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I'm sure many ladies have fantasies of one kind or another whether it is sleeping with different partners or real life fantasy stuff not necessarily sexually related.A guy's ultimate fantasy is the three kind maybe.

If you had a fruity kind of fantasy you wanted to try out with your partner,how would you approach them with it if you thought there was no way they'd try it?

Guys would you go outside a relationship to fulfill anything out of the ordinary?

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I'm not divulging anything just wondering of the approach to it.And it is the Ladies Forum where I hope we can be free to discuss such things.

Nothing smutty I assure you.

Edited by Momo8
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When I was in my twenties I thought that fantasies were something that really should happen if at all possible. Now being a little more mature I realise that fantasies are great to think about and talk about but there is a line between the real world and fantasy world. Not a wise move to cross that line.

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I'm sure many ladies have fantasies of one kind or another whether it is sleeping with different partners or real life fantasy stuff not necessarily sexually related.A guy's ultimate fantasy is the three kind maybe.

If you had a fruity kind of fantasy you wanted to try out with your partner,how would you approach them with it if you thought there was no way they'd try it?

Guys would you go outside a relationship to fulfill anything out of the ordinary?

Find the right moment and broach it with a 'what do you think about that' question. It helps if you are actually referring to something.

If you get a 'eee, how could they do that response', you are wasting your time.

Unfazed, curious, anything more positive, take it from there.

Going outside the relationship? Nothing to do with guys or gals, just human nature. Anyone who wants to experience something strongly enough will not rest until it happens. Either that or they die wondering 'what if?'

Edited by DavidS
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DavidS I totally disagree with you about going outside the relationship If you are Man/Woman enough you can do it on level terms ...

Point taken, and perhaps I should have phrased it better.

I meant that an unfulfilled wish or desire, if strong enough, could lead one to fulfill it in a way that one otherwise would not dream of. That is true of a lot of things some people do, that others may well not dream of doing. And it is probably the reason why we have all the weird and wonderful news snippets in the papers and on the telly.

Did not mean to imply that it was normal or desirable to go outside a relationship. For me personally, if I could not communicate openly with my partner, I would question the whole relationship. But thats just me, and far be it from me to preach how others should live their personal lives. :o

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I tried the threesome fantasy a few years ago (when I was single), and the girls ended up in a fist fight. One left and the other I kicked out. Bit of a damp squib all in all.

I agree with the previous poster that they are probably best left as they are - fantasies.

Edited by sweetchariot
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I agree with the previous poster that they are probably left as they are - fantasies.

Interesting point this. Imagine if all fantasies have been fulfilled, all hopes and dreams. Things would be boring without the mystery of the unknown.

After all, haven't some of the greatest achievements of humanity been driven by the desire to fulfill hopes and dreams?

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Me neither but have you ever had some fantasy you wanted to try out but wasn't sure how to approach it because it was em too fruity?

Just tell him/her that you had a dream about this fantasy, that the dream ended with both of you winning the lottery, and that you feel sure the dream was prophetic...

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Don't have a problem talking about the unusual with my wife as she is very open indeed...I guess because we trust each other and we have no imprinted hangups we don't have any reservations about talking about stuff.

If I was concerned about the reaction of my partner I would probably approach the issue by saying I had read somewhere about it rather than say 'I want to do this what do you think?

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Yes I guess you are right but just a bit shy about this as my hubby would want to know where I heard about this hence the problem.

We have a great realtionship but maybe the culture thing and all that about women taking the initiative to try out something fruitier than the normal makes me a little shy.

Well I'll give it a try anyway,have to try everything at least once,right?

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Momo8, I am single now thanks to this thread, and pissed. The mrs friend was well up for the 3some, but the mrts got angry with her amorous advances. When I explained wed were having a 3 some she wenbt ape. Well better to have tried and lost, than never to have treid at all.

you sound pissed :o:D:D .............and its your own fault,dont blame the thread ......but well done for trying........although you did tell us that it didnt really work out before and that some fantasies should remain just that so i feel a som nom na coming on :D

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If you had a fruity kind of fantasy you wanted to try out with your partner,how would you approach them with it if you thought there was no way they'd try it?

