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What Are The Thai Women Like?


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TG meant Thai Girl......Duh really (???) :D It certainly doesnt mean Thai Airways.

I do have nice TG friends too and not all bargirls are bad..........same as not every professional educated TG are good.

Chonabot, you are married to TG.......so I wouldnt blame you for being so defensive and sensitive, after all TG are where you get your ........from :D


P/S Why do you call Thai women over 25 TGs?? Shouldnt they be women and not little girls??? Hahahaha

Well Mango and Chonabot...if u guys cannot be MATURED enough to handle other peoples opinions, I suggest you both GROW up....unless you are experiencing your second childhood. :o nobody is asking anyone to agree, its a FORUM

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REALITY CHECK.............why is it when MEN make bad remarks about the TGs, they tend to get away with it but when its WOMEN who make the remarks, we are either labelled as jealous fat ugly farang women or arrogant??? :o

I see a lot of men in the forums slandering TGs but .........they dont get labelled as the women do......go figure!

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I am already married to one of the most sincere and nicest man on earth. He hates TG........and is wise about them. :D

:o Nicest man on earth :D thats a joke you just told us that he HATES half the population of a country (where i presume you live, not sure though) for what reason does he HATE Thai women? he sounds very inteligent and cultured as do you.

You still have not answerd the question, why does your husband dislike half the population of Thailand? (maybe prefers men)

also you go on to say in another post

quote; I do have nice TG friends too and not all bargirls are bad.

so will your husband not go out with you if you are with these "friends", also do these "friends" know about your husbands racist stance on asian women?

just questions, avoid them if you like, im just interested how people who dont like the race of people they live with get on.

your other response was.

quote; if u guys cannot be MATURED enough to handle other peoples opinions, I suggest you both GROW up....unless you are experiencing your second childhood. nobody is asking anyone to agree, its a FORUM

I am mature enough to "handle" and respect other peoples opinions, however when someone is blatently racict and obnoxious about a race of people that i genuinly have a great deal of respect and love for, well then i feel entitled to respond in sorts, and yes this is a forum your correct.

cheers lookforward to your reply.

Mango :D

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I see a lot of men in the forums slandering TGs but .........they dont get labelled as the women do......go figure!

When it comes to dealing with people who generically slag off Thai bargirls and prostitutes simply because they're bargirls and prostitutes, I seem to have become thaivisa's resident de facto arsekicker and testicle twister. Male or female makes no difference to me.

I simply do not believe most of the bullshit posted in forums by losers who claim to have been conned out of their life savings by bargirls. I have no doubt that some bargirls are bad bitches ... I've heard every sad story that was ever told ... but I've known (literally) hundreds of Thai working girls over the past 40+ years, and the odds against me not being stung are staggering! Either I'm the world's best judge of character or the ratio of decent girls to bad bitches is extremely high, because I've never been screwed over by one!

Mick Jagger sang "Black girls just wanna get fvcked all night ...."

I don't believe that either. :o

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I see a lot of men in the forums slandering TGs but .........they dont get labelled as the women do......go figure!

When it comes to dealing with people who generically slag off Thai bargirls and prostitutes simply because they're bargirls and prostitutes

Hi Rod, my posts were refering to someone whose husband hates Thai women not about bg's etc

good post though :o

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TG meant Thai Girl......Duh really (???) :D It certainly doesnt mean Thai Airways.

I do have nice TG friends too and not all bargirls are bad..........same as not every professional educated TG are good.

Chonabot, you are married to TG.......so I wouldnt blame you for being so defensive and sensitive, after all TG are where you get your ........from :D


P/S Why do you call Thai women over 25 TGs?? Shouldnt they be women and not little girls??? Hahahaha

Well Mango and Chonabot...if u guys cannot be MATURED enough to handle other peoples opinions, I suggest you both GROW up....unless you are experiencing your second childhood. :o nobody is asking anyone to agree, its a FORUM

Hey Erco , how did the Chop and tuck operation go ? :D

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Hi Kayo, I could not help but add my bit about my Swiss friend.

Swiss guy was about 27, came here met a very nice professional, overseas educated TG. After a romance of about 2 years, they got married. Swiss guy thought he "found a gem". She managed to convince him to sell his chalet and buy 2 huge houses in LOS as they were going to be here now. They had 2 nice cars. 12 years later, they had 2 nice boys. As she is from up north and she likes to visit her "family" (whom Swiss guy has met numerous times a year) and he is working, she sometimes visits them ALONE. :o

Everything was normal, they seem like a very loving couple. She managed to obtain her Swiss passport 2 years ago. Last year (after about 15 years of marriage) he went to work as normal, came back home and found out that his keys do not fit into the locks. He was baffled and rang the door bell. A relative of hers answered the door and pretended she did not know him!! She very confidently told him that he must be mistaken as this house belongs to a Thai woman. She then asked him to go away or the police will be called. It seems the TG had a TH husband all along, not legally but "ceremoniously". The poor Swiss guy could not do anything as ALL his assets are in the TG's name.......including the 2 houses and 2 cars. She also withdrew everything from their bank account.

