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..25 years I have been either visiting living or working in Thailand,but in January this year 2008 I happened to switch on the television in my hotel room to find a Thai looking chap eloquently explaining in perfect English(sort of norf Londonish)why Thailand is in need of "truly" independent media.....I listened to what he said and it reflected my own views of "freedom of press" down to the last detail....for the past year I have been trying to emphasize the importance of a free media here on Thaivisa myself....and found it so refreshing to see someone who is trying to change things for the better in a non confrontational manner. I would strongly recomend googling Jon Ungpakorn and learn why every Thai national or concerned parties should back this


He, his brother, and late father are quite well-known amongst the resident expatriate community, at least by those of us who take an interest in Thai public affairs. When I first came here, I was an avid reader of the English language newspapers. (In those days, The Nation was a respected and serious newspaper, which I found to be even more informative

than the Bangkok Post, not that there was anything wrong with the latter).

Anytime I read an in-depth interview with a Thai person who expressed "western" ideas about democracy, human rights etc., almost invariably that person had received at least part of his education in the west. Almost as long as I have been here, I have wondered what percentage of the Thai population would admire, or even recognize, the names of the Ungpakorn's, and people like them. My guess is that it would be a small percentage indeed.

In 1997 and the years leading up to it, I was hopeful that what became the 1997 Constitution would put Thailand well on the road to western-style democracy. Then I watched as the democratic process was perverted in the Thai Rak Thai years. And of course, the events of the last year and a half have shown not how far Thailand has come, but how far it still has to go.


...yes its been stunningly obvious especially in recent times that if there were Independent media it could put at least some pressure on corrupt practices ,....perhaps the Thai politicians think the only way to win is to play "dirty",....all sides should consider sitting down and disscussing this


You might want to get hold of a copy of 'A coup for the Rich' - by his brother 'Ji' (Giles) all about the ins and outs of the 2006 coup. Very good read, banned now in Thailand but can now download the pdf for free online

You might want to get hold of a copy of 'A coup for the Rich' - by his brother 'Ji' (Giles) all about the ins and outs of the 2006 coup. Very good read, banned now in Thailand but can now download the pdf for free online

Yes its good to have different viewpoints but you should of course read it knowing the ideology behind it and then make up your own mind - not saying I disagree with it but any history be it modern or contemporary should be read this way.


Jon is the saner of two brothers. Giles once tried to arrest GW Bush for invading Iraq, plus there's a lot more to western democracy than his brand of marxism.

Jon is the saner of two brothers. Giles once tried to arrest GW Bush for invading Iraq, plus there's a lot more to western democracy than his brand of marxism.

Maybe we could get him together with Peter Tatchell who tried to arrest Mugabe and got punched for his efforts :o

..25 years I have been either visiting living or working in Thailand,but in January this year 2008 I happened to switch on the television in my hotel room to find a Thai looking chap eloquently explaining in perfect English(sort of norf Londonish)why Thailand is in need of "truly" independent media.....I listened to what he said and it reflected my own views of "freedom of press" down to the last detail....for the past year I have been trying to emphasize the importance of a free media here on Thaivisa myself....and found it so refreshing to see someone who is trying to change things for the better in a non confrontational manner. I would strongly recomend googling Jon Ungpakorn and learn why every Thai national or concerned parties should back this

Yes yes - unfortuneatly, as we well know from the coup time, just about every type of visual media in Thailand (to include ThaiVisa at the time) bowed to the pressure of censorship. At the end of the day there is no such thing as a compleltly independant and free media - they all have agenda's and motives of some or other kind and if it is commercial in any way they WILL all sell out to protect commercial interests.

..25 years I have been either visiting living or working in Thailand,but in January this year 2008 I happened to switch on the television in my hotel room to find a Thai looking chap eloquently explaining in perfect English(sort of norf Londonish)why Thailand is in need of "truly" independent media.....I listened to what he said and it reflected my own views of "freedom of press" down to the last detail....for the past year I have been trying to emphasize the importance of a free media here on Thaivisa myself....and found it so refreshing to see someone who is trying to change things for the better in a non confrontational manner. I would strongly recomend googling Jon Ungpakorn and learn why every Thai national or concerned parties should back this

Yes yes - unfortuneatly, as we well know from the coup time, just about every type of visual media in Thailand (to include ThaiVisa at the time) bowed to the pressure of censorship. At the end of the day there is no such thing as a compleltly independant and free media - they all have agenda's and motives of some or other kind and if it is commercial in any way they WILL all sell out to protect commercial interests.

It was those very points you have raised that Jon Ungpakorn was adressing when I viewed his Television interview,...of how to raise finance void of comercial string pulling who would select the governing body,...etc He like myself mentioned that a system similar to BBC and also Channel 4 was mentioned....In my opinion free media in Thailand is acheivable and essential for Thailands future....

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