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People's Alliance For Democracy To Renew Movement

sriracha john

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Seri Uma after he was hit by a bottle thrown by an anti-PAD protester last night

Injured camerman to lodge police complaint

Seri Uma, a cameraman for TV Channel 7 news, said he would file a formal complaint with police after he was allegedly hit by a bottle thrown from an anti-PAD protester Friday night. According to Pol Col Rangsarn Praditpol, solving the case and finding the perpetrator is going to be difficult, as it chaotic at that time of the incident. Police could not even find the object which hit Mr Seri, which witnesses said was a bottle. Police in the area said they did not see who threw it. The PAD held a forum at Thammasat University and was met with noisy protest by some 1,000 people who gathered at Sanam Luang, across the street.

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Groups against charter rewrite threaten street protests

A coalition of groups in Thailand against the government's attempt to amend the Constitution has threatened to hold street protests if the government stood firm on the charter rewrite plan.

People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Coordinator Suriyasai Katasila said Friday that the coalition would wait for the outcome of the meeting of six parties in the coalition government led by Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej next week, according to Thai News Agency.

If the coalition government endorsed the charter amendment plan, he said, the PAD would take its protest to the street.

The PAD was formerly known as an anti-Thaksin coalition, which launched mass rallies and street protests against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra before his government was toppled in a military coup on Sept. 19, 2006.

The PAD ceased operation after the coup but declared its resurrection after the Samak-led pro-Thaksin People Power Party (PPP) won the Dec. 23 general election last year and formed a coalition government with other five parties. Samak

and the PPP have been pushing for amending the 2007 Constitution. The PAD has launched a campaign to oppose the plan.

The PAD on Friday evening held a seminar at the Thammasat University in an attempt to gather support for opposing the amending plan.

It accused that the Samak government's plan to amend the 2007 constitution was aimed at rescuing the three parties in the coalition government -- Chart Thai, Matchima Thipataya and the PPP-- from the fate of being dissolved.

Executives of Chart Thai and Matchima Thipataya were disqualified, and a PPP Deputy Leader faces trial, all on charges of election fraud.

Hundreds of people, under the banner of pro-government Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD), joined a pro-government and anti-PAD demonstration at an open ground outside the university.

About 500 policemen were deployed at the site to prevent any clash between the two rival camps.

- Xinhua (today)

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The above article was published prior to the news of the various bizarre confrontations were reported.... of which, comes this additional information from the Bangkok Post:

Also plastic bags containing feces and urine were thrown into the Thammasat University compound. At around 11 p.m, anti-PAD protesters gathered at the university's Tha Prachan exit in an apparent attempt to block PAD supporters from leaving.

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Don't drop my name for politics, says Thaksin

Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra has asked his supporters to stop associating his name with their own political movements, his spokesman said yesterday. :o

Thaksin's appeal follows the confrontation between pro- and anti-Thaksin camps when the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) held an anti-government rally at Thammasat University's Tha Phrachan Campus on Friday night.

Thaksin, Pongthep said, insisted he had forgiven all his enemies, was no longer involved in politics and would dedicate his time henceforth to charitable works :D under the auspices of the Thaicom Foundation, of which he is Chairman. :D

- Sunday Xpress / April 27, 2008

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Brilliant. Finally. I'm getting some confidence back in the Thai press.

From the Bangkok Post... :

... The current charter was written by a group handpicked by the military to limit the political space, and thus it has major flaws that need to be changed. The debate on either side should be about how to put in place rules that instil good governance and empower the country's 66 million citizens, rather than which party will benefit. The Democrats are claiming the PPP is acting to save itself. But the Democrats are just as guilty, as their stance does nothing to further democracy and only proves self-serving as well. The same goes for the People's Alliance for Democracy, which proved after the coup that it could care less about democracy and is only concerned with preventing Thaksin Shinawatra and his allies from taking power again.

