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Expat Net Worth


Net worth  

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Sorry I do not get it.

Worth in terms of what?

Annual net salary?



To me the question implies net annual salary including allowances.

How much is a company (willing to) paying you per month or year.

That is what you are worth at this time.

Am I correct in my thinking?

No, totally incorrect.

The question is about assets ...

Add everything you own, cash, investments, retirement funds (not income), including real estate values and estimate the value

Then tally everything you owe, all your debts, including mortgages

The resulting number of subtracting your debts from your assets is your net worth.

Edited by Jingthing
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Who really wants to tell strangers what they have? To me that is insane, why .....???


Sorry I do not get it.

Worth in terms of what?

Annual net salary?



To me the question implies net annual salary including allowances.

How much is a company (willing to) paying you per month or year.

That is what you are worth at this time.

Am I correct in my thinking?

No, totally incorrect.

The question is about assets ...

Add everything you own, cash, investments, retirement funds (not income), including real estate values and estimate the value

Then tally everything you owe, all your debts, including mortgages

The resulting number of subtracting your debts from your assets is your net worth.

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Who really wants to tell strangers what they have? To me that is insane, why .....???


Hopefully, this should be of no surprise to you but, here you are really nothing more than text on a computer monitor. You can be as truthful....or not...as you wish :o .

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<br />
An interesting poll, <br />I too expected it to be fairly flat but it's beginning to look like a standard bell curve,
<br /><br />actually it's the opposite of a Bell curve with high numbers at the polar ends of it... whereas a Bell curve would have very small numbers at the polar ends.<br /><br />What I find interesting is that supposedly 1/4 of thaivisa members are millionaires in dollars.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

not so surprsing witha weak dollar and high UK house prices I think the average price of a Uk house is now more than £200000 which is already $400000. Take a chap/ess in his late forties and he probably owns it by now after paying off the mortagage etc

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Once again all the millionaires are on ThaiVisa, none around where I live. I guess Issan doesn't attract millionaires, who want to live here. I've traveled a good part of Thailand over the years, as well as a few other countries. If I were a millionaire, I wouldn't live in Issan either, nor any other part of Thailand. But that's just me, I've seen some truly beautiful places and if I had millions( dollars or pounds or Euro) I'd go to one of them. They even have stable governments, and good weather. I'm not bashing Thailand, but why would such a rich westerner put himself here? I can only think of business reasons.

A million dollars sounds like a lot of money but when you plan that amount over twenty five or thirty years of retirement it is not - it equates to about £30,000 a year in safe invested income (bonds) - remember, I am a retiree hence I am very conservative with my retirement fund. If I lived in the UK, £30,000 a year would get me nowhere apart from a bed sit and some ready meals and a near non-existent life style where I could afford little. Taking that same level of income here in Thailand presents a completely different picture for my retirement, a much more palatable one.

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There's been a lot of discussion on expat's retirement needs and financial status recently, so I thought it would be interesting to have a poll to see what the average net worth of expats are. It's not about finding out the relative wealth of each member; I'd expect members to vote without revealing personal financial details. But it might be interesting to build a picture and see where you stand against the average.

By net worth i mean if you cashed in all your assets - house, savings, shares etc.

But, then again, it might totally flop as a poll . .

We'll see . . .

I sold the "ranch" a few years back and just keep that money for a "rainy day" while living the modest life on my pension (1+ million THB / year). Maybe I'll get lucky and that rainy day will come long AFTER I'm enjoying my dirt nap! :o

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in my view the poll would have been more interesting if personal net worth and actual income derived had been asked. net worth doesn't say anything about income and income alone does not indicate a specific net worth. i know a few chaps who make more money than i do but as far as net worth is concerned they are (in my eyes) "dirt poor".

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I doubt that nearly 1 in 6 respondents has a net worth of US $1.33 million or more. Good for them, if true, but dubious.

does it matter whether it's true?

Don't spoil it Naam, we may have another duel starting.

Heavy Sabres at dawn, the dogs would love it. :o

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I doubt that nearly 1 in 6 respondents has a net worth of US $1.33 million or more. Good for them, if true, but dubious.

does it matter whether it's true?

