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Dunno can give many examples of poor people pulling themselves up and making smth of themselves. Its called drive and determination.

Yes, and also intelligence. We needn't reserve that word for the privileged and wealthy.

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I wish that people who did not have anything constructive to say would remember the old rule “if you can’t say some thing nice say nothing” especially if it involves the use of bad language.

I’m glad to see that some disagree with my view, so no kids are ever dumped on grandparents in LOS. That’s good to hear.

Though I don’t think I actually expressed a view, just threw out an observation.

Yes the abandonment of kids happens in all societies but as we are constantly reminded by the moderators this is a Thai related site.

Thanks “torrenova” for a constructive observation.

Mr D.

An obvious Troll........................................but,

What a load of crap!

I was raised in childrens homes in uK, you think it was easy for my Mother or Father to desert their kids?

Would it be easy for you ?

You talk about Thai people like they are from a different Planet, I actually feel quite sorry for you. It must be hel_l staying in a country you don't like with people you have no respect for at all.

Grow up!!

You are obvoiusly trolling for a reaction, and you got one from me, I suppose I am guilty of feeding a troll., but what the fawk....the OP's a twot.


Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Many poor Thai children are at a real disadvantage for nutritional, environmental, educational, and social reasons. These are huge if not impossible barriers to overcome, but there are many examples of poor people making the best of their opportunities and triumphing over their barriers, and at the end of the day that is the most significant indicator of intelligence.

Rich kids are fobbed off on the maids, but are able to attend the best schools and get tutoring. A large proportion of poor children are left with aging grandparents, and many grade-school-aged children have to help support the family by working.

*Unfortunately, the rapidly growing commercial sex and marriage market in Thailand of the poor, and a culture of widespread nepotism and corruption of the rich, has cheated the population and the country in general of the process of development through skill and educational acquisition.

at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

You put two kids in the same school, same class, one can do the school work, one can't. Why is that? Because one kid is more intelligent than the other.

No sorry, that is not quite it either. You cannot sum up intelligence by one fixed example or point in time.

I was just giving a very basic example for the Realmadrid. Seriously Kat how much of you're well written post do you think he understood? :o


I know you understand Burman, I just didn't want you to make an error of judgment that overlooks the significant factor of class. In Southeast Asia, people pay money for tutors to do their homework and even copies of exams. In the West, they pay for expensive standardized test preparation. In China, they have perfected cheating to a level of global technological dominance ... anyway, you get the picture. :o

Dunno can give many examples of poor people pulling themselves up and making smth of themselves. Its called drive and determination. Growing up in Poverty has nought to do with how well someone does in life or how rich they are.

Well I disagree there, children growing up in poverty do not have the same resources at hand that richer kids have. Yes some poor kids achieve far beyond what is expected of them though drive and determination but sadly most of them will not.


^^ And of course when I gave the two children in a classroom example I didn't think it needed to be said that the kids were equal with regards to private tutors, family help etc. As I said a basic example.

Dunno can give many examples of poor people pulling themselves up and making smth of themselves. Its called drive and determination. Growing up in Poverty has nought to do with how well someone does in life or how rich they are.

Well I disagree there, children growing up in poverty do not have the same resources at hand that richer kids have. Yes some poor kids achieve far beyond what is expected of them though drive and determination but sadly most of them will not.

Yeah, and I have to agree here, although I know Brit made his statement with the best thoughts and intentions. Unfortunately, money, influence and social capital make the overwhelming difference, and this is something that people of privilege and wealth don't like to admit or acknowledge, so they trump up the importance of "scientifically neutral" IQ scores, which by the way, originated as a way to separate the classes from educational opportunity in England.


kat you aren't really disagreeing with me you just arent smart to realize that we are not debating potential, we are just commenting on reality. yes there a are a billion different factors and each person born has a lot of potential. poor people end up uneducated, thus to answer OP, poor women are less likely to love their children and more likely to dump them on grandma. poor women are more likely to get pregnant out of wedlock. they are more likely to get raped. they are more likely to have a crack baby. etc etc etc.

everyone wants to tell you about how they grew up poor and made it. great! guess what, most people who grow up poor stay poor. from age 0-18 is the biggest factor in determining how well the person will do in their life, sadly poor parents often raise their kids to be morons.


Anyway, to answer the question of this thread directly: Of course I think Thai women love their children, but due to the socio-economic factors of the impoverished and the culture of migration from rural areas to the cities, different expressions and outcomes produce different coping strategies and results.

Of course, the direction of opportunities also have an impact, as well as an undeniable pattern of rent-seeking behavior, which also produce certain outcomes.

It is easy for someone to say they love anything or anyone as it is a conditioned response (Of course I love my kids - for example) but the real truth of their affection is in their actions and it is these actions which are questionable in many cases.

A father walking out on his family and perhaps forcing the monther into prostitution because he wants another woman or does not want the responsibility to provide for his children can say whatever he wants but a realistic interpretation is that he does not love his kids, whatever he says.

A mother who says she has to sell herself to feed her family but sends only a small fraction of what she earns home and visits only a couple of times a year is also guilty of a lack of love towards her children. It does not matter what she says as she could perhaps work for one month or perhaps two and then do village based work for the remainder of the year, her side trip income supplementing what she could otherwise earn.