Full article is here: http://www.bangkokpost.com/250408_News/25Apr2008_news23.php

I just couldn't agree more.

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Police 'too lenient'

Police are being blamed for being too lenient while trying to control mobs on Friday and letting their confrontation end in violence, which marred the peaceful rally by the PAD. Thammasat University Vice-Rector Prinya Thewanaruemitkul said yesterday he doubted the police actions were politically motivated, but the officers "looked reluctant" to deal with the group supporting the PPP-led government. The PPP is alleged to have a strong connection with ousted PM Thaksin. The anti-PAD group gathered at Sanam Luang and tried to break through police barricades and enter the university where a political forum was being held by the PAD. The pro-PPP group used everything they could find to provoke PAD supporters, throwing rocks and bottles at them and even unzipping their flies and exposing themselves. Seri Uma, a cameraman from Channel 7, was hit by a glass bottle as he was photographing the PAD forum. Mr Seri, who suffered a wound over his left eyebrow, suspects the bottle was thrown by the anti-PAD group. He has vowed to take legal action against them. The Thai Journalists Association and Thai Broadcast Journalists Association yesterday denounced the actions and called on police to get tough with the instigators. "It was quite clear there was wrongdoing in front of the officers, but they took no action against the instigators," the associations said in a statement. Police said they recognised some of the instigators, including two men who flashed "intimate parts" of their bodies at the PAD supporters. They said they would charge them with lewd acts and they will be fined 500 baht each. "Their faces are very familiar to me," said Chana Songkhram Police Chief Rangsan Praditpol after seeing their photos taken by members of the media. "One is the same guy who tried to do a similar act during the PAD rally last month," he said. Deputy Government Spokesman Natthawut Saikua yesterday asked all sides to avoid violence and solve their conflicts peacefully. However, he had earlier adopted a harsher approach as he was among nine UDD leaders who led a protest at Gen Prem's house. The nine were detained after their wild protest.

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From the Bangkok Post... :

Full article is here: www.bangkokpost.com / 25Apr2008

Worth noting that, same as the Xinua article, the above article was published prior to the news of the various bizarre confrontations were reported.... even before the seminar itself. The tone from the newspaper seems to have since changed with their subsequent articles.

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The debate on either side should be about how to put in place rules that instil good governance

Bangkok Post missed the point that no one has any problems with the Constitution so far, and though it accuses Democrats of being guilty, they already said that there's no pressing need to amend anything in the chapter, it's too early to tell, and PPP's attempts are self-serving and so they won't have any of it.

In fact I'm a bit puzzled by BP stance - they want everyone to step back and keep restrain but ignore the elephant - while they editorialise to their heart content, PPP is actually going full steam with consitution rewrite.

In a way it's a typical Thai crook behaviour - after the crime has been commited, no one has any rights to question it, for the sake of unity. The mere fact that the crime materialised absolves the wrongdoer from facing justice as justice is troublesome.

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Brilliant. Finally. I'm getting some confidence back in the Thai press.

From the Bangkok Post... :

... The current charter was written by a group handpicked by the military to limit the political space, and thus it has major flaws that need to be changed. The debate on either side should be about how to put in place rules that instil good governance and empower the country's 66 million citizens, rather than which party will benefit. The Democrats are claiming the PPP is acting to save itself. But the Democrats are just as guilty, as their stance does nothing to further democracy and only proves self-serving as well. The same goes for the People's Alliance for Democracy, which proved after the coup that it could care less about democracy and is only concerned with preventing Thaksin Shinawatra and his allies from taking power again.

Full article is here: http://www.bangkokpost.com/250408_News/25Apr2008_news23.php

I just couldn't agree more.

For some time, i've been going in the other direction with regards the Thai press, and in particular the Bangkok Post (if for no other reason than the platform they give to Mr Anchorman!)

The article you are so fond of i read and didn't agree with much of it. For example:

The current charter was written by a group handpicked by the military to limit the political space, and thus it has major flaws that need to be changed.

