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E-commerce Website


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My company has a website, but I would like to add simple e-commerce functions to the web so that my customers can place their orders and pay through Visa or Mastercards.

1) Are there any legal requirements before I can set up an e-commerce site? Eg. must i apply for special license or anything?

2) I know Kasikorn has an e-commerce service whereby they can act as our e-commerce credit card Merchant..has anyone tried them before? Any problems?

3) Anyone knows of any good web design/hosting companies that can do a decent job on website design, hosting and e-commerce at reasonable rates?

Thank you

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You could just stick some PayPal code in there and thus be able to accept credit cards...though they will give you unfavorable exchange rates.

Legally, I think that you only need to declare the income for tax purposes...someone with more knowledge should say more, but from what I've seen here, you don't have to go through extra legal hoops for e-commerce sites.

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I've used ZenCart for several projects. I think it's fairly decent package, but it definitely has some quirky points and non-intuitive aspects that drove me nuts for a bit.

If you're willing to look into a package that is still a bit early in its development (currently beta 0.8.16100), I would checkout Magento. I think it's going to mature into a phenomenal e-commerce app.

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My company has a website, but I would like to add simple e-commerce functions to the web so that my customers can place their orders and pay through Visa or Mastercards.

1) Are there any legal requirements before I can set up an e-commerce site? Eg. must i apply for special license or anything?

2) I know Kasikorn has an e-commerce service whereby they can act as our e-commerce credit card Merchant..has anyone tried them before? Any problems?

3) Anyone knows of any good web design/hosting companies that can do a decent job on website design, hosting and e-commerce at reasonable rates?

Thank you

1) Depends on where your business is located,

eg in the UK you will have to conform to the data protection code, the ecommerce act 2002, distance selling act and the telecommunications act - are all relevent to the way you set up your business. Note that you will still be subject to the e-commerce act and telecoms act even if you do not "trade" on your site. If you are in the UK check out http://www.out-law.com/page-431

As for other countries I am not sure - best to check with a lawyer.

Most people don't give this much thought but it is always good to check ou the regs just to make sure.

2) Personally never used Kasicrn but know of of a few people using them, benefits are - international cards can be used easily when purchasing in Thailand. Good English communications, easy to use. Downside - expensive, difficult to get without loads of paperwork if you are a farang. Sometimes slow to payout.

If the business is going to be in Thailand I would suggest you use a Thai merchant provider as foreign providers often block transactrions within Thailand, causing grief for your customers.

Chargebacks in Thailand are very high - so make sure you have an effective plan to cover you losses for this. Remember you are liable for those losses and this can often cause a considerable cash flow problem for businesses starting out in e-commerce. Plan for around 15% loss.

3) I dont know of any in Thailand - cause i have never needed to look for one. Perhaps sopmebody else can point you in the correct direction.

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and yeah you need an e-commerce license if you want to play by the rules but its easy to obtain. stick to a payment provider overseas if you sell international because the local ones work very unreliable and a lot of valid cards just don't get through. also keep in mind most local webdesign companies are not as good as they should be and charge higher prices than companies would for the same job in developed countries.

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