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The Death Of Miss Hanna Charlotta Backlund


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uuh?? Who are these guys? I havn't seen 6,000 volunteer security guys patrolling in Phuket! Do they mean the beach hawkers in Patong or something?

Putting aside my flippant comments, statements like this should not be made if they are untrue, since they may give tourists a false sense of security.


Spot on Simon! Tourists and expats need to know the facts and the reality of the situation.

If there are actually 6,000 volunteer security forces, why wasn't there at least 1 on the beach where the victim was murdered?

On a different note, after reading today's Phuket Gazette, it sure does look like the BIBs got their man this time. All of the evidence seems to be stacking up against this guy. So, in this case, well-done.

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it sure does look like the BIBs got their man this time. All of the evidence seems to be stacking up against this guy. So, in this case, well-done.

Just a sec. What about the testimony from Tony Clifton's wife, and Tony noted that the perp said he was suffering from family related stress?

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The 'murder weapon' was found in his house...well, that's easy to plant. Scratches on his body however are another thing. However (again), it's easy to put them there. Who did the DNA work to see of the scratches had the victim's DNA on the suspect?

Sorry, but personally I don't trust the boys in brown and see no real reason to believe them right away in cases like this. True, they could be spot on and doing a fine job of police work... but....

I too have my doubts. This is just too convenient as others have observed. I would be very surprised if there was any DNA evidence. DNA degrades quickly under high temperature and humidity, and I sincerely doubt the local police have been trained in this type evidence collection. The scratches at this late stage indicate nothing, except a maybe. The alleged bite mark, unless the teeth imprint is still present also indicates nothing. Too much time has passed. It is not uncommon for people to confess to crimes they have not committed. Unless there are fingerprints, eyewitnesses etc., if the accused has a change of heart and denies the murder, there is a strong chance he could walk away. However, that supposition would assume he had competent legal counsel. Maybe he did it. Maybe he didn't. I think there are still some facts to be discovered and verified and relying on what passes for investigative reporting here is folly. I do however hope this is the culprit for the sake of other women's safety.

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MiniVDO: The murderer of a Swedish tourist in Phuket was brought back for a reenactment of the murder.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216535

The 31 year old Akradet Tanke, who confessed to murdering a 27 year old Swedish tourist Hann Charlotta Backlund, was arrested and brought back to the Mai Khao beach for a reenactment of the crime. The activity was carried out late afternoon amidst heavy security and over 300 local people came to observe. Akadetch showed signs of stress. Police led by Deputy Commander in Chief Pol. Maj. General Thavatch Bunfueng took him to the site where he peaked at the victim, then to the location where he stabbed her to death. The crime scene is around 700 metres from the bungalow & tents where the Swedish tourist and her friend stayed. Before the reenactment, the murderer was brought in for a press conference. According to police Akradetch pleaded guilty for all charges citing that stress led him to commit such a crime.

The Phuket Tourist Association president Maitree Narukhatpichai gave 100,000 baht reward to Pol.Lt. General Thani Thavitsri, commander in chief of region 8 police, to pass on to the informant who led them to the arrest. The murderer also begged pardon from the Swedish Consul to Phuket who was pleased with Thai police who had been quick in bringing the criminal to justice. Akradetch committed the murder on Saturday March 15th just before noon on Mai Khao beach, north of Phuket Airport. After committing the crime he fled to hide in Chumporn and then Ranong, before going across to the Burmese Koh Song Island. Being pressured by police, his family persuaded him to give himself up and this led to his arrest on Tuesday night in Ranong.


Related story:

MiniVDO: Patong emphasizes on tourist safety with CCTV already in operation.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216534

Re-assuring the visitors to Patong of the safety measures, Patong Mayor Pian Keesin said his office always places the issue as the priority. According to the Patong Mayor, several CCTV have been installed and operated in the Patong area and in case of any crime, police can check from the CCTV. This is being carried out alongside the natural disaster prevention or impact reduction to ensure the highest safety for residents and tourists. He stresses that this is apart from implementing 7 main policies during his administration which includes environmental care. The Patong Mayor and his elected administrative team are scheduled to end their term in June this year.

Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Thursday 20 March 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th

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According to the Patong Mayor, several CCTV have been installed and operated in the Patong area and in case of any crime, police can check from the CCTV.

This implies the cameras are not there to prevent crime, just to check what happened.

A vigil against violence

MAI KHAO: A memorial service for Hanna Backlund, the Swedish tourist stabbed to death at Mai Khao Beach last Saturday morning, will be held one week after her murder.

The service will begin at 10:30 am on Saturday, March 22.

The privately organized event, open to all, will be attended in an unofficial capacity by at least one staff member of the Swedish Consulate in Phuket and some local officials from Mai Khao.

The organizer has dubbed the service “A vigil against violence: to do nothing is no longer an alternative”.

To reach the memorial site from the south of the island, drive along Route 402 northbound and take the turnoff three kilometers past the Airport Rd, then turn left onto route 3025 at a gold-domed mosque. The route will be marked with bright-pink signs. Turn right at the end of the road and continue for 4km, following blue signs to Mai Khao Bungalows and Camping, then make a left and continue to the end of the dirt road.

The service will be held at the spot where Miss Backlund was murdered; about 300 meters south of the resort.

Attendees are encouraged to wear white and bring an umbrella.

For more information call 084-8424581 or email [email protected]

To see picture/s related to this story, please go to


The Phuket Gazette

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A young British woman was raped and murdered in Samui a few years ago. Have her murderers been executed yet, does anyone know?

One of the national papers just reported they received a life sentence, which tends to support the conspiracists as it was a heinous crime..too.

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This is too, too much. The Nation's new paper Xpress is stating she was murdered after dark, on direction from thre tourist ministry one wonders?

She was murdered at around 12 noon, in BROAD DAYLIGHT

http://www.dailyxpress.net/2008/03/19/opin...opinion_795.php (March 19, Wed.)

".....The case at hand may prove to be difficult to solve. Partly because the crime was committed late at night on an isolated beach, with little chance of there having been an eyewitness, and also because the killer may have acted on his own, may have already disposed of the weapon and gone into hiding.

In a case like this, the police must rely on whatever forensic evidence they can gather from the scene of the crime.

Police authorities, not just those in Phuket but also in the rest of the country, still have much room for improvement in terms of crime prevention and suppression. Warnings about the danger of travelling alone in isolated places, particularly after dark, should be posted at all hotels and places frequented by foreign tourists.

It may be true that not all crimes are preventable or solvable. But organising a regular patrol, an effective deterrent against crimes, is something that Thai police are not doing enough of.

Daily Xpress

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Great reporting skills.^^ What do you expect from a free rag?

The Nation regular edition also nightwashes it

My letter to the international press:

RE: Thai press Nightwashes Swede's Murder.

I would like everyone to know that a Thai national newspaper, The Nation, in a Daily X-press editorial published Wednesday, March 19 is informing readers that Swedish tourist, Ms. Hanna Backlund's murder on Saturday March 15th, took place late at night.



"....The case at hand may prove to be difficult to solve. Partly because the crime was committed late at night on an isolated beach, with little chance of there having been an eyewitness..."

This is completely false and an inexcusable mistake as it was written four days after it was firmly established the attack was at mid-day. The newspaper would be culpable if this lie led to another attack because someone felt safe on a beach simply because it was daylight.

Allow me to remind readers that Ms. Backlund was murdered at noon, in BROAD DAYLIGHT while walking along the shoreline in a 2 piece bathing costume.

I myself witnessed the police re-enactment by the alleged assailant.

The Nation, in its regular edition also infers this falsehood twice in another Wednesday, March 19th report.


" ....Police said they believe she was killed late Saturday or early Sunday while taking a walk on the beach.... "


"....Weerasak, who assumed his post February 6, reportedly suggested passing out whistles to all female tourists on Phuket as a means of protecting them during midnight strolls on beaches...."

It is time for tourists to be made aware of the astounding disregard for safety, the breathtaking lack of respect for life (and the efforts to cover this attitude up ) in every single aspect of daily life in Thailand.