This is opinion and depends on one's interpretation. My feelings are the rewrites to the constitution were not to limit political space, but to prevent abuses of power and put in checks and balances. Naturally, politicians like Mr. Samak would much rather have free reign to do with the country as he wishes, hence his desire to change it.

I'd be interested to know, just what are the major flaws you would like changed Jefferson?

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Injured Channel 7 photographer to file charges

A Channel 7 photographer who received injuries on Friday during a gathering of People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) members will file a report with police against anti-PAD demonstrators on Monday. Police are expected to be able to determine Monday whether closed circuit cameras around the area outside Thammasat University show who the culprit who threw a glass bottle at photographer Seri Umar was. Seri is still being treated for his injuries at Paolo Memorial Hospital and is expected to be

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Samak is bothered there wasn't MORE violence???? :o:D :D

PM taunts PAD rally for failing to incite unrest

Samak Sundaravej has accused the PAD of trying to stir up political unrest at a gathering last Friday. The PM said the PAD’s mention of several individuals showed that the group wanted to trigger more political violence or incite another military coup. "Their intention was to stir-up violence, but that would be difficult because peace has already been restored to our country," he said during his weekly television programme.

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Anti-Coup Group Ignites Unrest

This morning the September 19 Anti-Coup Network set their protest site in front of the Privy Council President's residence. They also planned to disrupt the People's Alliance for Democracy seminar this evening.

The September 19 Anti-Coup Network held a protest in front of Si Sao Theves Resident of General Prem Tinsulanonda, the Privy Council President, and hurled profanities at him despite strict security by police officers.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

Note that the last coup was also preceeded by demonstrations, and indeed a bomb, outside the home of Khun Prem.

Don't drop my name for politics, says Thaksin

Former premier Thaksin Shinawatra has asked his supporters to stop associating his name with their own political movements, his spokesman said yesterday. :o

Thaksin's appeal follows the confrontation between pro- and anti-Thaksin camps when the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) held an anti-government rally at Thammasat University's Tha Phrachan Campus on Friday night.

- Sunday Xpress / April 27, 2008

When asking for his money back from the courts, and trying to keep a low profile generally, it must be very irksome for Thaksin to have his former-thugs demonstrating outside the private home, of the head of the Privy Council.

PM taunts PAD rally for failing to incite unrest

Samak Sundaravej has accused the PAD of trying to stir up political unrest at a gathering last Friday. The PM said the PAD’s mention of several individuals showed that the group wanted to trigger more political violence or incite another military coup. "Their intention was to stir-up violence, but that would be difficult because peace has already been restored to our country," he said during his weekly television programme.

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And as usual, OM Samak blames the wrong side, for wishing to incite another coup. Or perhaps he views demonstrating outside Khun Prem's home as merely the latest, in a series of actions, calculated to maintain that peaceful situation which was one legacy of the military-appointed government ? :D

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Forum melee hints at worse to come?

Thanks to police intervention, only stones, bottles and verbal abuse were hurled during the face-off between pro- and anti-Thaksin forces at the forum held last Friday by the PAD. One TV cameraman was reportedly hit on the head by a missile. Had hundreds of policemen not been deployed at the scene, the confrontation between the two opposing forces would have turned more violent and more people would have been injured. Coincidentally on the same day, before the forum, a group of ''social garbage'' (to borrow the term used by Supreme Commander Gen Boonsang Niempradit) gathered briefly in front of Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda's residence and shouted abuse against him. These hired hecklers may have suspected that the elder statesman was behind or had given tacit support to the PAD forum at Thammasat. But whether they were linked to the men who distributed anti-Prem leaflets and posted messages on the hithaksin.com website is a matter of conjecture. What is worrying is that these elements are willing to go to extremes, even tainting the Privy Council, if they feel the Council poses a threat, real or perceived, to the political ambitions of their bosses. Last Friday's showdown between pro- and anti-Thaksin forces, this time over the constitutional amendments, was a prelude to what will likely be a more violent confrontation between the two opposing forces,

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Injured Channel 7 Cameraman Files Charges

The Channel 7 cameraman who was injured in a clash between supporters and protestors of the People's Alliance for Democracy in front of Thammasat University Friday evening has filed a police complaint. After being hospitalized for three days and having received seven stitches, he insists police find the person responsible.