Does a fascination for plasma tvs, the latest mobile phones, motorbikes and then cars when the kids don't have shoes or clean clothes or perhaps even sufficient food to eat coupled with a lack of medical care, no innoculations and no arthodontic provision mean that they still love their kids ? I state that they love themselves far more whilst kids having to "make do" when money has been wasted on rubbish is a dereliction of care and shows a lack of love.

Families selling their daughters via outrageous sinsot, largely to gullible westerners shows how much love ? not a lot, only greed.

As for the economic argument well it is certainly proven by the circle of deprivation whereby poor education leads to a poor job which results in poor housing which leads us back around to poor education and so the pattern is set. This is not connected with love, it is merely a trap which certain populations find themselves in and in which those at the top like to keep those at the bottom.

Great, and well written.

kat you aren't really disagreeing with me you just arent smart to realize that we are not debating potential, we are just commenting on reality. yes there a are a

And you are too stupid to realize how little of reality you really understand, the first indicator of low intelligence.


I love these posts from the experts here.......

Tell me, what experience do you have to give such mindbending, prolific and enlightening posts?

Have any of you ever been in the position of having to leave your children ?

Do you think it's easy ?

This Forum has many trolls that piss people off ( myself excluded ) , but c'mon, even for ThaiVisa, this subject is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Lot of millionaires never finished school - so I stand by my statement!! :D

Lot's of Millionaires on ThaiVisa Forum too. If all we read is to be believed. :o

I love these posts from the experts here.......

Tell me, what experience do you have to give such mindbending, prolific and enlightening posts?

Have any of you ever been in the position of having to leave your children ?

Do you think it's easy ?

This Forum has many trolls that piss people off ( myself excluded ) , but c'mon, even for ThaiVisa, this subject is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

an attempted claim on my intelligence


Do you wish to elaborate?

Lot of millionaires never finished school - so I stand by my statement!! :o

And how many billionaires?

Seriously Brit, the statement that a child's family poverty level isn't a factor in their future is foolish. A poor child growing up in the hills of Thailand will never have the same education/job opportunities as a rich Chinese child in this country. And you can take that example worldwide, though it's certainly less obvious in the west.

Of course some people will always be able to make it. But more often than not other factors in their life caused by their family's poverty level will always be a barrier for them. Even if it's something so simple as the child not being able to go to school because they have to work for the family instead.


kat dont know why you are insulting me, read the posts you are saying the same thing i am saying which is that do to life styles and capabilities, regardless of potential poor children often go without the required parenting and resources to become successful later in life. thats why i said put them in a rich family at birth and they will do just fine. we are agreeing.

then you again said the same thing as me, which is that poor women are more likely to get rid of their kids for all the reasons just stated.

Tell me, what experience do you have to give such mindbending, prolific and enlightening posts?

Have any of you ever been in the position of having to leave your children ?

And tell me, have you been in the position of having been abandoned or left as a child?

kat dont know why you are insulting me, read the posts you are saying the same thing i am saying which is that do to life styles and capabilities, regardless of potential poor children often go without the required parenting and resources to become successful later in life. thats why i said put them in a rich family at birth and they will do just fine. we are agreeing.

then you again said the same thing as me, which is that poor women are more likely to get rid of their kids for all the reasons just stated.

Well, I'm glad to see you came around. Maybe you aren't as hopeless as I thought. However, the cowardly back pedal is a bit spineless.

Poor people are less intelligent than rich people. Babies are nurtured into adults. If they are not raised correctly, they become lousy adults. Then the cycle repeats. Lets face it, much of the complaints made about Thais are really just complaints about poor/unintelligent people.

The rich, educated, well nurtured Thais love their children I am sure.

This was your first post. Your consequent posts evolved a bit after being challenged by a few people on this thread. The biggest factor that you overlook is that wealth is no guarantee against inherent stupidity, just as poverty and limited resources are not a fair barometer of potential or perceived intelligence.

*intellectual honesty is also a sign of intelligence, and lazy thinking is its biggest threat.


Of course most Thai mothers love their children, as do most mothers all over the world.

I do wonder though if the depth and breadth of a mother's love is somehow less if she has not spent years nurturing the child, being a parent, and seeing the child every day.

It seems that all relationships, including mother-child ones, require frequent contact in order for the relationship to grow and develop. You must spend time with people in order to bond with them. The more time, the stronger the bonds.

Tell me, what experience do you have to give such mindbending, prolific and enlightening posts?

Have any of you ever been in the position of having to leave your children ?

And tell me, have you been in the position of having been abandoned or left as a child?

An obvious Troll........................................but,

What a load of crap!

I was raised in childrens homes in uK, you think it was easy for my Mother or Father to desert their kids?

Would it be easy for you ?

You talk about Thai people like they are from a different Planet, I actually feel quite sorry for you. It must be hel_l staying in a country you don't like with people you have no respect for at all.

Grow up!!

You are obvoiusly trolling for a reaction, and you got one from me, I suppose I am guilty of feeding a troll., but what the fawk....the OP's a twot.

It would seem that the answer is "Yes".


First priority for a Thai is Money, Second Family, now I've got that out of the way onto the issue:-

Dumping or abandoning is not the correct description at all, some cultures have no problem with family raising their children, this is the case also with the Australian aborigine, and various other country's. Once again it's probably a different approach to how most of us view the responsibilities of parenthood.

Why is it that everytime something crops up that is culturally different, we have all those people that just love to put other cultures down.

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