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Penang woman


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Hi robertT,

To your first question, I will answer briefly. The muslim Malays here is about 60%, the Chinese and the rest about 40%. The dominant (Malay party) controls parliament, the government, the civil service, the army, the police and so on. The non-Malay representatives in Parliament is in the minority. Nonetheless, when business and trade are concerned, the Chinese are " world class " . There is of course, some feeling of " resentment " here, but it is all under control. We live in separate compartments, so to speak. However, life must go on.

To your second question. With reference to moral values and vices, they are very strict about it. This applies only to Muslims. For criminal, civil and other cases (as the case may be), they follow English Jurisprudence. Most of the elderly lawyers here are English trained. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your stay in Penang. Keep smiling and have a nice day.


charlie. :o

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Hi robertT,

Some more info for you reading. I am glad that you like Malaysia, especially Penang. Malaysia is a very multi-racial, multi-cultural and peaceful country. You will feel very at home, because English is widely spoken and the people are friendly and helpful. For medical and other services, there are of international standards. If you like cool places, try " Cameron Highlands, or for family entertainment go for " Genting Highlands " ..... it has the one and only " casino " in the whole country. For those who are more adventurous and enjoy driving, try the new super highway (double lane), running non-stop from the northern tip of Singapore right up to the Malaysia-Thai border. On the super highway, you can branch out to other towns if you want to. Of course you have to pay toll charges. I can go on and on, but time does not permit me. What's the difference. Thailand's main attraction is the sex related services, but here is more for family vacation...... cultural, sight seeing, swimming, sports, eating and so on. " Selamat datang ke Malaysia " , dan terima kasih.


charlie. :o

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Hi RoberT

I too splashed out and stayed at the City Bayview Hotel on my first trip to Penang, great hotel. I got it from an agency in Hatyai cost about 1200 baht at that time, good service and music in the evening. I was offered lady services by the bell boy that I declined.

I went out in Georgetown and found some good Pubs serving my favorite tipple draft Guinness, plenty of Friendly girls around. I talked with a number of them including one girl a singer, she also offered other services quite openly it seemed. Another pub I eventually made my local the Soho, great Music, I met some girls in there very beautiful. Malay Muslims, they did not drink just out for a good time. I never perused anything else.

On my last visit I stayed in another hotel not far from Bayview, name slips my mind. But nice old colonial style place. It had a health club at the back, I asked the hotel owner about the health club. He told me quite openly that is not for health, it’s a brothel. No problem but only non Muslims allowed inside??? Okay I hope that answers some of the original questions, I found all the Malays to be polite helpful. I should say I felt very much at home being a Brit, nice to be able to get what you want easier than Thailand.


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Hi Jem Jem,

Nice to hear from you. Still not satisfied? I will answer you (in two parts), in a very friendly and humorous manner.

Part One. Let's assume you are now in Malaysia, and you have posted your " protest " in the Malaysian press..... The authorities would take offence and come and see you..... and then what? Take a guess! I will also want to know.

Part Two. This scenario is most likely to happen. First, they will black lists you, (on-line hi tech computers), then pack you up and sent you off.....first plane out. Please remember, this not Turkey or Timbuktu. I know that you are a nice person and have good intentions. I respect your good intentions. This is what Malaysia is all about. Wishing you all the best.


charlie. :o

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Thanks for your humorous reply, Charlie :o

Just want to ask something : When a sign at, say, a massage parlour over there says 'For Non-Muslims only', how about Muslims from other nations ? So, is that place off-limits to, say, tourists from Saudi Arabia or Morrocco ?

If this is the case, then there is the same point I am trying to make....how can the authorities there have the moral/legal right to decide who is of which religion (I am sure that even in a  'strictly religious' country like Saudi Arabia, there are some non-believers). And, also, this would surely cause resentment among some tourists who feel that they are being discriminated by not being allowed to certain places.

I am actually guessing that this practice does not apply to non-Malaysian nationals but still wanted to make sure by asking you.



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Hi Jem Jem,

Thank you for you prompt response.

