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Google Sitemap Generator


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Trying to get through sitemap generator for google.

Has anyone used it and if so for example which method to choose to create the sitemap.

What are the differences?

Any other better things to use rather than the sourceforge download from google?

Anybody have experience?

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That is a very vast question...

I have experience with Google Site Maps but what are you using it for? CMS? A regular HTML site?

It can literally take a week to set it up properly with verification, the htaccess, the 404 page ect...

I've built some for some of my sites with Joomla but then it all depends on what SEF you are using, comonents ect...

And then when your maps are up and verified they don't always stay that way and have to be regenerated and bugs need to be fixed.

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Trying to get through sitemap generator for google.

Has anyone used it and if so for example which method to choose to create the sitemap.

What are the differences?

Any other better things to use rather than the sourceforge download from google?

Anybody have experience?

GSiteCrawler will do it for you in a seconds (ok, if you have say 1300++ pages maybe abit longer).

Nice and correct sitemap for Google submission

btw, what is so difficult about it ? in fact its just a list, formated in xml. Can do by hand + copy'n'paste.

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Trying to get through sitemap generator for google.

Has anyone used it and if so for example which method to choose to create the sitemap.

What are the differences?

Any other better things to use rather than the sourceforge download from google?

Anybody have experience?

GSiteCrawler will do it for you in a seconds (ok, if you have say 1300++ pages maybe abit longer).

Nice and correct sitemap for Google submission

btw, what is so difficult about it ? in fact its just a list, formated in xml. Can do by hand + copy'n'paste.

:D You're an absolute star ! This looks so much more easy and user friendly than what was being given in Google!

:o Thank you!

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GSiteCrawler will do it for you in a seconds ...

in fact its just a list, formated in xml. Can do by hand + copy'n'paste.

Do you know if the program is able to update (add/delete new pages of) the site automatically?

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xml-sitemaps.com does it for free until 500 pages, easy does it.

If you have large sites buy the script, it's cheap and checks broken links and pings google too, but be aware of the server load.

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