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Mayor Speaks Out On Plans To Open Casinoi In Pattaya.


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he Mayor speaks out on plans to open a Casino here in Pattaya.

On Thursday Morning we spoke with the Mayor of Pattaya, Khun Niran regarding his views on the possibility of legalizing gambling here in Thailand and the opening of a Casino here in Pattaya. He mentioned that he was happy with plans to open a Casino however he was concerned about potential problems associated with legalizing gambling which he says could lead to an increase in crime. Furthermore he stressed the importance of local government receiving a portion of the taxes received from these Casino’s.


the importance of local government receiving a portion of the taxes :o

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he Mayor speaks out on plans to open a Casino here in Pattaya.

On Thursday Morning we spoke with the Mayor of Pattaya, Khun Niran regarding his views on the possibility of legalizing gambling here in Thailand and the opening of a Casino here in Pattaya. He mentioned that he was happy with plans to open a Casino however he was concerned about potential problems associated with legalizing gambling which he says could lead to an increase in crime. Furthermore he stressed the importance of local government receiving a portion of the taxes received from these Casino's.


the importance of local government receiving a portion of the taxes :o

Yes and we want more tea money!!

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If the casino idea comes to fruition, it will likely be built wherever the politician with the most clout owns the land for it to be built on.

Well the rumour is that Toxin has bought up a lot of land in Koh Chang and that's HIS favoured place to put a casino.

The other rumour is Ambassador City which already has lots of empty ballrooms / arcades that would easily fit a casino operation.

And is it a coincidence that the infrastructure down to Pattaya is being rapidly improved? Is the government really trying to make it easier for all the sex tourists to get to Pattaya, or is it another reason?

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If the casino idea comes to fruition, it will likely be built wherever the politician with the most clout owns the land for it to be built on.

I got told about 2 years ago, (guy in a boozer) that they opened one a casino up on sukemvite road for chinkys, cops turned a blind eye on it for 6 months let it all get going nicely then it shut down.

reason was, they sold it at a massive loss but no police action, to a very important fig in the land of smiles, and hes ment to be just sitting and waiting, hes got it all kitted out and just awaitng the green light!

now this might be bull, i dont know ive only been here 2 mins, but sounds fesable!

im sure someone been here a while will correct me on it, i hope anyway!

now i consume alcohol on second rd daily and over the last 4 days ive seen a few pick ups driving around with big games machines on the back, like what we in uk call fruit machines but the base seems to come out quite far, all looking dirty and prob out of storage, i think they coming out of the soi that takes you up from tropical berts, towards jamesons, so i think the deals done and there just putting house in order first.

either way cant see it been a bad thing for everyone involved, and if not involved shouldnt harm anyone!


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