43-year-old Seri Uma filed an official police report at the Chana Songkram Police Station today. The Channel 7 cameraman was injured when hit by an bottle thrown by a protester from the group that rallied against the People's Alliance for Democracy outside Thammasat University on Friday evening.

He received seven stitches and was released from Paolo Memorial Hospital today. Seri said police had come to the hospital to question him about the incident, but he formally registered his complaint with police against the attacker at 10 a.m. this morning.

He said he could remember the leader of the group, but he could not remember who threw the bottle at him.

Police Colonel Rangsan Praditphol, Superintendent of the Chana Songkram Police Station, says authorities will review the closed circuit cameras and media footage of the incident today. If there is sufficient evidence, an arrest warrant can be issued within the day.

Meanwhile, an anti-PAD protestor, 51-year-old Sakorn Iamsri, turned himself in at the police station this afternoon to pay a fine of 500 baht for lewd behavior. *does that reflect the size of the offense?*

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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Co-Leader of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship, Jakrapob Penkair

PM’s Office Minister Jakrapob Penkair denies claims that the anti-People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) movement was initiated by the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship, a pro-democracy group which Jakrapob himself used to lead.

He is confident that Thai politics is now stable and would enable the government to stay in office for its full 4-year term.

Jakrapob went on to say that the People Power Party-led government is giving no attention to the PAD as it considers the Democrat party as its only 'opposition' now.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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Co-Leader of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship, Jakrapob Penkair

PM’s Office Minister Jakrapob Penkair denies claims that the anti-People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) movement was initiated by the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship, a pro-democracy group which Jakrapob himself used to lead.

He is confident that Thai politics is now stable and would enable the government to stay in office for its full 4-year term.

Jakrapob went on to say that the People Power Party-led government is giving no attention to the PAD as it considers the Democrat party as its only 'opposition' now.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

:o He's so full of shit, maybe he should team up with Chalerm's son, Mr. Happy Toilet.

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Metropolitan Police Apologize for Lax Security at PAD Forum

The Metropolitan Police Commander admitted his mistakes in controlling the situation during the People's Alliance for Democracy seminar at Thammasat University on Friday.

Metropolitan Police Commander, Police Lieutenant General Asawin Kwanmuang, said that the police held a meeting to discuss the chaos that happened during the People's Alliance for Democracy assembly at Thamasat University last Friday, particularly the issue of security measures for the PAD.

Moreover, he gave his condolences to the photographer from Channel 7 who was hit by a bottle thrown from the crowds opposing the PAD.

He also accepted that it was due to police negligence; however, the police are trying to collect evidence to track down the attackers as soon as possible.

He clarified that the police underestimated the situation so the gates were not secure enough to handle the chaos. The situation grew even more excessive as there was flashing from a protestor at Sanam Luang.

The Metropolitan Police Commander was of the opinion that the public will condemn the exhibitionist.

One of the members of the crowd opposing the PAD assembly who committed the flashing reported to the police at Chanasongkram Police Station this afternoon.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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It looks like a country is set for a long term right wing backlash after euphoria of 2006.

Once again democracy activists are holed up at Thammasat and government sponsored mobs outside are ready for another round of massacres.

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"It's out of our hands...even though one of our very own MP's is the ring-leader... so we wash our hands of the situation"...



Yet another convenient name-change (so Jakrapob can say, "See? It wasn't DADD") for the very same yokels... but People with VD (PVD) might explain why they like to show their genitals...

