50's '' The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. No matter how much we sing about it it gets worse.

Regards Joe

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have stayed at Khao Yai National park (Klong Sai resort).....never once felt threatened and the only time I was worried was when I saw, what I thought to be the tracks of a rather large dog 50 metres from the accomadation....didnt know about the tigers then. :D

As for kids being scared of me the farang, I went back to my ex's village in Feb/Mar for the first time in 7 years, I never had kids of any age running away from me...quite the opposite, I called myself the "white ghost" and playfully pretended to abduct them...they thought it was great fun. If the local kids are scared of you, it may well be for another reason. :o

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Unlike Colombia and some other parts of the third world, Thailand doesn't suffer from widespread kidnapping. At least not yet anyhow. I fear the strained social fibre of the kingdom , when it breaks (as it will if there's another economic meltdown) will result in an even more savage upswing in violent crime than is occurring at the moment. THen I'll have to leave after many years here.

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