Guys would you go outside a relationship to fulfill anything out of the ordinary?

Momo8, definately think you are braver than me. I am single now, but if I knew that my partner did not want to try it, I do not know if I would even ask for fear of her thinking me a perv. But it sounds like you and hubby have a really good relationship, and you are "quirky" in the same kinds of way. So he may be up for it. Let's put it like this, if I were your husband, whatever you asked I would try and do just out of love. You really really really got me curious what this is, but without knowing, I can't really help that much about bringing it up. My suggestion would be to 'accidentally' create a scenario where it would appear that you came up with the idea at that point. (dam_n, even I can't decipher that last sentence!) I think I need to get an example-say your fantasy is to do it on a bicycle, next time you see a bicycle go "hey, I just had an idea..." If it is another woman, next time you see a pretty woman go to hubby and say "hey I just had an idea..." If it is a really really really kinky idea (and you will drive me mad trying to think up what you would be embarrased to ask) go rent a porno (think they're legal in HK) that they're doing what you're thinking and while they're doing it go "hey, I had an idea"... That might help. :o

As for going outside the relationship to fulfill anything out of the ordinary...I wouldn't do it. That would be the line that should not be crossed, unless (in the threesome example) she gave express approval. In all honesty, the threesome has never been a fantasy of mine. I can barely handle one woman. My friend who did have a threesome said all that happens is that two people get really pissed at each other.

P.S. From reading the Topic thread ("Final fantasy...a bit too fruity") I thought you were talking about the video game! Yes, I guess it is fruity....:D

Edited by submaniac
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Hahaha Sub you're too cool but some fantasies one can't publish on a public forum so it will remain private......and no it does not involve a threesome or a bicycle now if you were to mention a washing machine.

I think people have given some good advice may break it to him over a couple of glasses of vino tonight.Accidentally creating a scenario.

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Momo8, I am single now thanks to this thread, and pissed. The mrs friend was well up for the 3some, but the mrts got angry with her amorous advances. When I explained wed were having a 3 some she wenbt ape. Well better to have tried and lost, than never to have treid at all.

you sound pissed :o:D:D .............and its your own fault,dont blame the thread ......but well done for trying........although you did tell us that it didnt really work out before and that some fantasies should remain just that so i feel a som nom na coming on :D

Yes I was pissed. Apologies to all for my drunken ramblings. She's still not talking to me though! :D

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I couldn't help but post here as I like food and fruit and I don't mean on a plate

As for how to raise the issue of a afantasy, I think it can be treated like crack cocaine. No! No! hear me out.

You start with a little and it's all new and exciting. Then as time goes by you can add to the original act until you are able to enjoy your fantasy, or at least as much of it as your partner is willing to enjoy.

As for playing away to enjoy something that can't be done 'at home', then I would/have/think it's fine.

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Suggesting a threesome with your mrs' friend is never going to fail to land you in hot water. If she is up for it, she would have mentioned it to you first. Showing any sign that you would like to get down and dirty with you lady's best friend however, just spells disaster - she is going to forever be thinking you fancy her mate now. Have you learnt your lesson now sweetchariot??

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Had a friend back home suggesting to his GF to get another lady involved.

Was his biggest fantasy he said, and mind you I was there when he told her.

Sure no problem she said, but only if we do my fantasy first.

What is it, what is it he shouted in full excitement.

Well she said, I'd like to have a threesome as well but then with another guy involved.......

I don't think I will like that too much he answered.

I am not finished yet she said.

OK honey what is it you wanna do.

Ok here's the deal.

You eat my beaver while that other guy takes you from behind..........

My friend started stuttering and in the end said something like forget the whole fantasy thingy.


A very funny moment in my life.

Oh, and for those that are looking for a bit more excitement, try not switching the lights off.......


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