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It Makes Me Sad


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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

I feel like going out and hugging a tree. :o

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You may be interested to know that Northern Thailand has undertaken a very comprehensive recycling program. I saw a segment on BBC or CNN or one of those about it. More people are recycling than ever before. 250 tons per day at each plant is being recycled. They even have recycling shops where people sell their garbage.

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I just refuse to patronize shops that sell over priced coffee in a cup with a bitchin' logo.

Thus I strike the blow for global carbon footprint awareness! Just kidding.

I was involved in the advertising/marketing business for 20+ years.

Not to denigrate Starbucks, Wawee, etc., but their business model is based on what I term upward mobile aspirational consumer marketing.

In simple terms, this means: Look at me! I'm sitting here, drinking an exceptionally over priced cup of coffee, with a cool logo on the cup, and everyone can see that I have way more money (than sense).

They do create an environment that is cool, the WiFi is a plus, and I admit I occasionally partake. If meeting friends who insist, and there is a free jazz concert, and lots of nice people.

Not to sound like a grinch, or belabor the point, but you have been marketed to, have bought in on the program, and enjoy the marketed "package".

Don't worry about the cups, toss them in the trash, I guarantee they will be recycled.

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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

Why not buy one of those aluminum coffee mugs with the hard plastic lids. Will keep your drink colder for longer and no more waste. You would have to take it with you, but if you are that bothered about waste ? Its a small inconvenience.

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I just refuse to patronize shops that sell over priced coffee in a cup with a bitchin' logo.

Thus I strike the blow for global carbon footprint awareness! Just kidding.

I was involved in the advertising/marketing business for 20+ years.

Not to denigrate Starbucks, Wawee, etc., but their business model is based on what I term upward mobile aspirational consumer marketing.

In simple terms, this means: Look at me! I'm sitting here, drinking an exceptionally over priced cup of coffee, with a cool logo on the cup, and everyone can see that I have way more money (than sense).

They do create an environment that is cool, the WiFi is a plus, and I admit I occasionally partake. If meeting friends who insist, and there is a free jazz concert, and lots of nice people.

Not to sound like a grinch, or belabor the point, but you have been marketed to, have bought in on the program, and enjoy the marketed "package".

Don't worry about the cups, toss them in the trash, I guarantee they will be recycled.

It is something to do, something to pass the time while say....doing laundry, or a nice meeting place for friends where one can sit for hours and only spend 60 baht without feeling that the staff wants you to leave, like one would get in a restaurant. I understand what you mean about buying into the "package", but, the package is in demand, hence the popularity of coffee houses over the last several years. I dont think its so much as "hey, look at me" cause wawee coffee is not really expensive. Its a cheap afternoon for many, in a nice place where friends can talk. In my opinion its better than sitting in a dingy bar all day drinking beers, if you know what I mean.

I hope you are right about the cups being recycled, cause it just seems like such a waste.

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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

Why not buy one of those aluminum coffee mugs with the hard plastic lids. Will keep your drink colder for longer and no more waste. You would have to take it with you, but if you are that bothered about waste ? Its a small inconvenience.

Not a bad idea, I think I will do that. But I see the staff filling up the normal cup, then, dumping it into my aluminum mug, and then tossing the original cup in the bin. I dont know why, but I see that happening for some reason. TIT. But, will give it a shot anyways, if for nothing else but to see if really happens that way. :o

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On the cups, I agree that this stuff mostly gets recycled through the informal sector, but the system could be improved.

On the coffee shops, it's true that there is some slick 21st century marketing going on, but the shops provide much-needed informal public space in Thai cities where people can meet, chat, work, do homework, whatever. 10 or 15 years ago, long before the coffee craze, it was really hard to find a comfortable place to meet outside an office or home. Outside is hot, noisy, inhospitable. Proper restaurants were either too formal to while away the hours, or too informal to be comfortable. Hotel lobbies were the best thing going. Today's coffee shops fill the niche. Plus, the coffee is much better than it used to be.

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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

I feel like going out and hugging a tree. :o

<edit to remove flame>

Very valid subject matter? The answers are clear as many posts have stated.

1. Recycle it, if you do not trust that it is being done then do it yourself along with all your other plastic, glass, metal and clean paper and get paid for it all. If you care you are already doing that.

