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"disneyfication" Of Thailand


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There has been a rapid change in Thailand's nightlife since "Toxin" and it is about to get worse with the 5 new areas set aside for family vacations to LOS with extreme limits to the single male tourist or expat.

I heard that Cambodia has been gearing-up to woo some expats to move there.

Does anyone know about living in Cambodia?

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Things are changing.

The last of my long term farang friends has just moved to Cambodia with his Thai gf.

Here in Hua Hin it's about to boom and the 'family package' scene seems to be the future and there will only be more places like this.

On a positive note, I can only assume that places like Cambodia will benefit from this, though if it does then long term sucess will only make it follow suit.

Anyone seen the letter in the Bkk Post today from the guy who said that backpackers started tourism in Thailand in the 70's and now Thailand is turning it's back on them and catering only for the rich?

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Yeah can you imagine what it would be like if Thailand just opened it's doors to all and sundry.......it would be like Australia.........car loads of Japs driving around with real estate agents buying houses and land without even going in for a look !

Then would Thailand be a fun place ? I doubt that posters like this one would stay around then as well. Quit yer moaning boy and git a life !

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What's the problem. I see it changing a little, sure ...but no big deal. If some people are pissed when they can only shag 6 instead of 12 girls per day, that amazes me...

This has absolutely nothing to do with being with bar girls and everything to do with being told by a nanny state when its bedtime... I have always been pretty nocturnal and at many times suffered insomnia, when first coming to Thailand I could live how I wanted to, the culture seemed one that operated 24 hours and that fitted my body clock and preffered lifestyle.

Secondly I have always had a problem with authority and being told what to do by the state.. I have been 'employed' for 9 days in my entire life and left the UK in disgust when the criminal justice bill was passed and the whole country started to sprout cameras on every street corner.. Far too Orwellian for my tastes.

I think many expats also are of the opinion that mankind is better off as PJ O'Rourke so sweetly put it "A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them."... I dont like being told when I am supposed to be going to bed and when I am supposed to be awake.

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Its Thailand. Its their country, they can do what they want. When they do it in your country, you have a right to complain. Here, you don't. Accept it or go. No need to discuss "disneyfication".


this is a terrible co-opt line that people love to throw out thinking it will end the conversation. of course it is their country and their right to do these things. of course if we don't like it, we can go. we all know that. but we are all here, so there must still be reasons to stay.

people are allowed to voice there ideas and discuss them. he's not calling for open revolt or violence or breaking any laws. he's just saying whats on his mind.

i too find it pretty sad that in a city of ten million people, I look out my terrace at midnight and see a city shutdown. only a few ligths here and there. its pathetic and the opposite of developed. heading towards the fourth world, not the first.

unless the things that have been written about in the paper the last two days go further, it will only get worse. we are slowly being place under curfew. and it is almost complete.

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Its Thailand. Its their country, they can do what they want. When they do it in your country, you have a right to complain. Here, you don't. Accept it or go.

Of course I have the right to complain, I have the right to say what I please, I have the right to voice my comments and opinions at any time and everyone else has the right to ignore me or dispute what I say. I notice I gave my reasons for why I disagree with the new laws that effect me but you gave no counterpoint and if I recall you dont even live here.

So far I have lived in :-










(not in that order)

As well as travelling extensively through most parts of Europe and SE Asia (Malaysia / Indo / Laos / Cambodia) and at the same time gaining my financial security. Not bad by age 30 !!

As someone who can actually compare and contrast different societal rules, the implications, and how effective they may be, I have opinions on what works and what does not and will continue to voice them.

Lastly, I like Thailand, I have enjoyed my last 4 years immensely despite some ups and downs but if I was considering now to emmigrate to Thailand permanently I doubt I would do it. Does that mean I will leave, currently I dont know, if it gets any worse I think so.

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Its Thailand. Its their country, they can do what they want. When they do it in your country, you have a right to complain. Here, you don't. Accept it or go. No need to discuss "disneyfication".


I nearly took your serious, until I saw the smilie....

Anyway, of course I will explain the newly implemented rules and suggest

to go somewhere else, if asked for recommendations, and a lot of people do ask me.

Depends on the requirements, a couple that is married for 40 years could be happy to come to LoS and sleep in the hotel by 10:00 pm.

To youngers I recommend at the moemnt Singapore, where the discos start to become active around 10:30 - 11:00 pm and go til ... early morning.