To make the long story short, he has nothing left in this world. I havent heard anything from him since but I can only guess what he is doing now................


Hi SK1972,

Jeez... That´s way worse. I wonder what happened to the guy. Did he stay in Thailand? I hope he didn´t lose his way.

There´s just certain levels of disbelief in Human behaviour that seem to become very believable in LOS.

Headsnake -

Indonesia women - wow!! the best kept secret. If you are wondering where the smiles went in LOS, they went to Indonesia. The smiles in Indonesia blow Thailand away, IMHO (sorry in advance to anybody who is offended). I've seen both. Yes, there are same stories of sick family, accidents, etc. however, so many ayam kampung there is no need to get hung up on just one.

Yeah, I had an indonesian girl once... She was awesome. Cute, Sexy, Cooked like an angel... wouldn´t let me do anything, except work... bring home the money, so she could remain cute, sexy, and cooking like an angel.

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LOS or LOHS  :o

Indulge me troll , apart from coming accross as one of the least intelligient and unintelligible posters/trolls I have had the misfortune to laugh at , tell me this please.....

1) What does LOHS supposedly stand for?

2) Where do you purport to be from , if not Thai or farang ?

3) Do you take it up the poop chute?


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Well, I kept quiet as someone "kindly" pointed out is because I do work for a living, unlike some people who have nothing better to do than sit in front of the computer and make stupid comments about whatever that doesnt suit their liking...........very "matured remark" though mango, kudos.......how old are you, 5??

LOHS means Land of the Hidden Smiles, not that hard to figure out was it?? Did you guys really had to ask???? Wow.. :D so sad

Mango, your comments about being racist. Sad fact mate, about half the population in the world are, thats reality. It happens in all countries. You call me racist, I have had some farang people here tell my Thai friends and me, "dont ******** talk to me, I dont talk to Asian people", so put a sock in it.

Cynical??? If you say so mango/chonabot, you seem to know everything after your marriage to a bar girl. I am sure she taught you a lot. You call me a fool? Ever heard of the saying "it takes a greater fool to label someone a fool??" I reiterate again, you are married to a TG so I do not expect you to share the same opinions as it would mean slandering your own wife!!! Duh, dont need a brain to realise that, do we? :D

Girlfrombar..........wow, did it take you 1 hour to write that one sentence? I know it must have been hard for you. TG=Tomorrow Go. Thats VERY original, Thats the trouble with losers, they always ask you to leave when they know what is said is true and they have nothing to come back with. :D

Chonabot, chop and tuck??? I see now!!! thats what YOU are in TH for, figures :o . As I am not a man, I dont need that. Good for you then, you are not embarassed about your sexuality (LMAO) :wub:

You both just proved my point, MEN .....who are weak male chauvanistic pigs and from the stone age, do not value women's opinions unless its the SAME as theirs. Once again, before the whole male population gets overlysensitive, I am NOT saying all men in the world, just some..........

I just dont understand why men still refuse to see the other side of LOHS despite so many postings by men in LOHS who have been conned. Dont you guys know every country has 2 sides to it??????? or is it maybe you are thinking with the wrong part of your anatomy :D

Mango, FYI I only have one husband, I know you are more used to women who have a lot LMAO.

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Hi Kayo.........as I said before, I have not heard from him since but I have seen his "wife" in Emporium with his kids and another farang guy a few times......looking like a family. This "wife" really has no pride nor class. :o

I know from our solicitor friends here that there is no way he can get any of his assets back as they are ALL in her name. Moreover, the Thai law favours the Thais more than foreigners. That, says it all.

Good luck to you and cheers! :D

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Well, guys its been fun. I was told this forum would be more mature and better but its not.

I wont waste any of your time and my time anymore, no point "hitting my head against the wall" for this. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink!

P/S Next time, dont post a forum with a question which one doesnt want an answer or opinion about unless its the SAME as everyone else.......esp the male population. :o

And Mango/Chonabot, I will not be answering anymore as I dont see the need to defend my opinions, if you dont like them, dont read them, its VERY simple :D Dont need a PhD to figure that one out!

Have fun!

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I had some spare time and read some of your posts SK1972 in the other sections , you have some hang ups , even the farang women are bored of your generalisations. When some guy doesn't agree with you , the first thing you do is ask if he's middle aged? You don't like Thai men,Thai ladies , <deleted> is your ball game?

For the records I am 38 , wife is 32 have 20 years experience of Thailand , speak and read Thai probable as well as you do English.

And I love Thailand , all of it!


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