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This has hi-jacked internet explorer,tried all the usual stuff ad-aware,spy-bot,window washer,2 anti trojan programmes,and its still there.

Its "a-search.biz" don't try and open it or you might get stuck with it as well.

I have tried to do a program search from the start menu,but its hi-jacked that as well.

I don't use IE much,only for hotmail,but its dam annoying that i can't get rid of it.

Nothing is showing in temp files or cookies either.

Any ideas please.

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did you hear about a small program called regcleaner?

make a search and install it, you can look at section regarding the registry,

you can delete any key and it has a backup ... a bit safer than running the registry itself.

menus are : software/startup/uninstall menu/file types/new files/shell extensions/backup



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Have you tried using HijackThis and placing the scan results on a spyware forum like aumha.org? There are a number of such forums where someone who knows what is going will read the log and tell you how to get rid of the pest. Try googling for search.biz spyware. You probably need to get BHODemon http://www.DefinitiveSolutions.com and keep it on your PC so you can easily see and get details of BHOs.

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Look for "CWShredder", "hsremove" and download them, run them and see if that helps

You could also run "Hijack this"... but make sure you know what you are doing before you delete anything... Posting the results on a forum dedicated to helping people with these kind of problems is a good idea.. they will tell you what to delete..

totster :o

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Thanks again for everybodys help.

Its still there,I have e-mailed spy-bot with it to see if they can come up with something.

Looking at castlecops site,there is very detailed intructions to get rid of it,but its all a little too technical for me.Also now have Hijackthis,but can,t see it in the log.

Ran the scanner mentioned,I thought it got it as it found a couple of things the other scans did not,but after reboot its still there.

Althought not to much of a problem,as I use Maxthon brower which is not effected,I would still like to get rid of it.

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This has been reported as being able to fix the ssearch.biz problem, but do your own research before running it. I used it a while ago to solve another problem on a friends PC and at the time it seemed legitimate to me.

If you don't visit the "naughty" sites this probably will not happen.

Thing is, that is not always the case. There are lots of other sites you can pick up a browser hijacker, spyware etc.

  • Screensaver sites
  • E-mail enhancers
  • Music download sites
  • Free icon and smilies sites
  • Any number of sites offering to improve web surfing

A lot of the above sites can look perfectly legitimate but download all sorts of malware when you agree to install something you think will be worthwhile. Even unchecking the boxes that offer other bits and pieces is no guarantee that you won't get all the unwanted extras, they often install by stealth anyway.

Always be wary when downloading any of the above if the site requires you to download new software to make it work. A quick search on Google with the name of the program and the word "spyware" will turn up any complaints from other users if there are known spyware/hijacker issues.

Never ever use the sponsored links you see offering to remove spyware you already have. Many of these such as XoftSpy, Spyhunter etc. simply install their own spyware and then want you to pay to remove it. Some even have very similar names to legitimate products such as Ad-aware. There are plenty of free programs available that can almost always do the job.

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This has been reported as being able to fix the ssearch.biz problem, but do your own research before running it. I used it a while ago to solve another problem on a friends PC and at the time it seemed legitimate to me.
great link an application ... :D

thanks for all of us ...

but .. better not to use IE :D

the only need you have to run IE is for windows update ...

You probably need to get BHODemon http://www.DefinitiveSolutions.com and keep it on your PC so you can easily see and get details of BHOs.

nice prog ... thanks :D

spybot find them but doesn't stop them to come back :o



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Cheers highwayman,after all the diffirent applications I have down loaded to get rid of it,that did the trick very simply.

A great find and very usefull to have around.I will go and post it on the caslecop site as many seem to be having a problem getting shot of it.


Thanks again.

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