Albeit, I am too old :o , so even in SIN I sneak out before 4:00 am, as I need some sleep.

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Yeah but not some dingy back alley bar or place with the music down and lights dimmed ?? Simply put can you stay out in a heaving nightclub with music playing until 6AM ??

The idea that a capital city has all its nightclubs shut at 1AM giving no one the opportunity to 'dance the night away' and have a good time is crazy, no where have I lived (except Morocco and that was much more 3rd world) did not have discos all night.. Its a requirement :o !!!

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2AM in the UK ??? Last time I was in London (couple of years tops) there were clubs / house parties with special licences for 6AM.. I know I was there. Plus the UK is known for having some of the tightest closure laws around.

Anterp my fave club starts to slow down around 6... I think it usually closes at about 8 but I am usually on my way to an afterparty in Holland by then.. Holland obviously one club opens as another closes..

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Thanks for all the posts everyone.

Looks like I waited too long to relocate to Thailand. It appears that all the fun is gone and won't be back for quite a while.

Whish me luck in Cambodia.

so what just because you can't party all night you're going to choose Cambodia over Thailand???

Now don't get me wrong as I like Cambodia but what about everything else that makes up LIFE! Food, living conditions, scenery. Your basing your whole reason for moving on the nightlife.

What are you going to do? Teach at the Gary Glitter school of English?

Something tells me that the new laws in Thailand are trying to discourage people like you and shovel them over to the neighbour.

Go to the Heart Of Darkness bar in Phnom Penn and when a group of young Khymers come in go and offer them a drink. Have fun..

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Thanks for all the posts everyone.

Looks like I waited too long to relocate to Thailand.  It appears that all the fun is gone and won't be back for quite a while.

Whish me luck in Cambodia.

I'd love to see this thread put in a time capsule and reopened in ten years.

Everyone would be laughing and thinking what were these moaning ###### going on about?

If you need to go to Cambodia because Thailand doesn't do it for you anymore one wonders just what you're looking for? :o

Yeah No fun in Thailand. Move along please nothing to see here!! :D

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Actually Sillypore has better clubbing (something I do look for) these days.. I hear zouks has picked up again shame its expensive... Also I am told KL has a good scene..

Madness that Singapore or a muslim dominant country like Malaysia may have better nightlife than Bangkok !! Of course thats nightlife outside of the girly bars but we have already established that no one here likes that side of thailand or frequents them. :o

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Go to the Heart Of Darkness bar in Phnom Penn and when a group of young Khymers come in go and offer them a drink. Have fun..

The only groups of young Khmers going in there are lovely young ladies. Unless it's changed lately, you just dont get young khmer men going in groups into falang places.

They are all too busy gang raping prostitutes, and fallen angels. :o

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Its Thailand. Its their country, they can do what they want. When they do it in your country, you have a right to complain. Here, you don't. Accept it or go.

Of course I have the right to complain, I have the right to say what I please, I have the right to voice my comments and opinions at any time and everyone else has the right to ignore me or dispute what I say. I notice I gave my reasons for why I disagree with the new laws that effect me but you gave no counterpoint and if I recall you dont even live here.

So far I have lived in :-










(not in that order)

As well as travelling extensively through most parts of Europe and SE Asia (Malaysia / Indo / Laos / Cambodia) and at the same time gaining my financial security. Not bad by age 30 !!

As someone who can actually compare and contrast different societal rules, the implications, and how effective they may be, I have opinions on what works and what does not and will continue to voice them.

Lastly, I like Thailand, I have enjoyed my last 4 years immensely despite some ups and downs but if I was considering now to emmigrate to Thailand permanently I doubt I would do it. Does that mean I will leave, currently I dont know, if it gets any worse I think so.

I am 22 years old and have lived in Switzerland, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Spain, Canada, USA and Thailand ...in that order. I even hold permanent residence in four of those countries. Sure you can voice your opinions, but they probably don't mean much to anyone except the government of your own country, if even them. Bottom line is, unless you are Thai citizen, you can complain and you can even expect the complaints to be heard, but you can't assume they will be addressed or resolved unless the Thais wish to do so. My suggestion, write a letter to the Thai Government with your opinions, ranting on a public internet forum won't help a bit. That's just how it is. :o

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Whats wrong with them cleaning up Bangkok?