To the best of my knowledge, I think it applies to " all Muslims ". To confirm, please kindly contact the Malaysian Embassy or Consulate. I am so sorry that I could not answer you correctly this time. However, if you wish to know more information on other Malaysian affairs, I will be very glad to answer you as best as I can. Keep smiling and have a nice day. All the best.


charlie. :o

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By the way, just as a matter of interest. I spent one night in Hatyai. I was on my way home to Songkhla, I visited many places of ill repute. I did go briefly into a like caberet place, lots of tables, lots of very nice ladies. I was the only farrang, as far as I could see. Just ordered a beer, came a nice big btl complete with 2 hostess. I must say one was a stunner, turns out she is Musilim. I asked the usual questions, Mye Me Ben Har, bar fine 500 back to the room 1ooo. But she didnt eat pork :cool: Very attractive, but I declined as usual. I was accosted by many on the street back to my hotel, are they part of the terrorist attacks ??? Just joking but many Musilim girls on the game all over the south, dont be dragged into this religious Sh-t please :o
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To the assembled can we put this Muslim girl/sex trade business to bed? Yeah...Malaysia has it's policy that attempts to prevent Muslims from becoming 'defiled'...OK for them. Anyone on the game there whether buying or selling knows what the score is...it's not for us bule/farangs to tell them how to run things. With regard to Muslim south Thailand and Indonesia no one seems to give a sh*t...that's cool and would suit our bule/farang interests. I got my doubts about government leadership all over SE Asia but I'm not here to criticize. If we choose to hang out here we got to take it as it comes. In the end, we all get laid, nes pas?

pschef...put the lid on that bottle of Stoli...

all the best...

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Hi pschef,

My response to your: " Just joking but many muslim girls on the the game all over the south..... ". Just to remind you that Thailand is a " Buddhist " country, whereas Malaysia is a " Muslim " country. That makes the difference. That will also answer all your ...... Sh...t, so to speak. I am also joking with you. Keep smiling and have a nice day.

Let's have a glass of beer.


charlie. :o

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Sorry I am not attacking Muslims, it’s just funny that after working 10 years in Saudi. I saw so many people hiding behind religious hipocracy; I agree in Thailand the same. That’s why I say don’t get dragged in to region, its not a question of good and bad. My friend a very devout Muslim still drinks everyday, not in Ramadan. He thinks that makes up for it. In any country so called religious ladies or men for that matter working in Sex trade. Doesn’t mean they are bad people, just hypocrites??? Oh I can do this but I must never do that, like my friend can drink but refuses to eat a pork sausage. Sorry George off topic again? :laugh:
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Hi pschef,

Glad to hear from you again. To begin with, I am not a muslim, but I feel very sorry for some of them. Now this is no joke..... just for your info. During fasting month, some were caught eating or drinking tea outside..... they were caught, pay a heavy fine, and frequent offenders sent to jail. I agree with you, ... no bad people, just hypocrites. I sympathize and feel sorry for them. That's the best I can do. Period.

Keep smiling and have a nice day. " Now, let's go and have that glass of beer."


charlie. :o

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Dear Charlie : With all due respect to your sincerity and nice, kind, polite posts, I am afraid I cannot say that (with the details you wrote), Malaysia is a tolerant country. How can a government make it an offense to eat/drink outdoors during Ramadan ?

What I call 'tolerant' is a situation where non-fasters respect fasters and fasters respect non-fasters.

I know that in some other countries, like Saudi Arabia, things are much more strict. I am writing about Malaysia because here, we have started the discussion on Penang........don't get me wrong.

You wrote that Thailand is a 'Buddhist' country and Malaysia is a 'Muslim' country. Of course, I understand what this implies but I feel that countries cannot be of any religion. A COUNTRY should not be considered, for instance, 'Christian'......PEOPLE should be considered 'Christian'.

As for even non-Malaysian Muslims not being able to do certain things over there, well, I am very disappointed that Malaysia imposes these rules on foreigners too. So, even though I am an agnostic, I run the risk of arrest if I go to a brothel in Penang and authorities find out I am from Turkey and 'assume' wrongly that I am Muslim, as is about 90 percent of Turkey's population. Mind you....I wouldn't go to visit a prostitute because even sex with a condom is not 100 percent safe and I am not willing to take that risk, especially with a prostitute. I just wanted to give an example.

Then again, don't get me wrong..... there are so many things I criticise about Thailand and also my own country, Turkey.



