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Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers

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How many Hash House Harriers runs are there in Chiang Mai?Doesn't the HHH pub do them too?

Too many.

There is the original mens Hash which was founded in 1981, I was actively involved in this since 1984 but sadly in the late 1990's the whole thing became really unpleasant with some serious bickering amoungst certain members. There were some pretty ugly incidents with extreme violence rearing it's ugly head on an occasion or 2. There was a break away group of male Hashers formed and they are running every other week, some may say these are the miscreants, others will disagree.

I am not involved with the Hash anymore but apparently the 2 mens Hash's are co-operating and most CM Mens Hashers attend each run on alternate weeks.

There is also the Mixed Saturday Hash which was formed in 1991 with Radar (#2) as the elected Grand Master. Radar has long since departed.

Then there is the Bunny Hash, an all girlies affair. They only run on special occasions (maybe a good thing).

Chiang Mai hosted the 2006 Interhash which was attended by, I think, more than 6,000 hashers from all over the globe.


I'm a "former" ( due to an PF injury, almost 2 years down time... ) Ultramarathoner ( Badwater 135 twice, Angeles Crest 100, Lost Boys 50 miler, and numerous other ) and looking to get some motivation to get back into it. ( plus the weight gain, still eat like I'm still hammerin out the miles )

Never have I done a Hash before, but have heard 'bout them for years....

Is there room for a newbie to get his running legs ( and feet ) back?

Really don't wanna get started back running the concrete soi of which would only take me 10 minutes to run it, and don't like "hamster runs " on the wheel of fortune ( treadmill ...did one for charity a few years back and managed to stay on the stupid thing for 10 hours straight..never again )

And really do enjoy the ice cold one after...

Don't know the rules either, but a quick learner.

Running stores in CM??? Brought some shoes with me when I moved here, but could use some some new shirts and shorts as well....

" Ahhh, I knew I was doing well and I ran up the hill. Passing rocks and trees as if they were standing still"

I'm a "former" ( due to an PF injury, almost 2 years down time... ) Ultramarathoner ( Badwater 135 twice, Angeles Crest 100, Lost Boys 50 miler, and numerous other ) and looking to get some motivation to get back into it. ( plus the weight gain, still eat like I'm still hammerin out the miles )

Never have I done a Hash before, but have heard 'bout them for years....

Is there room for a newbie to get his running legs ( and feet ) back?

Really don't wanna get started back running the concrete soi of which would only take me 10 minutes to run it, and don't like "hamster runs " on the wheel of fortune ( treadmill ...did one for charity a few years back and managed to stay on the stupid thing for 10 hours straight..never again )

And really do enjoy the ice cold one after...

Don't know the rules either, but a quick learner.

Running stores in CM??? Brought some shoes with me when I moved here, but could use some some new shirts and shorts as well....

" Ahhh, I knew I was doing well and I ran up the hill. Passing rocks and trees as if they were standing still"

Next mens Hash run should be next Tuesday. Pick up should be from Fish and Chips, slightly west of opposite the UN Irish Pub on Ratchawithi Road. Watch this thread for directions if you have your transport.

Mixed Hash is every Saturday. For a lift meet at 4.00 pm at the Hash Pub on Moonmuang Rd at the corner of Moonmuang Soi 2 about 50 metres south of Ratchamanka road.



Far be it of me to make excuses, but here we go...and I'm gunna bear the dark side of me here now..

First off...I'm an "addicted runner"...it means everything in life to me, you wouldn't know it by looking at me, a runner in a wrestler's body..and after a 2 year lay off due to a very nasty PF injury that I suffered during a 100 mile run, I have been waiting to have an excuse to become throughly addicted again.

My running career of 28 years has seen it's ups and down, weekly milage totals going from 3 to 107 and weight loss / gains just about the same..

Running long distance ended my last marriage. Not from anything else except running. She told me that. ( right after the Angeles Crest 100 in LA, Ca. she informed me she wanted a divorce..of course she was overweight and couldn't believe anyone would run the whole weekend, night and day )

Some guy writing a book on ultrarunner's even contacted me later and asked if he could include me in his book on how running dissolved a marriage. I told him sure...but don't know if it was ever published.

Now we are up to date...me moving to CM with my BKK wife...she is a homebody, scared that everyone is out to rob or kill her unless they live on her soi back in Bangers...