2. Take your own cup or glass.

3. Get your coffee where they do not use throw away plastic cups, almost all takeaways involve more trash.

Think again about who needs their head readjusted.

Edited by Crow Boy
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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

I feel like going out and hugging a tree. :o

<edit to remove flame>

Very valid subject matter? The answers are clear as many posts have stated.

1. Recycle it, if you do not trust that it is being done then do it yourself along with all your other plastic, glass, metal and clean paper and get paid for it all. If you care you are already doing that.

2. Take your own cup or glass.

3. Get your coffee where they do not use throw away plastic cups, almost all takeaways involve more trash.

Think again about who needs their head readjusted.

It IS a valid subject, if it were not, there would not be "many" posts giving suggestions. You yourself gave 3 options, so you must also agree that it is a topic "worthy" of discussion. I do not think I need my head "readjusted" just for posting an opinion about the waste from these coffee shops. I thought it would be a nice light topic instead of ones of air pollution or hamburgers.

And to tell the truth, I was kinda looking for "out of the box" type ideas about an a

alternative take away container. I remember a while back about some hype about biodegradable plastic, something along that lines.

Edited due to confusion. No coffee this morning, running slow.

Edited by ZEAK
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Unfortunately thai(s) aren't into recycling.... just look at the 711 phenom: plastic bags/straws with every purchase. I think bringing your own cup is the only answer to your situation, but obviously it won't stop the plastic from being used, but least you won't feel bad about it.

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I have removed two posts and edited two more. The person who posted it is now on suspension.

As a reminder to all please read and adhere to the following:

"No flaming of fellow members! "


Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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If you go into one of these places and have a hot drink you will get it in a mug or cup so no problem. Sometimes they put the cold coffee etc in plastic even if you sit there; I always make a point of asking for a glass or cup.

Takeaways are the problem, with the multitudes of plastic cups or paper cups with lids.

The paper ones look pretty biodegradeable but the plastic ones are not I think accepted for recycling.

I seem to remember the recycling van that comes around just binning them.

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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

I feel like going out and hugging a tree. :o

<edit to remove flame>

Very valid subject matter? The answers are clear as many posts have stated.

1. Recycle it, if you do not trust that it is being done then do it yourself along with all your other plastic, glass, metal and clean paper and get paid for it all. If you care you are already doing that.

2. Take your own cup or glass.

3. Get your coffee where they do not use throw away plastic cups, almost all takeaways involve more trash.

Think again about who needs their head readjusted.

It IS a valid subject, if it were not, there would not be "many" posts giving suggestions. You yourself gave 3 options, so you must also agree that it is a topic "worthy" of discussion. I do not think I need my head "readjusted" just for posting an opinion about the waste from these coffee shops. I thought it would be a nice light topic instead of ones of air pollution or hamburgers.

And to tell the truth, I was kinda looking for "out of the box" type ideas about an a

alternative take away container. I remember a while back about some hype about biodegradable plastic, something along that lines.

Umm, my post is EXACTLY the same, nothing has been edited as there is no flame

Aren't suggestions seem obvious if you think about it a little? I did not add any, I just summarized and expanded one because I clearly have too much free time today. As for the head adjustment, did you read the flame post before it was removed? That was about adjusting a head.

If you want biodegradable, returnable cups, or your coffee in a plastic bag just talk with the management and get what you want or bring your own plastic bag for your coffee or buy elsewhere. You can get good iced coffee in a plastic bag in Chiang Mai but the bag will probably not be recycled.

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Why not buy one of those aluminum coffee mugs with the hard plastic lids. Will keep your drink colder for longer and no more waste. You would have to take it with you, but if you are that bothered about waste ? Its a small inconvenience.

Not a bad idea, I think I will do that. But I see the staff filling up the normal cup, then, dumping it into my aluminum mug, and then tossing the original cup in the bin. I dont know why, but I see that happening for some reason. TIT. But, will give it a shot anyways, if for nothing else but to see if really happens that way. :o

The reason for them using the disposable cup is to give a standard measure of coffee to the customer. That isn't such a bad idea but then tossing the cup away after putting it in your reusable container definitely isn't a good idea. I have noticed at Starbucks that if you buy one of their logo covered and grossly overpriced (because it is imported from the USA after being manufactured in China) reusable plastic or aluminium mugs they tend to fill it to the top as standard. Bring in one from another seller and they use the plastic cup measure system.