Don't spoil it Naam, we may have another duel starting.

Heavy Sabres at dawn, the dogs would love it. :o

you asked for it Maigo and now you've had it! :D my net worth as of today is $ x,828,470 / € x,430,590 / GBP x,386,130 = equivalent to black market Zimbabwe Dollars ~3,414,234,857,134.-

replace x with the appropriate value and report back. you have 12 minutes and 30 seconds. otherwise report sunday at dawn. (ring both doorbells twice... just to be on the safe side)! do you take your drinks with ice? what is your blood group and rhesus factor?

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But, then again, it might totally flop as a poll . .

We'll see . . .

Correct, normally, people don't talk about their wealth :D

But, I know, this is TV :o


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Approx 30% of people who have registered on this poll are dollar millionaires given that 31Million Baht = 1Million USD.

I think that has been lots of people telling porkies pies

I don't think so. I believe the results. Alot of expats are retirees who own or cashed out real estate in places like London and New York. Many older people have also received parental inheritances and also have retirement funds. Sadly, I am not in the millionaire club, but really, a million dollars ain't what it used to be.

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a million dollars ain't what it used to be.

That's true:

1 $ Million is a mere € 648.000


1 $ Million is a mere GBP 496.000

but...maybe it's better by next Monday..... :o


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Approx 30% of people who have registered on this poll are dollar millionaires given that 31Million Baht = 1Million USD.

I think that has been lots of people telling porkies pies

I don't think so. I believe the results. Alot of expats are retirees who own or cashed out real estate in places like London and New York. Many older people have also received parental inheritances and also have retirement funds. Sadly, I am not in the millionaire club, but really, a million dollars ain't what it used to be.

Granted a million US isnt as unobtainable as it once was, but the average persons wealth is nowhere near this amount, and there are more retirees getting by in LOS then there are dollar millionaires.

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Once again all the millionaires are on ThaiVisa, none around where I live. I guess Issan doesn't attract millionaires, who want to live here. I've traveled a good part of Thailand over the years, as well as a few other countries. If I were a millionaire, I wouldn't live in Issan either, nor any other part of Thailand. But that's just me, I've seen some truly beautiful places and if I had millions( dollars or pounds or Euro) I'd go to one of them. They even have stable governments, and good weather. I'm not bashing Thailand, but why would such a rich westerner put himself here? I can only think of business reasons.

I dont want to go off topic cuz I think this is a very interesting discussion.

BUT. Where as a matter of fact would you live?

LOS is great for some things but its not paradise and its not perfect.

Many expats here in Pattaya often discuss where we will go next if the political situation gets too rough or baht strengthening devalues their cash too much. A million USD isnt that much if you retired in your fifties and that Google Life Expectancy Calculator predicts another 20 or more years life. At a conservative 5% pa net of tax you need 500,000 USD to meet the immigration 800,000 baht rule. And that means you are not keeping your fund topped up to take inflation into account.

So, where would you go?

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Surely you can't be serious in posting this poll. Who's gonna divulge that kind of info on a web forum? I admit people could answer the poll anonymously.

Nice try though.

Your top layer isn't very high though. I mean that's about the price of a semi-detached house in the south of England. I think you could have gone to, say, 140 million Baht.

Well I htink our house in London suburb, inside M25, on Underground line is 4 bed semi and worh currently 25 million baht based on GBP 1.00 = Baht 86

86 baht to the pound :o Do tell where you exchange your cash mate

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So, where would you go?

To the world's newest third world country ... the USA! Its very exotic I hear.

Spicy food. Sexy desperate natives if you like em thick and chunky. Steamy urban jungles. Some speak a kind of English.

It is very dangerous and guns are everywhere, but what do you expect in the third world?

Edited by Jingthing
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To live not quite the same life style in the US as LOS would take 4 to 5 times the amount of dollars. I don't think it is 4 to 5 times better living in the US.

I agree it is cheaper in Thailand overall for most people, but 4 to 5 times now with the weak dollar, I don't think so. Some things are more expensive here, some thing cheaper.