I was SOOOOOOO looking forward to yesterday's hash run..out withthe boys, cranking off trail miles, passing rocks and trees and the taste of an ice cold one after...

She was actually asking me if I was going to go yesterday morning, a somewhat excited tone in her voice. By god YES, I'm going!

Started out to go have breakfast again at the Art Cafe..jumped on the mighty Vespa ( my only form of transportation besides my LPC's ( leather personnel carriers...shoes ) and away we sped..

No helmet on, wanted to take in the beautiful fresh air...as we got closer to the cafe I started seeing coppers all over and was wondering and thinking ( in my little retired copper mind ) that something must be going on...a bank robbery maybe? Some tourist got killed maybe?? major traffic accident maybe??

Na, as I rounded the corner next to the cafe, I saw it was a police revenue enhancement checkpoint for helmetless riders of which I was one...

The nice officer pointed for me to pull over, and wrote me a ticket faster than I have ever witness before, then he told me ..." I'm keeping your license, you pay" The wife asked in her good Bangkok fashion if we could take care of it here and now, and the nice ( he really was ) said "No, you have to go pay at the station"...

We missed breakfast and spend the next 2 hours as a hardened criminal at the police station paying my 200 bhat fine. While sitting there with the other 100 or more hardened perpatrators, the police had the balls to bring in 6 cases of Chiang Beer and walk it into the Commander's office. ( I reckon a party was in order this weekend )

Off we go, still helmetless, no breakfast and wanting a nice foot massage. While getting my feet rubbed, the phone rang and it was a message from the HHH and directions on how to get there. Man, now I'm really excitied.

The wife starts whinning, bitchin' and complaining about me going to go for a run. <deleted>??? Where did this come from????

I tell her that we're going and to get ready, "we're leaving in 15 minutes". Having never been to a Hash before, I gather all my running stuff, throw it into my basket on the scoot ( extra shoes, dry clothers, water bottles, towel, iPod, comfort after run drinking shoes ) tell her to climb on....puttttputtttputttputtt...we're off.

As we come close to MJU she really starts causing me grief , bla bla this..bla bla that...hummm, sounds like I've heard all this before in my previous life ...

The my one mirror falls off.....on the scoot..

Now I'm getting pissed and ready to either run the scooter into a car or just throw her off into traffic...

We get to the golf course and continue with her giving me grief all the time...non stop..

We get to the next HHH sigh and make the turn...alittle bouncy for the scoot but doing well...hewr mouth continues her rant into my right ear...

That's ENOUGH!

<deleted> THIS! I shout, I turn the scoot around and I'm gunna take IT home...I have heard enough.

No talking all the way back home...

I took her to the pizza place for dinner and I let her have it...

"I'm going to put your butt on a plane back to Bangkok one way honey...you decide if you want to come back or not, period.

Told her on how important my running is to me and if she dosen't like it, it's time for her to get off right now...

I told her that if I hear problems again on this issue, I will divorce her that day.

Sorry I missed it and I promise to make the next one.

With her or without..and if without, ya know any women that enjoy running???? :o

Sorry I missed it and I promise to make the next one.

With her or without..

Actually you were kind of lucky to have missed it. As the Monday and Tuesday runs are for the MEN only we would have given you quite a bit of abuse; in drinking fashion of course!

The mixed hash which includes both the boys and the girls run every week on Saturday and on Sunday. I personally prefer the Male Hashes as there is none of the problems that you mentioned above. The only time I get a hassle from the missuses is when I am about to leave for the run and she voices her disapproval but that quickly ends when I shut the door behind me! :o

Sorry I missed it and I promise to make the next one.

With her or without..

Actually you were kind of lucky to have missed it. As the Monday and Tuesday runs are for the MEN only we would have given you quite a bit of abuse; in drinking fashion of course!

The mixed hash which includes both the boys and the girls run every week on Saturday and on Sunday. I personally prefer the Male Hashes as there is none of the problems that you mentioned above. The only time I get a hassle from the missuses is when I am about to leave for the run and she voices her disapproval but that quickly ends when I shut the door behind me! :o

My kinda people :D

I think I will like this Hash thangy....

  • 2 weeks later...

This Tuesday's CUMH3 (25-03) is 3.7K from Canal road/ Samoeng Intersection Towards Hang Dong (South) follow HHH signs, Dog S.h.i.t Proclaims it's the best run ever!! (or his best run, which is easy...)

