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Annoying Hugging Problem At The Airport

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My problem is I often get a boner when hugging attractive females and I don't want her detect it and think I am having perverted thoughts. Its not that I will be having perverted thoughts, its involuntary more than anything else.

55555 I know exactly how you feel as I had the same problem in jr. high but by high-school I out grew it. I guess you are just somewhat of a late bloomer :o

If it's any help, I wouldn't really worry too much about it as it is quite an ego boost to most females to know that they can sexually arrouse a man with only a hug. She is probably quite proud of this fact. Of course, you could always count sheep while hugging her :D

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My problem is I often get a boner when hugging attractive females and I don't want her detect it and think I am having perverted thoughts. Its not that I will be having perverted thoughts, its involuntary more than anything else.

55555 I know exactly how you feel as I had the same problem in jr. high but by high-school I out grew it. I guess you are just somewhat of a late bloomer :o

If it's any help, I wouldn't really worry too much about it as it is quite an ego boost to most females to know that they can sexually arrouse a man with only a hug. She is probably quite proud of this fact. Of course, you could always count sheep while hugging her :D

Jonnie, you better check his nationality, as if he is Welsh then counting sheep could be a big problem. :D

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I'm sorry to be a kill joy, BUT, normal Thai ladies are not given to showing affection in public places.

So this is why whenever my gorl comes to the airport to meet/see me off, she stands rigid when I giver her a hug and kiss, even when I can see tears welling..?

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Go and pick up a girl at Soi Cowboy. Do the deed. Then go and pick her up at the Airport.

Best advice so far me thinks :o

Agreed, although he's concerned about being able to perform.

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...does anyone remember the story in The Bangkok Post some years ago when an English rugby team were flown home after just arriving in LOS because they overdosed on Viagra.... :D....."cushions strategicaly placed" etc......perhaps a guitar might hide your embarrasement :o

Edited by dee123
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Think of all the onboard stewrads who would love help you 'relieve' ya problem before landing.

Personally, I reckon the 'Op' is sitting back pzzzzzzzn hisself laffing at all these posts.

Surely he is tongue in cheek.

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My problem is I often get a boner when hugging attractive females and I don't want her detect it and think I am having perverted thoughts. Its not that I will be having perverted thoughts, its involuntary more than anything else.

55555 I know exactly how you feel as I had the same problem in jr. high but by high-school I out grew it. I guess you are just somewhat of a late bloomer :o

If it's any help, I wouldn't really worry too much about it as it is quite an ego boost to most females to know that they can sexually arrouse a man with only a hug. She is probably quite proud of this fact. Of course, you could always count sheep while hugging her :D

Jonnie, you better check his nationality, as if he is Welsh then counting sheep could be a big problem. :D

Yep...we sh@g 'em, and you eat 'em...seems a fair trade off to me! :D

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I have heard it said some guy's start getting a boner in anticipation just as they are passing over the Bay of Bengal.

most of the bachelors in the company i managed in Saudi Arabia (who were entitled every 3 months to a vacation in BKK) claimed they had a boner once they rode in a taxi from Don Muang to downtown BKK.

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Yep...we sh@g 'em, and you eat 'em...seems a fair trade off to me! B)

:D :D :D


Oh....I forgot.

If you find a tough but in your next plate of lamb...it's probably part of my welly.

Nosdar butty's



Good on you CAB, at least you've go a sense of humour, and aren't bleating on about how un PC my original comment was, even though it was in total jest.

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Yep...we sh@g 'em, and you eat 'em...seems a fair trade off to me! B)

:D :D :D


Oh....I forgot.

If you find a tough but in your next plate of lamb...it's probably part of my welly.

Nosdar butty's



Good on you CAB, at least you've go a sense of humour, and aren't bleating on about how un PC my original comment was, even though it was in total jest.

Your most welcome! Enough PC crap going on in this world. Happy to bring a smile to a couple of people.

I would love to stay longer, but I have to go and get the velcro straps on my wellies replaced. I am finding the sheep can break their back legs out of the straps too easy lately.

Oh...and my mum's name was...Baaaaaaabara.

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To the OP, I know this may sound a bit hardon you, but for how long have you had this problem?

Since I did slow dancing in my teens (that was even worse). But I fail to see how knowing this will help me at the airport.

You need to come up with some type of conrtol mechanism, maybe some visulaisation/distraction technique. Something like thinking about a dead ugly women with flies swarming around her thighs, that should be enough to stop said appendage from getting hard .

So its you whose been playing about with my Mrs. Wondered where all the flies where going? Just you wait till I find you dirty toad :o

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You need to come up with some type of conrtol mechanism, maybe some visulaisation/distraction technique. Something like thinking about a dead ugly women with flies swarming around her thighs, that should be enough to stop said appendage from getting hard .

Oddly enough, I find this mildly arousing. :D

Has the OP gone to the airport yet? Waiting to hear back to see if he's taken any of the good advice that's been given here. :o

Still here. The water fight festival of Songkran isnt for a couple of weeks yet. really looking foward to meeting up with the lady and getting her all wet.

Yes i've taken the advice on board, and have decided to wear two pairs of tight underpants and heavy, loose jeans. Im hoping that will do the trick. cheers.

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pri·a·pism [pr ə pìzzəm]


Erection of penis as medical disorder: a medical disorder in which there is persistent, often painful erection of the penis in the absence of sexual interest.

[Early 17th century. < Latin Priapus (see priapic)]

All rights reserved.

Kan Win :D






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