PPP has no control over pro-government rally: Kuthep

The People Power Party has no control over the pro-government rallies and the government is concerned about the clashes between rival protesters, PPP Spokesman Kuthep Saikrajang said Monday.

"The government has a direct responsibility to control the crowds and it is worrisome if pro-government protesters turn violent," Kuthep said.

Kuthep was commenting on Friday's tussle involving unruly crowds from the People's Vanguard for Democracy (PVD), led by PPP MP Pracha Prasopdee, to oppose the anti-charter rewrite rally organised by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

Kuthep said Pracha acted in his personal capacity and that the PPP did not condone his action. He said the PVD crowds had no justification to stir up trouble which backfired and boosted the credibility of the PAD instead of helping the government.

- The Nation (today)

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Speaking of People with VD... here's one now...


Sakom Iamsri

Police Arrest Anti-PAD Protestor for Lewd Behavior

The Metropolitan Police Commander admitted his mistakes in controlling the situation during the People's Alliance for Democracy seminar at Thammasat University on Friday.

Meanwhile, the man who flashed the PAD supporters last Friday has turned himself in to the police.

Anti-People's Alliance for Democracy protestor 51-year-old Sakom Iamsri turned himself in at the police station this afternoon to pay a fine of 500 baht for flashing PAD supporters from Sanam Luang during Friday's PAD seminar at Thammasat University. The man has been sent for a psychological evaluation to see if he is suffering from mental illness so treatment can be given. *I've heard that a brain scan for him was reported as being negative... not negative for any defects, negative for any activity*

He admitted to attending all anti-PAD protests and said he conducted the lewd behavior because he couldn't stand what was said in the PAD forum. *So this PVD supporter was also a supporter with DAAD/ADD/PTV/and various other acronym salad names the same yokels have used*

He pledged to continue his protest against the PAD as long as the group keeps gathering and may flash the PAD supporters again or even invite his friends to do so. The police said the man can only be charged with lewd behavior, which is a minor offence.

They are pursuing another suspect, whom they have identified, for the same offence.

The Metropolitan Police Commander was of the opinion that the public will condemn the exhibitionist as Sanam Luang is a royal ground where a lot of sacred ceremonies are held.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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I guess they didn't like the People with VD (PVD) acronym... as apparently it's already been changed to PGPD... :o

How many different aliases can these criminals come up with? :D

PPP agrees to distance itself from PAD's rivals

Fear of more violence prompts move

Members of the People Power Party have agreed to distance themselves from the anti-People's Alliance for Democracy movement run by the Party's MP Pracha Prasopdee, for fear it will spark a violent confrontation. The Party announced its stance a day after Pracha's group, called the Public Group for the Protection of Democracy, held a forum on Sunday to criticise the PAD rally after the violent clash between the PAD and its opponents at Sanam Luang on Friday. PPP spokesman Kuthep Saikrachang yesterday said party members could join any democratic demonstrations, but in the case of Pracha, the party was afraid his group would be pushed by the existing political tensions to instigate wild acts like those on Friday. Pracha has vowed to stage a gathering every time the PAD holds political forums. He also threatened to rally at Ban Phra Arthit, the office of publisher and core PAD leader Sondhi Limthongkul, if the PAD stages protests against the PPP's moves to amend the constitution. "Our party could not prohibit his group," Kuthep said. "However, Pracha has insisted to us his move has nothing to do with the Party." Friday's public forum by the PAD at Thammasat University turned violent when its supporters were involved in a war of bottle hurling with their angry opponents. Police were blamed for failing to control the clash. Meanwhile, the man who unzipped his fly during the rally turned himself in to police yesterday. Sakorn Aimsri, 52, was fined 500 baht for his act of public lewdness and was sent to psychiatrists at the Galaya Rajanagarindra Institute. "I can't promise I will stop such acts. If the PAD still upsets me, I may do the same again," he said.