Run @ 5 Pick up from Fish n Chips at 4

ON Oooooooooooooooon




I will be adding the Sunday mixed hash updates to this thread also. The mixed hash is for everyone; men women and children and sometimes special pets. The Sunday Mixed hash meets every Sunday at the Fish n' Chip shop across from the UN Irish Pub. Pick up at 4pm run at 5pm.

This Sunday's Mixed hash will be out near Doi Saket.

Drive to and into Doi Saket town, at the T-Junction in town turn right. After about 800 meters turn left and follow Hash signs. Pick up at the Fish n' Chips at 4pm, run at 5pm.

On on.

I will be adding the Sunday mixed hash updates to this thread also. The mixed hash is for everyone; men women and children and sometimes special pets. The Sunday Mixed hash meets every Sunday at the Fish n' Chip shop across from the UN Irish Pub. Pick up at 4pm run at 5pm.

This Sunday's Mixed hash will be out near Doi Saket.

Drive to and into Doi Saket town, at the T-Junction in town turn right. After about 800 meters turn left and follow Hash signs. Pick up at the Fish n' Chips at 4pm, run at 5pm.

On on.

Excuse my ignorance Mobs but is this Sunday mixed hash yet another Hash in Chiang Mai. The real Chiang Mai Mixed Hash has been running succesfully since 1991, why the bluddy helll would Chiang Mai need another breakway hash? Is this part of the Kiwi Bastard vs Superman ongoing boring as crap saga? If so, it gives me more reason to stay away from any of the numerous hashes that attempt to exist in Chiang Mai.


This is the CH4 which has been around for a few years. We are now running on Sunday so as to not interfere and allow hashers who could otherwise not, join in on weekend runs both Saturday and Sunday.

As to the "problems" you have mentioned frequently, maybe you did experience something, but in the few years I have been here I see no problems. So please in the future try not to post anything negative about the Hash, you have not run in a few years and your statements may be turning people away from an otherwise good time.

Come to a few runs, then you can judge for yourself and post from "experience" how you currently feel about the Hash.

This is the CH4 which has been around for a few years. We are now running on Sunday so as to not interfere and allow hashers who could otherwise not, join in on weekend runs both Saturday and Sunday.

As to the "problems" you have mentioned frequently, maybe you did experience something, but in the few years I have been here I see no problems. So please in the future try not to post anything negative about the Hash, you have not run in a few years and your statements may be turning people away from an otherwise good time.

Come to a few runs, then you can judge for yourself and post from "experience" how you currently feel about the Hash.

I'm just a grumpy old bugger Mobs. See you at the next original mens H3 run.


Look, if you guys can't handle the "Male Only" runs then so be it, come to a "Mixed" hash. Like I said before, I have been running with both the male hashes and the mixed hash for 2 years now and have experienced and seen/heard no problems.

Again I will say, I am not sure if you have run recently or not MJM but it is unfair to the hash and potential hashers to bash us with no current experience in the hash.


I have removed various extraneous, off topic and out of date posts. I am now pinning this at the top of the CM forum.


This Monday's CH3 (31-03) MALE ONLY run.

Follow Maejo road and drive past Maejo University. After the Uni look for HASH signs on the right. Take the U-Turn and look for signs on the left. Follow the signs to the run site.

Run @ 5 Pick up from the Hash Pub at 4

ON Oooooooooooooooon

**Don't forget to join us for this years Songkran pub crawl. Lots of wet t-shirts and lots of beer**


Excellent. I used to run with the CH3 a very long time ago. I'd recommend it to anyone as a great way to see the countryside. Keep up the good work.


This Sunday's CH4 (30-03) MIXED HASH run.

Take the new Sankampaeng Rd towards the Chiang Mai Sankampaeng golf course. About 3km from the Big C overpass look for HHH signs.

Run @ 5, Pick up from the Fish n' Chips shop at 4

ON Oooooooooooooooon

This Sunday's CH4 (30-03) MIXED HASH run.

Take the new Sankampaeng Rd towards the Chiang Mai Sankampaeng golf course. About 3km from the Big C overpass look for HHH signs.

Run @ 5, Pick up from the Fish n' Chips shop at 4

ON Oooooooooooooooon


Drive 19km from the Big C towards the golf course and look for HHH signs.


This Sunday's CH4 (April 6th) MIXED HASH run.

Take the new Sankampaeng Rd towards the Chiang Mai Sankampaeng golf course. About 20km (maybe a bit more) from the Big C overpass look for HHH signs.

