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Westerner And Thai Boy...

Ch@mp P.

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^^^ Perhaps we don't subscribe to the same kind of weird stuck-up value system about skin color that Thais labor under [as I assume that's what you're mainly getting at]?

Have to say, I've wound up more with the fairer-skinned type myself, but I just seem to keep meeting them! Would like to meet more folks from the South if I could. Perhaps it's just my karma!


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"Beauty is only skin deep"!!!

Pick you favorite meal and imagine eating it every night for years!!!

The "Icing on the cake" is not very nutricious!!!

"Twinkies have absolutely no nuturitional value"!!!

Why do most "fat people" have great personalities????

It is amazing how easy really good looking have it in the world. But does it build character??

Having gone through a faze where I specialized in "drop dead" gorgeous types, I found I stopped looking at their superficial looks and spent most of my time admiriing their inner self , unfortunately, the beauties rarely had any inner beauty, perhaps because they "got by" on their looks so much.

The western ideal of handsome in males may very well vary considerably from the "thai" angel model.

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Quite right Astral, but I think your speaking of the reverse of the thread, the faranags beauty as perceived by the Thai.

Not only the size of the wallet, but the size of other things is a major factor, I think.

I tend to take a broadminded view of these matters, as each person in a relationship brings "things to the table" or there wouldn't be a relationship, in my view.

My experience indicates that relationships are based on "mutual need and want satisfaction". Thus the older, powerful, rich man in the west attracting the young, beautiful lady, etc.

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Today at our luncheon at a restaurant near the school, one of our waiters was drop dead gorgeous, if you like tall skinny white katoey. That's one of the types I'm attracted to, and he kept looking right back at me as if to say, "I'm your type and you know it." Well, assuming he was legal age, he was still half the age of my darker, not-so-pretty, overweight boyfriend. I did not try to get the waiter's name, and came right home. Yes, I still remember that face, but I ain't going there.

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Would like to meet more folks from the South if I could.  Perhaps it's just my karma!


And you won't be sorry if you do! My b/f is from the south, and we're going well into our third year. Very down to earth, honest, good morals and very good looking (in my eyes he is). I'm not implying all boys from the south have those same attributes, but I do believe the chance of finding someone with those qualities is greater from those areas than a spoiled Bangkok boy. Different upbringing and values.

Hope you find a good guy, Steven.

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PeaceBlondie: Your so right!! A little window shopping is fine, as long as you don't sample the merchandise and threaten a valuable relationship.

Fantacy and reality rarely conjoin. When we see something that tugs at our heart we are fantasizing. Reality is he may not speak English, is a criminal, have diseases, is not warm or loving, only want you for your money, lousy in bed, etc.etc.etc. Enjoy the memory/fantasy. By not taking it further, you have enriched your life experience without adding a probable negative.

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I tend to take a broadminded view of these matters, as each person in a relationship brings "things to the table" or there wouldn't be a relationship, in my view.

My experience indicates that relationships are based on "mutual need and want satisfaction". Thus the older, powerful, rich man in the west attracting the young, beautiful lady, etc.

You summed it up very nicely there.

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Thanks for all the opinion everyone but i think u guys r going to be misunderstood with my topic post . What i piont to be mean was why they have sex with the monky monster LOOKING boy . What i mean was the surface not the behavior inside of them so please get into the piont what im trying to said also i can tell that there's a lot of a monky monster looking guy r a real moster inside of him and also there's a lot of angle looking boy and they r really be an angle just like what they look but it just sometimes the people just juged them just right there even before to talk to them just because they say " Oh ! he too good to be true " And i think that not fair to them i think u guy should reconsidering and try to look at the optimist way of thai people and try to look what is the temtation or or it a relation. :o:D

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I think you and I have somewhat similar tastes in Thai guys...!

But, like you... I have to have enough self-control to admire their beauty from afar. I can look, but don't touch. It's TOO damaging to a great relationship.

I have to re-inforce my self-control whenever I come to Thailand... :o There is SO much temptation for simple lust....

Thailand - for me - has some of the most visually beautiful ("angel-looking") boys on earth... and some of the - shall I put it bluntly - most unattractive ("monster-looking") boys too!. And I do stress visually, for my taste. But looks are certainly not ALL I'm interested in when I meet someone.. !

But it's good start, though.! :D

And I know I'm lucky - I have a bf who (many might say) is visually "too good to be true" and write him off... but I took the chance and met him... and discovered he IS also a beautiful angel inside too.


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If I get champs point, last night in Bangkok was it. Having dinner in Telephone, when my Thai bolted from the table to say hello to a real "monster" boy who ended up at our table. When my Thai went to the bathroom, I was left with "monstrer" boy, who evidently has had two farang "husbands".