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More division within the PPP, as the Prime Minister (Party Leader) and Interior Minister are doing the exact opposite of what the Party Spokesman Kuthep Saikrachang says the Party is doing.... :o:D

PM defends Chalerm for supporting anti-PAD group

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej defended Interior Minister Chalerm Yubamrung, who expressed his support for an anti-People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) movement. Samak said Chalerm must not have meant what he said, but admitted that it was inappropriate to do so. He added that Chalerm has never told him he supports the anti-PAD group, adding that he must have said that just for fun.

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So apparently Samak and Chalerm are pro-dick-waving-in-public.... in addition to bottle-bashing and shit-slinging

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People's Aliance Vows to Hold Major Rally against Charter Rewrite

Core leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy express their disappointment in the coalition partners backing the charter rewrite campaign. *in contradiction to their pre-coalition-joining-pre-conditions* The group vows to stage a major protest as soon as the amendment issue is brought to Parliament's deliberation.

Core leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy or PAD held a press conference after their meeting today to assess the current political situation.

The group stands by their stance against the amendment of 2007 Constitution, but says if the government still feels the revision is necessary, a national referendum should be held to seek public approval on the amendment and a Constitution Drafting Assembly should be set up.

The PAD's core leader also expressed disappointment about the decision by the coalition partners to back the ruling People Power Party's campaign to seek the charter amendment, adding that their move disappointed the people in general.

The group, therefore, will hold a major rally as soon as the petition asking for the Constitution amendment is put to Parliament's consideration, but it has yet to set exact dates for the PAD protest.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of the People's Network against Corruption, Weera Somkwamkid, will file a complaint tomorrow with the Crime Suppression Division, asking for action against the people involved in the marking of the Thai national flag.

He also condemned deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, as the owner of the Manchester City Football Club, for failing to take action after a group of his club's football fans displayed the national flag with Thaksin's name on it in a latest match of the English Premier League.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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Police Step up Security for Anti-Charter Revision Gatherings

The Metropolitan police are now prepared for any anti-charter revision gatherings. Security has been tightened and protesters have been warned not to gather near the Royal Palace.

Metropolitan 1 Police Commander, Police Major General Amnuay Nimmano, reveals that the metropolitan police have stepped up security in preparation for the gathering of the groups opposing the Constitution amendment. They urge the protesters to respect the law and hold peaceful gatherings.

The Metropolitan 1 Police Commander tells protesters not to gather near the grounds of the Royal Palace, which includes the yard at the Dusit Palace, as well as the area in front of Parliament and Government House.

So far, the government's charter revision policy is still not clearly-set and it's unclear whether a public referendum is to be conducted or a constitution drafting committee established to carry out the amendment.

The Metropolitan1 Police Commander adds that the police team has already tightened security in the metropolitan area to prepare for any anti-charter revision protests but the details are not open to the press.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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Somchai the Fix-It Man.... can't fix this one...

Brawling MP Faces More Charges

The Democrat Party refused to withdraw the charges it filed against ruling People Power Party MP, Karun Hosakul, who attacked the group's party-list MP, Somkiet Pongpaiboon. :o

Three Democrat MPs, including Sathit Wongnongteoi as the Opposition Whip's Chairman, Songkla MP Wirat Kalayasiri, and party-list MP Somkiet Pongpaiboon held a press conference today regarding their legal action against People Power Party Bangkok MP Karun Hosakul, who recently attacked Somkiet in the MP lounge.

Somkiet says the decision on whether to accept Karun's proposal to deliver an apology in return for the withdrawal of the case rests on key members of his party. * do not pass Go... go directly to... *

He also revealed that some respected Parliament members have asked him to withdraw his charges filed against Karun.