( omitted)

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Related story:

MiniVDO: Patong emphasizes on tourist safety with CCTV already in operation.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216534

Re-assuring the visitors to Patong of the safety measures, Patong Mayor Pian Keesin said his office always places the issue as the priority. According to the Patong Mayor, several CCTV have been installed and operated in the Patong area and in case of any crime, police can check from the CCTV. This is being carried out alongside the natural disaster prevention or impact reduction to ensure the highest safety for residents and tourists. He stresses that this is apart from implementing 7 main policies during his administration which includes environmental care. The Patong Mayor and his elected administrative team are scheduled to end their term in June this year.

Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Thursday 20 March 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th

Does anyone in their right mind seriously think that "several CCTV" cameras on an island of some 40km in length is actually going to "ensure the highest safety for residents and tourists"?

In Singapore we have around 50 CCTV cameras in every Metro station and we have almost no crime.

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Does anyone in their right mind seriously think that "several CCTV" cameras on an island of some 40km in length is actually going to "ensure the highest safety for residents and tourists"?

In Singapore we have around 50 CCTV cameras in every Metro station and we have almost no crime.

I don't think that ANY Amount of CCTV can "prevent" crime, neither suppress it... in case of Singapore I think it's the draconian fines and punishment which suppress crime, i guess.

+ I don't know much about the efficiency of Singapores Finest, guess they are somewhat more advanced then here in Los

How about privacy?...

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Does anyone in their right mind seriously think that "several CCTV" cameras on an island of some 40km in length is actually going to "ensure the highest safety for residents and tourists"?

In Singapore we have around 50 CCTV cameras in every Metro station and we have almost no crime.

I don't think that ANY Amount of CCTV can "prevent" crime, neither suppress it... in case of Singapore I think it's the draconian fines and punishment which suppress crime, i guess.

+ I don't know much about the efficiency of Singapores Finest, guess they are somewhat more advanced then here in Los

How about privacy?...

Sure there are other factors to Singapore's low crime rate such as tough sentencing, very little corruption in public institutions and a culture of zero tollerance.

You say you don't think CCTV could prevent crime but don't you think it could reduce or minimise it? I would imagine a murderer, rapist or theif if knows he is going to be filmed in the act, may think twice about doing it.

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Murder case reward money under review

PHUKET CITY: Following widespread criticism, the Phuket Provincial Police will set up a panel to reconsider plans to give the family of confessed murderer Akkaradej “Chon” Tankae the 100,000 baht in promised reward money for their help in his capture.

Akkaradej was arrested in Ranong last Wednesday and charged with the murder of 26-year-old Swedish tourist Hanna Backlund.

Miss Backlund was stabbed to death at Mai Khao Beach on March 15. Today would have been her 27th birthday.

The 100,000 baht in reward money was put up by the Phuket Tourist Association (PTA) in the hope of quickly bringing the murderer to justice and limiting damage to Phuket’s image among tourists.

In a press conference announcing Akkaradej’s capture last Wednesday morning, police announced that because the suspect’s wife and father had provided police with key information leading to his capture, they would be given the reward money.

The police are now reconsidering that decision.

Phuket Provincial Commander Maj Gen Decha Butnampeth told the Gazette today that he had appointed his deputy Pol Col Wittayadej Worradilok to chair a committee to review the matter.

“Although following standard procedure, police have received may complaints from the public and local media that it is unsuitable to reward the suspect’s family in this case,” Gen Decha said.

“In fact 12 witnesses were questioned in the case,” he added.

Col Wittayadej’s panel will review the roles of the witnesses in determining how much of the reward money each of them should be entitled to.

Col Wittayadej Worradilok told the Gazette today that his committee had yet to meet because officers are still busy collecting evidence for the court case against Akkaradej.

“We must carefully consider the roles of all the witnesses, but we cannot rule out rewarding the suspect’s family, given their key role in his capture,” Col Wittayadej said.

“Police have set policies to follow for the disbursement of reward money, but this fact was not made clear during Wednesday’s press conference,” he added.

A memorial service for Miss Backland will be held tomorrow morning at the same spot where she was slain. For more information click the “Bulletin” icon on this web page.

To see picture/s related to this story, please go to http://www.phuketgazette.net/news/index.as...0&display=1

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The Phuket Gazette

19:19 local time (GMT +7)

Not too surprising that they are re-thinking who gets the reward, but if he is the real killer and the family helped to turn him in, then they should get a share of the money, irrespective of what it may encourage in the future.