Not only does "monster" boy look like a very dark skinned monkey with a twisted mouth (rodent like) and "cab door ears" but he is small and with absolutely no body. More surprisingly, he is totally without charm and, in my view, empty inside. He owned and operated a farang restaurant and beer bar, thanks to his "husbands", so this may have had something to do with it, but I am with Champ in asking the question.

Later, I asked my Thai, what did his husbands look like? He didn't paint a pretty picture.

Water does seek its own level, so Champ, I guess if I get the point of your posts, perhaps I can refine the question even further, how about a "monster boy" with a handsome farang?

Have you seen any? My impression is that most farang who live in Thailand are not "handsome" in the western sense, at least in my opinion, (except me and your love, of course) Also consider that "monster boys" know it and try harder.

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New here. I could not help wonder why westerner/farang guy many times like to have relations with ugly thai boy who look like "monster" or "monkey" looking boy. Why they cannnot find many good looking "angel" boy? :wub:

Ch@mp P

Strange that we should have mistaken your opening post for being a post about LOOKS, considering that your opening post refers to "monkey looking" and "good looking angel boy." :o:D:D:D

Guess we'll have to try harder to understand what you want to say.


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"monkey looking" well at least this time it was not a farang starting the "looks" issue.

i assume that people thaink only the gorgeous should have a date. fortunately my BF doesn't think that way! :-)

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Ok guys let me clear something out. About the Started topic which is was started by my name yes it was me BUT wasn't my typing that was my BF Typing that toppic for me so i'm so sorry if he did make something to let u guy become misunderstood at later on and also i just had a time to checked these all reply from u u guys for just a couples days ago so he didn't said the thing that i really want it to be also it's too rude to be really of what i mean so he was just make it polite and so it maybe not so clear for u guys but i already had said for what i mean so i think u guys should be clear by now , But there's one thing Mr. IJWT said about me was completely wrong and i don't think i speak Thinglish and i really can't stand with the thai people who speak that, well yes i'm thai but i will tell u what i had never speak thinglish well if u not believe be there's gonna be somebosy to tell u after this reply for definately and they will tell u why i don't speak thinglish and i'm soryy that i have to say this thing to u but i just want to explain something to u and also try to TEACH u not to juded the people about his english just because he's thai so please reset ur passimist thought for Thai people and try to look so deeper than the present or even in the past . OH ! by the way my name is Champ not Chomp but i just use this @ not this a coz i just want to be a different of spell so Ch@mp is Champ not Chomp

About what Mr.Thaiexpert asking me about monster looking boy date a cute western guy . Well i had seen that quite a lot and that where's my topic came from also it's the thing that many of my freinds asked me with many times but i just can't give them any answer . and yes there's some where that thai people will not date with western monster looking aswell but the only kind of people who would date with him would only be the money boy coz they know that u have some money for them also the money that they pay would buy anything as what he wants and the money boy would follow ur damanded coz they don't care the only one thing that they care is the money not ur look .and yes i had seen that kind of that thing quite a lot. :D:o

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Ch@mp, thanks again for your long reply. I don't see that IJWT accused you of speaking Thailish. Your posts on here have very long sentences. It is hard for us to follow the idea. So, please, try to write shorter sentences. Thanks.

I think we are talking about the difference between the outside appearance (how a person looks), and their heart (who they are inside). I'm sure you know that Western gay men pay too much attention to the outside looks. Maybe some gay Thai men also think that outside looks are important.

In your second post, Ch@mp, I think you were saying that a boy who looks like a monkey on the outside, really has a bad heart. And I think you were saying that an angel on the outside has the heart of an angel. Farang don't think like that. We usually notice the outside appearance first, and then check to see what is in the heart.

Now I am old, and I don't look as good as I did when I was 18 or 24. I really like it when a young Thai loves my heart and doesn't care what I look like on the outside. Best of all is when he doesn't care how much money I have!

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If Champs thesis is based on a classic one of good looks vs good heart and that eternal riddle affecting Thai men and farang, I will wade in with a long time observation I have had about western men's fixation with looks.

It is often said, that he/she is one of two types of partners, the f...king kind or the marrying kind. Qualities of heart don't often coincide with quality of looks.

Bottom line, most farang with Thai "boys" are older vs. younger than the Thai, they are richer rather than poorer than the Thai, have physical attributes that may be especially attractive to Thais, and they are enamored that such a young Thai could be interested in them, all the better if it does't seem to be based on money. Champ may be asking "If farang seem to be holding so many cards, why don't they pick the beautiful Thai guy rather than the ugly one?