The respected Parliament member he referred to is believed to be Second Deputy House Speaker Apiwan Viriyachai. *hmmmm....* :D:D

Meanwhile, Sathit Wongnongtoei revealed that his party has been asked to withdraw its charges filed against Karun, but he insists the party will continue its legal action to ask for justice for all MPs. :D

- Thailand Outlook (today)

Rogue MP to Be Called to Acknowledge Assault Charge against Colleague

Investigators in charge of the examination into the attack on Democrat MP, Somkiet Pongpaiboon, during a break at a House meeting last month, are planning to invite the accused from the People Power Party, Karun Hosakul, to acknowledge the charge against him, after the conclusion of Parliament's present session.

Regarding the assault charge filed by Democrat Party-list MP Somkiet Pongpaiboon against People Power Party's Bangkok MP Karun Hosakul, the Deputy Superintendent for the investigation division of the Dusit Police Station, Police Lieutenant General Surasak Singkrai, revealed that interviews with the ten eye-witnesses, who were in the Parliament lounge when the alleged attack occurred, are complete.

However, the investigation team remains unable to call on Karun to acknowledge the charge against him due to his current engagement with Parliament's current session, which will close on May 20th.

The investigators must submit a statement with the House Speaker, asking for permission to invite Karun to acknowledge the charge at the police station.

Police Lieutenant General Surasak also points out that if Karun confesses, he could simply be fined for the attack.

The alleged assault occurred when Bangkok MP of the ruling People Power Party Karun Hosakul was apparently displeased with the reaction by the Democrat Party-list MP Somkiet Pongpaiboon during the Parliament meeting on April 2nd, and allegedly jump-kicked Somkiet in the stomach during a break in the Parliament lounge.

Somkiet subsequently filed a suit against Karun and Karun, in turn, filed a charge against Somkiet for filing a false allegation.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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I guess they didn't like the People with VD (PVD) acronym... as apparently it's already been changed to PGPD... :o

How many different aliases can these criminals come up with? :D

PPP agrees to distance itself from PAD's rivals

Fear of more violence prompts move

Members of the People Power Party have agreed to distance themselves from the anti-People's Alliance for Democracy movement run by the Party's MP Pracha Prasopdee, for fear it will spark a violent confrontation. The Party announced its stance a day after Pracha's group, called the Public Group for the Protection of Democracy, held a forum on Sunday to criticise the PAD rally after the violent clash between the PAD and its opponents at Sanam Luang on Friday.

They got a new one today.... NUFDAD... :D

Political Group Gathers to Submit Charter Amendments to Lower House

Around 400 individuals claiming to be political activists have gathered in front of the Parliament building. They are calling on the government to consider a proposed amendment to the Constitution. A group calling themselves the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship gathered outside Parliament building. They are making demands that the government amend the 2007 Constitution. Aside from offering the government their proposed version of the amendments, they also submitted a petition allegedly containing 150,000 signatures approving of the charter revision. Security is tight at Parliament building. Aside from normal security officers, nearby police stations have sent special armed forces to keep a close eye on the protestors.

- Thailand Outlook (today)


Perhaps an opposing group without the Thaksin funding could be called ENUFDAD?

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Akin to my signature below.... The Former Mob Leader Denies Being Current Mob Leader...


Add in, "NUFDAD is not part of DAAD, but we won't say the same about PVD or PGPD or PTV or ADD or UDD or DUMB"..


former Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship Leader, with his "I love Square-Head" button and his PPP logo jacket, Jakrapob Penkair

Prime Minister's Office Minister Denies Involvement in Charter Amendment Mob

The Prime Minister’s Office Minister has denied any involvement with the group of protestors that have gathered in front of Parliament building to demand charter amendments. He adds that he is also not fearful of another coup as the country’s democracy has taken huge steps in development. *particularly now that he is allegedly out of the mob business*

Prime Minister’s Office Minister Jakrapob Penkair insisted he is not involved with a group of political activists calling themselves the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship.

The group has gathered in front of Parliament building to demand that the government makes the necessary amendments to the 2007 Constitution.

The minister insists that the group is not connected to the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship, a movement which Jakrapob used to lead.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

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