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Well guys, I don't think one can ever understand Malaysia, good or bad unless you really live there and experience it yourself.  :o

Just like in Thailand, how many can actually say that they knew Thailand so well before they even came here?

JemJem, could you explain more on what you meant by a country cannot be of any religion? When we say Malaysia is a Muslim country, we would mean more on the majority and the goverment are practising the Muslim religion of certain ruling.

And I am sorry to say this, BUT I think its right that the goverment imposed certain rules on the foreigners too. Cos this is also one of the many reasons why Malaysia is a peaceful country, with different races and religions. And as the saying goes, when you are in Rome, do like the Romans do. Don't mean it in a bad way or critisising anyone here, but I personally feel that this is also a way of showing respect to country that we visit.

Like what Charlie always says.. keep the smile going.... :D


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Hi Jem Jem,

First, I must say thank you very much to " Wei " for helping me to answer your inquiries. Thank you once again, " Wei ".

Now Jem Jem, I will be as friendly and as humorous in answering you. Just to remind you that Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-cultural and peaceful nation. We have mosques,

Christian &  Catholic churches, Chinese temples, Buddhist temples, Hindu temples, Sikh temples, Siamese temples..... you name it and we have it. We are all happy and the muslims are all happy. We have no problems. No one is complaining. You are the only complaining. We have no problems. You are the only having promblems. You have not lived here ..... have you? Please, please leave as alone and always remember this is not Turkey or Timbuktu. Nonethelesss, I seem to like you. You are a good person and I respect you. Keep smiling and have a nice day. Period.

Thank you. All the best.




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Hi Jem Jem,

In a very friendly and polite manner, I regret to say..........

" effective immediately " I will not respond to any more " religious " discussion. Period. Ask me anything ..... from " hanky-panky " to " Timbuktu ", I will be most happy to respond. In closing, I wish to say, in a typical British manner.... " You are a jolly good fellow " and I salute you.

I shall remain, your good friend. Wishing you all the best.

Keep smiling and have a nice day.




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I will not respond to any more " religious " discussion. Period.

That is what Arrogant people write when they think

they are losing the Argument.

Many Foreigners regard Malaysia as an Intolerant Country.

It is just Malaysians cannot see themselves that way.

But what you just wrote proves it to me.

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No, that is not what arrogant people said when they think they cannot win the argument. Thats what smart people do when they don't want to waste time explaining what others don't seem to understand and refuse to understand or see things from different angle.

Again, there is no right or wrong in which ever thing discussed. Right or wrong, its just a matter of perception. Up to you to decide what is right or wrong FOR YOU YOURSELF but at least respect other people's view point.

Besides, why would we see it as a Intolerant Country? We have enough food, enough peace, enough education, enough job, enough of everything.... no fighting, no religious war.


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Also, I have to add, it doesn't matter how other foreigners think about Malaysia, as long as we the Malaysians are happy about it.

Malaysia welcome all foreigners who enjoy the stay and the country, those that don't really like it that much, they can go home.  :cool:

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I promise no more religion, as far as I know and I have been to Penang a few times. They Girls and Boys or Men and women are very tolerant  and most friendly people I have ever met. My last visit was in the middle of a Hindu festival, it made my stay so much more exciting. Nobody had any problems, all people just respecting others. I will say that if I had not already made such a commitment in LOS, Malaysia would be my country of choice. My hat is off to you all. :cool:
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Dear Wei and Charlie,

I didn't mean to offend anyone and I don't think I offended anyone. I was only criticising  certain practices over there. I mean, this is a forum, as long as we don't insult anyone, we should be free to discuss issues.

Who knows...maybe one day, in another message board, you will be criticising some practice in my country :o



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A big " THANK YOU " (in alphabetical order) to " Markt ",

" pschef ", " Wei " for your marvelous response and support, and it is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much once again.

Dear Jem Jem,

Glad to hear from you again. Yes, I agree, you have not offended anyone. To me, you are like, " An officer and a gentleman " . You still have my respects. In closing, I wish all of you " the best of the best ". Keep smiling and have a nice day.




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Hi Jem Jem,

No problem, I don't feel that you have offended anyone at all. You were just looking for more info about the country, thats all.

Yeah as long as we don't insult anyone or do personal attack on the forum thats fine.


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