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How To Deal With A Problem Farang?


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I'm out of the country on a business trip and have gotten multiple calls about a farang British National (who claims to be a mason) who has moved into my village and made a right mess of things.

It seems he has kicked his Thai wife out of a house which is in her name and she had to moved to Bangkok. He has remained and taken up with a ladyboy in the house. Things seem to get weird from here. He is verbally abusive to everyone, including the police. I've also been told he has "touched" people (children and women) in offensive ways.

The police don't want to deal with it unless they are forced to, but a lot of people want to get this guy out.

People like this give all foreigners a bad name in Thailand and only reinforce the stereotypes and xenophobia that we are already dealing with.

Any suggestions?

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It seems like people are insecure. They might, for instance, wait for somebody to talk reason to him. Often, the first instance is a person's family - get his relatives to set him straight.

I would not get personally involved, but would tell people about the culture in GB: that every person is responsible for his/her deeds, that it is okay there to initiate legal action without the detour over the family, that in Europe physical force is not okay (wife-beating) etc. Maybe he also needs some medical help, who knows.

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stay away from him ,if he's done what you said then there might be stray bullits coming his way

Thats a possiblility, but I'd prefer arrest and public humiliation. Then jail and deportation after sentence served fully in Thailand

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I'm out of the country on a business trip and have gotten multiple calls about a farang British National (who claims to be a mason) who has moved into my village and made a right mess of things.

It seems he has kicked his Thai wife out of a house which is in her name and she had to moved to Bangkok. He has remained and taken up with a ladyboy in the house. Things seem to get weird from here. He is verbally abusive to everyone, including the police. I've also been told he has "touched" people (children and women) in offensive ways.

The police don't want to deal with it unless they are forced to, but a lot of people want to get this guy out.

People like this give all foreigners a bad name in Thailand and only reinforce the stereotypes and xenophobia that we are already dealing with.

Any suggestions?

Are you/he the only farang in the area--I think you need to check the truth in whats being said to you--maybe some exaggeration here, hopefully--if true, I fear we may read about yet another dead farang--sounds like a mental case.

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stay away from him ,if he's done what you said then there might be stray bullits coming his way

Thats a possiblility, but I'd prefer arrest and public humiliation. Then jail and deportation after sentence served fully in Thailand

For kicking his wife out or for the rumours in the village? Be nice to know the full story first wouldn't it? :o

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if the house is in his wifes name then it is a simple case of getting a lawyer & serving him notice, if on the other hand he has a lease &/or ufstruct then there is nothing she can really do about that. As for the other accusations about touching, then they are very serious accusations & I would urge they get ample proof before making roads into sorting that out. The guy has broken no law for just being a tosser to his wife & taking up with a lady boy but sexual abuse against children & women is a serious offense than needs to be 100% confrimed before possibly ruining a mans life by pursuing jail time.

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I'm out of the country on a business trip and have gotten multiple calls about a farang British National (who claims to be a mason) who has moved into my village

Don't answer the phone

.....and made a right mess of things.

Non of your business.

It seems he has kicked his Thai wife out of a house which is in her name and she had to moved to Bangkok.

Non of your business.

He has remained and taken up with a ladyboy in the house.

Non of your business

Things seem to get weird from here. He is verbally abusive to everyone, including the police.

Non of your business

I've also been told he has "touched" people (children and women) in offensive ways.

Unless you personally have proof of this - Don't go around spreading the rumour - It is an accusation of the vilest behaviour but without proof and as gossip it is alos the vilest of accusations and the vilest of gossip.

The police don't want to deal with it unless they are forced to, but a lot of people want to get this guy out.

Non of your business

People like this give all foreigners a bad name in Thailand and only reinforce the stereotypes and xenophobia that we are already dealing with.

I would suggest you are not doing a bad job yourself 1. With sticking your nose into other people's business and 2. by spreading vile rumour (which is just as effective at tarring people as proven allegations.

Any suggestions?

Yes I have - Grow up and live your own life.

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I'm out of the country on a business trip and have gotten multiple calls about a farang British National (who claims to be a mason) who has moved into my village and made a right mess of things.

It seems he has kicked his Thai wife out of a house which is in her name and she had to moved to Bangkok. He has remained and taken up with a ladyboy in the house. Things seem to get weird from here. He is verbally abusive to everyone, including the police. I've also been told he has "touched" people (children and women) in offensive ways.

The police don't want to deal with it unless they are forced to, but a lot of people want to get this guy out.

People like this give all foreigners a bad name in Thailand and only reinforce the stereotypes and xenophobia that we are already dealing with.

Any suggestions?

Go and have a word with him. Let's know how you get on.


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I have a solution for your problem farang.

Somewhere between your house and his, dig a really big hole.

Fill the hole with ashes, about halfway.

Surround the hole with fresh green garden peas.

Then wait. When he comes to take a pea, kick him in the ash hole.


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