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perhaps the OP could save all the plastic that they use and then take them to the recycling plant,

otherwise have your coffee on-premise in a mug or coffee cup, and make use of the aircon thats usually way too low using up valuable energy created by non renewable sources, and read the paper that they dont recycle. :o

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There are many coffee shops here in CM, in particular, around the Nimhamin area that use these plastic cups for all their iced drinks. I just cant bring myself to throw them out, even though I despise cheap plastic glasses.....and clutter. Its just that the plastic is so heavy, that it can be re-used many many times before one would "need" to dispose of it. I have a bunch of them already, and will have to sooner or later either have to stop saving them, or stop going for coffee.

I wish the coffee houses would give some sort of alternative to these plastic glasses. Its just such a waste and a strain on the environment. I like the plastic bags that they use in Singapore for teh ping, fun to drink out of and less to dispose of.

Anyone able to come up with some alternative for a take away container for iced coffee?

I feel like going out and hugging a tree. :o

<edit to remove flame>

Very valid subject matter? The answers are clear as many posts have stated.

1. Recycle it, if you do not trust that it is being done then do it yourself along with all your other plastic, glass, metal and clean paper and get paid for it all. If you care you are already doing that.

2. Take your own cup or glass.

3. Get your coffee where they do not use throw away plastic cups, almost all takeaways involve more trash.

Think again about who needs their head readjusted.

It IS a valid subject, if it were not, there would not be "many" posts giving suggestions. You yourself gave 3 options, so you must also agree that it is a topic "worthy" of discussion. I do not think I need my head "readjusted" just for posting an opinion about the waste from these coffee shops. I thought it would be a nice light topic instead of ones of air pollution or hamburgers.

And to tell the truth, I was kinda looking for "out of the box" type ideas about an a

alternative take away container. I remember a while back about some hype about biodegradable plastic, something along that lines.

Umm, my post is EXACTLY the same, nothing has been edited as there is no flame

Aren't suggestions seem obvious if you think about it a little? I did not add any, I just summarized and expanded one because I clearly have too much free time today. As for the head adjustment, did you read the flame post before it was removed? That was about adjusting a head.

If you want biodegradable, returnable cups, or your coffee in a plastic bag just talk with the management and get what you want or bring your own plastic bag for your coffee or buy elsewhere. You can get good iced coffee in a plastic bag in Chiang Mai but the bag will probably not be recycled.

Sure, I can think of the obvious suggestions, but by asking a forum I was looking for other suggestions, if any. I dont see anything wrong with this.

I did read the flame before it was deleted, and I now see that your comment was in regards to that. Fair enough.

I feel better about throwing away a small bag than some huge plastic cup for some reason, the cup I just can't get over and have a small stock pile of them. I fear I am turning into my worst nightmare, a pack rat!!!

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perhaps the OP could save all the plastic that they use and then take them to the recycling plant,

otherwise have your coffee on-premise in a mug or coffee cup, and make use of the aircon thats usually way too low using up valuable energy created by non renewable sources, and read the paper that they dont recycle. :o

Ummm, I usually sit outside, and I dont read the paper as it is mostly BS anyways. So, yeah. And the last time I checked, electricity was a fairly clean source of energy, especially hydro-electric or wind power. But I will from now on ask for a glass or a mug, if I know I will be staying. And someone mentioned that these cups do not get recycled, what a waste.

On another topic, I had a brief look at a book that mentioned the future business of waste management.....and how big it is going to be. Just makes sense if the trend continues, companies will be formed to deal with it, people will profit.

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I pretty much doubt that those plastic cups don't get recycled. Around here used plastic containers of any kind already are big business. I can't talk about the particular coffee cups mentioned - there might be obscure exceptions - but the little old lady that comes around every Saturday happily pays around 30 Baht for a big, black garbage bag filled with plastic of any kind - soft/hard, bottles/jars, white/colored/clear.

If in doubt, regarding recycling, there's a simple test that can easily be done by OP or anyone else who doesn't bother about the few Baht, the could get by selling it. Just put the cups at the nearest place where garbage gets piled in the evening. Go back about 30 minutes later and see if the cups aren't gone.