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Murder case reward money under review

PHUKET CITY: Following widespread criticism, the Phuket Provincial Police will set up a panel to reconsider plans to give the family of confessed murderer Akkaradej “Chon” Tankae the 100,000 baht in promised reward money for their help in his capture.

Akkaradej was arrested in Ranong last Wednesday and charged with the murder of 26-year-old Swedish tourist Hanna Backlund.

Miss Backlund was stabbed to death at Mai Khao Beach on March 15. Today would have been her 27th birthday.

The 100,000 baht in reward money was put up by the Phuket Tourist Association (PTA) in the hope of quickly bringing the murderer to justice and limiting damage to Phuket’s image among tourists.

In a press conference announcing Akkaradej’s capture last Wednesday morning, police announced that because the suspect’s wife and father had provided police with key information leading to his capture, they would be given the reward money.

The police are now reconsidering that decision.

Phuket Provincial Commander Maj Gen Decha Butnampeth told the Gazette today that he had appointed his deputy Pol Col Wittayadej Worradilok to chair a committee to review the matter.

“Although following standard procedure, police have received may complaints from the public and local media that it is unsuitable to reward the suspect’s family in this case,” Gen Decha said.

“In fact 12 witnesses were questioned in the case,” he added.

Col Wittayadej’s panel will review the roles of the witnesses in determining how much of the reward money each of them should be entitled to.

Col Wittayadej Worradilok told the Gazette today that his committee had yet to meet because officers are still busy collecting evidence for the court case against Akkaradej.

“We must carefully consider the roles of all the witnesses, but we cannot rule out rewarding the suspect’s family, given their key role in his capture,” Col Wittayadej said.

“Police have set policies to follow for the disbursement of reward money, but this fact was not made clear during Wednesday’s press conference,” he added.

A memorial service for Miss Backland will be held tomorrow morning at the same spot where she was slain. For more information click the “Bulletin” icon on this web page.

To see picture/s related to this story, please go to http://www.phuketgazette.net/news/index.as...0&display=1

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The Phuket Gazette

19:19 local time (GMT +7)

Not too surprising that they are re-thinking who gets the reward, but if he is the real killer and the family helped to turn him in, then they should get a share of the money, irrespective of what it may encourage in the future.

It's too bad Thailand doesn't have a Crime Stoppers program in place. This problem would never have come up. Crime Stoppers is the world's largest reward program and now operates in 22 countries around the world. It has a civilian board of directors that oversees the operation of the program, while specially-trained law enforcement officers man a toll-free number round-the-clock. Callers to Crime Stoppers can remain anonymous and all rewards are paid in cash to protect the identities of the informants. It has operated with great success in the U.K., Australia, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States. A new program recently began operation in India. Collectively, Crime Stoppers has helped solve more than 1.2 million crimes, recover more than $8 billion USD in stolen property and narcotics and has paid out more than $100 million USD in rewards. Thailand has been approached about setting up a country-wide Crime Stoppers program but has yet to act on the proposal.

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Says a lot about the average IQ of the police force here when they were considering a reward for the murder suspect’s family.

That is simply unprofessional, unacceptable, even more so that that the investigation isn`t even over and he hasn`t yet been found guilty.

How much are they planning on giving the dead victim`s family in compensation so far? Zero.


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It's too bad Thailand doesn't have a Crime Stoppers program in place. This problem would never have come up. Crime Stoppers is the world's largest reward program and now operates in 22 countries around the world. It has a civilian board of directors that oversees the operation of the program, while specially-trained law enforcement officers man a toll-free number round-the-clock. Callers to Crime Stoppers can remain anonymous and all rewards are paid in cash to protect the identities of the informants. It has operated with great success in the U.K., Australia, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States. A new program recently began operation in India. Collectively, Crime Stoppers has helped solve more than 1.2 million crimes, recover more than $8 billion USD in stolen property and narcotics and has paid out more than $100 million USD in rewards. Thailand has been approached about setting up a country-wide Crime Stoppers program but has yet to act on the proposal.

Um, the flaw in this suggestion is that the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States, have a relatively adept and incorruptable police force, unlike almost all of Asia. Let's see how it goes in India first shall we? Although I think that there are plenty there to grass up their neighbours/friends for a few rupee.