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To live not quite the same life style in the US as LOS would take 4 to 5 times the amount of dollars. I don't think it is 4 to 5 times better living in the US.

I agree it is cheaper in Thailand overall for most people, but 4 to 5 times now with the weak dollar, I don't think so. Some things are more expensive here, some thing cheaper.

4 to 5 times at least if you sleep with BGs. Never slept with an American prostitute, but from what I see on the television, most would have to pay me to sleep with them. Now, If you sleep with the professional escorts, I hear you can drop a grand. Again, I get this info from the television so I'm not sure of its accuracy. Maybe the wife will let me do a little research.

A few things that cost 4x less:



Thai Restaurant Food


Taxi Fare

Hospital Care


Rent (debatable )

Cost more:

hmm, can't think of anything - except luxury imported items

In the end, it really doesn't matter what you spend. If you work hard and enjoy it, great! If you spend your days wasting away in Thailand because it is cheap, too bad. Winners in life find what makes them happy and do what needs to be done to live that life.

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.....a poll to see what the average net worth of expats are. .......By net worth i mean if you cashed in all your assets - house, savings, shares etc.

Skimmed a few answers and didn't see anyone else asked the question/made the point.

An expat could be here living on any sized pension and have zero assets in housing, savings, shares, IRAs/401k's, autos, etc. Rents a furnish abode; takes public transportation. That would show a net worth on your poll of ZERO.

But, for example, he/she might have a life time pension of (for easy figuring) of 50,000 GBPs/dollars/Francs/Pesos/Rubles/Lira, If you assume a 5% return is sustainable as an average on a capital safe investment, then his/her net worth is really 1,000,000 GBPs/dollars/Francs/Pesos/Rubles/Lira.

So will the poll provide the information you really wanted?

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But, for example, he/she might have a life time pension of (for easy figuring) of 50,000 GBPs/dollars/Francs/Pesos/Rubles/Lira, If you assume a 5% return is sustainable as an average on a capital safe investment, then his/her net worth is really 1,000,000 GBPs/dollars/Francs/Pesos/Rubles/Lira.

So will the poll provide the information you really wanted?

you are right mate! a high net worth does not necessarily mean there's money galore to spend. e.g. expensive homes cost a lot of dough to maintain but do not provide any income. the same goes for valuable collectibles or wifey's jewelry and Cartiers lazing around in a safe.

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I wouldn't include any of my assets in Thailand as part of my net worth, just to be on the conservative side.

In fact the the only assets I would include are those that are capable of producing an income.

The rest is just so much frippery, like Gucci watches, Thai houses, rubber implantations, Mia Nois and the like. :o

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Very true mellow.

Been here for 5 years and like the country,not love it.My lifestyle is much better than the uk,but if i was a sterling millionaire i would live closer to the uk and spend the summer there.There are much worse countries than thailand to live so i am happy to be here,but with so much corruption and the vile police force coupled with childlike habits of some top officials here,that seem totaly void of making a decision,it makes you wonder doesnt it.

Still would not want some western influences here,we take the good with bad.

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.....a poll to see what the average net worth of expats are. .......By net worth i mean if you cashed in all your assets - house, savings, shares etc.

Skimmed a few answers and didn't see anyone else asked the question/made the point.

An expat could be here living on any sized pension and have zero assets in housing, savings, shares, IRAs/401k's, autos, etc. Rents a furnish abode; takes public transportation. That would show a net worth on your poll of ZERO.

But, for example, he/she might have a life time pension of (for easy figuring) of 50,000 GBPs/dollars/Francs/Pesos/Rubles/Lira, If you assume a 5% return is sustainable as an average on a capital safe investment, then his/her net worth is really 1,000,000 GBPs/dollars/Francs/Pesos/Rubles/Lira.

So will the poll provide the information you really wanted?

It's is an net asset poll, not income. Expats have income from many sources: social security , pensions, investments, teaching... What the poll tells me is that expats in Thailand have a lot of assets compared to citizens in their home countries. A small sample size and I question its accuracy, but interesting none the less.

Most poor people don't travel and therefore don't move to countries like Thailand. Might be the reason for the numerous well off expats.

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