Another test could be to bring a bagful of cups to the collection place, where our little old lady sell our plastic - evidently for more than she pays us. I'm not sure of the number of the soi where its located, but the plastic/glass/alu dumpsite is easily recognized as such and is located about 150 meter as the birds fly West-North-West of Chiang Mai gate.

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Good news is, I've just checked with head of household recycling and the clear plastic cups do get recycled.

In fact I found a few in our recycling bin.

That IS good news. I will add the collection I haveof cups to the bag of plastic bottles that I have separated from the regular trash. I wish that the recycling done here was a little more formal, you know, with bins and such for the different materials. I want to get something going in my condo unit, as everyone just leaves the glass bottles against the wall, and it can get kinda messy. Plus, I feel terrible when I walk past the bin in the basement and the guys are wading in it going through it all, what a horrible job!! Surely, if there were bins on every floor with it separated, they would much prefer to just go floor to floor collecting it. I had a word with management and didn't get too far, I think I will go and mention something again. It should not be to difficult to get a recycling program going for a condo unit. Some labeled open bins and a notice informing everyone should be suffice, I would think.

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We separate out everything recyclable and put it in sacks together. As long as you dispose of any liquids it doesn't get messy.

Recycling truck comes around and empties out and separates everything, weighs the different groups of things as everything has a different price.

If you can get people emptying their cans and bottles, boxes before disposing them and let them know what is recyclable it shouldn't be a problem.

You just get a big bin or sack (quick tip - big plastic bin in a public place might end up on someones truck, to be taken off and recycled :o ) and arrange for someone to collect.

For a condo, maybe you could give it to one of the caretakers/guards to take care of and they would have some extra income and incentive to make sure it goes in the right place.

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... have of cups to the bag of plastic bottles that I have separated from the regular trash. I wish that the recycling done here was a little more formal, you know, with bins and such for the different materials. I want to get something going in my condo unit, as everyone just leaves the glass bottles against the wall, and it can get kinda messy ...

So... your problem isn't about whether this or that gets recycled or not ... Your problem is that the maintenance of the areas outside your condo unit isn't quite as neat as in your home country ??? ... God, how I wished I'd never paid attention to such a silly thread as this.

To anyone - living on e.g. seventh floor of a farlang ghetto condo - rest assured that whatever you poor into the dumpster shaft will get scrutinized by at least 3 Thais on the ground floor and whatever could possible get recycled will be recycled - this included the poorly crumbled sheets of paper with personal data you may think you've got rid of.

Edited by Cyberstar
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... have of cups to the bag of plastic bottles that I have separated from the regular trash. I wish that the recycling done here was a little more formal, you know, with bins and such for the different materials. I want to get something going in my condo unit, as everyone just leaves the glass bottles against the wall, and it can get kinda messy ...

So... your problem isn't about whether this or that gets recycled or not ... Your problem is that the maintenance of the areas outside your condo unit isn't quite as neat as in your home country ??? ... God, how I wished I'd never paid attention to such a silly thread as this.

To anyone - living on e.g. seventh floor of a farlang ghetto condo - rest assured that whatever you poor into the dumpster shaft will get scrutinized by at least 3 Thais on the ground floor and whatever could possible get recycled will be recycled - this included the poorly crumbled sheets of paper with personal data you may think you've got rid of.

No, I stated that is is done very informal, and as such, contributes to a dirty area outside of the garbage shoot. No one forced you to submit your opinion, God or Budda, so stop complaining to the forum as no one really cares.

So just because Thais will go through the trash looking for recyclables, it is some how "wrong" to want to make the whole process more efficient. Maybe it would do YOU some good to have to wallow in waste for a few hours looking for plastic and glass. And I highly doubt that the same people that are doing this, are compiling bits of info on everyone to commit identify theft. Think about it. Thats no to say that I still dont dispose of sensitive document the proper way though.

And pour is not spelt like the opposite of rich. Thats a tricky one, I know. :o

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And by having bins outside the shoot that are labeled, not ONLY does it make the area more tidy, but it ALSO makes people more inclined to recycle. Sort of like a little reminder every time they throw out their waste that a recycling program as been set up, so they should help contribute to it and separated their waste.

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