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Says a lot about the average IQ of the police force here when they were considering a reward for the murder suspect’s family.

That is simply unprofessional, unacceptable, even more so that that the investigation isn`t even over and he hasn`t yet been found guilty.

How much are they planning on giving the dead victim`s family in compensation so far? Zero.


Calm down, TC.

They are "considering" whether to give the reward to the alleged murderer's family since his family gave them some key information that led to his arrest.

Nothing wrong in that - it may stop other men from doing the same if they know their family is aware of their unhealthy habits and would turn them in.

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Says a lot about the average IQ of the police force here when they were considering a reward for the murder suspect's family.

That is simply unprofessional, unacceptable, even more so that that the investigation isn`t even over and he hasn`t yet been found guilty.

How much are they planning on giving the dead victim`s family in compensation so far? Zero.


Calm down, TC.

They are "considering" whether to give the reward to the alleged murderer's family since his family gave them some key information that led to his arrest.

Nothing wrong in that - it may stop other men from doing the same if they know their family is aware of their unhealthy habits and would turn them in.

Lol...There would be a line ten miles long if all the Families could get money for their Thai Whiskey swigging no good offspring!

That's a ridiculous idea.

Money can't bring her back. Just a REAL effort to Police properly and make it safer for tourists.

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Rewards should never be based on the conviction of someone. You want to get the information early in the investigation, so rewards should be based on information that leads to the arrest of the suspect or suspects. If we waited to pay the reward until after someone has been convicted, the informant would have to wait forever and the reward would then be subject to all the whims and nuances of the criminal justice system. No one would ever come forward with information under those circumstances.

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Says a lot about the average IQ of the police force here when they were considering a reward for the murder suspect’s family.

That is simply unprofessional, unacceptable, even more so that that the investigation isn`t even over and he hasn`t yet been found guilty.

How much are they planning on giving the dead victim`s family in compensation so far? Zero.


Good point. I think a measured response, such as 25% of the reward money, would be fair compensation for the family.

It's tricky in a country with people so crazed about getting money by any means.

There was the true story, awhile back, of a Thai commercial pilot who took a large insurance policy out on himself - to benefit his wife and daughter, then a couple days later crashed a plane (over Vietnam) loaded with dozens of travelers.

Large rewards might get unscrupulous Thais 'coming out of the woodwork' to point a finger at an acquaintance or hated family member - each time a large profile case hit the news.

I do agree that a 'Crime Stoppers' suggestion - and/or a Thai version of 'Americas Most Wanted' would be cool - though honesty and integrity are not an abundant commodity here in SE Asia, so it's a big question whether such programs would work as designed.

Edited by brahmburgers
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Bangkok Post still has the name wrong, and is quoting police that wearing a bikini on secluded beaches is not a good idea.

At least thay aren't pushing the idea as is the Nation is that she was roaming around late at night in a bikini.

But she was 700 meters from where she was staying and there is another bungalow business adjacent. About 700 meters throught the woods in a small community.

So it wasn't that secluded-

It would seem better to make sure absolutely no one else is actually on the beach with you, or within a kilometer or two.

Please note the last line...

" Many attackers and rapists are psychologically abnormal and can attack even if the victim is fully clothed."

( I'm posting about the Memorial on the Phuket Hanna Memorial thread, it was a nice showing for her)


Government moving quickly to restore confidence in country's biggest business

By Post reporters

Edited by endure
Bangkok Post article removed - they will not allow full articles to be quoted
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There was a Frenchwoman, aged about 55, attending the Memorial. She informed me that Mr. Thankae, the accused had stalked her on the beach a few days earlier. When I asked if she told the police this, she said yes.

Would be nice to know of this is true as it would go a long way in re assuring the conspiracists that this is the actual attacker.

I"d like to know why the police were intitially searching for several attackers as reported, wait now- where did I read that?

May I ask , George, please.

I'd like to know where the info in initial report on this thread came from.

It was posted by yourself , signed as Thai Visa

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"Tourist Police Division commander Choochat Suwannakom said there were not enough police to patrol the beaches, with the jump in numbers of foreign tourists from 12-14 million to 16-18 million annually over the past few years."

