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As a new member there seems to be lots of postings by members who seemingly know very little about Thailand and just guess at topics.

As a new member i find it very difficult to get consise educated informaton.

can admin make an area for known ex pats with at least 3 years living in Thailand

So as us newcomers can get good imformative information not silly ill informed postings on serious subjects

As a new member there seems to be lots of postings by members who seemingly know very little about Thailand and just guess at topics.

As a new member i find it very difficult to get consise educated informaton.

can admin make an area for known ex pats with at least 3 years living in Thailand

So as us newcomers can get good imformative information not silly ill informed postings on serious subjects

It'd be too hard to administer. How would we ever know who had or had not accumulated long stay status ?

As a new member there seems to be lots of postings by members who seemingly know very little about Thailand and just guess at topics.

As a new member i find it very difficult to get consise educated informaton.

can admin make an area for known ex pats with at least 3 years living in Thailand

So as us newcomers can get good imformative information not silly ill informed postings on serious subjects

It'd be too hard to administer. How would we ever know who had or had not accumulated long stay status ?

For instance one might even suspect that you, as a non Thai resident, may well have some strange agenda for we poor locals.


Sounds like someone new to the joys of online fora.

A hint. Ask a specific question. Read the responses. PM the writers who demonstrate anything that you think could be construed as intelligent, and follow up on whatevr advice they gave you.

Most posters who actually know what they are talking about will follow up in PM to provide a service to other members. Those who won't; you made an error about in the first place.

There are many posters here with quite a level of nous, who will happily give excellent advice, though I agree with your overall point that the level of intelligent posting has been somewhat reduced in recent times, which is rather sad.

.....I agree with your overall point that the level of intelligent posting has been somewhat reduced in recent times, which is rather sad.

I would love to know why this is! Some people blame the 'ajarn' forum having problems and their members coming here. Of course, I don't :o .

.....I agree with your overall point that the level of intelligent posting has been somewhat reduced in recent times, which is rather sad.

I would love to know why this is! Some people blame the 'ajarn' forum having problems and their members coming here. Of course, I don't :D .

Not a biased bone in your body is there RDN ? Heheheh :o

As a new member there seems to be lots of postings by members who seemingly know very little about Thailand and just guess at topics.

As a new member i find it very difficult to get consise educated informaton.

can admin make an area for known ex pats with at least 3 years living in Thailand

So as us newcomers can get good imformative information not silly ill informed postings on serious subjects

would be useless to do that anyway - you can get top information from someone living in Thailand only since a few weeks and you can get crap from someone who stayed in thailand for 20 years. what makes you think that you have to live in thailand for more then 3 years to know the answer to some questions?

Also: If you post a question you will usually get a load of answers, then just use you brain and filter out what is abvious crap and what could be useful and follow the leads. And stick to that rule: Don't believe everything that you read and only half of what you see.



Sorry SS. I would be among the guilty ones who post sometimes silly replies. You will only find my posts of this type in General Topics and the Bars forum as they seem to be more light and less serious. The other Topics seem to be more informative and concise.

:o Coffee!!! :D


Take the time to browse the forum, you will soon see for your self who to take note of and who to take with a pinch of salt.

I have had some help from the people here and I have had some amusing answers aswel, if you don't trust the info, confirm it for your self.


Thre is a huge thread that a certain "the gentleman" did last year, it was called "how long have you been in Thailand" - you should get a better understanding after you have read that. do a search.

.....I agree with your overall point that the level of intelligent posting has been somewhat reduced in recent times, which is rather sad.

I would love to know why this is! Some people blame the 'ajarn' forum having problems and their members coming here. Of course, I don't :o .

i blame that DJPat :D

on a more serious note, aren't the ajarn members welcome here?

.....I agree with your overall point that the level of intelligent posting has been somewhat reduced in recent times, which is rather sad.

I would love to know why this is! Some people blame the 'ajarn' forum having problems and their members coming here. Of course, I don't :o .

i blame that DJPat :D

on a more serious note, aren't the ajarn members welcome here?

Oh, of course they are - they've even got their own "Teaching in Thailand" forum which was started when ajarn.com had problems. But some people - no names - recognise teachers in this forum and like to have a go. All in good fun... really! :D


I've never had trouble getting GOOD advice on this forum - plenty of laughs too!

If you read the forums a bit you'll soon work out who has the valuable knowledge about things in Thailand.

It's not WHAT gets said, but WHO'S saying it!!

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