Another way to look at is that, in my view, if a Thai has adopted the western attitude toward boyfriends, he becomes undesireable, as I came to Thailand to get away from wesetern attitudes regarding what makes a proper relationship.

In just four years, I have seen many more Thais than before, adopt "age" as a criteria for qualifications. The westernization of Thais, in my view, is undesireable.

Most Thais actively dating farang, feel they are "over the hill" when they hit 30.

When I asked my Thai on the internet how old he was, his answer was "I don't know". I persisted by telling him to ask his mom!!! He finally responded with 27.

Within a couple of weeks of our being together, we both aged very rapidly, he ultimately reaching 36 and I, of course ten years older than my stated age. What he didn't know, was I really wanted an older Thai who had a younger body, and that is what I got, so I was delighted he aged so rapidly without looking older. He, on the other hand, wanted a more mature, stable and less flighty farang that could be counted on to remain in Thailand, and a retireee fit that bill, so he was delighted. No danger of unexpected transfers or contract terminations, regardless how attractive or rich the farang was.

I would submit that many Thai gay boys have adopted a western women's attitude toward men. Good heart and good breadwinner first with looks and age least important. Looks can be said to be "icing on the cake" and that many cakes are delicious, nutricious and remain in favor even without icing!!

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So your name is not your name, and your post is not your post, and you said I said you speak Thailish (even though I didn't)? What's the next step- we find out our post was all a dream we can't wake up from? :D

Whoever you and are and whoever's writing your posts, trying keeping your story straight from at least ONE post to the next! But I don't mind if you don't - it's still entertaining. :o

And once again, thank goodness I'm not attracted to the types that Thais find handsome (if that's what we're seeing on TV, movies, etc.)


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My boyfriend once said, in response to my question "do you think I am handsome?"

"No you are quite ugly, but you have a good heart"

I am indeed blessed (and ugly). :o

Did he say that in English or Thai?

You do realise that the Thai expression Good Heart, Jai Dee

also means generous, usually with the cash!! :D

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  • 3 months later...

Well here is my answer to the original question. I prefer asians, nearly exclusively.

I prefer darker skin to lighter skin, though I am sometimes attracted to ivory-skinned asians, I really like a nice healthy-looking bronze skin tone with a red under-tone.

Do you know what I'm trying to mean by under-tone? Somehow underneath everyone's skin there is another color that is either redish or blueish. The color is on top of that but partially transparent so the under-tone shows through a bit. I got this idea some years ago from a book on matching color of clothing to complexion. I've forgotten the title, but it was a fad at the time to "have your color's done", which involved sitting for someone to tell you which of four categories you fit into: Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer. Then you'd dress accordingly, choosing bright vivid primary colors for a Winter person, earth-tones for a Fall, pastels for a Spring, etc. I turned out to be a Fall (with my brown hair and redish skin undertone) and supposedly I look good in browns, tans, muted oranges, burgundy reds etc. Well, its mostly silly but there's a little something to it. Supposedly only the Winters look truely smashing in a black suit with a bright-white shirt and a bright red tie. Too bad for me, Winters have it the best.

Anyway, I prefer darker rather than lighter, its simply more beautiful in my eyes.

I also prefer slim, trim or even skinny to the gym look. I just don't like muscled guys. Got picked on by too many while growing up I suppose. So the typical Thai fashion model is almost completely uninteresting to me. Too tall, too muscular, too light-skinned, eyes too round, nose too narrow.

There's a type of SE Asian I call (to myself) as "Monkey-cute". Some Thais have it, some are unfortunately more "Monkey-ugly". I'm attracted to that look very much, the more so if it comes on a slim not-tall body with natural-looking musculature and hairless dark skin.

As someone who likes Asians, I'm disinterested in the Asians that don't look Asian. If I liked western looks, I'd not be trying to figure out how to move to Thailand.

Here's my original aphorism for today: "If you want to eat tuna, don't fish in a lake."


Edited by jerry921
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Thai guys over the hill by 30? I well remember my first visit to Thailand 4 years ago. During my time in Pattaya I met what I considered the cutest boy ever. He certainly didn't look 18 years of age and I asked him his age. He reluctantly told me he was 30! His ID was verified. What a wonderful time I had, because he had the body of a teen and the maturity that comes from those extra years.

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hhuaahauaahaha sorry lol, I am agreed with "champ" the way you wrote is so funny lolol. everytimes i walked around sukhumvit road on my way back home from work at nite, I saw a nice man walking with not nice look gay and their moved. It just let me think how come, is that guy don't know how to look any other nice looking? or that is a true love between them?

Edited by MistaDorn
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