16-18 million visitors and how many were murdered in the last year? Maybe 10? That still sounds safer than my own country.

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Wearing revealing bikinis, however, is not always the reason rapists attack, according to behaviour psychologist Pol Maj-Gen Pongpat Chayapan. Many attackers and rapists are psychologically abnormal and can attack even if the victim is fully clothed.

The sad part about that statement is that it has to even be said at all.

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"Tourist Police Division commander Choochat Suwannakom said there were not enough police to patrol the beaches, with the jump in numbers of foreign tourists from 12-14 million to 16-18 million annually over the past few years."

16-18 million visitors and how many were murdered in the last year? Maybe 10? That still sounds safer than my own country.

Where is your own country? Iraq?

I know, let's make a lot of figures up in our heads and use those figures to prove a point! :o

I think if you actually did some research and found out the actual numbers you wouldn't like what you find.

The statistics from the UK Foreign Office and independent sources such as Norwich Union and Thomas Cook are unequivocal that Thailand is the most dangerous destination for citizens of my country.

We've already gone over that topic in other threads, but some people have tunnel vision I guess. The stats from the UK are on how many people DIE here. That doesn't mean they are all MURDERED. 10 foreigners murdered are an estimate on my part, do you have the real numbers? Even if it was four times that I'd still feel safer. At that rate it would mean only 80 people would be murdered a year in my country. I know the Thai murder rate is much higher than my countrys, but we are talking about foreigners here, and the odds of me being murdered here as compared to my country.

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We've already gone over that topic in other threads, but some people have tunnel vision I guess. The stats from the UK are on how many people DIE here. That doesn't mean they are all MURDERED. 10 foreigners murdered are an estimate on my part, do you have the real numbers? Even if it was four times that I'd still feel safer. At that rate it would mean only 80 people would be murdered a year in my country. I know the Thai murder rate is much higher than my countrys, but we are talking about foreigners here, and the odds of me being murdered here as compared to my country.


The stats are not about how many people die in Thailand.

Go back, actually read the statistics from the Foreign Office and the results of the surveys from Norwich Union for example properly.

They deal with everything from violent crimes to Consular assistance provided to road traffic accidents to petty theft and scams.

Thailand is most dangerous by a country mile.

You just don't want to accept it but those are the facts of the matter.

Edited to add: I find it astounding how you can completely make up figures in your head and use your unfounded and incorrect opinion to put forward an argument.

You would have more credibility if you actually had facts and figures for your assumptions rather than plucking numbers out of the air. But as I said before, if you were in possession of the facts, you'd understand I am correct.

I am talking about murder of foreigners, not some drunken yob that didn't look both ways when he crossed the road, or mouthed off to a group of Thai men, or took too much viagara and alcohol. As I said before, if you have the stats on MURDER, I'd be happy to listen. Regardless of what stats say, I judge my safety by the awareness of my surroundings, and when I look out my window I hear the crickets chirp and see people happily going about there business. True, stuff does happen occasionaly. Recently, in two separate incidents I witnessed Thai men beat the shit out of a farang. They both deserved it IMO and it was also a one on one, not a mob as the anti Thai crowd so often rants about on here. I hate to use the old cliche, but if you don't like it here, move on.

Also, a week before I left my home to come here, I had to call 911 3 times in 24 hrs. and just the other day somebody was shot right in front of the place I used to live.

Edited by pickel
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My experience must fly in the face of statistics then because after 20 years here I've never been the victim of violence.

In England most people walking in remote areas are middle class folk, out eager to commune with nature . The robbers, muggers are waiting back in the inner cities and I've been attacked by them in Bristol.

But in Thailand it's when you're alone, beyond shouting distance that you may be vulnerable. I remember walking with a Thai girlfriend years ago in a national park in Yasothon when she suddenly took off her gold chain and stuffed it down her knickers. Fear of encountering a potential robber in the jungle was her reason. At the time such action would never have occured to me.

Being alone of course brings extra vulnerability. That unfortunate lady would be alive if she had a friend with her, likewise the case in Bandung last year when a farang went to a karaoke bar late at night alone on a motorbike outside town,with a lot of money in his pocket and drunk!

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