Thailand needs to open up more to foreign investment and try and shake off the sexpat destination label.

Yes for sure things are changing,just look at Samui where prices are going crazy,lots of new hotels and spas catering for families,and few backpacker type places left now.

Its nothing new most remote type areas get discovered by the lonely planet set and then evolve to family type destinations.

With all the budget airlines offering cheaper fares tourism is set to boom.

As I understand it Pattaya is the place they will keep as Fun city for all the Gamblers,Perverts and single male travellers.

Thailand is a great place to visit and live,and also has been a pretty good investment environment for Flaangs who took the plunge two or three years back.

As far as the curfew goes ,sure you can buy a drink after hours,but whats wrong with going to bed at 2 anyway .......its only the tourists who stay out late every night isnt it?

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Yeah but not some dingy back alley bar or place with the music down and lights dimmed ?? Simply put can you stay out in a heaving nightclub with music playing until 6AM ??

The idea that a capital city has all its nightclubs shut at 1AM giving no one the opportunity to 'dance the night away' and have a good time is crazy, no where have I lived (except Morocco and that was much more 3rd world) did not have discos all night.. Its a requirement :D !!!

:D Well i guess this then is time for you to leave, im sure you will be greatly missed :o

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There has been a rapid change in Thailand's nightlife

The powers that be went into the "disneyfication" of Las Vegas about 15 years ago as well. That strategy has worn out it's welcome and now Vegas is heading back towards the days of yesteryear when a little nastiness was a good thing. In other words, it is one of the reasons people go. There is a saying now in their advertising, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." I could envision the same thing happening in Bkk. This may be just the start of a cycle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like livinLOS says in his 09 27, 18:40 post, I was seriously considering making the move to live permanently in Thailand. I have noticed such a diference in the place in only 6 years of visiting there that I am having to reconsider my choice. I don't have to stay out partying until 4 am every night, but I would like to have the choice to do so when I want! Even in 'Victorian' Victoria (known for its surplus of aging retirees) you can get a drink in a club until 3:00 am.....

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What's the problem. I see it changing a little, sure ...but no big deal. If some people are pissed when they can only shag 6 instead of 12 girls per day, that amazes me... :o

I think its more to do with girls attitude .

they are more profesional nowadays due to being empowered by mobile phones .

in the days of snail mail they couldnt juggle their customers and boyfriends like they do now.

plus they are too well paid and independant .

their earning power is now too great and there are too many farangs giving them too much cash and gold , so maybe another country will soon beckon .

generally LOS has become too westernised ,it has lost its mystique from when i first lived there in the 80s.

then tourism was less than 500,000 per year now its around 9 million and rising

so you can imagine the difference to girls attitudes

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Its Thailand. Its their country, they can do what they want. When they do it in your country, you have a right to complain. Here, you don't. Accept it or go.

Of course I have the right to complain, I have the right to say what I please, I have the right to voice my comments and opinions at any time and everyone else has the right to ignore me or dispute what I say. I notice I gave my reasons for why I disagree with the new laws that effect me but you gave no counterpoint and if I recall you dont even live here.

So far I have lived in :-










(not in that order)

As well as travelling extensively through most parts of Europe and SE Asia (Malaysia / Indo / Laos / Cambodia) and at the same time gaining my financial security. Not bad by age 30 !!

As someone who can actually compare and contrast different societal rules, the implications, and how effective they may be, I have opinions on what works and what does not and will continue to voice them.

Lastly, I like Thailand, I have enjoyed my last 4 years immensely despite some ups and downs but if I was considering now to emmigrate to Thailand permanently I doubt I would do it. Does that mean I will leave, currently I dont know, if it gets any worse I think so.

I am 22 years old and have lived in Switzerland, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Spain, Canada, USA and Thailand ...in that order. I even hold permanent residence in four of those countries. Sure you can voice your opinions, but they probably don't mean much to anyone except the government of your own country, if even them. Bottom line is, unless you are Thai citizen, you can complain and you can even expect the complaints to be heard, but you can't assume they will be addressed or resolved unless the Thais wish to do so. My suggestion, write a letter to the Thai Government with your opinions, ranting on a public internet forum won't help a bit. That's just how it is. :o

Is this some kind of competition?

Taking into account the age of both of you, i doubt very much either has experienced what it is 'really' like to live in many of those countries listed..

Up to 2 years, for me, is nothing more than an extended holiday..

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