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Is The Election Over Or Not

Gonzo the Face

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What is Chiang Mai doing, turning into another American election type of town?

After what seems like an endless string of weekend closings of bars, I thought that the last of the election had past.

Any body know what the story is with the guy # 13?

He must be crying sour grapes or something.

His is the only sound truck I see out today,but have seen about 3 or 4 of them together, about 5 or 6 times already today.

Anybody know anything about it


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I REALLY feel sorry for folks with bars. All these closings during prime season and now even more on a Saturday when things have slowed down a lot and businesses really need the money just to pay the bills. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Today is the Sor Tor elections (Tesabahn)

In a couple of months I believe we have some more elections Sor Jor.

Difficult to keep up with - last week I was wondering why people were voting for only 1 person and then realised that was the election for representative to the Senate and not the Tesabahn which is of course today. :o

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