Run @ 5, Pick up from the Fish n' Chips shop at 4

ON Oooooooooooooooon


Todays (Saturday April 5, 2008) hash run will be in Mesa Valley. Drive up to Mae Rim and turn left at the Mesa Valley intersection. Start looking for HHH signs from the left turn.

The run will be at 17:00 and the bus will leave the Hash House pub at 16:00


This Tuesday's CUMH3 Male Only Run (April 8th) is in the Mae Sa Valley. Drive 2.8 km past the X-Center and turn left. Look for HHH signs.

Run @ 5 Pick up from Fish n Chips at 4

ON Oooooooooooooooon




Finally! We have been waiting quite a while and the MAN has finished the new CUMH3 t-shirts. If you want to have the most stylish t-shirt available in CNX and be the envy of all your friends, come to the run and pick yours up today!!!


This Monday CH3 run is a pub crawl, as it falls right into Sonkran. Mr. Poo, with intimate knowledge of every single pub in the city centre is the hare and went out during this week for scouting. Did he really have to do that?

In any case be at the Hash pub at 7:30 PM on Monday April 14, 2008 to start the pub crawl and get a few or more beers into yourself.


This Monday CH3 run is a pub crawl, as it falls right into Sonkran. Mr. Poo, with intimate knowledge of every single pub in the city centre is the hare and went out during this week for scouting. Did he really have to do that?

In any case be at the Hash pub at 7:30 PM on Monday April 14, 2008 to start the pub crawl and get a few or more beers into yourself.

if you were the group that came into the number 1 bar on saturday afternoon then i would like to comment on your so called happy easy going team, if bringing a 10 year old girl to tears for having a piece of chicken off the bar is what you call funny and in the spirit of song kran then i think you need a serious look at your morales. next time pick on the dad not the daughter. :o


This Monday CH3 run is a pub crawl, as it falls right into Sonkran. Mr. Poo, with intimate knowledge of every single pub in the city centre is the hare and went out during this week for scouting. Did he really have to do that?

In any case be at the Hash pub at 7:30 PM on Monday April 14, 2008 to start the pub crawl and get a few or more beers into yourself.

if you were the group that came into the number 1 bar on saturday afternoon then i would like to comment on your so called happy easy going team, if bringing a 10 year old girl to tears for having a piece of chicken off the bar is what you call funny and in the spirit of song kran then i think you need a serious look at your morales. next time pick on the dad not the daughter. :o

I was not involved and do not know if the Hash is the group in question. But just out of curiosity, why would someone bring a child to a bar where things of the nature we cannot talk about in this forum happen regularly. I don't and would not allow it. The language used in bars is one good reason.


the fact that it was in the afternoon during songkran, there were many kids there enjoying the fun and the festival. if you were not the group involved then i appologise for the posting. if you were the group then please take note that its not big and clever picking on a 10 year old.


Here's a little hash song......

On the North shores of Antarctica

Where the yanks have never been

Lies the carcass of a bloody great polar bear

Shagged to death by a Hash House team

We are the perverts of society

The likes of us you've never seen

We are a pack of loud mouth bastards

We are the Chiang Mai Male Hash Team

Well we have a reputation

For molesting little boys

For abusing old age pensioners

And stealing kiddies toys

We are the perverts of society

The likes of us you've never seen

We are a pack of loud mouth bastards

We are the Chiang Mai Male Hash Team

We don't climb many mountains

And we don't cross many streams

We don't have pretty girlfriends

We just live off our wet dreams.

We are the perverts of society

The likes of us you've never seen

We are a pack of loud mouth bastards



This Monday CH3 run is a pub crawl, as it falls right into Sonkran. Mr. Poo, with intimate knowledge of every single pub in the city centre is the hare and went out during this week for scouting. Did he really have to do that?

In any case be at the Hash pub at 7:30 PM on Monday April 14, 2008 to start the pub crawl and get a few or more beers into yourself.

if you were the group that came into the number 1 bar on saturday afternoon then i would like to comment on your so called happy easy going team, if bringing a 10 year old girl to tears for having a piece of chicken off the bar is what you call funny and in the spirit of song kran then i think you need a serious look at your morales. next time pick on the dad not the daughter. :o

Hey, I know a guy named Morales...Jesus Morales!

He does need a serious look at.... I thought he was still back in AZ though :D

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